def mplfigure(name, kwargs=...): '''Matplotlib figure context, convenience function. Returns a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object suitable for `object-oriented plotting`_. Upon exit the result is written to the currently active logger. .. _`object-oriented plotting`: .. requires:: matplotlib Args ---- name : :class:`str` The filename of the resulting figure. **kwargs : Keyword arguments are passed on unchanged to the constructor of the :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object. ''' import matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.backends.backend_agg fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure(**kwargs) with log.userfile(name, 'wb') as f: yield fig if f: matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvas( fig) # sets reference via fig.set_canvas try: fig.savefig(f, format=os.path.splitext(name)[1][1:]) finally: fig.set_canvas(None) # break circular reference
def generate(self): treelog.user('my message') with treelog.infofile('test.dat', 'w') as f: f.write('test1') with treelog.context('my context'): with treelog.iter.plain('iter', 'abc') as items: for c in items: with treelog.context('empty'): pass treelog.error('multiple..\n ..lines') with treelog.userfile('test.dat', 'wb') as f:'generating') f.write(b'test2') self.generate_test() with treelog.context('context step={}', 0) as format:'foo') format(1)'bar') with treelog.errorfile('same.dat', 'wb') as f: f.write(b'test3') with treelog.debugfile('dbg.dat', 'wb') as f: f.write(b'test4') treelog.debug('dbg') treelog.warning('warn')
def mplfigure(*args, **kwargs): '''Matplotlib figure context, convenience function. Returns a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object suitable for `object-oriented plotting`_. Upon exit the result is written to the currently active logger. .. _`object-oriented plotting`: .. requires:: matplotlib Args ---- name : :class:`str` The filename of the resulting figure. **kwargs : Keyword arguments are passed on unchanged to the constructor of the :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object. ''' import matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.backends.backend_agg name, = args fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure(**kwargs) with log.userfile(name, 'wb') as f: yield fig if f: matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvas(fig) # sets reference via fig.set_canvas try: fig.savefig(f, format=os.path.splitext(name)[1][1:]) finally: fig.set_canvas(None) # break circular reference
def vtk(name, cells, points, kwargs=...): '''Export data to a VTK file. This method provides a simple interface to the `VTK file format`_ with a number of important restrictions: * Simplex-only. This makes it possible to define the mesh by a combination of vertex coordinates and a connectivity table. * Legacy mode. The newer XML based format is more complex and does not provide benefits within the constraints set by this method. * Binary mode. This allows for direct output of binary data, which aids speed, accuracy and file size. Beyond the mandatory file name, connectivity table, and vertex coordinates, any additional data sets can be provided as keyword arguments, where the keys are the names by which the arrays are stored. The data can be either vertex or point data, with the distinction made based on the length of the array. .. _`VTK file format`: Args ---- name : :class:`str` Destination file name (without vtk extension). tri : :class:`int` array Triangulation. x : :class:`float` array Vertex coordinates. **kwargs : Cell and/or point data ''' vtkcelltype = { 3: numpy.array(5, dtype='>u4'), # VTK_TRIANGLE 4: numpy.array(10, dtype='>u4') } # VTK_TETRA vtkndim = { 1: 'SCALARS {} {} 1\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n', 2: 'VECTORS {} {}\n', 3: 'TENSORS {} {}\n' } vtkdtype = { numpy.dtype('>i1'): 'char', numpy.dtype('>u1'): 'unsigned_char', numpy.dtype('>i2'): 'short', numpy.dtype('>u2'): 'unsigned_short', numpy.dtype('>i4'): 'int', numpy.dtype('>u4'): 'unsigned_int', numpy.dtype('>f4'): 'float', numpy.dtype('>f8'): 'double' } def vtkarray( a): # convert to big endian data and zero-pad all axes to length 3 a = numpy.asarray(a) if any(n > 3 for n in a.shape[1:]): raise Exception('invalid shape: {}'.format(a.shape)) e = numpy.zeros([len(a)] + [3] * (a.ndim - 1), dtype='>{0.kind}{0.itemsize}'.format(a.dtype)) if e.dtype not in vtkdtype: raise Exception('invalid data type: {}'.format(a.dtype)) e[tuple(map(slice, a.shape))] = a return e assert cells.ndim == points.ndim == 2 npoints, ndims = points.shape ncells, nverts = cells.shape if nverts not in vtkcelltype: raise Exception('invalid point dimension: {}'.format(ndims)) points = vtkarray(points) gathered = util.gather((len(array), (name, vtkarray(array))) for name, array in kwargs.items()) for n, items in gathered: if n != npoints and n != ncells: raise Exception( 'data length matches neither points nor cells: {}'.format( ', '.join(dname for dname, array in items))) t_cells = numpy.empty((ncells, nverts + 1), dtype='>u4') t_cells[:, 0] = nverts t_cells[:, 1:] = cells name_vtk = name + '.vtk' with log.userfile(name_vtk, 'wb') as vtk: vtk.write( b'# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\nvtk output\nBINARY\nDATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n' ) vtk.write('POINTS {} {}\n'.format( npoints, vtkdtype[points.dtype]).encode('ascii')) points.tofile(vtk) vtk.write('CELLS {} {}\n'.format(ncells, t_cells.size).encode('ascii')) t_cells.tofile(vtk) vtk.write('CELL_TYPES {}\n'.format(ncells).encode('ascii')) vtkcelltype[nverts].repeat(ncells).tofile(vtk) for n, items in gathered: vtk.write('{}_DATA {}\n'.format( 'POINT' if n == npoints else 'CELL', n).encode('ascii')) for dname, array in items: vtk.write(vtkndim[array.ndim].format( dname, vtkdtype[array.dtype]).encode('ascii')) array.tofile(vtk)
return iter(title, builtins.range(*args)) def enumerate(title, iterable): warnings.deprecation('log.enumerate is deprecated; use log.iter.percentage instead') return iter(title, builtins.enumerate(iterable), length=_len(iterable)) def zip(title, *iterables): warnings.deprecation(' is deprecated; use log.iter.percentage instead') return iter(title,*iterables), length=min(map(_len, iterables))) def count(title, start=0, step=1): warnings.deprecation('log.count is deprecated; use log.iter.percentage instead') return iter(title, itertools.count(start, step)) if distutils.version.StrictVersion(treelog.version) >= distutils.version.StrictVersion('1.0b5'): from treelog import debug, info, user, warning, error, debugfile, infofile, userfile, warningfile, errorfile, context else: debug = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.debug(*args, **kwargs) info = lambda *args, **kwargs:*args, **kwargs) user = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.user(*args, **kwargs) warning = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.warning(*args, **kwargs) error = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.error(*args, **kwargs) debugfile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.debugfile(*args, **kwargs) infofile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.infofile(*args, **kwargs) userfile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.userfile(*args, **kwargs) warningfile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.warningfile(*args, **kwargs) errorfile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.errorfile(*args, **kwargs) context = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.context(title, *initargs, **initkwargs) # vim:sw=2:sts=2:et
def vtk(*args, **kwargs): '''Export data to a VTK file. This method provides a simple interface to the `VTK file format`_ with a number of important restrictions: * Simplex-only. This makes it possible to define the mesh by a combination of vertex coordinates and a connectivity table. * Legacy mode. The newer XML based format is more complex and does not provide benefits within the constraints set by this method. * Binary mode. This allows for direct output of binary data, which aids speed, accuracy and file size. Beyond the mandatory file name, connectivity table, and vertex coordinates, any additional data sets can be provided as keyword arguments, where the keys are the names by which the arrays are stored. The data can be either vertex or point data, with the distinction made based on the length of the array. .. _`VTK file format`: Args ---- name : :class:`str` Destination file name (without vtk extension). tri : :class:`int` array Triangulation. x : :class:`float` array Vertex coordinates. **kwargs : Cell and/or point data ''' vtkcelltype = { 3: numpy.array( 5, dtype='>u4'), # VTK_TRIANGLE 4: numpy.array(10, dtype='>u4')} # VTK_TETRA vtkndim = { 1: 'SCALARS {} {} 1\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n', 2: 'VECTORS {} {}\n', 3: 'TENSORS {} {}\n'} vtkdtype = { numpy.dtype('>i1'): 'char', numpy.dtype('>u1'): 'unsigned_char', numpy.dtype('>i2'): 'short', numpy.dtype('>u2'): 'unsigned_short', numpy.dtype('>i4'): 'int', numpy.dtype('>u4'): 'unsigned_int', numpy.dtype('>f4'): 'float', numpy.dtype('>f8'): 'double'} def vtkarray(a): # convert to big endian data and zero-pad all axes to length 3 a = numpy.asarray(a) if any(n > 3 for n in a.shape[1:]): raise Exception('invalid shape: {}'.format(a.shape)) e = numpy.zeros([len(a)] + [3] * (a.ndim-1), dtype='>{0.kind}{0.itemsize}'.format(a.dtype)) if e.dtype not in vtkdtype: raise Exception('invalid data type: {}'.format(a.dtype)) e[tuple(map(slice, a.shape))] = a return e name, cells, points = args assert cells.ndim == points.ndim == 2 npoints, ndims = points.shape ncells, nverts = cells.shape if nverts not in vtkcelltype: raise Exception('invalid point dimension: {}'.format(ndims)) points = vtkarray(points) gathered = util.gather((len(array), (name, vtkarray(array))) for name, array in kwargs.items()) for n, items in gathered: if n != npoints and n != ncells: raise Exception('data length matches neither points nor cells: {}'.format(', '.join(dname for dname, array in items))) t_cells = numpy.empty((ncells, nverts+1), dtype='>u4') t_cells[:,0] = nverts t_cells[:,1:] = cells name_vtk = name + '.vtk' with log.userfile(name_vtk, 'wb') as vtk: vtk.write(b'# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\nvtk output\nBINARY\nDATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n') vtk.write('POINTS {} {}\n'.format(npoints, vtkdtype[points.dtype]).encode('ascii')) points.tofile(vtk) vtk.write('CELLS {} {}\n'.format(ncells, t_cells.size).encode('ascii')) t_cells.tofile(vtk) vtk.write('CELL_TYPES {}\n'.format(ncells).encode('ascii')) vtkcelltype[nverts].repeat(ncells).tofile(vtk) for n, items in gathered: vtk.write('{}_DATA {}\n'.format('POINT' if n == npoints else 'CELL', n).encode('ascii')) for dname, array in items: vtk.write(vtkndim[array.ndim].format(dname, vtkdtype[array.dtype]).encode('ascii')) array.tofile(vtk)