class Trainer: def __init__(self, model, sv, tv, optim, trg_dict_size, valid_data=None, tests_data=None, n_critic=1): self.lamda = 5 self.eps = 1e-20 #self.beta_KL = 0.005 self.beta_KL = 0. self.beta_RLGen = 0.2 self.clip_rate = 0. self.beta_RLBatch = 0. self.model = model self.decoder = model.decoder self.classifier = self.decoder.classifier, = sv, tv self.trg_dict_size = trg_dict_size self.n_critic = 1 self.translator_sample = Translator(self.model, sv, tv, k=1, noise=False) #self.translator = Translator(model, sv, tv, k=10) if isinstance(optim, list): self.optim_G, self.optim_D = optim[0], optim[1] self.optim_G.init_optimizer(self.model.parameters()) self.optim_D.init_optimizer(self.model.parameters()) else: self.optim_G = Optim( 'adam', 10e-05, wargs.max_grad_norm, learning_rate_decay=wargs.learning_rate_decay, start_decay_from=wargs.start_decay_from, last_valid_bleu=wargs.last_valid_bleu ) self.optim_G.init_optimizer(self.model.parameters()) self.optim_D = optim self.optim_D.init_optimizer(self.model.parameters()) self.optim = [self.optim_G, self.optim_D] ''' self.optim_RL = Optim( 'adadelta', 1.0, wargs.max_grad_norm, learning_rate_decay=wargs.learning_rate_decay, start_decay_from=wargs.start_decay_from, last_valid_bleu=wargs.last_valid_bleu ) self.optim_RL.init_optimizer(self.model.parameters()) ''' self.maskSoftmax = MaskSoftmax() self.valid_data = valid_data self.tests_data = tests_data def mt_eval(self, eid, bid, optim=None): if optim: self.optim = optim state_dict = { 'model': self.model.state_dict(), 'epoch': eid, 'batch': bid, 'optim': self.optim } if wargs.save_one_model: model_file = '{}.pt'.format(wargs.model_prefix) else: model_file = '{}_e{}_upd{}.pt'.format(wargs.model_prefix, eid, bid), model_file) wlog('Saving temporary model in {}'.format(model_file)) self.model.eval() tor0 = Translator(self.model,,, print_att=wargs.print_att) BLEU = tor0.trans_eval(self.valid_data, eid, bid, model_file, self.tests_data) self.model.train() return BLEU # p1: (max_tlen_batch, batch_size, vocab_size) def distance(self, P, Q, y_masks, type='JS', y_gold=None): B = y_masks.size(1) hypo_N = if Q.size(0) > P.size(0): Q = Q[:(P.size(0) + 1)] if type == 'JS': #D_kl = tc.mean(tc.sum((tc.log(p1) - tc.log(p2)) * p1, dim=-1).squeeze(), dim=0) M = (P + Q) / 2. D_kl1 = tc.sum((tc.log(P) - tc.log(M)) * P, dim=-1).squeeze() D_kl2 = tc.sum((tc.log(Q) - tc.log(M)) * Q, dim=-1).squeeze() Js = 0.5 * D_kl1 + 0.5 * D_kl2 sent_batch_dist = tc.sum(Js * y_masks) / B Js = Js / y_masks.sum(0)[None, :] word_level_dist = tc.sum(Js * y_masks) / B del M, D_kl1, D_kl2, Js elif type == 'KL': KL = tc.sum(P * (tc.log(P + self.eps) - tc.log(Q + self.eps)), dim=-1) # (L, B, V) -> (L, B) sent_batch_dist = tc.sum(KL * y_masks) / B word_level_dist0 = tc.sum(KL * y_masks) / hypo_N KL = KL / y_masks.sum(0)[None, :] #print word_level_dist1 = tc.sum(KL * y_masks) / B #print[0], y_masks.size(1) del KL elif type == 'KL-sent': #print p1[0] #print p2[0] #print '-----------------------------' p1 = tc.gather(p1, 2, y_gold[:, :, None])[:, :, 0] p2 = tc.gather(p2, 2, y_gold[:, :, None])[:, :, 0] # p1 (max_tlen_batch, batch_size) #print (p2 < 1) == False KL = (y_masks * (tc.log(p1) - tc.log(p2))) * p1 sent_batch_dist = tc.sum(KL) / B KL = KL / y_masks.sum(0)[None, :] word_level_dist = tc.sum(KL * y_masks) / B # KL: (1, batch_size) del p1, p2, KL return sent_batch_dist, word_level_dist0, word_level_dist1 def hyps_padding_dist(self, oracle, hyps_L, y_gold_maxL, p_y_hyp): #hyps_dist = [None] * B B, hyps_dist, hyps = oracle.size(1), [], [] # oracle, w/o bos assert (B == len(hyps_L)) and (oracle.size(0) == p_y_hyp.size(0)) for bidx in range(B): hyp_L = hyps_L[bidx] - 1 # remove bos if hyp_L < y_gold_maxL: padding = tc.ones(y_gold_maxL - hyp_L) / self.trg_dict_size padding = padding[:, None].expand(padding.size(0), self.trg_dict_size) #pad = pad[:, None].expand((pad.size(0), one_p_y_hyp.size(-1))) padding = Variable(padding, requires_grad=False) if wargs.gpu_id and not padding.is_cuda: padding = padding.cuda() #print one_p_y_hyp.size(0), pad.size(0) #print[:hyp_L, bidx, :], padding), dim=0).size() hyps_dist.append([:hyp_L, bidx, :], padding), dim=0)) hyps.append([:hyp_L, bidx], Variable(PAD * tc.ones(y_gold_maxL - hyp_L).long()).cuda()), dim=0)) else: hyps_dist.append(p_y_hyp[:y_gold_maxL, bidx, :]) hyps.append(oracle[:y_gold_maxL, bidx]) #hyps_dist[bidx] = one_p_y_hyp hyps_dist = tc.stack(hyps_dist, dim=1) hyps = tc.stack(hyps, dim=1) return hyps_dist, hyps def gumbel_sampling(self, B, y_maxL, feed_gold_out, noise=False): # feed_gold_out (L * B, V) logit = self.classifier.pred_map(feed_gold_out, noise=noise) if logit.is_cuda: logit = logit.cpu() hyps = tc.max(logit, 1)[1] # hyps (L*B, 1) hyps = hyps.view(y_maxL, B) hyps[0] = BOS * tc.ones(B).long() # first words are <s> # hyps (L, B) c1 = tc.clamp(( - EOS), min=0, max=self.trg_dict_size) c2 = tc.clamp((EOS -, min=0, max=self.trg_dict_size) _hyps = c1 + c2 _hyps =[_hyps, tc.zeros(B).long().unsqueeze(0)], 0) _hyps = tc.min(_hyps, 0)[1] #_hyps = tc.max(0 - _hyps, 0)[1] # idx: (1, B) hyps_L = _hyps.view(-1).tolist() hyps_mask = tc.zeros(y_maxL, B) for bid in range(B): hyps_mask[:, bid][:hyps_L[bid]] = 1. hyps_mask = Variable(hyps_mask, requires_grad=False) if wargs.gpu_id and not hyps_mask.is_cuda: hyps_mask = hyps_mask.cuda() if wargs.gpu_id and not hyps.is_cuda: hyps = hyps.cuda() return hyps, hyps_mask, hyps_L def try_trans(self, srcs, ref): # (len, 1) #src = sent_filter(list(srcs[:, bid].data)) x_filter = sent_filter(list(srcs)) y_filter = sent_filter(list(ref)) #wlog('\n[{:3}] {}'.format('Src', idx2sent(x_filter, #wlog('[{:3}] {}'.format('Ref', idx2sent(y_filter, onebest, onebest_ids, _ = self.translator_sample.trans_onesent(x_filter) #wlog('[{:3}] {}'.format('Out', onebest)) # no EOS and BOS return onebest_ids def beamsearch_sampling(self, srcs, trgs, eos=True): # y_masks: (trg_max_len, batch_size) B = srcs.size(1) oracles, oracles_L = [None] * B, [None] * B for bidx in range(B): onebest_ids = self.try_trans(srcs[:, bidx].data, trgs[:, bidx].data) if len(onebest_ids) == 0 or onebest_ids[0] != BOS: onebest_ids = [BOS] + onebest_ids if eos is True and onebest_ids[-1] != EOS: onebest_ids = onebest_ids + [EOS] oracles_L[bidx] = len(onebest_ids) oracles[bidx] = onebest_ids maxL = max(oracles_L) for bidx in range(B): cur_L, oracle = oracles_L[bidx], oracles[bidx] if cur_L < maxL: oracles[bidx] = oracle + [PAD] * (maxL - cur_L) oracles = Variable(tc.Tensor(oracles).long().t(), requires_grad=False) # -> (L, B) if wargs.gpu_id and not oracles.is_cuda: oracles = oracles.cuda() oracles_mask = return oracles, oracles_mask, oracles_L def train(self, dh, dev_input, k, merge=False, name='default', percentage=0.1): #if (k + 1) % 1 == 0 and self.valid_data and self.tests_data: # wlog('Evaluation on dev ... ') # mt_eval(valid_data, self.model,,, # 0, 0, [self.optim, self.optim_RL, self.optim_G], self.tests_data) batch_count = len(dev_input) self.model.train() self.sampler = Nbs(self.model,, k=3, noise=False, print_att=False, batch_sample=True) for eid in range(wargs.start_epoch, wargs.max_epochs + 1): #self.optim_G.init_optimizer(self.model.parameters()) #self.optim_RL.init_optimizer(self.model.parameters()) size = int(percentage * batch_count) shuffled_batch_idx = tc.randperm(batch_count) wlog('{} NEW Epoch {}'.format('-' * 50, '-' * 50)) wlog('{}, Epo:{:>2}/{:>2} start, random {}/{}({:.2%}) calc BLEU ... '.format( name, eid, wargs.max_epochs, size, batch_count, percentage), False) param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4, param_5, param_6 = [], [], [], [], [], [] for k in range(size): bid, half_size = shuffled_batch_idx[k], wargs.batch_size # srcs: (max_sLen_batch, batch_size, emb), trgs: (max_tLen_batch, batch_size, emb) if merge is False: _, srcs, _, trgs, _, slens, srcs_m, trgs_m = dev_input[bid] else: _, srcs, _, trgs, _, slens, srcs_m, trgs_m = dh.merge_batch(dev_input[bid])[0] trgs, trgs_m = trgs[0], trgs_m[0] # we only use the first dev reference if wargs.sampling == 'gumbeling': oracles, oracles_mask, oracles_L = self.gumbel_sampling(B, y_gold_maxL, feed_gold_out, True) elif wargs.sampling == 'truncation': oracles, oracles_mask, oracles_L = self.beamsearch_sampling(srcs, trgs) elif wargs.sampling == 'length_limit': batch_beam_trgs = self.sampler.beam_search_trans(srcs, srcs_m, trgs_m) hyps = [list(zip(*b)[0]) for b in batch_beam_trgs] oracles = batch_search_oracle(hyps, trgs[1:], trgs_m[1:]) if wargs.gpu_id and not oracles.is_cuda: oracles = oracles.cuda() oracles_mask = oracles_L = oracles_mask.sum(0) # oracles same with trgs, with bos and eos,(L, B) param_1.append(BLToStrList(oracles[1:-1].t(), [l-2 for l in oracles_L])) param_2.append(BLToStrList(trgs[1:-1].t(), trgs_m[1:-1].sum(0) param_3.append(BLToStrList(oracles[1:-1, :half_size].t(), [l-2 for l in oracles_L[:half_size]])) param_4.append(BLToStrList(trgs[1:-1, :half_size].t(), trgs_m[1:-1, :half_size].sum(0) param_5.append(BLToStrList(oracles[1:-1, half_size:].t(), [l-2 for l in oracles_L[half_size:]])) param_6.append(BLToStrList(trgs[1:-1, half_size:].t(), trgs_m[1:-1, half_size:].sum(0) start_bat_bleu_hist = bleu('\n'.join(param_3), ['\n'.join(param_4)], logfun=debug) start_bat_bleu_new = bleu('\n'.join(param_5), ['\n'.join(param_6)], logfun=debug) start_bat_bleu = bleu('\n'.join(param_1), ['\n'.join(param_2)], logfun=debug) wlog('Random BLEU on history {}, new {}, mix {}'.format( start_bat_bleu_hist, start_bat_bleu_new, start_bat_bleu)) wlog('Model selection and testing ... ') self.mt_eval(eid, 0, [self.optim_G, self.optim_D]) if start_bat_bleu > 0.9: wlog('Better BLEU ... go to next data history ...') return s_kl_seen, w_kl_seen0, w_kl_seen1, rl_gen_seen, rl_rho_seen, rl_bat_seen, w_mle_seen, \ s_mle_seen, ppl_seen = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. for bid in range(batch_count): if merge is False: _, srcs, _, trgs, _, slens, srcs_m, trgs_m = dev_input[bid] else: _, srcs, _, trgs, _, slens, srcs_m, trgs_m = dh.merge_batch(dev_input[bid], True)[0] trgs, trgs_m = trgs[0], trgs_m[0] gold_feed, gold_feed_mask = trgs[:-1], trgs_m[:-1] gold, gold_mask = trgs[1:], trgs_m[1:] B, y_gold_maxL = srcs.size(1), gold_feed.size(0) N = debug('B:{}, gold_feed_ymaxL:{}, N:{}'.format(B, y_gold_maxL, N)) ################################################################################### debug('Optimizing KL distance ................................ {}'.format(name)) #self.model.zero_grad() self.optim_G.zero_grad() feed_gold_out, _ = self.model(srcs, gold_feed, srcs_m, gold_feed_mask) p_y_gold = self.classifier.logit_to_prob(feed_gold_out) # p_y_gold: (gold_max_len - 1, B, trg_dict_size) if wargs.sampling == 'gumbeling': oracles, oracles_mask, oracles_L = self.gumbel_sampling(B, y_gold_maxL, feed_gold_out, True) elif wargs.sampling == 'truncation': oracles, oracles_mask, oracles_L = self.beamsearch_sampling(srcs, trgs) elif wargs.sampling == 'length_limit': # w/o eos batch_beam_trgs = self.sampler.beam_search_trans(srcs, srcs_m, trgs_m) hyps = [list(zip(*b)[0]) for b in batch_beam_trgs] oracles = batch_search_oracle(hyps, trgs[1:], trgs_m[1:]) if wargs.gpu_id and not oracles.is_cuda: oracles = oracles.cuda() oracles_mask = oracles_L = oracles_mask.sum(0) oracle_feed, oracle_feed_mask = oracles[:-1], oracles_mask[:-1] oracle, oracle_mask = oracles[1:], oracles_mask[1:] # oracles same with trgs, with bos and eos,(L, B) feed_oracle_out, _ = self.model(srcs, oracle_feed, srcs_m, oracle_feed_mask) p_y_hyp = self.classifier.logit_to_prob(feed_oracle_out) p_y_hyp_pad, oracle = self.hyps_padding_dist(oracle, oracles_L, y_gold_maxL, p_y_hyp) #wlog('feed oracle dist: {}, feed gold dist: {}, oracle: {}'.format(p_y_hyp_pad.size(), p_y_gold.size(), oracle.size())) #B_KL_loss = self.distance(p_y_gold, p_y_hyp_pad, hyps_mask[1:], type='KL', y_gold=gold) S_KL_loss, W_KL_loss0, W_KL_loss1 = self.distance( p_y_gold, p_y_hyp_pad, gold_mask, type='KL', y_gold=gold) debug('KL: Sent-level {}, Word0-level {}, Word1-level {}'.format([0],[0],[0])) s_kl_seen +=[0] w_kl_seen0 +=[0] w_kl_seen1 +=[0] del p_y_hyp, feed_oracle_out ################################################################################### debug('Optimizing RL(Gen) .......... {}'.format(name)) hyps_list = BLToStrList(oracle[:-1].t(), [l-2 for l in oracles_L], True) trgs_list = BLToStrList(trgs[1:-1].t(), trgs_m[1:-1].sum(0), True) bleus_sampling = [] for hyp, ref in zip(hyps_list, trgs_list): bleus_sampling.append(bleu(hyp, [ref], logfun=debug)) bleus_sampling = toVar(bleus_sampling, wargs.gpu_id) oracle_mask = p_y_ahyp = p_y_hyp_pad.gather(2, oracle[:, :, None])[:, :, 0] p_y_ahyp = ((p_y_ahyp + self.eps).log() * oracle_mask).sum(0) / oracle_mask.sum(0) p_y_agold = p_y_gold.gather(2, gold[:, :, None])[:, :, 0] p_y_agold = ((p_y_agold + self.eps).log() * gold_mask).sum(0) / gold_mask.sum(0) r_theta = p_y_ahyp / p_y_agold A = 1. - bleus_sampling RL_Gen_loss = tc.min(r_theta * A, clip(r_theta, self.clip_rate) * A).sum() RL_Gen_loss = (RL_Gen_loss).div(B) debug('...... RL(Gen) cliped loss {}'.format([0])) rl_gen_seen +=[0] del p_y_agold ################################################################################### debug('Optimizing RL(Batch) -> Gap of MLE and BLEU ... rho ... feed onebest .... ') param_1 = BLToStrList(oracles[1:-1].t(), [l-2 for l in oracles_L]) param_2 = BLToStrList(trgs[1:-1].t(), trgs_m[1:-1].sum(0) rl_bat_bleu = bleu(param_1, [param_2], logfun=debug) rl_avg_bleu = tc.mean(bleus_sampling).data[0] rl_rho = cor_coef(p_y_ahyp, bleus_sampling, eps=self.eps) rl_rho_seen +=[0] # must use data, accumulating Variable needs more memory #p_y_hyp = p_y_hyp.exp() #p_y_hyp = (p_y_hyp * self.lamda / 3).exp() #p_y_hyp = self.maskSoftmax(p_y_hyp) p_y_ahyp = p_y_ahyp[None, :] p_y_ahyp_T = p_y_ahyp.t().expand(B, B) p_y_ahyp = p_y_ahyp.expand(B, B) p_y_ahyp_sum = p_y_ahyp_T + p_y_ahyp + self.eps #bleus_sampling = bleus_sampling[None, :].exp() bleus_sampling = self.maskSoftmax(self.lamda * bleus_sampling[None, :]) bleus_T = bleus_sampling.t().expand(B, B) bleus = bleus_sampling.expand(B, B) bleus_sum = bleus_T + bleus + self.eps #print 'p_y_hyp_sum......................' #print RL_Batch_loss = p_y_ahyp / p_y_ahyp_sum * tc.log(bleus_T / bleus_sum) + \ p_y_ahyp_T / p_y_ahyp_sum * tc.log(bleus / bleus_sum) #RL_Batch_loss = tc.sum(-RL_Batch_loss * toVar(1 - tc.eye(B))).div(B) RL_Batch_loss = tc.sum(-RL_Batch_loss * toVar(1 - tc.eye(B), wargs.gpu_id)) debug('RL(Batch) Mean BLEU: {}, rl_batch_loss: {}, rl_rho: {}, Bat BLEU: {}'.format( rl_avg_bleu,[0],[0], rl_bat_bleu)) rl_bat_seen +=[0] del oracles, oracles_mask, oracle_feed, oracle_feed_mask, oracle, oracle_mask,\ p_y_ahyp, bleus_sampling, bleus, p_y_ahyp_T, p_y_ahyp_sum, bleus_T, bleus_sum ''' (self.beta_KL * S_KL_loss + self.beta_RLGen * RL_Gen_loss + \ self.beta_RLBatch * RL_Batch_loss).backward(retain_graph=True) mle_loss, grad_output, _ = memory_efficient( feed_gold_out, gold, gold_mask, self.model.classifier) feed_gold_out.backward(grad_output) ''' (self.beta_KL * W_KL_loss0 + self.beta_RLGen * RL_Gen_loss + \ self.beta_RLBatch * RL_Batch_loss).backward(retain_graph=True) self.optim_G.step() ###################################################### discrimitor #mle_loss, _, _ = self.classifier(feed_gold_out, gold, gold_mask) #mle_loss = mle_loss.div(B) #mle_loss =[0] self.optim_D.zero_grad() mle_loss, _, _ = self.classifier.snip_back_prop(feed_gold_out, gold, gold_mask) self.optim_D.step() w_mle_seen += ( mle_loss / N ) s_mle_seen += ( mle_loss / B ) ppl_seen += math.exp(mle_loss/N) wlog('Epo:{:>2}/{:>2}, Bat:[{}/{}], W0-KL {:4.2f}, W1-KL {:4.2f}, ' 'S-RLGen {:4.2f}, B-rho {:4.2f}, B-RLBat {:4.2f}, W-MLE:{:4.2f}, ' 'S-MLE:{:4.2f}, W-ppl:{:4.2f}, B-bleu:{:4.2f}, A-bleu:{:4.2f}'.format( eid, wargs.max_epochs, bid, batch_count,[0],[0],[0],[0],[0], mle_loss/N, mle_loss/B, math.exp(mle_loss/N), rl_bat_bleu, rl_avg_bleu)) #wlog('=' * 100) del S_KL_loss, W_KL_loss0, W_KL_loss1, RL_Gen_loss, RL_Batch_loss, feed_gold_out wlog('End epoch: S-KL {:4.2f}, W0-KL {:4.2f}, W1-KL {:4.2f}, S-RLGen {:4.2f}, B-rho ' '{:4.2f}, B-RLBat {:4.2f}, W-MLE {:4.2f}, S-MLE {:4.2f}, W-ppl {:4.2f}'.format( s_kl_seen/batch_count, w_kl_seen0/batch_count, w_kl_seen1/batch_count, rl_gen_seen/batch_count, rl_rho_seen/batch_count, rl_bat_seen/batch_count, w_mle_seen/batch_count, s_mle_seen/batch_count, ppl_seen/batch_count))
class Trainer: def __init__(self, nmtModel, sv, tv, optim, trg_dict_size, n_critic=1): self.lamda = 5 self.eps = 1e-20 self.beta_KL = 0.005 self.beta_RLGen = 0.1 self.clip_rate = 0.2 self.beta_RLBatch = 0.2 self.gumbeling = False self.nmtModel = nmtModel = sv = tv self.optim = optim self.trg_dict_size = trg_dict_size self.n_critic = 1 #n_critic self.translator_sample = Translator(self.nmtModel, sv, tv, k=1, noise=False) #self.translator = Translator(nmtModel, sv, tv, k=10) self.optim_G = Optim('adam', 10e-05, wargs.max_grad_norm, learning_rate_decay=wargs.learning_rate_decay, start_decay_from=wargs.start_decay_from, last_valid_bleu=wargs.last_valid_bleu) self.optim_RL = Optim('adadelta', 1.0, wargs.max_grad_norm, learning_rate_decay=wargs.learning_rate_decay, start_decay_from=wargs.start_decay_from, last_valid_bleu=wargs.last_valid_bleu) self.softmax = tc.nn.Softmax() #self.optim_G.init_optimizer(self.nmtModel.parameters()) #self.optim_RL.init_optimizer(self.nmtModel.parameters()) # p1: (max_tlen_batch, batch_size, vocab_size) def distance(self, p1, p2, y_masks, type='JS', y_gold=None): B = y_masks.size(1) hypo_N = if p2.size(0) > p1.size(0): p2 = p2[:(p1.size(0) + 1)] if type == 'JS': #D_kl = tc.mean(tc.sum((tc.log(p1) - tc.log(p2)) * p1, dim=-1).squeeze(), dim=0) M = (p1 + p2) / 2. D_kl1 = tc.sum((tc.log(p1) - tc.log(M)) * p1, dim=-1).squeeze() D_kl2 = tc.sum((tc.log(p2) - tc.log(M)) * p2, dim=-1).squeeze() Js = 0.5 * D_kl1 + 0.5 * D_kl2 sent_batch_dist = tc.sum(Js * y_masks) / B Js = Js / y_masks.sum(0)[None, :] word_level_dist = tc.sum(Js * y_masks) / B del M, D_kl1, D_kl2, Js elif type == 'KL': KL = tc.sum((tc.log(p1 + self.eps) - tc.log(p2 + self.eps)) * p1, dim=-1) #KL = p1 + self.eps #KL = KL / (p2 + self.eps) #KL = KL.log() #KL = KL * p1 #KL = KL.sum(-1) # (L, B) sent_batch_dist = tc.sum(KL * y_masks) / B word_level_dist0 = tc.sum(KL * y_masks) / hypo_N KL = KL / y_masks.sum(0)[None, :] #print word_level_dist1 = tc.sum(KL * y_masks) / B #print[0], y_masks.size(1) del KL elif type == 'KL-sent': #print p1[0] #print p2[0] #print '-----------------------------' p1 = tc.gather(p1, 2, y_gold[:, :, None])[:, :, 0] p2 = tc.gather(p2, 2, y_gold[:, :, None])[:, :, 0] # p1 (max_tlen_batch, batch_size) #print (p2 < 1) == False KL = (y_masks * (tc.log(p1) - tc.log(p2))) * p1 sent_batch_dist = tc.sum(KL) / B KL = KL / y_masks.sum(0)[None, :] word_level_dist = tc.sum(KL * y_masks) / B # KL: (1, batch_size) del p1, p2, KL return sent_batch_dist, word_level_dist0, word_level_dist1 def save_model(self, eid, bid): model_state_dict = self.nmtModel.state_dict() model_state_dict = { k: v for k, v in model_state_dict.items() if 'classifier' not in k } class_state_dict = self.nmtModel.classifier.state_dict() model_dict = { 'model': model_state_dict, 'class': class_state_dict, 'epoch': eid, 'batch': bid, 'optim': self.optim } if wargs.save_one_model: model_file = '{}.pt'.format(wargs.model_prefix) else: model_file = '{}_e{}_upd{}.pt'.format(wargs.model_prefix, eid, bid), model_file) def hyps_padding_dist(self, B, hyps_L, y_maxL, p_y_hyp): hyps_dist = [None] * B for bid in range(B): hyp_L = hyps_L[bid] one_p_y_hyp = p_y_hyp[:, bid, :] if hyp_L < y_maxL: pad = tc.ones(y_maxL - hyp_L) / self.trg_dict_size pad = pad[:, None].expand((pad.size(0), one_p_y_hyp.size(-1))) if wargs.gpu_id and not pad.is_cuda: pad = pad.cuda() #print one_p_y_hyp.size(0), pad.size(0)[hyp_L:] = pad hyps_dist[bid] = one_p_y_hyp hyps_dist = tc.stack(tuple(hyps_dist), dim=1) return hyps_dist def gumbel_sampling(self, B, y_maxL, feed_gold_out, noise=False): # feed_gold_out (L * B, V) logit = self.nmtModel.classifier.get_a(feed_gold_out, noise=noise) if logit.is_cuda: logit = logit.cpu() hyps = tc.max(logit, 1)[1] # hyps (L*B, 1) hyps = hyps.view(y_maxL, B) hyps[0] = BOS * tc.ones(B).long() # first words are <s> # hyps (L, B) c1 = tc.clamp(( - EOS), min=0, max=self.trg_dict_size) c2 = tc.clamp((EOS -, min=0, max=self.trg_dict_size) _hyps = c1 + c2 _hyps =[_hyps, tc.zeros(B).long().unsqueeze(0)], 0) _hyps = tc.min(_hyps, 0)[1] #_hyps = tc.max(0 - _hyps, 0)[1] # idx: (1, B) hyps_L = _hyps.view(-1).tolist() hyps_mask = tc.zeros(y_maxL, B) for bid in range(B): hyps_mask[:, bid][:hyps_L[bid]] = 1. hyps_mask = Variable(hyps_mask, requires_grad=False) if wargs.gpu_id and not hyps_mask.is_cuda: hyps_mask = hyps_mask.cuda() if wargs.gpu_id and not hyps.is_cuda: hyps = hyps.cuda() return hyps, hyps_mask, hyps_L def try_trans(self, srcs, ref): # (len, 1) #src = sent_filter(list(srcs[:, bid].data)) x_filter = sent_filter(list(srcs)) y_filter = sent_filter(list(ref)) #wlog('\n[{:3}] {}'.format('Src', idx2sent(x_filter, #wlog('[{:3}] {}'.format('Ref', idx2sent(y_filter, onebest, onebest_ids, _ = self.translator_sample.trans_onesent( x_filter) #wlog('[{:3}] {}'.format('Out', onebest)) # no EOS and BOS return onebest_ids def beamsearch_sampling(self, srcs, x_masks, ref, maxL, eos=True): # y_masks: (trg_max_len, batch_size) B = srcs.size(1) hyps, hyps_L = [None] * B, [None] * B for bid in range(B): onebest_ids = self.try_trans(srcs[:, bid].data, ref[:, bid].data) if len(onebest_ids) == 0 or onebest_ids[0] != BOS: onebest_ids = [BOS] + onebest_ids if eos is True: if not onebest_ids[-1] == EOS: onebest_ids = onebest_ids + [EOS] hyp_L = len(onebest_ids) hyps_L[bid] = hyp_L onebest_ids = tc.Tensor(onebest_ids).long() if hyp_L <= maxL: hyps[bid] = tuple([ onebest_ids, PAD * tc.ones(maxL - hyps_L[bid]).long() ]), 0) else: hyps[bid] = onebest_ids[:maxL] hyps = tc.stack(tuple(hyps), dim=1) if wargs.gpu_id and not hyps.is_cuda: hyps = hyps.cuda() hyps = Variable(hyps, requires_grad=False) hyps_mask = return hyps, hyps_mask, hyps_L def train(self, dh, train_data, k, valid_data=None, tests_data=None, merge=False, name='default', percentage=0.1): #if (k + 1) % 1 == 0 and valid_data and tests_data: # wlog('Evaluation on dev ... ') # mt_eval(valid_data, self.nmtModel,,, # 0, 0, [self.optim, self.optim_RL, self.optim_G], tests_data) batch_count = len(train_data) self.nmtModel.train() self.optim_G.init_optimizer(self.nmtModel.parameters()) self.optim_RL.init_optimizer(self.nmtModel.parameters()) for eid in range(wargs.start_epoch, wargs.max_epochs + 1): #self.optim_G.init_optimizer(self.nmtModel.parameters()) #self.optim_RL.init_optimizer(self.nmtModel.parameters()) size = int(percentage * batch_count) shuffled_batch_idx = tc.randperm(batch_count) wlog( '{}, Epo:{:>2}/{:>2} start, random {}/{}({:.2%}) calc BLEU '. format(name, eid, wargs.max_epochs, size, batch_count, percentage), False) wlog('-' * 20) param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4, param_5, param_6 = [], [], [], [], [], [] for k in range(size): bid, half_size = shuffled_batch_idx[k], wargs.batch_size # srcs: (max_sLen_batch, batch_size, emb), trgs: (max_tLen_batch, batch_size, emb) if merge is False: _, srcs, trgs, slens, srcs_m, trgs_m = train_data[bid] else: _, srcs, trgs, slens, srcs_m, trgs_m = dh.merge_batch( train_data[bid])[0] hyps, hyps_mask, hyps_L = self.beamsearch_sampling( srcs, srcs_m, trgs, 100) param_1.append( LBtensor_to_Str(hyps[1:].cpu(), [l - 1 for l in hyps_L])) param_2.append( LBtensor_to_Str( trgs[1:].cpu(), trgs_m[1:].cpu().data.numpy().sum(0).tolist())) param_3.append( LBtensor_to_Str(hyps[1:, :half_size].cpu(), [l - 1 for l in hyps_L[:half_size]])) param_4.append( LBtensor_to_Str( trgs[1:, :half_size].cpu(), trgs_m[1:, :half_size].cpu().data.numpy().sum( 0).tolist())) param_5.append( LBtensor_to_Str(hyps[1:, half_size:].cpu(), [l - 1 for l in hyps_L[half_size:]])) param_6.append( LBtensor_to_Str( trgs[1:, half_size:].cpu(), trgs_m[1:, half_size:].cpu().data.numpy().sum(0).tolist())) start_bat_bleu_hist = bleu('\n'.join(param_3), ['\n'.join(param_4)]) start_bat_bleu_new = bleu('\n'.join(param_5), ['\n'.join(param_6)]) start_bat_bleu = bleu('\n'.join(param_1), ['\n'.join(param_2)]) wlog('Random BLEU on history {}, new {}, mix {}'.format( start_bat_bleu_hist, start_bat_bleu_new, start_bat_bleu)) wlog('Model selection and testing ... ') mt_eval(valid_data, self.nmtModel,,, eid, 0, [self.optim, self.optim_RL, self.optim_G], tests_data) if start_bat_bleu > 0.9: wlog('Better BLEU ... go to next data history ...') return s_kl_seen, w_kl_seen0, w_kl_seen1, rl_gen_seen, rl_rho_seen, rl_bat_seen, w_mle_seen, s_mle_seen, \ ppl_seen = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. for bid in range(batch_count): if merge is False: _, srcs, trgs, slens, srcs_m, trgs_m = train_data[bid] else: _, srcs, trgs, slens, srcs_m, trgs_m = dh.merge_batch( train_data[bid])[0] gold_feed, gold_feed_mask = trgs[:-1], trgs_m[:-1] gold, gold_mask = trgs[1:], trgs_m[1:] B, y_maxL = srcs.size(1), gold_feed.size(0) N = wlog('{} {} {}'.format(B, y_maxL, N)) trgs_list = LBtensor_to_StrList( trgs.cpu(), trgs_m.cpu().data.numpy().sum(0).tolist()) ################################################################################### debug( 'Optimizing KL distance ................................ {}' .format(name)) #self.nmtModel.zero_grad() self.optim.zero_grad() feed_gold_out = self.nmtModel(srcs, gold_feed, srcs_m, gold_feed_mask) p_y_gold = self.nmtModel.classifier.logit_to_prob( feed_gold_out) # p_y_gold: (gold_max_len - 1, B, trg_dict_size) if self.gumbeling is True: hyps, hyps_mask, hyps_L = self.gumbel_sampling( B, y_maxL, feed_gold_out, True) else: hyps, hyps_mask, hyps_L = self.beamsearch_sampling( srcs, srcs_m, trgs, y_maxL + 1) o_hyps = self.nmtModel(srcs, hyps[:-1], srcs_m, hyps_mask[:-1]) p_y_hyp = self.nmtModel.classifier.logit_to_prob(o_hyps) p_y_hyp0 = self.hyps_padding_dist(B, hyps_L, y_maxL, p_y_hyp) #B_KL_loss = self.distance(p_y_gold, p_y_hyp0, hyps_mask[1:], type='KL', y_gold=gold) S_KL_loss, W_KL_loss0, W_KL_loss1 = self.distance( p_y_gold, p_y_hyp0, hyps_mask[1:], type='KL', y_gold=gold) wlog( 'KL distance between D(Hypo) and D(Gold): Sent-level {}, Word0-level {}, Word1-level {}' .format([0],[0],[0])) s_kl_seen +=[0] w_kl_seen0 +=[0] w_kl_seen1 +=[0] del p_y_hyp ################################################################################### debug('Optimizing RL(Gen) .......... {}'.format(name)) p_y_gold = p_y_gold.gather(2, gold[:, :, None])[:, :, 0] p_y_gold = ((p_y_gold + self.eps).log() * gold_mask).sum(0) / gold_mask.sum(0) hyps_list = LBtensor_to_StrList(hyps.cpu(), hyps_L) bleus_sampling = [] for hyp, ref in zip(hyps_list, trgs_list): bleus_sampling.append(bleu(hyp, [ref])) bleus_sampling = to_Var(bleus_sampling) p_y_hyp = p_y_hyp0.gather(2, hyps[1:][:, :, None])[:, :, 0] p_y_hyp = ((p_y_hyp + self.eps).log() * hyps_mask[1:]).sum(0) / hyps_mask[1:].sum(0) r_theta = p_y_hyp / p_y_gold A = 1. - bleus_sampling RL_Gen_loss = tc.min(r_theta * A, clip(r_theta, self.clip_rate) * A).sum() RL_Gen_loss = (RL_Gen_loss).div(B) wlog('...... RL(Gen) cliped loss {}'.format([0])) rl_gen_seen +=[0] del p_y_gold, o_hyps, p_y_hyp ################################################################################### debug( 'Optimizing RL(Batch) -> Gap of MLE and BLEU ... rho ... feed onebest .... ' ) param_1 = LBtensor_to_Str(hyps[1:].cpu(), [l - 1 for l in hyps_L]) param_2 = LBtensor_to_Str( trgs[1:].cpu(), trgs_m[1:].cpu().data.numpy().sum(0).tolist()) rl_bat_bleu = bleu(param_1, [param_2]) p_y_hyp = p_y_hyp0.gather(2, hyps[1:][:, :, None])[:, :, 0] p_y_hyp = ((p_y_hyp + self.eps).log() * hyps_mask[1:]).sum(0) / hyps_mask[1:].sum(0) rl_avg_bleu = tc.mean(bleus_sampling).data[0] rl_rho = cor_coef(p_y_hyp, bleus_sampling, eps=self.eps) rl_rho_seen +=[ 0] # must use data, accumulating Variable needs more memory #p_y_hyp = p_y_hyp.exp() #p_y_hyp = (p_y_hyp * self.lamda / 3).exp() #p_y_hyp = self.softmax(p_y_hyp) p_y_hyp = p_y_hyp[None, :] p_y_hyp_T = p_y_hyp.t().expand(B, B) p_y_hyp = p_y_hyp.expand(B, B) p_y_hyp_sum = p_y_hyp_T + p_y_hyp + self.eps #bleus_sampling = bleus_sampling[None, :].exp() bleus_sampling = self.softmax(self.lamda * bleus_sampling[None, :]) bleus_T = bleus_sampling.t().expand(B, B) bleus = bleus_sampling.expand(B, B) bleus_sum = bleus_T + bleus + self.eps #print 'p_y_hyp_sum......................' #print RL_Batch_loss = p_y_hyp / p_y_hyp_sum * tc.log(bleus_T / bleus_sum) + \ p_y_hyp_T / p_y_hyp_sum * tc.log(bleus / bleus_sum) #RL_Batch_loss = tc.sum(-RL_Batch_loss * to_Var(1 - tc.eye(B))).div(B) RL_Batch_loss = tc.sum(-RL_Batch_loss * to_Var(1 - tc.eye(B))) wlog( 'RL(Batch) Mean BLEU: {}, rl_batch_loss: {}, rl_rho: {}, Bat BLEU: {}' .format(rl_avg_bleu,[0],[0], rl_bat_bleu)) rl_bat_seen +=[0] del hyps, hyps_mask, p_y_hyp, bleus_sampling, bleus, \ rl_rho, p_y_hyp_T, p_y_hyp_sum, bleus_T, bleus_sum (self.beta_KL * S_KL_loss + self.beta_RLGen * RL_Gen_loss + \ self.beta_RLBatch * RL_Batch_loss).backward(retain_graph=True) ################################################################################### mle_loss, grad_output, _ = memory_efficient( feed_gold_out, gold, gold_mask, self.nmtModel.classifier) feed_gold_out.backward(grad_output) ''' mle_loss, _ = self.nmtModel.classifier(feed_gold_out, gold, gold_mask) mle_loss = mle_loss.div(B) (self.beta_KL * KL_loss + self.beta_RLGen * RL_Gen_loss + \ self.beta_RLBatch * RL_Batch_loss + mle_loss).backward() ''' w_mle_seen += mle_loss / N s_mle_seen += mle_loss / B ppl_seen += math.exp(mle_loss / N) wlog( 'Epo:{:>2}/{:>2}, Bat:[{}/{}], W-MLE:{:4.2f}, W-ppl:{:4.2f}, ' 'S-MLE:{:4.2f}'.format(eid, wargs.max_epochs, bid, batch_count, mle_loss / N, math.exp(mle_loss / N), mle_loss / B)) self.optim_G.step() del S_KL_loss, W_KL_loss0, W_KL_loss1, RL_Gen_loss, RL_Batch_loss, feed_gold_out wlog( 'End epoch: S-KL {}, W0-KL {}, W1-KL {}, S-RLGen {}, B-rho {}, B-RLBat {}, W-MLE {}, S-MLE {}, W-ppl {}' .format(s_kl_seen / batch_count, w_kl_seen0 / batch_count, w_kl_seen1 / batch_count, rl_gen_seen / batch_count, rl_rho_seen / batch_count, rl_bat_seen / batch_count, w_mle_seen / batch_count, s_mle_seen / batch_count, ppl_seen / batch_count))