Esempio n. 1
def language_detail(request, language_code = None, template_name = 'lanpro/language/detail.html'):
    """ Display the language details """

    # Initialize the context
    context = RequestContext(request)
    # Get the language
    context['language'] = get_object_or_404(Language, code = language_code)
    # The absolute url to add a new language
    context['url_add'] = Language.objects.get_absolute_add_url()
    if request.POST:
        # Posting data
        if 'catalog_upload_form' in request.POST:
            # Uploading a catalog file
    # Render the response
    return render_to_response(template_name, context)
Esempio n. 2
def language_list(request, filter = None, template_name = 'lanpro/language/list.html'):
    """ Prepare a list of all languages """

    # Initialize the context
    context = RequestContext(request)
    # The absolute url to add a new language
    context['url_add'] = Language.objects.get_absolute_add_url()
    # Check the request
    if request.POST:
        # Posting data
        if 'catalog_upload_form' in request.POST:
            # Uploading a catalog file
    # Check permissions
    if request.user.has_perm('lanpro.change_language'):
        if filter == 'all':
            context['languages_list'] = Language.objects.select_related()
        elif filter == 'active':
            context['languages_list'] = Language.objects.select_related().active()
    # Render the response
    return render_to_response(template_name, context)