Esempio n. 1
    def send_msg(self):
        if self.msg_sent:

        print('Sending msg')
        self.msg_sent = True
        front_point = self.transform('odom', 'front_point')
        inc = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            tf.rotation_matrix(-5 * pi / 180, (0, 0, 1)),
            tf.translation_matrix((0.03, 0.01, 0)),
        path = [tf.concatenate_matrices(front_point, inc)]
        for i in range(179):
            path.append(tf.concatenate_matrices(path[-1], inc))

        msg = Path()
        msg.header.frame_id = 'odom'
        msg.header.stamp.sec = int(self.get_clock().now().nanoseconds / 10**9)
        msg.header.stamp.nanosec = self.get_clock().now().nanoseconds % 10**9

        poses = [matrix_to_pose(point) for point in path]
        for pose in poses:
            pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
            pose_stamped.header = msg.header
            pose_stamped.pose = pose
Esempio n. 2
def check_points_in_range(current_rob_pos, other_rob_pos):
    # calculate bottom right corner of the bounding rectangle
    rx, ry, rth = current_rob_pos
    rth = (rth / 100) + (pi / 2)
    zx = round(rx - (m * sin(rth)), 3)
    zy = round(ry + (m * cos(rth)), 3)

    # calculating the transformation matrix of the new frame at that vertex
    alpha, beta, gamma = 0, 0, (-(pi / 2 - rth))
    origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]
    Rx = transformations.rotation_matrix(alpha, xaxis)
    Ry = transformations.rotation_matrix(beta, yaxis)
    Rz = transformations.rotation_matrix(gamma, zaxis)
    T = transformations.translation_matrix([zx, zy, 0])
    R = transformations.concatenate_matrices(Rx, Ry, Rz)
    Z = transformations.shear_matrix(beta, xaxis, origin, zaxis)
    S = transformations.scale_matrix(1, origin)
    M = transformations.concatenate_matrices(T, R, Z, S)
    M = np.linalg.inv(M)

    # calculating the new point in that frame
    other_x = other_rob_pos[0]
    other_y = other_rob_pos[1]
    other_z = 0
    other_h = 1
    other_point_homogenous = np.array([other_x, other_y, other_z, other_h])
    new_point =, other_point_homogenous)
    new_point = np.round(new_point, 3)

    # checking that the point lies within the boundaries
    px, py, pz, ph = new_point
    if px <= (2 * m) and px >= 0 and py <= m and py >= 0:
        return 1
        return 0
Esempio n. 3
def _instantiate_node(surfaces, model, node, transform, texcache):
    rot = node['rot']
    transform = tf.concatenate_matrices(transform,

    if node['mesh'] != -1:
        mesh_transform = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            transform, tf.translation_matrix(node['pivot']))
        mesh = model.meshes[node['mesh']]
        for k, surface in mesh.items():
                material_name = model.materials[surface['material']]
                continue  # if there's no material, don't render the surface

                _transform_vertices(mesh_transform, surface['vertices']),

    for child in node['children']:
        _instantiate_node(surfaces, model, child, transform, texcache)
Esempio n. 4
    def make_next_step(self, prev_step: TrajectoryPoint) -> TrajectoryPoint:
        point = TrajectoryPoint()
        point.timestamp = prev_step.timestamp + 1 / SERVO_FREQ
        phase = prev_step.phase + 1 / (SERVO_FREQ * GAIT_PERIOD)

        z_lift = self.leg_lift * sin(phase * pi)
        current_lift = tf.translation_matrix((0.0, 0.0, z_lift))

        if phase > 1.0:
            phase = 0
            point.left_pose = prev_step.next_left_stand
            point.right_pose = prev_step.next_right_stand

            # TODO after sending to stm, publish first element as frontPoint
            next_stand = self.path_proxy.get_point(point.timestamp)

            if prev_step.left_moving:
                point.prev_left_stand = prev_step.next_left_stand
                point.next_left_stand = prev_step.next_left_stand
                point.prev_right_stand = prev_step.next_right_stand
                point.next_right_stand = next_stand
                point.prev_right_stand = prev_step.next_right_stand
                point.next_right_stand = prev_step.next_right_stand
                point.prev_left_stand = prev_step.next_left_stand
                point.next_left_stand = next_stand
            point.left_moving = not prev_step.left_moving
            if prev_step.left_moving:
                left_shift = interpolate(prev_step.prev_left_stand,
                point.left_pose = tf.concatenate_matrices(
                    # prev_step.prev_left_stand,
                point.right_pose = prev_step.right_pose
                right_shift = interpolate(prev_step.prev_right_stand,
                point.right_pose = tf.concatenate_matrices(
                    # prev_step.prev_right_stand,
                point.left_pose = prev_step.left_pose

            point.next_left_stand = prev_step.next_left_stand
            point.next_right_stand = prev_step.next_right_stand
            point.prev_left_stand = prev_step.prev_left_stand
            point.prev_right_stand = prev_step.prev_right_stand
            point.left_moving = prev_step.left_moving

        point.phase = phase
        point.base_link_pose = midpoint(point.left_pose, point.right_pose)
        point.base_link_pose[2, 3] = self.base_height

        return point
Esempio n. 5
    def update_sagital_rot(self, robot):

        # ok we assume a symetric configuration with both foot on the ground

        self.LAnkleRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
            radians(robot.l_ankle_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
        self.RAnkleRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
            radians(robot.r_ankle_y.present_position), self.yaxis)

        self.LKneeRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
            radians(- robot.l_knee_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
        self.RKneeRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
            radians(- robot.r_knee_y.present_position), self.yaxis)

        self.LHipRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
            radians(- robot.l_hip_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
        self.RHipRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
            radians(- robot.r_hip_y.present_position), self.yaxis)

        self.AbsRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
            radians(robot.abs_y.present_position), self.yaxis)
        self.BustRotY = tf.rotation_matrix(
            radians(robot.bust_y.present_position), self.yaxis)

        self.roty = array([tf.rotation_matrix(0, self.yaxis), (self.LAnkleRotY + self.RAnkleRotY) / 2.0,
                           (self.LKneeRotY + self.RKneeRotY) / 2.0, (self.LHipRotY + self.RHipRotY) / 2.0, self.AbsRotY, self.BustRotY])

        # self.transformy =array([tf.concatenate_matrices(self.roty[i], self.SegCom[i]) for i in range(len(self.roty))])
        # self.transformy =array([self.roty[i].dot( self.SegCom[i]) for i in range(len(self.roty))])

        self.transformy = array([identity(4),
            (self.LAnkleRotY + self.RAnkleRotY) / 2.0, self.ThighT),
            (self.LKneeRotY + self.RKneeRotY) / 2.0, self.LegT),
            (self.LHipRotY + self.RHipRotY) / 2.0, self.HipT),
            self.AbsRotY, self.AbsT),
            self.BustRotY, self.BustT)

        a = dot(self.transformy[1], self.transformy[2])
        b = dot(a, self.transformy[3])
        c = dot(b, self.transformy[4])
        d = dot(c, self.transformy[5])
        e = dot(d, self.transformy[6])

        self.comtrans = array([self.transformy[1],
Esempio n. 6
def to_homogeneous(vec):
	d = [float(x) for x in vec]

	if len(d) != 7 and len(d) != 3:
		raise ValueError("Only poses with 3 or 7 elements supported! this one has %d" % len(d))

	if len(d) == 7:
		return concatenate_matrices( translation_matrix(d[0:3]), quaternion_matrix([d[6]]+d[3:6]) )
	return concatenate_matrices( translation_matrix(d[0:2]+[0]), rotation_matrix(d[2], [0,0,1]) )
Esempio n. 7
    def triangle(self, center: ndarray,
                 left_side: bool) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]:
        mult = 1 if left_side else -1
        x_shift = 0.15
        side_y_shift = mult * 0.17
        mid_y_shift = mult * -0.2
        z = 0.0
        front_point = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            center, tf.translation_matrix((x_shift, side_y_shift, z)))
        mid_point = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            center, tf.translation_matrix((0.0, mid_y_shift, z)))
        rear_point = tf.concatenate_matrices(
            center, tf.translation_matrix((-x_shift, side_y_shift, z)))

        return front_point, mid_point, rear_point
Esempio n. 8
 def _unpack(x):
     trans = x[:3]
     eulxyz = x[3:]
     T = tf.concatenate_matrices(tf.translation_matrix(trans),
                                 tf.euler_matrix(eulxyz[0], eulxyz[1],
                                                 eulxyz[2], 'sxyz'))
     return T
Esempio n. 9
def gen_meas_3d(func, N, scale=1):
    """ Generate a set of measurements according to a height function.
    # Use 3-D dirichlet distribution to sample 3-simplex then project to 2-d
    # Gives a nicely uniform spread of points
    m_a, m_b = np.random.dirichlet((1, 1, 1), N)[:, :2].T
    m_g = func(m_a, m_b)
    m_z = np.array([m_a, m_b, m_g]).T.reshape(N, 3, 1)

    std_a = 0.01 * scale
    std_b = 0.01 * scale
    std_g = 0.02 * scale
    std_z = np.diag([std_a, std_b, std_g])

    alpha_rot = np.pi * np.random.random_sample(N) - np.pi / 2
    beta_rot = np.pi * np.random.random_sample(N) - np.pi / 2
    gamma_rot = np.pi * np.random.random_sample(N) - np.pi / 2
    xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)
    C_z = np.empty((N, 3, 3), dtype=float)

    for i in trange(N):
        # Rotate Covariance Matrix
        Rx = rotation_matrix(alpha_rot[i], xaxis)
        Ry = rotation_matrix(beta_rot[i], yaxis)
        Rz = rotation_matrix(gamma_rot[i], zaxis)
        R = concatenate_matrices(Rx, Ry, Rz)[:-1, :-1]

        C = * std_z).dot(R.T)
        e = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(3), C, 1).T

        m_z[i, :, :] += e
        C_z[i] = C

    return m_z, C_z
Esempio n. 10
        def setup_particle_orientation(invert, theta, phi):
            # spin about z-axis vector to create phi spin
            phi_mat = transformations.rotation_matrix(phi + (pi if invert else 0), vz)
            # rotate z-x axis to create orientation vector
            axis_rotation = transformations.rotation_matrix((-1 if invert else 1) * -(theta - pi/2), vy)

            return transformations.concatenate_matrices(axis_rotation, phi_mat)
Esempio n. 11
    def new_trajectory(self, msg: Path):
        # if len(self.curr_path) == 0:
        #     self.curr_path.append(self.transform('odom', 'front_point'))
        self.curr_path = [self.transform('odom', 'front_point')]
        # print(self.curr_path)
        projection_to_odom = self.transform('odom', 'base_link')
        projection_to_odom[2, 3] = 0.0
        dense_path = [
            for pose_stamped in msg.poses
        dense_path = [dense_path[0]]

        first_new = dense_path[0]
        last_idx, last_point = self.get_last_closest(first_new, self.curr_path)
        # offset = 2
        # last_idx = last_idx - offset if last_idx - offset >= 0 else last_idx
        last_point = self.curr_path[last_idx]
        # print(f'Last: {last_point}')
        # print(f'New:  {first_new}')
        inter_path = self.interpolate_path(last_point, first_new)
        print(f'Distance: {matrix_dist(last_point, first_new)}')
        print(f'Interpolated: {len(inter_path)}')
        sparse_path = self.make_sparse(inter_path[-1], dense_path)
        # fixed_orientation = self.fix_orientation(
        #     self.curr_path[last_idx - 1], inter_path + sparse_path
        # )   # TODO don't

        self.curr_path = self.curr_path[:last_idx] + inter_path + sparse_path
        front_point = self.transform('odom', 'front_point')
        front_point_idx, _ = self.get_last_closest(front_point, self.curr_path)
        self.publish_path(self.curr_path[front_point_idx + 1:])
Esempio n. 12
def coil_transform_pos(pos):
    pos[1] = -pos[1]
    a, b, g = np.radians(pos[3:])
    r_ref = tf.euler_matrix(a, b, g, 'sxyz')
    t_ref = tf.translation_matrix(pos[:3])
    m_img = tf.concatenate_matrices(t_ref, r_ref)

    return m_img
Esempio n. 13
def pose_to_matrix(pose: Pose) -> ndarray:
    rot = pose.orientation
    trans = pose.position

    rot_matrix = tf.quaternion_matrix((rot.w, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z))
    trans_matrix = tf.translation_matrix((trans.x, trans.y, trans.z))

    return tf.concatenate_matrices(trans_matrix, rot_matrix)
 def _x2transform(self, x):
     trans, eulxyz, scale = self._unpack(x)
     origin = [0, 0, 0]
     T = tf.concatenate_matrices(tf.translation_matrix(trans),
                                 tf.euler_matrix(eulxyz[0], eulxyz[1],
                                                 eulxyz[2], 'sxyz'),
                                 tf.scale_matrix(scale, origin))
     return T
Esempio n. 15
def transform_pad(padcoords, pad_length, pad_separation, pad_thickness,
                  drum_separation, drum_radius, totalAlpha):
    TranG = trn.translation_matrix((padcoords[0], padcoords[1], padcoords[2]))
    if padcoords[4] != 0:
        RotG = trn.rotation_matrix(padcoords[4], [0, 1, 0])
        RotG = trn.identity_matrix()
    TranJ = trn.translation_matrix(((pad_length + pad_separation), 0, 0))
    if (padcoords[0] + pad_separation + pad_length) > (drum_separation / 2):
        TranJ_Rot = trn.translation_matrix(
            (-(pad_length + pad_separation) / 2, 0, 0))
        alpha = -np.arctan((pad_length + pad_separation) / (drum_radius))

        totalAlpha[0] += alpha
        if totalAlpha[0] < -math.pi:
            alpha -= (totalAlpha[0] - math.pi)
            totalAlpha[0] = -math.pi
        RotJ = trn.rotation_matrix(
            alpha, [0, 1, 0],
            [TranJ_Rot[0][3], TranJ_Rot[1][3], TranJ_Rot[2][3]])
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG, RotG, TranJ, RotJ)

        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    elif (padcoords[0] - pad_separation - pad_length) < -(drum_separation / 2):
        TranJ_Rot = trn.translation_matrix(
            (-(pad_length + pad_separation) / 2, 0, 0))
        alpha = -np.arctan((pad_length + pad_separation) / (drum_radius))

        totalAlpha[0] += alpha
        if totalAlpha[0] < -2 * math.pi:
            alpha -= (totalAlpha[0] - 2 * math.pi)
            totalAlpha[0] = -2 * math.pi
        RotJ = trn.rotation_matrix(
            alpha, [0, 1, 0],
            [TranJ_Rot[0][3], TranJ_Rot[1][3], TranJ_Rot[2][3]])
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG, RotG, TranJ, RotJ)

        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG, RotG, TranJ)
        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    padcoords = [Final[0][3], Final[1][3], Final[2][3], 0, angle, 0]
    return padcoords
def calc_error(args, debug=False):

    # angle_x, angle_y, o_x, o_y, o_z = args
    angle_x, angle_y = args

    x = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1])
    R_x = transformations.rotation_matrix(angle_x, [1, 0, 0], eye_centre)
    R_y = transformations.rotation_matrix(angle_y, [0, 1, 0], eye_centre)
    S = transformations.scale_matrix(6)
    T = transformations.translation_matrix(eye_centre)
    # T = transformations.translation_matrix(eye_centre + np.array([o_x*100, o_y*100, o_z*100]))
    T2 = transformations.translation_matrix([0,0,-12])

    if debug:
        trans = transformations.concatenate_matrices(*reversed([T, T2, R_x, R_y]))
        pt = dehomo([0,0,-50,1]))
                 (255, 255, 0))

    est_pts = []
    for t in np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, accuracy):

        R = transformations.rotation_matrix(t, [0, 0, 1])
        trans = transformations.concatenate_matrices(*reversed([R, S, T, T2, R_x, R_y]))

        threeD_pt =

        pt =

        if point_in_poly(dehomo(pt).astype(int), data["ldmks_lids_2d"]):
            if debug:, tuple(dehomo(pt).astype(int)), 1, (255, 0, 0), -1)

        D = cdist(est_pts, visible_pts, 'euclidean')
        H1 = np.max(np.min(D, axis=1))
        H2 = np.max(np.min(D, axis=0))
        return (H1 + H2) / 2.0
    except ValueError:
        return 20
Esempio n. 17
    def transform(self, pitch, yaw):
        """Gives the translation matrix associated with this arm with the given pitch
        and yaw.
        tLength = tr.translation_matrix(np.array([self.length, 0, 0]))
        rPitch = tr.rotation_matrix(pitch, yaxis)
        rYaw = tr.rotation_matrix(yaw, zaxis)

        #return armLength * rPitch * rYaw
        return tr.concatenate_matrices(rYaw, rPitch, tLength)
def get_standard_matrixes():
    #90 degree clockwise around center of normalized square
    R90CW = tr.rotation_matrix(-math.pi/2,[0,0,1],[0.5,0.5,0.5])
    #R90CCW = tr.rotation_matrix(math.pi/2,[0,0,1],[0.5,0.5,0.5])

    #horizontal axis flip
    FH = tr.reflection_matrix([0.5,0.5,0],[0,1,0])

    #vertical axis flip
    FV = tr.reflection_matrix([0.5,0.5,0],[1,0,0])

    R90CW_FH = tr.concatenate_matrices(FH,R90CW)

    R90CW_FV = tr.concatenate_matrices(FV,R90CW)

    R180CW = tr.rotation_matrix(-math.pi,[0,0,1],[0.5,0.5,0])
    #R180CCW = tr.rotation_matrix(math.pi,[0,0,1],[0.5,0.5,0])
    #R270CCW = tr.rotation_matrix(2*math.pi,[0,0,1],[0.5,0.5,0])

    return R90CW,FH,FV,R90CW_FH,R90CW_FV,R180CW
Esempio n. 19
def relative_to_reference(reference, target):
	if len(reference) != len(target):
		raise ValueError("reference and target should be of same length! len(reference): %d, len(target): %d" % (len(reference), len(target)) )

	F_ref = to_homogeneous(reference)
	F_tar = to_homogeneous(target)

	F_ref_inv = inverse_matrix(F_ref)

	T_tar_ref = concatenate_matrices(F_ref_inv, F_tar)

	return from_homogeneous(T_tar_ref, len(reference))
Esempio n. 20
def rotation_matrix_angles(alpha, beta, gamma):
    """ Returns the rotation matrix that applies a rotation by the given Euler angles.

        It applies Rz(gamma)*Rx(beta)*Rz(alpha).
    R1 = trans.rotation_matrix(gamma, z)
    R2 = trans.rotation_matrix(beta, x)
    R3 = trans.rotation_matrix(alpha, z)

    M = trans.concatenate_matrices(R1, R2, R3)

    return M
Esempio n. 21
    def error(self, target_pos, baseTransform, parameters):
        armLength = tr.translation_matrix([self.length, 0, 0])
        rPitch = tr.rotation_matrix(parameters[0], yaxis)
        rYaw = tr.rotation_matrix(parameters[1], zaxis)
        transform = tr.concatenate_matrices(baseTransform, rYaw, rPitch,

        if self.after is None:
            end = tr.translation_from_matrix(transform)
            return distance(target_pos, end)
            return self.after.error(target_pos, transform, parameters[2:])
Esempio n. 22
def generate_leg(leg: str, params: list):
    front_signs = {'front': '', 'rear': '-'}
    side_signs = {'left': '', 'right': '-'}
    lower_limits = {'left': '0', 'right': str(-pi)}
    upper_limits = {'left': str(pi), 'right': '0'}
    with open('../urdf/leg.urdf.template', 'r') as file:
        leg_template = Template(

    mappings = {'l_width': 0.02, 'leg': leg}
    front, side = leg.split('_')
    mappings['front_sign'] = front_signs[front]
    mappings['side_sign'] = side_signs[side]
    mappings['lower_limit'] = lower_limits[side]
    mappings['upper_limit'] = upper_limits[side]

    for param in params:
            d = float(param['d'])
        except ValueError:
            d = 0.0
            th = float(param['th'])
        except ValueError:
            th = 0.0
            a = float(param['a'])
        except ValueError:
            a = 0.0
            al = float(param['al'])
        except ValueError:
            al = 0.0

        tz = translation_matrix((0, 0, d))
        rz = rotation_matrix(th, zaxis)
        tx = translation_matrix((a, 0, 0))
        rx = rotation_matrix(al, xaxis)

        matrix = concatenate_matrices(tz, rz, tx, rx)

        rpy = euler_from_matrix(matrix)
        xyz = translation_from_matrix(matrix)

        name = param['joint']

        mappings[f'{name}_j_xyz'] = '{} {} {}'.format(*xyz)
        mappings[f'{name}_j_rpy'] = '{} {} {}'.format(*rpy)
        mappings[f'{name}_l_xyz'] = '{} 0 0'.format(xyz[0] / 2.)
        mappings[f'{name}_l_rpy'] = '0 0 0'
        mappings[f'{name}_l_len'] = str(a)

    return leg_template.substitute(mappings)
Esempio n. 23
def process_april_tag(pose):
    ## Aquí jugar
    ## pose es tag con respecto al robot
    ## T_a es la transformación del april tag con respecto al mapa
    T_a = tf.translation_matrix([-X * tile_size, -tag_size * 3/4, y*tile_size])
    R_a = tf.euler_matrix(0, angle, 0)
    T_m_a = tf.concatenate_matrices(T_a, R_a)
    ## Aquí dando vuelta el robot, por cuenta del cambio de los angulos
    T_r_a =, tf.euler_matrix(0, np.pi, 0))
    T_a_r = np.linalg.inv(T_r_a)
    T_m_r =, T_a_r)
    print(pose @ T_m_r)
Esempio n. 24
def compound(reference, diff, inv_diff = False):
	if len(reference) != len(diff):
		raise ValueError("reference and diff should be of same length! len(reference): %d, len(diff): %d" % (len(reference), len(diff)) )

	F_ref = to_homogeneous(reference)
	T_d =   to_homogeneous(diff)

	if inv_diff:
		T_d = inverse_matrix(T_d)

	F_d = concatenate_matrices( F_ref, T_d )

	return from_homogeneous(F_d, len(reference))
Esempio n. 25
 def fromString(s):
     """assume s looks like:  'o 0.3 0.5 -2 q 1 2 3 4'  
      nb: we can't represent skew and scale but for our purposes
          this is fine.
     vals = s.split(" ")
     assert (len(vals) == 9)
     assert (vals[0] == "o")
     assert (vals[4] == "q")
     x = [float(vals[1]), float(vals[2]), float(vals[3])]
     q = [float(vals[5]), float(vals[6]), float(vals[7]), float(vals[8])]
     om = xform.translation_matrix(x)
     qm = xform.quaternion_matrix(q)
     result = xform.concatenate_matrices(om, qm)
     return Affine3(result)
Esempio n. 26
def interpolate(start: np.ndarray, stop: np.ndarray, phase: float) -> np.ndarray:
    start_trans = tf.translation_from_matrix(start)
    stop_trans = tf.translation_from_matrix(stop)
    shift_trans = phase * (stop_trans - start_trans)
    inter_trans = start_trans + shift_trans
    trans_matrix = tf.translation_matrix(inter_trans)

    start_rot = np.array(tf.euler_from_matrix(start, axes='sxyz'))
    stop_rot = np.array(tf.euler_from_matrix(stop, axes='sxyz'))
    shift_rot = phase * (stop_rot - start_rot)
    inter_rot = start_rot + shift_rot
    rot_matrix = tf.euler_matrix(*inter_rot, axes='sxyz')

    result = tf.concatenate_matrices(trans_matrix, rot_matrix)
    return result
Esempio n. 27
def rotmat3(alpha,beta,gamma,xyzreftuple = ([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]),angtype='deg'):

    xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = xyzreftuple

    if angtype == 'deg':
        alpha = np.deg2rad(alpha)
        beta  = np.deg2rad(beta)
        gamma = np.deg2rad(gamma)

    Rx = trans.rotation_matrix(alpha, xaxis)
    Ry = trans.rotation_matrix(beta, yaxis)
    Rz = trans.rotation_matrix(gamma, zaxis)
    R = trans.concatenate_matrices(Rz, Ry, Rx)[:3,:3]

    return R
Esempio n. 28
def errors(reference, target):
	if len(reference) != len(target):
		raise ValueError("reference and target should be of same length! len(reference): %d, len(target): %d" % (len(reference), len(target)) )

	F_ref = to_homogeneous(reference)
	F_tar = to_homogeneous(target)

	F_ref_inv = inverse_matrix(F_ref)

	T_tar_ref = concatenate_matrices(F_ref_inv, F_tar)

	trans = translation_from_matrix(T_tar_ref)
	ang, foo, bar = rotation_from_matrix(T_tar_ref)

	return (numpy.sum( numpy.square(trans) ), ang*ang)
Esempio n. 29
def transform_pad(padcoords,pad_length,pad_separation,pad_thickness,drum_separation,drum_radius,totalAlpha):
    TranG = trn.translation_matrix(( padcoords[0],padcoords[1],padcoords[2] ))
    if padcoords[4]!=0:
        RotG = trn.rotation_matrix(padcoords[4],[0,1,0])
        RotG = trn.identity_matrix()
    TranJ = trn.translation_matrix(( (pad_length+pad_separation),0,0))
    if (padcoords[0]+pad_separation+pad_length) >(drum_separation/2):
        TranJ_Rot = trn.translation_matrix((-(pad_length+pad_separation)/2,0,0))
        alpha = - np.arctan((pad_length+pad_separation)/(drum_radius))
        totalAlpha[0] += alpha
        if totalAlpha[0]<-math.pi:
            alpha -= (totalAlpha[0] - math.pi)
            totalAlpha[0] = -math.pi
        RotJ = trn.rotation_matrix(alpha,[0,1,0],[TranJ_Rot[0][3],TranJ_Rot[1][3],TranJ_Rot[2][3]])
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG,RotG,TranJ,RotJ)
        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    elif (padcoords[0]-pad_separation-pad_length)<-(drum_separation/2):
        TranJ_Rot = trn.translation_matrix((-(pad_length+pad_separation)/2,0,0))
        alpha = - np.arctan((pad_length+pad_separation)/(drum_radius))
        totalAlpha[0] += alpha
        if totalAlpha[0]<-2*math.pi:
            alpha -= (totalAlpha[0] - 2*math.pi)
            totalAlpha[0] = -2*math.pi
        RotJ = trn.rotation_matrix(alpha,[0,1,0],[TranJ_Rot[0][3],TranJ_Rot[1][3],TranJ_Rot[2][3]])
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG,RotG,TranJ,RotJ)
        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    else :
        Final = trn.concatenate_matrices(TranG,RotG,TranJ)
        angle, direction, point = trn.rotation_from_matrix(Final)
    padcoords = [Final[0][3],Final[1][3],Final[2][3],0,angle,0]
    return padcoords
Esempio n. 30
def transform_cloud(cloud_in, trans=None, quat=None, mat=None):
        Tranform point cloud np array
    if trans is not None and quat is not None:
        R = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quat)
        T = transformations.translation_matrix(trans)
        total_transform = transformations.concatenate_matrices(T, R)
    elif mat is not None:
        total_transform = mat
    cloud_in = np.hstack((cloud_in, np.ones((cloud_in.shape[0], 1))))
    cloud_out = np.matmul(total_transform, np.transpose(cloud_in))
    cloud_out = np.transpose(cloud_out)[:, :3]
    cloud_out = np.array(cloud_out, dtype=np.float32)
    return cloud_out
def point_cloud_gen(camera_info, rawImage):
    max_depth = 600  # Default Max Distance Field in UE4

    # Intrinsic Matrix for 512x512 resolution

    K = np.array([[64., 0., 64.], [0., 64., 64.], [0., 0., 1.]])

    K = np.matmul(K, np.array([[0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0],
                               [1, 0, 0]]))  # match the coordinate system

    K_inv = np.linalg.inv(K)  # reflect the image back to the frame

    pointsU = np.zeros((128, 128))
    pointsV = np.zeros((128, 128))
    points1 = np.ones((128, 128))

    for i in range(pointsU.shape[0]):
        for j in range(pointsU.shape[1]):
            pointsU[i, j] = i
            pointsV[i, j] = j

    pointsUV = np.stack((pointsU, pointsV), axis=-1)
    pointsUV1 = np.stack((pointsU, pointsV, points1), axis=-1)

    w_val = camera_info.pose.orientation.w_val
    x_val = camera_info.pose.orientation.x_val
    y_val = camera_info.pose.orientation.y_val
    z_val = camera_info.pose.orientation.z_val
    x_cor = camera_info.pose.position.x_val
    y_cor = camera_info.pose.position.y_val
    z_cor = camera_info.pose.position.z_val * (-1)

    array = np.asarray(rawImage.image_data_float)
    depth = array.reshape((-1))
    depth3 = np.stack((depth, depth, depth), axis=-1)
    proj = np.matmul(K_inv, pointsUV1.reshape((-1, 3)).T).T
    drone3d = np.multiply(proj,
                          depth3)  # point cloud without the extrinsic matrix

    drone3d1 = np.append(drone3d, np.ones((drone3d.shape[0], 1)), 1)
    trans = transformations.translation_matrix([x_cor, y_cor, z_cor])
    rot = transformations.quaternion_matrix([w_val, x_val, y_val, z_val])
    transform = transformations.concatenate_matrices(trans, rot)
    T = transform
    drone3d1world = np.matmul(T, drone3d1.T).T
    points = drone3d1world[:, :3]  # point cloud

    return points
Esempio n. 32
 def get_coxa_position(self, body_xyz, body_angle):
     """find x, y, z of coxa joint in mm given body position"""
     a, b, c = body_angle
     u, v, w = body_xyz
     rotation = tf.euler_matrix(a, b, c, 'rxyz')
     translation = tf.translation_matrix([u, v, w])
     transform = tf.concatenate_matrices(rotation, translation)
     position =[self.rel_x, self.rel_y, self.rel_z, 1])
     reference1 =[100, 100, 0,
                                 1])  # another vector on the body plane
     reference2 =[-100, 100, 0,
                                 1])  # another vector on the body plane
     #print("\tBody position xyz: "+string_point([u,v,w]))
     #print("\tCoxa joint xyz: "+string_point(position))
     #print("\tLeg xyz: "+string_point([self.x, self.y, self.z]))
     return (position, reference1, reference2)  # have extra indices
Esempio n. 33
    def draw(self, surface, baseTransform, parameters):
        armLength = tr.translation_matrix([self.length, 0, 0])
        rPitch = tr.rotation_matrix(parameters[0], yaxis)
        rYaw = tr.rotation_matrix(parameters[1], zaxis)
        transform = tr.concatenate_matrices(baseTransform, rYaw, rPitch,

        start = tr.translation_from_matrix(baseTransform)
        end = tr.translation_from_matrix(transform)
        # Only use the y and z coords for a quick and dirty orthogonal projection
        pygame.draw.line(surface, (0, 0, 0), start[::2], end[::2], 5)

        # Draw angle constraints
        #pygame.draw.aaline(surface, (100, 0, 0), position, position + to_vector(self.pitch.absolute_min(base_angle), 30))
        #pygame.draw.aaline(surface, (100, 0, 0), position, position + to_vector(self.pitch.absolute_max(base_angle), 30))
        if self.after is not None:
            self.after.draw(surface, transform, parameters[2:])
Esempio n. 34
def poseGlobal(matrix,x_ob,y_ob,angulo):
    tag_size = 0.18
    tile_size = 0.585

    T_a = tf.translation_matrix([
        -x_ob, -tag_size*3/4, y_ob]) # esto ya viene multiplicado por el tile_size
    R_a = tf.euler_matrix(0,angulo,0)

    T_m_a = tf.concatenate_matrices(T_a, R_a)

    # pose tag con respecto al robot
    T_r_a =, tf.euler_matrix(0, np.pi, 0))
    # pose tag con respecto al mapa
    T_a_r = np.linalg.inv(T_r_a) # T_r_a-1
    T_m_r =, T_a_r)

    return T_m_r
Esempio n. 35
def global_pose(matrix,x_ob,y_ob,angle): # matrix es la pose del apriltag x_ob e y_ob es el x e y del apriltag
    tag_size = 0.18
    tile_size = 0.585

    T_a = tf.translation_matrix([
        -x_ob, -tag_size*3/4, y_ob]) # esto ya viene multiplicado por el tile_size
    R_a = tf.euler_matrix(0,angle,0)

    T_m_a = tf.concatenate_matrices(T_a, R_a)

    # pose tag con respecto al robot
    T_r_a =, tf.euler_matrix(0, np.pi, 0))
    # pose tag con respecto al mapa
    T_a_r = np.linalg.inv(T_r_a) # T_r_a-1
    T_m_r =, T_a_r)

    return T_m_r
def scale_and_translate(Tlistgroundtruth, Tlistartoolkit):
    ground_truth_pointcloud = np.asarray([utils.apply_transform(T, np.zeros(3))
                                          for T in Tlistgroundtruth])
    artoolkit_pointcloud = np.asarray([utils.apply_transform(T, np.zeros(3))
                                    for T in Tlistartoolkit])
    Tscale = tf.affine_matrix_from_points(artoolkit_pointcloud.T,
    #print("Scaling by {0}".format(tf.scale_from_matrix(Tscale)[0]))
        print("translation by {0}".format(tf.translation_from_matrix(Tscale)))
        print("rotation by {0}".format(tf.rotation_from_matrix(Tscale)[0]))
    except ValueError:
    Tlistartoolkit = [tf.concatenate_matrices(Tscale, T) for T in Tlistartoolkit]
    return Tlistartoolkit
Esempio n. 37
    def add_orientation(self, prev_point:Tuple[float, float],
                        path: List[Tuple[float, float]]) -> List[Matrix]:
        new_path = []
        for point in path:
            x_prev, y_prev = prev_point
            x_curr, y_curr = point
            x, y, = x_curr - x_prev, y_curr - y_prev
            rot = np.arctan2(y, x)

            oriented_point = tf.concatenate_matrices(
                tf.translation_matrix((x_curr, y_curr, 0)),
                tf.rotation_matrix(rot, (0, 0, 1))

            prev_point = point

        return new_path
Esempio n. 38
def test_obj_pose():
    from transformations import rotation_matrix, concatenate_matrices, euler_from_matrix
    from utils import _axis_rot_matrices, _ypr_from_rot_matrix
    alpha, beta, gamma = 0.123, -1.234, 2.345
    origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)
    # I = identity_matrix()
    Rx_tf = rotation_matrix(gamma, xaxis)
    Ry_tf = rotation_matrix(beta, yaxis)
    Rz_tf = rotation_matrix(alpha, zaxis)

    obj = Obj("obj")
    Rz, Ry, Rx = _axis_rot_matrices([alpha, beta, gamma, 0., 0., 0.])
    assert np.allclose(Rx_tf[:3,:3], Rx)
    assert np.allclose(Ry_tf[:3,:3], Ry)
    assert np.allclose(Rz_tf[:3,:3], Rz)
    R = concatenate_matrices(Rz_tf, Ry_tf, Rx_tf)
    rot_mat =,, Rx))
    euler = euler_from_matrix(R, 'sxyz')
    assert np.allclose(R[:3,:3], rot_mat)
    assert np.allclose([gamma, beta, alpha], euler)
    assert np.allclose([alpha, beta, gamma], _ypr_from_rot_matrix(R[:3,:3]))
Esempio n. 39
    def update3DPoints(self, newPoints):
        center = sum([np.array(roundPoint(x))
                      for x in newPoints]) / 2 - self.minor
        diff = newPoints[0] - newPoints[1]
        radius = ((diff[1]**2 + diff[0]**2)**(0.5)) / 2
        scaled = np.concatenate((self.primitivePoints,
                                     (1, np.shape(self.primitivePoints)[1]))),
        theta = np.arctan2(diff[1], diff[0])
        zaxis = [0, 1, 0]
        rotation = trans.rotation_matrix(theta, zaxis)
        scale = trans.scale_matrix(radius)
        translation = trans.translation_matrix([center[0], 0, -center[1]])
        complete = trans.concatenate_matrices(translation, rotation, scale)
        affineTrans = np.matmul(complete, scaled)

        if (self.objectPoints.any()):
            self.objectPoints = np.concatenate(
                (self.objectPoints, np.transpose(affineTrans)), axis=0)
            self.objectPoints = np.transpose(affineTrans)
Esempio n. 40
    def create_pair_with_orientation(self):
        # pair is constructed with p_i at the origin and p_j translated along
        # the x-axis by distance of r.  z serves as the orientation reference
        # axis.

        def setup_particle_orientation(invert, theta, phi):
            # spin about z-axis vector to create phi spin
            phi_mat = transformations.rotation_matrix(phi + (pi if invert else 0), vz)
            # rotate z-x axis to create orientation vector
            axis_rotation = transformations.rotation_matrix((-1 if invert else 1) * -(theta - pi/2), vy)

            return transformations.concatenate_matrices(axis_rotation, phi_mat)

        mat_p_i = setup_particle_orientation(0, self.theta_i, self.phi_i)
        mat_p_j = setup_particle_orientation(1, self.theta_j, self.phi_j)

        # rotate p_j about separation axis (x-axis) create target omega
        omega_mat = transformations.rotation_matrix(, (1, 0, 0))
        mat_p_j = transformations.concatenate_matrices(omega_mat, mat_p_j)

        return Pair(Particle((0,0,0),      mat_p_i),
                    Particle((self.r,0,0), mat_p_j))
def transform(R, t):
    Tr = tf.identity_matrix()
    Tr[:3, :3] = R
    return tf.concatenate_matrices(Tr, tf.translation_matrix(t))
def transform_from_quat(pos, quat):
    T = tf.concatenate_matrices(tf.translation_matrix(pos),
    return T
def transform(pos, eulxyz):
    ex, ey, ez = eulxyz * np.pi / 180
    return tf.concatenate_matrices(tf.translation_matrix(pos),
                                   tf.euler_matrix(ex, ey, ez, 'sxyz'))