def on_attach_audio(self, evt): evt.Skip() logging.debug("Attempting to attach audio file...") self.recording_dlg = dlg = RecordingDialog(parent=self.pane.Parent) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.cleanup() return output.speak(_("Canceled."), True) try: dlg.postprocess() output.speak(_("Attaching..."), True) baseUrl = '' if config.main['AudioServices']['service'] == '' else '' if config.main['AudioServices']['service'] == '' and len(config.main['AudioServices']['sndUpAPIKey']) > 0: uploadUrl = baseUrl + '?apikey=' + config.main['AudioServices']['sndUpAPIKey'] else: uploadUrl = baseUrl logging.debug("Upload url: %s" % uploadUrl) self.upload_dlg = UploadDialog(parent=self, title=_("Upload in progress"), field='file', url=uploadUrl, filename=dlg.file, completed_callback=self.upload_completed) self.upload_dlg.Show(True) try: self.upload_dlg.perform_threaded() except: logging.exception("Unable to perform upload") except: logging.exception("Unable to upload audio file to %s" % config.main['AudioServices']['service']) dlg.cleanup() return output.speak(_("There was an error attaching the file."), True)
def on_attach_audio(self, evt): evt.Skip() logging.debug("Attempting to attach audio file...") self.recording_dlg = dlg = RecordingDialog(parent=self.pane.Parent) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.cleanup() return output.speak(_("Canceled."), True) try: dlg.postprocess() output.speak(_("Attaching..."), True) baseUrl = '' if config.main[ 'AudioServices'][ 'service'] == '' else '' if config.main['AudioServices']['service'] == '' and len( config.main['AudioServices']['sndUpAPIKey']) > 0: uploadUrl = baseUrl + '?apikey=' + config.main[ 'AudioServices']['sndUpAPIKey'] else: uploadUrl = baseUrl logging.debug("Upload url: %s" % uploadUrl) self.upload_dlg = UploadDialog( parent=self, title=_("Upload in progress"), field='file', url=uploadUrl, filename=dlg.file, completed_callback=self.upload_completed) self.upload_dlg.Show(True) try: self.upload_dlg.perform_threaded() except: logging.exception("Unable to perform upload") except: logging.exception("Unable to upload audio file to %s" % config.main['AudioServices']['service']) dlg.cleanup() return output.speak(_("There was an error attaching the file."), True)
class NewMessageDialog(SquareDialog): def __init__ (self, title="", max_length=0, *args, **kwargs): self.base_title = title self.max_length = max_length super(NewMessageDialog, self).__init__(*args, title=title, **kwargs) def textUpdated(self, evt): try: evt.Skip() self.Fit() self.update_title() length = self.getMessageLength() if hasattr(sessions.current_session, 'play'): if length > self.max_length:['sounds']['maxLength']) # Only enable the shorten button and unshorten buttonif there is text. self.update_url_buttons() except: logging.exception("This is what broke.") def update_url_buttons (self): if hasattr(self, 'shorten') and hasattr(self,'unshorten'): if misc.find_urls(self.message.GetValue()): self.shorten.Enable() self.unshorten.Enable() else: self.shorten.Disable() self.unshorten.Disable() def update_title (self): length = self.getMessageLength() self.SetTitle(_("%s - %d of %d Characters") % (self.base_title, length, self.max_length)) def GetURLList(self): urls = [] tweet = self.message.GetValue() # If there is a reasonable selection of no more than 1 word, add it to the urls list. # selecting sometimes includes prior or subsequent spaces; remove. sel = self.message.GetStringSelection().strip() logging.debug("len sel: %s, len tweet: %s, sel: %s, tweet: %s" % (len(sel), len(tweet), sel, tweet)) # useful selection, not multi-word, not if len(sel) > 3 and " " not in sel and "" not in sel: logging.debug("Adding selection as URL: %s" % (sel)) urls.append(sel) # Find URLs from tweet. urls.extend(misc.find_urls(tweet)) return urls def shorten_click (self, evt): logging.debug("URL Shorten button activated.") urls = self.GetURLList() if not urls: logging.debug("No URLs found in tweet. Nothing to shorten.") dlg_title = _('URL Shortener - No URLs') dlg_text = _('No URLs were found to shorten. If there is one, select the URL and click this button again.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, dlg_text, dlg_title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() # Set focus to the edit field by default self.message.SetFocus() #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(len(self.message.GetValue()),len(self.message.GetValue())) return 0 logging.debug("Found at least 1 URL. Showing selection dialog.") if len(urls) == 1: url=urls[0] else: # Adapted from dlg_title = _('URL Shortener - Select URL') dlg_text = _('Select URL to shorten.') dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, dlg_title, dlg_text, urls, wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) dlg.Raise() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: url = dlg.GetStringSelection() logging.debug("User selected URL to shorten: %s" % (url)) clean = misc.url_cleanup(url) logging.debug("Clean URL (what will be replaced) is: %s" % (clean)) surl = clean # URL to shorten if "://" not in surl: surl = "http://" + surl logging.debug("URL sent to shortener: %s" % (surl)) short = url_shortener.shorten(surl, service=config.main['shortener']['urlShortener']) if short: logging.debug("Started with %s, will replace %s, shortening %s, shortened as %s" % (url, clean, surl, short)) self.message.SetValue(self.message.GetValue().replace(clean, short)) output.speak(_("URL Shortened."), True) else: logging.debug("Shorten failed: started with %s, will replace %s, tried shortening %s" % (url, clean, surl)) dlg_title = _('URL Shortener - Problem') dlg_text = _('There was a problem shortening the selected URL.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, dlg_text, dlg_title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() #Set focus to the edit field by default self.message.SetFocus() #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(len(self.message.GetValue()),len(self.message.GetValue())) def unshorten_click (self, evt): logging.debug("URL Unshorten button activated.") urls = self.GetURLList() if not urls: logging.debug("No URLs found in tweet. Nothing to unshorten.") dlg_title = _('URL Unshortener - No URLs') dlg_text = _('No URLs were found to unshorten. If there is one, select the URL and click this button again.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, dlg_text, dlg_title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() # Set focus to the edit field by default self.message.SetFocus() #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(len(self.message.GetValue()),len(self.message.GetValue())) return 0 logging.debug("Found at least 1 URL. Showing selection dialog.") if len(urls) == 1: url=urls[0] else: # Adapted from dlg_title = _('URL Unshortener - Select URL') dlg_text = _('Select URL to unshorten.') dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, dlg_title, dlg_text, urls, wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) dlg.Raise() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: url = dlg.GetStringSelection() logging.debug("User selected URL to unshorten: %s" % (url)) clean = misc.url_cleanup(url) logging.debug("Clean URL (what will be replaced) is: %s" % (clean)) surl = clean # URL to unshorten if "://" not in surl: surl = "http://" + surl logging.debug("URL being unshortened: %s" % (surl)) try: unshortened = url_shortener.unshorten(surl) except: logging.exception("Error in unshortening URL: %s" % surl) unshortened = None if unshortened: logging.debug("Started with %s, will replace %s, unshortening %s, unshortened as %s" % (url, clean, surl, unshortened)) self.message.SetValue(self.message.GetValue().replace(clean, unshortened)) output.speak(_("URL expanded."), True) else: logging.debug("Unshorten failed: started with %s, will replace %s, tried unshortening %s" % (url, clean, surl)) dlg_title = _('URL Unshortener - Problem') dlg_text = _('There was a problem unshortening the selected URL.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, dlg_text, dlg_title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() #Set focus to the edit field by default self.message.SetFocus() #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(self.getMessageLength(), self.getMessageLength()) def getMessageLength(self): return len(self.message.GetValue()) def charPressed(self, evt): object = evt.GetEventObject() key = evt.GetKeyCode() modifiers = evt.GetModifiers() if config.main['UI']['stdKeyHandling'] and key in (wx.WXK_END, wx.WXK_HOME): evt.Skip() elif key == wx.WXK_HOME and not modifiers: object.SetInsertionPoint(0) elif key == wx.WXK_END and not modifiers: object.SetInsertionPointEnd() elif key == wx.WXK_HOME and modifiers == wx.MOD_SHIFT: object.SetSelection(object.GetInsertionPoint(), 0) elif key == wx.WXK_END and modifiers == wx.MOD_SHIFT: object.SetSelection(object.GetInsertionPoint(), len(object.GetValue())) elif key == 1 and modifiers == wx.MOD_CONTROL: object.SetInsertionPoint(0) object.SetSelection(0, len(object.GetValue())) elif key == 13: if config.main['UI']['sendMessagesWithEnterKey']: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) else: evt.Skip() elif key == 13 and modifiers == wx.MOD_CONTROL: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) else: evt.Skip() def finish_setup (self, *args, **kwargs): self.button_panel = sc.SizedPanel(self.pane, -1) self.button_panel.SetSizerType("horizontal") self.setup_attachment() # self.setup_translation() self.setup_url_shortener_buttons() self.setup_schedule() self.update_title() super(NewMessageDialog, self).finish_setup(*args, **kwargs) def setup_message_field(self, text=""): self.message = self.labeled_control(_("Message:"), wx.TextCtrl, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.WANTS_CHARS, size=(400, -1)) self.message.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.charPressed) self.message.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.textUpdated) self.message.SetSizerProps(expand=True) self.message.SetValue(text) #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(len(self.message.GetValue()),len(self.message.GetValue())) def setup_url_shortener_buttons (self): logging.debug("Setting up URL buttons.") self.shorten = wx.Button(parent=self.button_panel, label=_("&Shorten URL")) self.shorten.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.shorten_click, self.shorten) self.unshorten = wx.Button(parent=self.button_panel, label=_("&Unshorten URL")) self.unshorten.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.unshorten_click, self.unshorten) def setup_attachment(self): self.attach_audio = wx.Button(parent=self.button_panel, label=_("Attach &Audio...")) self.attach_audio.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_attach_audio) def setup_schedule(self): self.delay = 0 self.schedule_message = self.labeled_control(parent=self.button_panel, label=_("S&chedule message..."), control=wx.Button, callback=self.on_schedule_message) def on_attach_audio(self, evt): evt.Skip() logging.debug("Attempting to attach audio file...") self.recording_dlg = dlg = RecordingDialog(parent=self.pane.Parent) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.cleanup() return output.speak(_("Canceled."), True) try: dlg.postprocess() output.speak(_("Attaching..."), True) baseUrl = '' if len(config.main['SndUp']['APIKey']) > 0: uploadUrl = baseUrl + '?apikey=' + config.main['SndUp']['APIKey'] else: uploadUrl = baseUrl logging.debug("Upload url: %s" % uploadUrl) self.upload_dlg = UploadDialog(parent=self, title=_("Upload in progress"), field='file', url=uploadUrl, filename=unicode(dlg.file), completed_callback=self.upload_completed) self.upload_dlg.Show(True) self.upload_dlg.perform_threaded() except: logging.exception("Unable to upload audio file to SndUp.") dlg.cleanup() return output.speak(_("There was an error attaching the file."), True) def upload_completed(self): url = json.loads(self.upload_dlg.response['body'])['url'] self.upload_dlg.Destroy() self.recording_dlg.cleanup() self.recording_dlg.Destroy() if url != 0: self.message.SetValue('%s %s #audio' % (self.message.GetValue(), url)) output.speak(_("File attached."), True) self.message.SetFocus() else: error = json.loads(self.upload_dlg.response['body'])['error'] output.speak(_(error), True) self.message.SetFocus() def on_schedule_message(self): if self.delay: output.speak(_("Resetting currently-scheduled item."), True) dlg = ScheduleDialog(parent=self, title=_("Schedule message")) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return output.speak(_("Canceled."), True) self.delay = dlg.get_time() output.speak(_("Delaying for %s") % misc.SecondsToString(self.delay), True) self.message.SetFocus() """def setup_translation(self): self.translate_message = wx.Button(parent=self.button_panel, label=_("&Translate Message...")) self.translate_message.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_translate_message)""" """def on_translate_message(self, evt):
class NewMessageDialog(SquareDialog): def __init__(self, title="", max_length=0, *args, **kwargs): self.base_title = title self.max_length = max_length super(NewMessageDialog, self).__init__(*args, title=title, **kwargs) def textUpdated(self, evt): try: evt.Skip() self.Fit() self.update_title() length = self.getMessageLength() if hasattr(sessions.current_session, 'play'): if length > self.max_length: sessions.current_session.config['sounds']['maxLength']) # Only enable the shorten button and unshorten buttonif there is text. self.update_url_buttons() except: logging.exception("This is what broke.") def update_url_buttons(self): if hasattr(self, 'shorten') and hasattr(self, 'unshorten'): if misc.find_urls(self.message.GetValue()): self.shorten.Enable() self.unshorten.Enable() else: self.shorten.Disable() self.unshorten.Disable() def update_title(self): length = self.getMessageLength() self.SetTitle( _("%s - %d of %d Characters") % (self.base_title, length, self.max_length)) def GetURLList(self): urls = [] tweet = self.message.GetValue() # If there is a reasonable selection of no more than 1 word, add it to the urls list. # selecting sometimes includes prior or subsequent spaces; remove. sel = self.message.GetStringSelection().strip() logging.debug("len sel: %s, len tweet: %s, sel: %s, tweet: %s" % (len(sel), len(tweet), sel, tweet)) # useful selection, not multi-word, not if len(sel) > 3 and " " not in sel and "" not in sel: logging.debug("Adding selection as URL: %s" % (sel)) urls.append(sel) # Find URLs from tweet. urls.extend(misc.find_urls(tweet)) return urls def shorten_click(self, evt): logging.debug("URL Shorten button activated.") urls = self.GetURLList() if not urls: logging.debug("No URLs found in tweet. Nothing to shorten.") dlg_title = _('URL Shortener - No URLs') dlg_text = _( 'No URLs were found to shorten. If there is one, select the URL and click this button again.' ) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, dlg_text, dlg_title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() # Set focus to the edit field by default self.message.SetFocus() #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(len(self.message.GetValue()), len(self.message.GetValue())) return 0 logging.debug("Found at least 1 URL. Showing selection dialog.") if len(urls) == 1: url = urls[0] else: # Adapted from dlg_title = _('URL Shortener - Select URL') dlg_text = _('Select URL to shorten.') dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, dlg_title, dlg_text, urls, wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) dlg.Raise() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: url = dlg.GetStringSelection() logging.debug("User selected URL to shorten: %s" % (url)) clean = misc.url_cleanup(url) logging.debug("Clean URL (what will be replaced) is: %s" % (clean)) surl = clean # URL to shorten if "://" not in surl: surl = "http://" + surl logging.debug("URL sent to shortener: %s" % (surl)) short = url_shortener.shorten( surl, service=config.main['shortener']['urlShortener']) if short: logging.debug( "Started with %s, will replace %s, shortening %s, shortened as %s" % (url, clean, surl, short)) self.message.SetValue(self.message.GetValue().replace( clean, short)) output.speak(_("URL Shortened."), True) else: logging.debug( "Shorten failed: started with %s, will replace %s, tried shortening %s" % (url, clean, surl)) dlg_title = _('URL Shortener - Problem') dlg_text = _('There was a problem shortening the selected URL.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, dlg_text, dlg_title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() #Set focus to the edit field by default self.message.SetFocus() #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(len(self.message.GetValue()), len(self.message.GetValue())) def unshorten_click(self, evt): logging.debug("URL Unshorten button activated.") urls = self.GetURLList() if not urls: logging.debug("No URLs found in tweet. Nothing to unshorten.") dlg_title = _('URL Unshortener - No URLs') dlg_text = _( 'No URLs were found to unshorten. If there is one, select the URL and click this button again.' ) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, dlg_text, dlg_title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() # Set focus to the edit field by default self.message.SetFocus() #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(len(self.message.GetValue()), len(self.message.GetValue())) return 0 logging.debug("Found at least 1 URL. Showing selection dialog.") if len(urls) == 1: url = urls[0] else: # Adapted from dlg_title = _('URL Unshortener - Select URL') dlg_text = _('Select URL to unshorten.') dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, dlg_title, dlg_text, urls, wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) dlg.Raise() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: url = dlg.GetStringSelection() logging.debug("User selected URL to unshorten: %s" % (url)) clean = misc.url_cleanup(url) logging.debug("Clean URL (what will be replaced) is: %s" % (clean)) surl = clean # URL to unshorten if "://" not in surl: surl = "http://" + surl logging.debug("URL being unshortened: %s" % (surl)) try: unshortened = url_shortener.unshorten(surl) except: logging.exception("Error in unshortening URL: %s" % surl) unshortened = None if unshortened: logging.debug( "Started with %s, will replace %s, unshortening %s, unshortened as %s" % (url, clean, surl, unshortened)) self.message.SetValue(self.message.GetValue().replace( clean, unshortened)) output.speak(_("URL expanded."), True) else: logging.debug( "Unshorten failed: started with %s, will replace %s, tried unshortening %s" % (url, clean, surl)) dlg_title = _('URL Unshortener - Problem') dlg_text = _('There was a problem unshortening the selected URL.') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, dlg_text, dlg_title, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() #Set focus to the edit field by default self.message.SetFocus() #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(self.getMessageLength(), self.getMessageLength()) def getMessageLength(self): return len(self.message.GetValue()) def charPressed(self, evt): object = evt.GetEventObject() key = evt.GetKeyCode() modifiers = evt.GetModifiers() if config.main['UI']['stdKeyHandling'] and key in (wx.WXK_END, wx.WXK_HOME): evt.Skip() elif key == wx.WXK_HOME and not modifiers: object.SetInsertionPoint(0) elif key == wx.WXK_END and not modifiers: object.SetInsertionPointEnd() elif key == wx.WXK_HOME and modifiers == wx.MOD_SHIFT: object.SetSelection(object.GetInsertionPoint(), 0) elif key == wx.WXK_END and modifiers == wx.MOD_SHIFT: object.SetSelection(object.GetInsertionPoint(), len(object.GetValue())) elif key == 1 and modifiers == wx.MOD_CONTROL: object.SetInsertionPoint(0) object.SetSelection(0, len(object.GetValue())) elif key == 13: if config.main['UI']['sendMessagesWithEnterKey']: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) else: evt.Skip() elif key == 13 and modifiers == wx.MOD_CONTROL: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) else: evt.Skip() def finish_setup(self, *args, **kwargs): self.button_panel = sc.SizedPanel(self.pane, -1) self.button_panel.SetSizerType("horizontal") self.setup_attachment() # self.setup_translation() self.setup_url_shortener_buttons() self.setup_schedule() self.update_title() super(NewMessageDialog, self).finish_setup(*args, **kwargs) def setup_message_field(self, text=""): self.message = self.labeled_control(_("Message:"), wx.TextCtrl, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.WANTS_CHARS, size=(400, -1)) self.message.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.charPressed) self.message.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.textUpdated) self.message.SetSizerProps(expand=True) self.message.SetValue(text) #Deselect any current text. self.message.SetSelection(len(self.message.GetValue()), len(self.message.GetValue())) def setup_url_shortener_buttons(self): logging.debug("Setting up URL buttons.") self.shorten = wx.Button(parent=self.button_panel, label=_("&Shorten URL")) self.shorten.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.shorten_click, self.shorten) self.unshorten = wx.Button(parent=self.button_panel, label=_("&Unshorten URL")) self.unshorten.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.unshorten_click, self.unshorten) def setup_attachment(self): self.attach_audio = wx.Button(parent=self.button_panel, label=_("Attach &Audio...")) self.attach_audio.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_attach_audio) def setup_schedule(self): self.delay = 0 self.schedule_message = self.labeled_control( parent=self.button_panel, label=_("S&chedule message..."), control=wx.Button, callback=self.on_schedule_message) def on_attach_audio(self, evt): evt.Skip() logging.debug("Attempting to attach audio file...") self.recording_dlg = dlg = RecordingDialog(parent=self.pane.Parent) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.cleanup() return output.speak(_("Canceled."), True) try: dlg.postprocess() output.speak(_("Attaching..."), True) baseUrl = '' if config.main[ 'AudioServices'][ 'service'] == '' else '' if config.main['AudioServices']['service'] == '' and len( config.main['AudioServices']['sndUpAPIKey']) > 0: uploadUrl = baseUrl + '?apikey=' + config.main[ 'AudioServices']['sndUpAPIKey'] else: uploadUrl = baseUrl logging.debug("Upload url: %s" % uploadUrl) self.upload_dlg = UploadDialog( parent=self, title=_("Upload in progress"), field='file', url=uploadUrl, filename=dlg.file, completed_callback=self.upload_completed) self.upload_dlg.Show(True) try: self.upload_dlg.perform_threaded() except: logging.exception("Unable to perform upload") except: logging.exception("Unable to upload audio file to %s" % config.main['AudioServices']['service']) dlg.cleanup() return output.speak(_("There was an error attaching the file."), True) def upload_completed(self): url = json.loads(self.upload_dlg.response['body'])['url'] logging.debug("Gotten URL: %s" % url) self.upload_dlg.Destroy() self.recording_dlg.cleanup() self.recording_dlg.Destroy() if url != 0: self.message.SetValue('%s %s #audio' % (self.message.GetValue(), url)) output.speak(_("File attached."), True) self.message.SetFocus() else: error = json.loads(self.upload_dlg.response['body'])['error'] output.speak(_(error), True) self.message.SetFocus() def on_schedule_message(self): if self.delay: output.speak(_("Resetting currently-scheduled item."), True) dlg = ScheduleDialog(parent=self, title=_("Schedule message")) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return output.speak(_("Canceled."), True) self.delay = dlg.get_time() output.speak( _("Delaying for %s") % misc.SecondsToString(self.delay), True) self.message.SetFocus() """def setup_translation(self): self.translate_message = wx.Button(parent=self.button_panel, label=_("&Translate Message...")) self.translate_message.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_translate_message)""" """def on_translate_message(self, evt):