def test_multilingual_translation(self): model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt") tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt") translator = pipeline(task="translation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) # Missing src_lang, tgt_lang with self.assertRaises(ValueError): translator("This is a test") outputs = translator("This is a test", src_lang="en_XX", tgt_lang="ar_AR") self.assertEqual(outputs, [{"translation_text": "هذا إختبار"}]) outputs = translator("This is a test", src_lang="en_XX", tgt_lang="hi_IN") self.assertEqual(outputs, [{"translation_text": "यह एक परीक्षण है"}]) # src_lang, tgt_lang can be defined at pipeline call time translator = pipeline(task="translation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, src_lang="en_XX", tgt_lang="ar_AR") outputs = translator("This is a test") self.assertEqual(outputs, [{"translation_text": "هذا إختبار"}])
def __init__( self, model_or_path: str = "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt", tokenizer_path: str = None, device: str = "auto", model_options: dict = None, tokenizer_options: dict = None, ): """ Instantiates a multilingual transformer model for translation. {{params}} {{model_or_path}} The path or the name of the model. Equivalent to the first argument of AutoModel.from_pretrained(). {{device}} "cpu", "gpu" or "auto". If it's set to "auto", will try to select a GPU when available or else fallback to CPU. {{tokenizer_path}} The path to the tokenizer, only if it is different from `model_or_path`; otherwise, leave it as `None`. {{model_options}} The keyword arguments passed to the transformer model, which is a mBART-Large for condition generation. {{tokenizer_options}} The keyword arguments passed to the tokenizer model, which is a mBART-50 Fast Tokenizer. """ self.model_or_path = model_or_path self.device = _select_device(device) # Resolve default values tokenizer_path = tokenizer_path or self.model_or_path model_options = model_options or {} tokenizer_options = tokenizer_options or {} self.tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained( tokenizer_path, **tokenizer_options) if model_or_path.endswith(".pt"): self.bart_model = torch.load(model_or_path, map_location=self.device).eval() else: self.bart_model = (MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( self.model_or_path, **model_options).to(self.device).eval())
def __init__(self) -> None: self.model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt" ) self.tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt" )
def __init__(self): try: # using the latest model from facebook for many to many language translations model_name = "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt" self.model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( model_name) self.tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error initializing model. {e}")
def __init__(self, infile: str, src_lang: str, tgt_lang: str, max_len: int): self.tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-en-ro", src_lang=src_lang, tgt_lang=tgt_lang) = pd.read_csv(infile, sep="\t", error_bad_lines=False) self.max_len = max_len self.src_lang = src_lang self.tgt_lang = tgt_lang self.preprocess_data()
def __init__(self): self.model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( 'facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt') self.tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained( 'facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt') self.supported_langs = [ 'en_XX', 'gu_IN', 'hi_IN', 'bn_IN', 'ml_IN', 'mr_IN', 'ta_IN', 'te_IN' ]
def check_model(self, use_cache): from import OVMBartForConditionalGeneration from transformers import MBart50TokenizerFast model = OVMBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt", use_cache=use_cache, from_pt=True) tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt") article_hi = "संयुक्त राष्ट्र के प्रमुख का कहना है कि सीरिया में कोई सैन्य समाधान नहीं है" tokenizer.src_lang = "hi_IN" encoded_hi = tokenizer(article_hi, return_tensors="pt") generated_tokens = model.generate( **encoded_hi, forced_bos_token_id=tokenizer.lang_code_to_id["fr_XX"]) expected_tokens = [[ 2, 250008, 636, 21861, 8, 96, 242, 136840, 222939, 1103, 242, 379, 653, 242, 53, 10, 452, 8, 29806, 128683, 22, 51712, 5, 2, ]] self.assertListEqual(generated_tokens.tolist(), expected_tokens) decoded_fr = tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] self.assertEqual( decoded_fr, "Le chef de l 'ONU affirme qu 'il n 'y a pas de solution militaire en Syria." )
def __init__(self, config): model_name = config.get("model_name", None) model_path = config.get("model_path", None) device = config.get("device", 0) # default on gpu 0 self.tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_path) self.model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_path) self.model.eval() self.model.half() self.device = torch.device( "cpu" if device < 0 else "cuda:{}".format(device)) if self.device.type == "cuda": self.model =
def __init__(self): self._tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained(TOKENIZER_PATH) special_tokens = [ 'masc', 'fem', 'neut', 'undefined_g', 'past', 'pres', 'fut', 'sing', 'plur', 'undefined_n' ] self.special_tokens = { k: v for k, v in zip(special_tokens, self._tokenizer.additional_special_tokens) } self.bos_token_id = self._tokenizer.bos_token_id self.eos_token_id = self._tokenizer.eos_token_id self.vocab_size = property(lambda: len(self._tokenizer.get_vocab()))
def load(self, path): """ Loads a model specified by path. Args: path: model path Returns: (model, tokenizer) """ if path.startswith("Helsinki-NLP"): model = MarianMTModel.from_pretrained(path) tokenizer = MarianTokenizer.from_pretrained(path) else: model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(path) tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained(path) # Apply model initialization routines model = self.prepare(model) return (model, tokenizer)
from transformers import MBartForConditionalGeneration, MBart50TokenizerFast import pandas as pd ######### # Mbart50 ######### path_to_new_dataset = '../../../03_dataset/task_01/subtask1-document/additional_training_data' model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt") tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt") translate_sentence = 'I like icecream.' # translate Eng to Hindi tokenizer.src_lang = "en_XX" encoded_hi = tokenizer(translate_sentence, return_tensors="pt") generated_tokens = model.generate( **encoded_hi, forced_bos_token_id=tokenizer.lang_code_to_id["de_DE"]) tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) # ACLED (EN) acled_en_pos = pd.read_json(f"{path_to_new_dataset}/acled_eng.json", lines=True).rename(columns={ "notes": "text", "label": "label" }) acled_en_pos_select = acled_en_pos[:6928]
def get_pipeline(): model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt") tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-many-to-many-mmt") return model, tokenizer
# hf-experiments # @author Loreto Parisi (loretoparisi at gmail dot com) # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Loreto Parisi (loretoparisi at gmail dot com) # HF: import os from transformers import MBartForConditionalGeneration, MBart50TokenizerFast article_en = "The head of the United Nations says there is no military solution in Syria" model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-one-to-many-mmt", cache_dir=os.getenv("cache_dir", "../../models")) tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained( "facebook/mbart-large-50-one-to-many-mmt", src_lang="en_XX", cache_dir=os.getenv("cache_dir", "../../models")) model_inputs = tokenizer(article_en, return_tensors="pt") # translate from English to Hindi generated_tokens = model.generate( **model_inputs, forced_bos_token_id=tokenizer.lang_code_to_id["hi_IN"]) tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) # => 'संयुक्त राष्ट्र के नेता कहते हैं कि सीरिया में कोई सैन्य समाधान नहीं है' # translate from English to Chinese generated_tokens = model.generate( **model_inputs, forced_bos_token_id=tokenizer.lang_code_to_id["zh_CN"]) decoded = tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) # => '联合国首脑说,叙利亚没有军事解决办法' print(decoded)
def main(params): """ Finetunes the mBart50 model on some languages and then evaluates the BLEU score for each direction.""" if params.wandb: wandb.init(project='mnmt', entity='nlp-mnmt-project', group='finetuning', config={k: v for k, v in params.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, (float, int, str, list))}) new_root_path = params.location new_name = logger = logging.TrainLogger(params) logger.make_dirs() logger.save_params() # load model and tokenizer device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained("facebook/mbart-large-50") model = MBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/mbart-large-50").to(device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters()) # scale in terms of max lr lr_scale = params.max_lr * np.sqrt(params.warmup_steps) scheduler = WarmupDecay(optimizer, params.warmup_steps, 1, lr_scale=lr_scale) # set dropout model.config.dropout = params.dropout model.config.attention_dropout = params.dropout def pipeline(dataset, langs, batch_size, max_len): cols = ['input_ids_' + l for l in langs] def tokenize_fn(example): """apply tokenization""" l_tok = [] for lang in langs: encoded = tokenizer.encode(example[lang]) encoded[0] = tokenizer.lang_code_to_id[LANG_CODES[lang]] l_tok.append(encoded) return {'input_ids_' + l: tok for l, tok in zip(langs, l_tok)} def pad_seqs(examples): """Apply padding""" ex_langs = list(zip(*[tuple(ex[col] for col in cols) for ex in examples])) ex_langs = tuple(pad_sequence(x, batch_first=True, max_len=max_len) for x in ex_langs) return ex_langs dataset = filter_languages(dataset, langs) dataset = dataset.set_format(type='torch', columns=cols) num_examples = len(dataset) print('-'.join(langs) + ' : {} examples.'.format(num_examples)) dataloader =, batch_size=batch_size, collate_fn=pad_seqs) return dataloader, num_examples # load data dataset = load_dataset('ted_multi') train_dataset = dataset['train'] test_dataset = dataset['validation' if params.split == 'val' else 'test'] # preprocess splits for each direction num_train_examples = {} train_dataloaders, val_dataloaders, test_dataloaders = {}, {}, {} for l1, l2 in combinations(params.langs, 2): train_dataloaders[l1+'-'+l2], num_train_examples[l1+'-'+l2] = pipeline( train_dataset, [l1, l2], params.batch_size, params.max_len) test_dataloaders[l1+'-'+l2], _ = pipeline(test_dataset, [l1, l2], params.batch_size, params.max_len) # print dataset sizes for direction, num in num_train_examples.items(): print(direction, ': {} examples.'.format(num)) def freeze_layers(layers, unfreeze=False): for n in layers: for parameter in model.model.encoder.layers[n].parameters(): parameter.requires_grad = unfreeze # define loss function if params.label_smoothing is not None: loss_object = LabelSmoothingLoss(params.label_smoothing) loss_fn = lambda out, tar: loss_object(out.logits, tar) else: loss_fn = lambda out, tar: out.loss # train the model _target = torch.tensor(1.0).to(device) def train_step(x, y, aux=False): y_inp, y_tar = y[:,:-1].contiguous(), y[:,1:].contiguous() enc_mask, dec_mask = (x != 0), (y_inp != 0) x, y_inp, y_tar, enc_mask, dec_mask = to_devices( (x, y_inp, y_tar, enc_mask, dec_mask), device) model.train() if aux: freeze_layers(params.frozen_layers, unfreeze=True) output = model(input_ids=x, decoder_input_ids=y_inp, labels=y_tar, attention_mask=enc_mask, decoder_attention_mask=dec_mask) optimizer.zero_grad() loss = loss_fn(output, y_tar) loss.backward(retain_graph=aux) if aux: freeze_layers(params.frozen_layers) torch.set_grad_enabled(aux) x_enc = output.encoder_last_hidden_state y_enc = model.model.encoder(y_inp, attention_mask=dec_mask)['last_hidden_state'] x_enc = torch.max(x_enc + -999 * (1-enc_mask.type(x_enc.dtype)).unsqueeze(-1), dim=1)[0] y_enc = torch.max(y_enc + -999 * (1-dec_mask.type(y_enc.dtype)).unsqueeze(-1), dim=1)[0] aux_loss = F.cosine_embedding_loss(x_enc, y_enc, _target) scaled_aux_loss = params.aux_strength * aux_loss torch.set_grad_enabled(True) if aux: scaled_aux_loss.backward() optimizer.step() scheduler.step() accuracy = accuracy_fn(output.logits, y_tar) return loss.item(), aux_loss.item(), accuracy.item() # prepare iterators iterators = {direction: iter(loader) for direction, loader in train_dataloaders.items()} # compute sampling probabilites (and set zero shot directions to 0) num_examples = num_train_examples.copy() zero_shots = [(params.zero_shot[i]+'-'+params.zero_shot[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(params.zero_shot), 2)] for d in zero_shots: num_examples[d] = 0 directions, num_examples = list(num_examples.keys()), np.array(list(num_examples.values())) dir_dist = (num_examples ** params.temp) / ((num_examples ** params.temp).sum()) #train losses, aux_losses, accs = [], [], [] start_ = time.time() for i in range(params.train_steps): # sample a direction direction = directions[int(np.random.choice(len(num_examples), p=dir_dist))] try: # check iterator is not exhausted x, y = next(iterators[direction]) except StopIteration: iterators[direction] = iter(train_dataloaders[direction]) x, y = next(iterators[direction]) x, y = get_direction(x, y, sample=not params.single_direction) # train on the direction loss, aux_loss, acc = train_step(x, y, aux=params.auxiliary) losses.append(loss) aux_losses.append(aux_loss) accs.append(acc) if i % params.verbose == 0: print('Batch {} Loss {:.4f} Aux Loss {:.4f} Acc {:.4f} in {:.4f} secs per batch'.format( i, np.mean(losses[-params.verbose:]), np.mean(aux_losses[-params.verbose:]), np.mean(accs[-params.verbose:]), (time.time() - start_)/(i+1))) if params.wandb: wandb.log({'train_loss':loss, 'aux_loss':aux_loss, 'train_acc':acc}) # save results if logger.save_model(params.train_steps, model, optimizer, scheduler=scheduler) train_results = {'loss':[np.mean(losses)], 'aux_loss':[np.mean(aux_losses)], 'accuarcy':[np.mean(accs)]} pd.DataFrame(train_results).to_csv(logger.root_path + '/train_results.csv', index=False) # evaluate the model def evaluate(x, y, y_code, bleu): y_inp, y_tar = y[:,:-1].contiguous(), y[:,1:].contiguous() enc_mask = (x != 0) x, y_inp, y_tar, enc_mask = to_devices( (x, y_inp, y_tar, enc_mask), device) model.eval() y_pred = model.generate(input_ids=x, decoder_start_token_id=y_code, attention_mask=enc_mask, max_length=params.max_len+1, num_beams=params.num_beams, length_penalty=params.length_penalty, early_stopping=True) bleu(y_pred[:,1:], y_tar) test_results = {} for direction, loader in test_dataloaders.items(): alt_direction = '-'.join(reversed(direction.split('-'))) bleu1, bleu2 = BLEU(), BLEU() bleu1.set_excluded_indices([0, 2]) bleu2.set_excluded_indices([0, 2]) x_code = tokenizer.lang_code_to_id[LANG_CODES[direction.split('-')[0]]] y_code = tokenizer.lang_code_to_id[LANG_CODES[direction.split('-')[-1]]] start_ = time.time() for i, (x, y) in enumerate(loader): if params.test_batches is not None: if i > params.test_batches: break evaluate(x, y, y_code, bleu1) if not params.single_direction: evaluate(y, x, x_code, bleu2) if i % params.verbose == 0: bl1, bl2 = bleu1.get_metric(), bleu2.get_metric() print('Batch {} Bleu1 {:.4f} Bleu2 {:.4f} in {:.4f} secs per batch'.format( i, bl1, bl2, (time.time() - start_)/(i+1))) if params.wandb: wandb.log({'Bleu1':bl1, 'Bleu2':bl2}) test_results[direction] = [bleu1.get_metric()] test_results[alt_direction] = [bleu2.get_metric()] # save test_results pd.DataFrame(test_results).to_csv(logger.root_path + '/test_results.csv', index=False) if params.wandb: wandb.finish()
def main(params): """ Evaluates a finetuned model on the test or validation dataset.""" # load model and tokenizer device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained("facebook/mbart-large-50") config = MBartConfig.from_pretrained("facebook/mbart-large-50") model = MBartForConditionalGeneration(config).to(device) checkpoint_location = params.location + '/' + + '/checkpoint/checkpoint' model, _, _, _ = logging.load_checkpoint(checkpoint_location, device, model) def pipeline(dataset, langs, batch_size, max_len): cols = ['input_ids_' + l for l in langs] def tokenize_fn(example): """apply tokenization""" l_tok = [] for lang in langs: encoded = tokenizer.encode(example[lang]) encoded[0] = tokenizer.lang_code_to_id[LANG_CODES[lang]] l_tok.append(encoded) return {'input_ids_' + l: tok for l, tok in zip(langs, l_tok)} def pad_seqs(examples): """Apply padding""" ex_langs = list( zip(*[tuple(ex[col] for col in cols) for ex in examples])) ex_langs = tuple( pad_sequence(x, batch_first=True, max_len=max_len) for x in ex_langs) return ex_langs dataset = filter_languages(dataset, langs) dataset = dataset.set_format(type='torch', columns=cols) num_examples = len(dataset) print('-'.join(langs) + ' : {} examples.'.format(num_examples)) dataloader =, batch_size=batch_size, collate_fn=pad_seqs) return dataloader, num_examples # load data if params.split == 'val': test_dataset = load_dataset('ted_multi', split='validation') elif params.split == 'test': test_dataset = load_dataset('ted_multi', split='test') elif params.split == 'combine': test_dataset = load_dataset('ted_multi', split='validation+test') else: raise NotImplementedError # preprocess splits for each direction test_dataloaders = {} for l1, l2 in combinations(params.langs, 2): test_dataloaders[l1 + '-' + l2], _ = pipeline(test_dataset, [l1, l2], params.batch_size, params.max_len) # evaluate the model def evaluate(x, y, y_code, bleu): y_inp, y_tar = y[:, :-1].contiguous(), y[:, 1:].contiguous() enc_mask = (x != 0) x, y_inp, y_tar, enc_mask = to_devices((x, y_inp, y_tar, enc_mask), device) model.eval() y_pred = model.generate(input_ids=x, decoder_start_token_id=y_code, attention_mask=enc_mask, max_length=x.size(1) + 1, num_beams=params.num_beams, length_penalty=params.length_penalty, early_stopping=True) bleu(y_pred[:, 1:], y_tar) test_results = {} for direction, loader in test_dataloaders.items(): alt_direction = '-'.join(reversed(direction.split('-'))) bleu1, bleu2 = BLEU(), BLEU() bleu1.set_excluded_indices([0, 2]) bleu2.set_excluded_indices([0, 2]) x_code = tokenizer.lang_code_to_id[LANG_CODES[direction.split('-')[0]]] y_code = tokenizer.lang_code_to_id[LANG_CODES[direction.split('-') [-1]]] start_ = time.time() for i, (x, y) in enumerate(loader): if params.test_batches is not None: if i > params.test_batches: break evaluate(x, y, y_code, bleu1) if not params.single_direction: evaluate(y, x, x_code, bleu2) if i % params.verbose == 0: bl1, bl2 = bleu1.get_metric(), bleu2.get_metric() print( 'Batch {} Bleu1 {:.4f} Bleu2 {:.4f} in {:.4f} secs per batch' .format(i, bl1, bl2, (time.time() - start_) / (i + 1))) bl1, bl2 = bleu1.get_metric(), bleu2.get_metric() test_results[direction] = [bl1] test_results[alt_direction] = [bl2] print(direction, bl1, bl2) # save test_results pd.DataFrame(test_results).to_csv(params.location + '/' + + '/test_results.csv', index=False)
from transformers import PretrainedConfig import pytorch_lightning as pl from transformers import MBartConfig from transformers import MBart50TokenizerFast from transformers.modeling_outputs import Seq2SeqLMOutput from transformers.models.mbart import MBartForConditionalGeneration from transformers.optimization import AdamW, get_constant_schedule_with_warmup import torch tokenizer = MBart50TokenizerFast.from_pretrained("./tokenizer", src_lang='ru_RU', tgt_lang='ru_RU') class Seq2SeqConfig(PretrainedConfig): model_type = "mbart" keys_to_ignore_at_inference = ["past_key_values"] def __init__(self, vocab_size=50265, max_position_embeddings=1024, encoder_layers=12, encoder_ffn_dim=4096, encoder_attention_heads=16, decoder_layers=12, decoder_ffn_dim=4096, decoder_attention_heads=16, encoder_layerdrop=0.0, decoder_layerdrop=0.0, use_cache=True,