Esempio n. 1
 def _get_fk_pykdl(self, frame_id, state=None):
     if state is None:
         state = self.get_current_state()
     fk = self._kinematics_pykdl.forward_position_kinematics(
         dict(zip(, state.joint_state.position)))
     ps = list_to_pose([fk[:3], fk[-4:]], self._world)
     return self._tf_listener.transformPose(frame_id, ps)
    def compute_sub_ik(self, group, desired_dict, result, tol=0.001):
        # get the desired pose in the correct base frame
        index = self.links.index(group)
        base = self.bases[index]
        tr = desired_dict[group]
        if base != self.prefix + '/base':
            if base in desired_dict.keys():
                tr_base = desired_dict[base]
                inv_base = transformations.inverse_transform(tr_base)
                desired_pose = transformations.multiply_transform(inv_base, tr)
                return 1
            desired_pose = tr

        # transform it back to PoseStamped
        desired_pose = transformations.list_to_pose(desired_pose)
            # call the srv
            res = self.div_ik_srv[group](desired_poses=[desired_pose], tolerance=tol)
            joints = res.joint_state.position
            return 1

        with self.lock:
            result[group] = joints
    def get_ik(self, eef_poses, seeds=(), source=None, params=None):
        Return IK solutions of this arm's end effector according to the method declared in the constructor
        :param eef_poses: a PoseStamped or a list [[x, y, z], [x, y, z, w]] in world frame or a list of PoseStamped
        :param seeds: a single seed or a list of seeds of type RobotState for each input pose
        :param source: 'robot', 'trac', 'kdl'... the IK source for this call (warning: the source might not be instanciated)
        :param params: dictionary containing optional non-generic IK parameters
        :return: a list of RobotState for each input pose in input or a single RobotState
        TODO: accept also a Point (baxter_pykdl's IK accepts orientation=None)
        Child methods wait for a *list* of pose(s) and a *list* of seed(s) for each pose
        if not isinstance(eef_poses, list) or isinstance(eef_poses[0], list) and not isinstance(eef_poses[0][0], list):
            eef_poses = [eef_poses]

        if not seeds:
        elif not isinstance(seeds, list):
            seeds = [seeds]*len(eef_poses)

        input = []
        for eef_pose in eef_poses:
            if isinstance(eef_pose, list):
                input.append(list_to_pose(eef_pose, self._world))
            elif isinstance(eef_pose, PoseStamped):
                raise TypeError("ArmCommander.get_ik() accepts only a list of Postamped or [[x, y, z], [x, y, z, w]], got {}".format(str(type(eef_pose))))

        output = self._kinematics_services['ik'][self._selected_ik if source is None else source]['func'](input, seeds, params)
        return output if len(eef_poses)>1 else output[0]
def dicttopath(dic):
    path = Path()
    path.header.frame_id = dic["frame_id"]
    for point in dic["points"]:
        path.poses.append(list_to_pose(point["pose"], frame_id=dic["frame_id"]))
        path.poses[-1].header.stamp = Time(point["time"])
    return path
def dicttopath(dic):
    path = Path()
    path.header.frame_id = dic["frame_id"]
    for point in dic["points"]:
        path.poses[-1].header.stamp = Time(point["time"])
    return path
Esempio n. 6
 def _get_fk_robot(self, frame_id=None, state=None):
     # Keep this half-working FK, still used by generate_cartesian_path (
     if state is not None:
         raise NotImplementedError(
             "_get_fk_robot has no FK service provided by the robot except for its current endpoint pose"
     ps = list_to_pose(self.endpoint_pose(), self._world)
     return self._tf_listener.transformPose(frame_id, ps)
Esempio n. 7
 def compute_sub_ik(self, group, desired_dict, result, seed, tol=0.1):
     # get the desired pose in the correct base frame
     base = self.links[group]
     tr = desired_dict[group]
     if desired_dict:
         base_found = False
         if base != self.prefix + '/base':
             if base in desired_dict.keys():
                 base_found = True
                 tr_base = desired_dict[base]
                 # look for the base in already calculated results
                 timeout = 0.25
                 start = time()
                 while not base_found and not rospy.is_shutdown() and (
                         time() - start < timeout):
                     with self.lock:
                         for key, value in result.iteritems():
                             if base in self.model.get_links_chain(
                                     self.links[key], key):
                                 base_found = True
                                 js = JointState()
                        = value['joint_names']
                                 js.position = value['joint_values']
                                 # call the forward kinematic
                                 fk = self.model.forward_kinematic(
                                     js, links=base)
                                 tr_base = fk[base]
             if base_found:
                 inv_base = transformations.inverse_transform(tr_base)
                 desired_pose = transformations.multiply_transform(
                     inv_base, tr)
                 return 1
             desired_pose = tr
         return 1
     # transform it back to PoseStamped
     desired_pose = transformations.list_to_pose(desired_pose)
     desired_pose.header.frame_id = base
     # try:
     # call the srv
     res = self.div_ik_srv[group](desired_poses=[desired_pose],
     joint_state = res.joint_state
     # except Exception, e:
     #     print e
     #     return 1
     with self.lock:
         result[group] = {
             'joint_values': joint_state.position
Esempio n. 8
 def _object_grasp_pose_to_world(self, poselist, object):
     Returns the transformation from world to the point defined by "poselist attached to object frame" aka
     a constraint or a grasp pose.
     :param poselist: A poselist [[x, y, z], [x, y, z, w]]
     :param object: The frame where the pose should be attached
     :return: the transformation from world to the point defined by "poselist attached to object frame" (PoseStamped)
     obj_pose = transformations.list_to_pose(poselist, object)
     world_pose = self.tfl.transformPose(, obj_pose)
     return world_pose
    def rollout(self, goal):
        assert isinstance(goal, PoseStamped)
        self._dmp.goal = [val for sublist in pose_to_list(goal) for val in sublist]
        y_track, dy_track, ddy_track = self._dmp.rollout()

        path = Path()
        for y in y_track:
            path.poses.append(list_to_pose([[y[0], y[1], y[2]], [y[3], y[4], y[5], y[6]]],
        path.header.stamp =
        path.header.frame_id = self.init_path.header.frame_id
        return path
Esempio n. 10
    def rollout(self, goal):
        assert isinstance(goal, PoseStamped)
        self._dmp.goal = [
            val for sublist in pose_to_list(goal) for val in sublist
        y_track, dy_track, ddy_track = self._dmp.rollout()

        path = Path()
        for y in y_track:
                list_to_pose([[y[0], y[1], y[2]], [y[3], y[4], y[5], y[6]]],
        path.header.stamp =
        path.header.frame_id = self.init_path.header.frame_id
        return path
Esempio n. 11
    def get_ik(self, eef_poses, seeds=(), source=None, params=None):
        Return IK solutions of this arm's end effector according to the method declared in the constructor
        :param eef_poses: a PoseStamped or a list [[x, y, z], [x, y, z, w]] in world frame or a list of PoseStamped
        :param seeds: a single seed or a list of seeds of type RobotState for each input pose
        :param source: 'robot', 'trac', 'kdl'... the IK source for this call (warning: the source might not be instanciated)
        :param params: dictionary containing optional non-generic IK parameters
        :return: a list of RobotState for each input pose in input or a single RobotState
        TODO: accept also a Point (baxter_pykdl's IK accepts orientation=None)
        Child methods wait for a *list* of pose(s) and a *list* of seed(s) for each pose
        if not isinstance(eef_poses, list) or isinstance(
                eef_poses[0], list) and not isinstance(eef_poses[0][0], list):
            eef_poses = [eef_poses]

        if not seeds:
            seeds = []
        elif not isinstance(seeds, list):
            seeds = [seeds] * len(eef_poses)

        input = []
        for eef_pose in eef_poses:
            if isinstance(eef_pose, list):
                input.append(list_to_pose(eef_pose, self._world))
            elif isinstance(eef_pose, PoseStamped):
                raise TypeError(
                    "ArmCommander.get_ik() accepts only a list of Postamped or [[x, y, z], [x, y, z, w]], got {}"

        output = self._kinematics_services['ik'][
            self._selected_ik if source is None else source]['func'](input,
        return output if len(eef_poses) > 1 else output[0]
    def __init__(self, side):
        # General attributes
        self.rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
        self.side = side
        self.arm_name = side + '_arm'
        self.gripper_name = side + '_gripper'

        # Transform/Geometric attributes
        self.tfl = tf.TransformListener(True, rospy.Duration(
            5 *
            60))  # TF Interpolation ON and duration of its cache = 5 minutes = "base"
        self.scene = rospy.get_param("/thr/scene")
        with open(
                self.rospack.get_path("thr_scenes") + "/config/" + self.scene +
                "/poses.json") as f:
            self.poses = json.load(f)
        with open(
                self.rospack.get_path("thr_action_server") +
                "/config/action_params.json") as f:
            self.action_params = json.load(f)
        with open(
                self.rospack.get_path("thr_action_server") +
                "/config/seeds.json") as f:
            self.seeds = json.load(f)
        with open(
                self.rospack.get_path("thr_action_server") +
                "/config/abilities.json") as f:
            self.abilities = json.load(f)

        # Motion/Grasping attributes
        self.commander = ArmCommander(

        # Home poses are taken when the server starts:
        self.starting_state = self.commander.get_current_state()
        self.tfl.waitForTransform(, self.gripper_name, rospy.Time(0),
        self.starting_pose = transformations.list_to_pose(
            self.tfl.lookupTransform(, self.gripper_name,

        # Checking that the workstation has an acceptable time offset with the robot
        robot_current_time = self.tfl.getLatestCommonTime(
            'base', self.gripper_name).to_sec()
        local_current_time = time()
        diff = int(abs(local_current_time - robot_current_time) * 1000)
        if diff > 250:
            raise ValueError(
                "Your workstation's time has an offset of {} ms with the robot,"
                "please synchronize them to prevent using outdated transforms (sudo ntpdate)"

        # Action server attributes
        rospy.loginfo("Starting server " + side)
        self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(
            '/thr/robot_run_action/' + side, RunRobotActionAction,
            self.execute, False)
        self.result = RunRobotActionActionResult()

        # Actual actions
        self.actions = {
            Give(self.commander, self.tfl, self.action_params, self.poses,
                 self.seeds, self.server.is_preempt_requested),
            'go_home_' + self.side:
            GoHome(self.commander, self.tfl, self.action_params, self.poses,
                   self.seeds, self.server.is_preempt_requested),
            Hold(self.commander, self.tfl, self.action_params, self.poses,
                 self.seeds, self.server.is_preempt_requested),
            Pick(self.commander, self.tfl, self.action_params, self.poses,
                 self.seeds, self.server.is_preempt_requested),
            Grasp(self.commander, self.tfl, self.action_params, self.poses,
                  self.seeds, self.server.is_preempt_requested),
            'bring_' + self.side:
            Bring(self.commander, self.tfl, self.action_params, self.poses,
                  self.seeds, self.server.is_preempt_requested),
            'place_' + self.side:
            Place(self.commander, self.tfl, self.action_params, self.poses,
                  self.seeds, self.server.is_preempt_requested),

        # On starting blocks...
        rospy.loginfo(side + ' server ready')
Esempio n. 13
                res = compute_ik(poses, fixed_joint_state, tolerance,
                                 group_names, seed)
                return res.joint_state
            except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                print "Service call failed: %s" % e
                # in case of failure return T pose
                return self.get_initial_state()

        if seed is None:
            seed = self.get_current_state()
        if group_names is not list:
            group_names = [group_names]
        # convert the desired poses to PoseStamped
        poses = []
        for key, value in desired_poses.iteritems():
            pose = transformations.list_to_pose(value)
            pose.header.frame_id = key
        # convert the fixed joints to joint state
        fixed_joint_state = JointState()
        for key, value in fixed_joints.iteritems():
   += [key]
            fixed_joint_state.position += [value]
        return compute_ik_client()

    def get_joint_values(self, group_name, joint_names=None):
        if joint_names is None or not joint_names:
            return self.groups[group_name].get_current_joint_values()
            joint_values = self.groups[group_name].get_current_joint_values()
            res = []
                compute_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_human_ik', GetHumanIK)
                res = compute_ik(poses, fixed_joint_state, tolerance, group_names, seed)
                return res.joint_state
            except rospy.ServiceException, e:
                print "Service call failed: %s" % e
                # in case of failure return T pose
                return self.get_initial_state()
        if seed is None:
            seed = self.get_current_state()
        if group_names is not list:
            group_names = [group_names]
        # convert the desired poses to PoseStamped
        poses = []
        for key, value in desired_poses.iteritems():
            pose = transformations.list_to_pose(value)
            pose.header.frame_id = key
        # convert the fixed joints to joint state
        fixed_joint_state = JointState()
        for key, value in fixed_joints.iteritems():
   += [key]
            fixed_joint_state.position += [value]
        return compute_ik_client()

    def get_joint_values(self, group_name, joint_names=None):
        if joint_names is None or not joint_names:
            return self.groups[group_name].get_current_joint_values()
            joint_values = self.groups[group_name].get_current_joint_values()
            res = []
Esempio n. 15
        # Repeat the last point (stable state) n times to avoid brutal cuts due to asymptotic approach
        for n in range(nss):

        return np.array(y_des).transpose()

    def rollout(self, goal):
        assert isinstance(goal, PoseStamped)
        self._dmp.goal = [val for sublist in pose_to_list(goal) for val in sublist]
        y_track, dy_track, ddy_track = self._dmp.rollout()

        path = Path()
        for y in y_track:
            path.poses.append(list_to_pose([[y[0], y[1], y[2]], [y[3], y[4], y[5], y[6]]],
        path.header.stamp =
        path.header.frame_id = self.init_path.header.frame_id
        return path

if __name__=='__main__':
    path = Path()
    for i in range(100):
        quat = quaternion_about_axis(i*0.00628, (1, 0, 0))
        pose = list_to_pose([[i/100., i/100., i/100.], quat])
        pose.header.stamp = i/10.

    goal = list_to_pose([[-10, -10, -10], [0.707, 0, 0, 0.707]])
    rollout = DiscreteTaskSpaceTrajectory(path).rollout(goal)
    print rollout
Esempio n. 16
 def _get_fk_robot(self, frame_id = None, state=None):
     # Keep this half-working FK, still used by generate_cartesian_path (
     if state is not None:
         raise NotImplementedError("_get_fk_robot has no FK service provided by the robot except for its current endpoint pose")
     ps = list_to_pose(self.endpoint_pose(), self._world)
     return self._tf_listener.transformPose(frame_id, ps)
Esempio n. 17
        return np.array(y_des).transpose()

    def rollout(self, goal):
        assert isinstance(goal, PoseStamped)
        self._dmp.goal = [
            val for sublist in pose_to_list(goal) for val in sublist
        y_track, dy_track, ddy_track = self._dmp.rollout()

        path = Path()
        for y in y_track:
                list_to_pose([[y[0], y[1], y[2]], [y[3], y[4], y[5], y[6]]],
        path.header.stamp =
        path.header.frame_id = self.init_path.header.frame_id
        return path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = Path()
    for i in range(100):
        quat = quaternion_about_axis(i * 0.00628, (1, 0, 0))
        pose = list_to_pose([[i / 100., i / 100., i / 100.], quat])
        pose.header.stamp = i / 10.

    goal = list_to_pose([[-10, -10, -10], [0.707, 0, 0, 0.707]])
    rollout = DiscreteTaskSpaceTrajectory(path).rollout(goal)
    print rollout