Esempio n. 1
def reconstruct_discrete_traits(tree, traits, missing_data='?', pc=1.0, sampling_bias_correction=None,
                                weights=None, verbose=0, iterations=5):
    """take a set of discrete states associated with tips of a tree
    and reconstruct their ancestral states along with a GTR model that
    approximately maximizes the likelihood of the states on the tree.

    tree : str, Bio.Phylo.Tree
        name of tree file or Biopython tree object
    traits : dict
        dictionary linking tips to straits
    missing_data : str, optional
        string indicating missing data
    pc : float, optional
        number of pseudo-counts to be used during GTR inference, default 1.0
    sampling_bias_correction : float, optional
        factor to inflate overall switching rate by to counteract sampling bias
    weights : str, optional
        name of file with equilibirum frequencies
    verbose : int, optional
        level of verbosity in output
    iterations : int, optional
        number of times non-linear optimization of overall rate and
        transmission estimation are iterated

        tuple of treeanc object, forward and reverse alphabets

        raise error if ancestral reconstruction errors out
    ### make a single character alphabet that maps to discrete states

    unique_states = set(traits.values())
    n_observed_states = len(unique_states)

    # load weights from file and convert to dict if supplied as string
    if type(weights)==str:
            tmp_weights = pd.read_csv(weights, sep='\t' if weights[-3:]=='tsv' else ',',
            weight_dict = {row[0]:row[1] for ri,row in tmp_weights.iterrows() if not np.isnan(row[1])}
            raise ValueError("Loading of weights file '%s' failed!"%weights)
    elif type(weights)==dict:
        weight_dict = weights
        weight_dict = None

    # add weights to unique states for alphabet construction
    if weight_dict is not None:
        missing_weights = [c for c in unique_states if c not in weight_dict and c is not missing_data]
        if len(missing_weights):
            print("Missing weights for values: " + ", ".join(missing_weights))

        if len(missing_weights)>0.5*n_observed_states:
            print("More than half of discrete states missing from the weights file")
            print("Weights read from file are:", weights)
            raise TreeTimeError("More than half of discrete states missing from the weights file")

    # make a map from states (excluding missing data) to characters in the alphabet
    # note that gap character '-' is chr(45) and will never be included here
    reverse_alphabet = {state:chr(65+i) for i,state in enumerate(unique_states) if state!=missing_data}
    alphabet = list(reverse_alphabet.values())
    # construct a look up from alphabet character to states
    letter_to_state = {v:k for k,v in reverse_alphabet.items()}

    # construct the vector with weights to be used as equilibrium frequency
    if weight_dict is not None:
        mean_weight = np.mean(list(weight_dict.values()))
        weights = np.array([weight_dict[letter_to_state[c]] if letter_to_state[c] in weight_dict else mean_weight
                            for c in alphabet], dtype=float)

    # consistency checks
    if len(alphabet)<2:
        print("mugration: only one or zero states found -- this doesn't make any sense", file=sys.stderr)
        return None, None, None

    n_states = len(alphabet)
    missing_char = chr(65+n_states)

    ### construct gtr model

    # set up dummy matrix
    W = np.ones((n_states,n_states), dtype=float)

    mugration_GTR = GTR.custom(pi = weights, W=W, alphabet = np.array(alphabet))
    mugration_GTR.profile_map[missing_char] = np.ones(n_states)

    ### set up treeanc
    treeanc = TreeAnc(tree, gtr=mugration_GTR, verbose=verbose,
                      convert_upper=False, one_mutation=0.001)
    treeanc.use_mutation_length = False
    pseudo_seqs = [SeqRecord(,,
                           if in traits else missing_char))
                   for n in treeanc.tree.get_terminals()]
    valid_seq = np.array([str(s.seq)!=missing_char for s in pseudo_seqs])
    print("Assigned discrete traits to %d out of %d taxa.\n"%(np.sum(valid_seq),len(valid_seq)))
    treeanc.aln = MultipleSeqAlignment(pseudo_seqs)

        ndiff = treeanc.infer_ancestral_sequences(method='ml', infer_gtr=True,
            store_compressed=False, pc=pc, marginal=True, normalized_rate=False,
            fixed_pi=weights, reconstruct_tip_states=True)
    except TreeTimeError as e:
        print("\nAncestral reconstruction failed, please see above for error messages and/or rerun with --verbose 4\n")
        raise e

    for i in range(iterations):
        treeanc.infer_gtr(marginal=True, normalized_rate=False, pc=pc, fixed_pi=weights)

    if sampling_bias_correction: *= sampling_bias_correction

    treeanc.infer_ancestral_sequences(infer_gtr=False, store_compressed=False,
                                 marginal=True, normalized_rate=False,

    print(fill("NOTE: previous versions (<0.7.0) of this command made a 'short-branch length assumption. "
          "TreeTime now optimizes the overall rate numerically and thus allows for long branches "
          "along which multiple changes accumulated. This is expected to affect estimates of the "
          "overall rate while leaving the relative rates mostly unchanged."))

    return treeanc, letter_to_state, reverse_alphabet
Esempio n. 2
def reconstruct_discrete_traits(tree, traits, missing_data='?', pc=1.0, sampling_bias_correction=None,
                                weights=None, verbose=0, iterations=5):
    """take a set of discrete states associated with tips of a tree
    and reconstruct their ancestral states along with a GTR model that
    approximately maximizes the likelihood of the states on the tree.

    tree : str, Bio.Phylo.Tree
        name of tree file or Biopython tree object
    traits : dict
        dictionary linking tips to straits
    missing_data : str, optional
        string indicating missing data
    pc : float, optional
        number of pseudo-counts to be used during GTR inference, default 1.0
    sampling_bias_correction : float, optional
        factor to inflate overall switching rate by to counteract sampling bias
    weights : str, optional
        name of file with equilibirum frequencies
    verbose : int, optional
        level of verbosity in output
    iterations : int, optional
        number of times non-linear optimization of overall rate and
        transmission estimation are iterated

        tuple of treeanc object, forward and reverse alphabets

        raise error if ancestral reconstruction errors out
    unique_states = sorted(set(traits.values()))
    nc = len(unique_states)
    if nc>180:
        print("mugration: can't have more than 180 states!", file=sys.stderr)
        return None, None, None
    elif nc<2:
        print("mugration: only one or zero states found -- this doesn't make any sense", file=sys.stderr)
        return None, None, None

    ### make a single character alphabet that maps to discrete states
    alphabet = [chr(65+i) for i,state in enumerate(unique_states)]
    missing_char = chr(65+nc)
    letter_to_state = {a:unique_states[i] for i,a in enumerate(alphabet)}
    reverse_alphabet = {v:k for k,v in letter_to_state.items()}

    ### construct gtr model
    if type(weights)==str:
        tmp_weights = pd.read_csv(weights, sep='\t' if weights[-3:]=='tsv' else ',',
        weights = {row[0]:row[1] for ri,row in tmp_weights.iterrows()}
        mean_weight = np.mean(list(weights.values()))
        weights = np.array([weights[c] if c in weights else mean_weight for c in unique_states], dtype=float)
        weights = None

    # set up dummy matrix
    W = np.ones((nc,nc), dtype=float)

    mugration_GTR = GTR.custom(pi = weights, W=W, alphabet = np.array(alphabet))
    mugration_GTR.profile_map[missing_char] = np.ones(nc)

    ### set up treeanc
    treeanc = TreeAnc(tree, gtr=mugration_GTR, verbose=verbose,
                      convert_upper=False, one_mutation=0.001)
    treeanc.use_mutation_length = False
    pseudo_seqs = [SeqRecord(,,
                           if in traits else missing_char))
                   for n in treeanc.tree.get_terminals()]
    treeanc.aln = MultipleSeqAlignment(pseudo_seqs)

        ndiff = treeanc.infer_ancestral_sequences(method='ml', infer_gtr=True,
            store_compressed=False, pc=pc, marginal=True, normalized_rate=False,
            fixed_pi=weights, reconstruct_tip_states=True)
    except TreeTimeError as e:
        print("\nAncestral reconstruction failed, please see above for error messages and/or rerun with --verbose 4\n")
        raise e

    for i in range(iterations):
        treeanc.infer_gtr(marginal=True, normalized_rate=False, pc=pc)

    if sampling_bias_correction: *= sampling_bias_correction

    treeanc.infer_ancestral_sequences(infer_gtr=False, store_compressed=False,
                                 marginal=True, normalized_rate=False, reconstruct_tip_states=True)

    print(fill("NOTE: previous versions (<0.7.0) of this command made a 'short-branch length assumption. "
          "TreeTime now optimizes the overall rate numerically and thus allows for long branches "
          "along which multiple changes accumulated. This is expected to affect estimates of the "
          "overall rate while leaving the relative rates mostly unchanged."))

    return treeanc, letter_to_state, reverse_alphabet