Esempio n. 1
def start_import(request, instance):
    import_type = request.REQUEST['type']
    if import_type == TreeImportEvent.import_type:
        kwargs = {
            float(request.REQUEST.get('unit_plot_length', 1.0)),

            float(request.REQUEST.get('unit_plot_width', 1.0)),

            float(request.REQUEST.get('unit_diameter', 1.0)),

            float(request.REQUEST.get('unit_tree_height', 1.0)),

            float(request.REQUEST.get('unit_canopy_height', 1.0))
        kwargs = {
            get_conversion_factor(instance, 'tree', 'diameter'),
            get_conversion_factor(instance, 'tree', 'height')
    process_csv(request, instance, import_type, **kwargs)

    return list_imports(request, instance)
Esempio n. 2
def start_import(request, instance):
    import_type = request.REQUEST['type']
    if import_type == TreeImportEvent.import_type:
        factors = {
            'plot_length_conversion_factor': 'unit_plot_length',
            'plot_width_conversion_factor': 'unit_plot_width',
            'diameter_conversion_factor': 'unit_diameter',
            'tree_height_conversion_factor': 'unit_tree_height',
            'canopy_height_conversion_factor': 'unit_canopy_height'
        kwargs = {
            k: float(request.REQUEST.get(v, 1.0))
            for (k, v) in factors.items()
        kwargs = {
            get_conversion_factor(instance, 'tree', 'diameter'),
            get_conversion_factor(instance, 'tree', 'height')
    process_csv(request, instance, import_type, **kwargs)

    return list_imports(request, instance)
Esempio n. 3
def instance_info(request, instance):
    Get all the info we need about a given instance

    If also includes info about the fields available for the
    instance. If a user has been specified the field info
    will be tailored to that user
    user = request.user

    role = instance.default_role
    if user and not user.is_anonymous():
        instance_user = user.get_instance_user(instance)
        if instance_user:
            role = instance_user.role

    perms = {}

    fields_to_allow = instance.mobile_api_fields

    for fp in role.fieldpermission_set.all():
        model = fp.model_name.lower()

        if fields_to_allow and \
           fp.field_name not in fields_to_allow.get(model, []):

        if fp.allows_reads:
            if model not in perms:
                perms[model] = []

            if is_json_field_reference(fp.field_name):
                choices = None
                data_type = "string"
                model_inst = safe_get_model_class(fp.model_name)(

                data_type, _, choices = field_type_label_choices(
                    model_inst, fp.field_name, fp.display_field_name)

            digits = get_digits_if_formattable(
                instance, model, fp.field_name)

            units = get_units_if_convertible(
                instance, model, fp.field_name)

            factor = 1.0

                factor = get_conversion_factor(
                    instance, model, fp.field_name)
            except KeyError:

                'data_type': data_type,
                'choices': choices,
                'units': units,
                'digits': digits,
                'canonical_units_factor': 1.0 / factor,
                'can_write': fp.allows_writes,
                'display_name': fp.display_field_name,
                'field_name': fp.field_name,
                'field_key': '%s.%s' % (model, fp.field_name)

    info = _instance_info_dict(instance)
    info['fields'] = perms
    info['search'] = instance.mobile_search_fields

    public_config_keys = ['scss_variables']

    info['config'] = {x: instance.config[x]
                      for x in instance.config
                      if x in public_config_keys}

    if instance.logo:
        info['logoUrl'] = instance.logo.url

    return info
Esempio n. 4
def instance_info(request, instance):
    Get all the info we need about a given instance

    It also includes info about the fields available for the
    instance. If a user has been specified the field info
    will be tailored to that user
    user = request.user

    role = instance.default_role
    if user and not user.is_anonymous():
        instance_user = user.get_instance_user(instance)
        if instance_user:
            role = instance_user.role

    collection_udfs = instance.userdefinedfielddefinition_set\
    collection_udf_dict = {
        "%s.%s" % (udf.model_type.lower(), udf.canonical_name): udf
        for udf in collection_udfs

    # collect perms for the given role/instance into a serializable
    # dictionary. If a field isn't at least readable, it doesn't
    # get sent over at all.
    perms = {}
    for fp in role_permissions(role, instance):
        model = fp.model_name.lower()
        field_key = '%s.%s' % (model, fp.field_name)
        if fp.allows_reads:
            if field_key in collection_udf_dict:
                choices = []
                data_type = json.loads(collection_udf_dict[field_key].datatype)
            elif is_json_field_reference(fp.field_name):
                choices = None
                data_type = "string"
                model_inst = safe_get_model_class(
                data_type, __, choices = field_type_label_choices(
                    model_inst, fp.field_name, fp.display_field_name)

            digits = get_digits_if_formattable(instance, model, fp.field_name)

            units = get_units_if_convertible(instance, model, fp.field_name)

            factor = 1.0

                factor = get_conversion_factor(instance, model, fp.field_name)
            except KeyError:

            perms[field_key] = {
                'data_type': data_type,
                'choices': choices,
                'units': units,
                'digits': digits,
                'canonical_units_factor': 1.0 / factor,
                'can_write': fp.allows_writes,
                'display_name': fp.display_field_name,
                'field_name': fp.field_name,
                'field_key': field_key,
                'is_collection': field_key in collection_udf_dict

    def get_key_for_group(field_group):
        for key in ('collection_udf_keys', 'field_keys'):
            if key in field_group:
                return key
        return None

    # Remove fields from mobile_api_fields if they are not present in perms
    # (Generally because the user doesn't have read permissions)
    # If no fields are left in a group, remove the group
    mobile_api_fields = copy.deepcopy(instance.mobile_api_fields)

    for field_group in mobile_api_fields:
        # Field group headers are stored in English, and translated when they
        # are sent out to the client
        field_group['header'] = _(field_group['header'])
        key = get_key_for_group(field_group)
        if key:
            field_group[key] = [
                field for field in field_group[key] if field in perms

    readable_mobile_api_fields = [
        group for group in mobile_api_fields
        if group.get(get_key_for_group(group), None)

    info = _instance_info_dict(instance)
    info['fields'] = perms
    info['field_key_groups'] = readable_mobile_api_fields
    info['search'] = instance.mobile_search_fields
    info['date_format'] = _unicode_dateformat(instance.date_format)
    info['short_date_format'] = _unicode_dateformat(instance.short_date_format)

    info['meta_perms'] = {
        'can_add_tree': perms_lib.plot_is_creatable(role),
        'can_edit_tree': perms_lib.plot_is_writable(role),
        'can_edit_tree_photo': perms_lib.treephoto_is_writable(role),

    public_config_keys = ['scss_variables']

    info['config'] = {
        x: instance.config[x]
        for x in instance.config if x in public_config_keys

    if instance.logo:
        info['logoUrl'] = instance.logo.url

    return info
Esempio n. 5
def instance_info(request, instance):
    Get all the info we need about a given instance

    It also includes info about the fields available for the
    instance. If a user has been specified the field info
    will be tailored to that user
    user = request.user

    role = instance.default_role
    if user and not user.is_anonymous():
        instance_user = user.get_instance_user(instance)
        if instance_user:
            role = instance_user.role

    collection_udfs = instance.userdefinedfielddefinition_set\
    collection_udf_dict = {"%s.%s" % (udf.model_type.lower(),
                                      udf.canonical_name): udf
                           for udf in collection_udfs}

    # collect perms for the given role/instance into a serializable
    # dictionary. If a field isn't at least readable, it doesn't
    # get sent over at all.
    perms = {}
    for fp in role_permissions(role, instance):
        model = fp.model_name.lower()
        field_key = '%s.%s' % (model, fp.field_name)
        if fp.allows_reads:
            if field_key in collection_udf_dict:
                choices = []
                data_type = json.loads(collection_udf_dict[field_key].datatype)
            elif is_json_field_reference(fp.field_name):
                choices = None
                data_type = "string"
                model_inst = safe_get_model_class(fp.model_name)(
                data_type, __, choices = field_type_label_choices(
                    model_inst, fp.field_name, fp.display_field_name)

            digits = get_digits_if_formattable(
                instance, model, fp.field_name)

            units = get_units_if_convertible(
                instance, model, fp.field_name)

            factor = 1.0

                factor = get_conversion_factor(
                    instance, model, fp.field_name)
            except KeyError:

            perms[field_key] = {
                'data_type': data_type,
                'choices': choices,
                'units': units,
                'digits': digits,
                'canonical_units_factor': 1.0 / factor,
                'can_write': fp.allows_writes,
                'display_name': fp.display_field_name,
                'field_name': fp.field_name,
                'field_key': field_key,
                'is_collection': field_key in collection_udf_dict

    def get_key_for_group(field_group):
        for key in ('collection_udf_keys', 'field_keys'):
            if key in field_group:
                return key
        return None

    # Remove fields from mobile_api_fields if they are not present in perms
    # (Generally because the user doesn't have read permissions)
    # If no fields are left in a group, remove the group
    mobile_api_fields = copy.deepcopy(instance.mobile_api_fields)

    for field_group in mobile_api_fields:
        key = get_key_for_group(field_group)
        if key:
            field_group[key] = [field for field in field_group[key]
                                if field in perms]

    readable_mobile_api_fields = [group for group in mobile_api_fields
                                  if group.get(get_key_for_group(group), None)]

    info = _instance_info_dict(instance)
    info['fields'] = perms
    info['field_key_groups'] = readable_mobile_api_fields
    info['search'] = instance.mobile_search_fields
    info['date_format'] = _unicode_dateformat(instance.date_format)
    info['short_date_format'] = _unicode_dateformat(instance.short_date_format)

    info['meta_perms'] = {
        'can_add_tree': perms_lib.plot_is_creatable(role),
        'can_edit_tree': perms_lib.plot_is_writable(role),
        'can_edit_tree_photo': perms_lib.treephoto_is_writable(role),

    public_config_keys = ['scss_variables']

    info['config'] = {x: instance.config[x]
                      for x in instance.config
                      if x in public_config_keys}

    if instance.logo:
        info['logoUrl'] = instance.logo.url

    return info
Esempio n. 6
def instance_info(request, instance):
    Get all the info we need about a given instance

    If also includes info about the fields available for the
    instance. If a user has been specified the field info
    will be tailored to that user
    user = request.user

    role = instance.default_role
    if user and not user.is_anonymous():
        instance_user = user.get_instance_user(instance)
        if instance_user:
            role = instance_user.role

    perms = {}

    collection_udfs = instance.userdefinedfielddefinition_set\
    collection_udf_dict = {
        "%s.%s" % (udf.model_type.lower(), udf.canonical_name): udf
        for udf in collection_udfs

    for fp in role.fieldpermission_set.all():
        model = fp.model_name.lower()
        field_key = '%s.%s' % (model, fp.field_name)
        if fp.allows_reads:
            if field_key in collection_udf_dict:
                choices = []
                data_type = collection_udf_dict[field_key].datatype
            elif is_json_field_reference(fp.field_name):
                choices = None
                data_type = "string"
                model_inst = safe_get_model_class(
                data_type, _, choices = field_type_label_choices(
                    model_inst, fp.field_name, fp.display_field_name)

            digits = get_digits_if_formattable(instance, model, fp.field_name)

            units = get_units_if_convertible(instance, model, fp.field_name)

            factor = 1.0

                factor = get_conversion_factor(instance, model, fp.field_name)
            except KeyError:

            perms[field_key] = {
                'data_type': data_type,
                'choices': choices,
                'units': units,
                'digits': digits,
                'canonical_units_factor': 1.0 / factor,
                'can_write': fp.allows_writes,
                'display_name': fp.display_field_name,
                'field_name': fp.field_name,
                'field_key': field_key,
                'is_collection': field_key in collection_udf_dict

    info = _instance_info_dict(instance)
    info['fields'] = perms
    info['field_key_groups'] = instance.mobile_api_fields
    info['search'] = instance.mobile_search_fields

    public_config_keys = ['scss_variables']

    info['config'] = {
        x: instance.config[x]
        for x in instance.config if x in public_config_keys

    if instance.logo:
        info['logoUrl'] = instance.logo.url

    return info
Esempio n. 7
def instance_info(request, instance):
    Get all the info we need about a given instance

    It also includes info about the fields available for the
    instance. If a user has been specified the field info
    will be tailored to that user
    user = request.user

    role = instance.default_role
    if user and not user.is_anonymous():
        instance_user = user.get_instance_user(instance)
        if instance_user:
            role = instance_user.role

    perms = {}

    collection_udfs = instance.userdefinedfielddefinition_set\
    collection_udf_dict = {"%s.%s" % (udf.model_type.lower(),
                                      udf.canonical_name): udf
                           for udf in collection_udfs}

    for fp in role.fieldpermission_set.all():
        model = fp.model_name.lower()
        field_key = '%s.%s' % (model, fp.field_name)
        if fp.allows_reads:
            if field_key in collection_udf_dict:
                choices = []
                data_type = collection_udf_dict[field_key].datatype
            elif is_json_field_reference(fp.field_name):
                choices = None
                data_type = "string"
                model_inst = safe_get_model_class(fp.model_name)(
                data_type, _, choices = field_type_label_choices(
                    model_inst, fp.field_name, fp.display_field_name)

            digits = get_digits_if_formattable(
                instance, model, fp.field_name)

            units = get_units_if_convertible(
                instance, model, fp.field_name)

            factor = 1.0

                factor = get_conversion_factor(
                    instance, model, fp.field_name)
            except KeyError:

            perms[field_key] = {
                'data_type': data_type,
                'choices': choices,
                'units': units,
                'digits': digits,
                'canonical_units_factor': 1.0 / factor,
                'can_write': fp.allows_writes,
                'display_name': fp.display_field_name,
                'field_name': fp.field_name,
                'field_key': field_key,
                'is_collection': field_key in collection_udf_dict

    info = _instance_info_dict(instance)
    info['fields'] = perms
    info['field_key_groups'] = instance.mobile_api_fields
    info['search'] = instance.mobile_search_fields

    public_config_keys = ['scss_variables']

    info['config'] = {x: instance.config[x]
                      for x in instance.config
                      if x in public_config_keys}

    if instance.logo:
        info['logoUrl'] = instance.logo.url

    return info