def test_generate_scores_workflow_sanity(): # Simple raster_1 = Raster(numpy.reshape(numpy.arange(100), (10, 10)), BBox((0, 0, 10, 10)), 1, 0) raster_2 = Raster(numpy.reshape(numpy.arange(100, 200), (10, 10)), BBox((0, 0, 10, 10)), 1, 0) limits = [{'min': 30, 'max': 70}, {'min': 140, 'max': 160}] GenerateScores()(variables=[raster_1, raster_2], limits=limits, region='test')
def get_render_configurations(self, request, **kwargs): tile_bounds = list( mercantile.bounds(int(self.kwargs['x']), int(self.kwargs['y']), int(self.kwargs['z']))) extent = BBox( tile_bounds, projection=Proj('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') ).project( Proj( '+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' )) base_config = ImageConfiguration( extent=extent, size=TILE_SIZE, image_format='png', background_color=TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR) return base_config, [ RenderConfiguration(variable=x, extent=extent, size=TILE_SIZE, image_format='png') for x in self.service.variable_set.all() ]
def test_bbox(): bbox = BBox(TEST_COORDS, TEST_COORDS_PRJ) assert bbox.xmin == TEST_COORDS[0] assert bbox.ymin == TEST_COORDS[1] assert bbox.xmax == TEST_COORDS[2] assert bbox.ymax == TEST_COORDS[3] assert bbox.projection.srs == TEST_COORDS_PRJ.srs
def get_read_window(self, extent): """Calculates a read window and transform to read data within the extent. Example ------- window, transform = instance.get_read_window(extent) data =[window] Parameters ---------- extent : (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) Returns ------- (y_slice, x_slice), SpatialCoordinateVariables """ # Calculate indexes to slice based on extent bbox = BBox(extent) x_slice = slice(*self.coords.x.indices_for_range(bbox.xmin, bbox.xmax)) y_slice = slice(*self.coords.y.indices_for_range(bbox.ymin, bbox.ymax)) # expand by 1px in all directions to make sure something isn't getting cut off # if bounds fall very close to pixel edges x_slice = slice(max(x_slice.start - 1, 0), min(x_slice.stop + 1, len(self.coords.x)), x_slice.step) y_slice = slice(max(y_slice.start - 1, 0), min(y_slice.stop + 1, len(self.coords.y)), y_slice.step) # get updated coords for the slices coords = self.coords.slice_by_window(Window(y_slice, x_slice)) return (y_slice, x_slice), coords
def __getitem__(self, items): arr = super(Raster, self).__getitem__(items) if not isinstance(arr, numpy.ndarray) or isinstance( arr, MaskedConstant): return arr Raster.__array_finalize__(arr, self) if self.extent is None or self.x_dim is None or self.y_dim is None: return arr.view(numpy.ndarray) # Cast back to regular numpy array if isinstance(items, slice): items = (items, ) if isinstance(items, tuple): xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.extent.as_list() cell_size = (self.extent.width / self.shape[self.x_dim], self.extent.height / self.shape[self.y_dim]) has_valid_extent = True for i, item in enumerate(items): if not isinstance(item, slice) and i in { self.x_dim, self.y_dim }: # Not a slice, so we can't reliably preserve extent information has_valid_extent = False break if i == self.x_dim: xmin += cell_size[0] * (item.start or 0) end = min(item.stop or self.shape[self.x_dim], self.shape[self.x_dim]) if end < 0: end = self.shape[self.x_dim] + end + 1 xmax -= cell_size[0] * (self.shape[self.x_dim] - end) if i == self.y_dim: start = item.start or 0 end = min(item.stop or self.shape[self.y_dim], self.shape[self.y_dim]) if end < 0: end = self.shape[self.y_dim] + end end = self.shape[self.y_dim] - end if not self.y_increasing: start, end = end, start ymin += cell_size[1] * start ymax -= cell_size[1] * end if has_valid_extent: arr.extent = BBox((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), projection=self.extent.projection) return arr else: return arr.view(numpy.ndarray) return arr.view(numpy.ndarray)
def test_bbox_local_projection(): bbox = BBox(TEST_COORDS, TEST_COORDS_PRJ) out = CRS.from_string(bbox.get_local_albers_projection().srs) expected = CRS.from_string( "+lon_0=-124.5625 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +y_0=0 +no_defs=True +proj=aea +x_0=0 +units=m +lat_2=48.9375 +lat_1=48.6875 +lat_0=0 " ) assert expected == out
def test_projection(): bbox = BBox(TEST_COORDS, TEST_COORDS_PRJ) proj_bbox = bbox.project(Proj(init="EPSG:3857")) # Calculated by running this previously under controlled conditions. No validation against truth of projection values. assert numpy.allclose(proj_bbox.as_list(), [ -13887106.476460878, 6211469.632719522, -13845361.6674134, 6274861.394006577 ])
def _normalize_bbox(self, bbox, size): """Returns this bbox normalized to match the ratio of the given size.""" bbox_ratio = float(bbox.width) / float(bbox.height) size_ratio = float(size[0]) / float(size[1]) if round(size_ratio, 4) == round(bbox_ratio, 4): return bbox else: if bbox.height * size_ratio >= bbox.width: diff = bbox.height * size_ratio - bbox.width return BBox((bbox.xmin - diff / 2, bbox.ymin, bbox.xmax + diff / 2, bbox.ymax), bbox.projection) else: diff = abs(bbox.width / size_ratio - bbox.height) return BBox((bbox.xmin, bbox.ymin - diff / 2, bbox.xmax, bbox.ymax + diff / 2), bbox.projection)
def bbox(self): half_x_pixel_size = self.x.pixel_size / 2.0 half_y_pixel_size = self.y.pixel_size / 2.0 return BBox( (self.x.min - half_x_pixel_size, self.y.min - half_y_pixel_size, self.x.max + half_x_pixel_size, self.y.max + half_y_pixel_size), self.projection)
def crop_image(self, im): im_ul = (self.center_point_px[0] - self.target_size[0] // 2, self.center_point_px[1] - self.target_size[1] // 2) box = (*im_ul, im_ul[0] + self.target_size[0], im_ul[1] + self.target_size[1]) return im.crop(box), BBox( (self.to_world(box[0], box[3])) + self.to_world(box[2], box[1]), projection=Proj(init='epsg:3857'))
def test_generate_scores_workflow_validity(): """Test simple 2x2 grid against pre-calculated values""" ahm = Raster(numpy.array([[284, 274], [307, 298]]), BBox((0, 0, 10, 10)), 1, 0) cmd = Raster(numpy.array([[292, 305], [300, 291]]), BBox((0, 0, 10, 10)), 1, 0) limits = [{'min': 264, 'max': 304}, {'min': 271, 'max': 311}] expected_mask = numpy.array([[False, False], [True, False]]) expected_results =[[95, 14], [None, 30]], mask=expected_mask) results = GenerateScores()(variables=[ahm, cmd], limits=limits, region='test') assert (results['raster_out'].mask == expected_mask).all() assert (results['raster_out'] == expected_results).all()
def test_raster(self): arr = numpy.reshape(numpy.arange(100), (10, 10)) extent = BBox((0, 0, 10, 10)) raster = Raster(arr, extent, 1, 0) assert isinstance(raster, Raster) raster = raster[:] assert isinstance(raster, Raster) assert isinstance(raster.extent, BBox) clipped = raster[3:, 3:-1] assert isinstance(clipped, Raster) assert isinstance(raster.extent, BBox) assert clipped.extent.as_list() == [3, 0, 10, 7] raster.y_increasing = True clipped = raster[3:, 3:-1] assert isinstance(clipped, Raster) assert isinstance(raster.extent, BBox) assert clipped.extent.as_list() == [3, 3, 10, 10] clipped = raster[0] assert not isinstance(clipped, Raster) assert isinstance(raster.extent, BBox) assert is_ndarray(clipped) assert (clipped == numpy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])).all() # Make sure binops don't lose extent info assert isinstance((raster == raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster != raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster > 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 > raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster + 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 + raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster - 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 - raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster * 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 * raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster / 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 / raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster // 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 // raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster**2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2**raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster % 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 % raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster << 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 << raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster >> 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 >> raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster | 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 | raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster & 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 & raster).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((raster ^ 2).extent, BBox) assert isinstance((2 ^ raster).extent, BBox)
def get_results_image(self, bounds, size, single_color, kept_colors, gained_colors, species, historic, futures): kept_colors = self.get_colors(kept_colors, len(futures)+1) gained_colors = self.get_colors(gained_colors, len(futures)+1) extent = BBox(bounds, projection=WGS84) self.service = Service.objects.get(name='{}_p{}_800m_pa'.format(species, historic)) variable = self.service.variable_set.all().first() native_extent = extent.project(Proj(str(variable.projection))) coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_bbox(variable.full_extent, *self.get_grid_spatial_dimensions(variable)) x_slice = coords.x.indices_for_range(native_extent.xmin, native_extent.xmax) y_slice = coords.y.indices_for_range(native_extent.ymin, native_extent.ymax) historic_data = self.get_grid_for_variable(variable, x_slice=x_slice, y_slice=y_slice) self.close_dataset() if not futures: data = historic_data renderer = UniqueValuesRenderer([(1, Color.from_hex(single_color))], fill_value=0) else: future_grids = [] for future in futures: self.service = Service.objects.get(name='{}_15gcm_{}_pa'.format(species, future)) variable = self.service.variable_set.all().first() future_grids.append(self.get_grid_for_variable(variable, x_slice=x_slice, y_slice=y_slice)) self.close_dataset() future_data = sum(future_grids) del future_grids data = numpy.zeros_like(historic_data, numpy.uint8) data[historic_data == 1] = 1 kept_idx = (historic_data == 1) & (future_data > 0) data[kept_idx] = future_data[kept_idx] + 1 gained_idx = (historic_data == 0) & (future_data > 0) data[gained_idx] = future_data[gained_idx] + len(kept_colors) + 1 data[data.mask == 1] = 0 values = numpy.unique(data) renderer = UniqueValuesRenderer( [ (i+1, Color.from_hex(c)) for (i, c) in enumerate(kept_colors) if i+1 in values ] + [ (i+len(kept_colors)+1, Color.from_hex(c)) for (i, c) in enumerate(gained_colors) if i+len(kept_colors)+1 in values ], fill_value=0 ) image = renderer.render_image('RGBA') return GeoImage(image, native_extent).warp(extent, size).image
def test_SpatialCoordinateVariables_slice_by_bbox(): lat = SpatialCoordinateVariable(numpy.arange(19, -1, -1)) lon = SpatialCoordinateVariable(numpy.arange(10)) proj = Proj(init='EPSG:4326') coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables(lon, lat, proj) subset = coords.slice_by_bbox(BBox((1.75, 3.7, 6.2, 16.7), proj)) assert numpy.array_equal(subset.x.values, numpy.arange(2, 6)) assert subset.x.values[0] == 2 assert subset.x.values[-1] == 5 assert subset.y.values[0] == 16 assert subset.y.values[-1] == 4
def to_python(self, value): if not value or isinstance(value, BBox): return value try: data = json.loads(value) projection = pyproj.Proj(str(data.get('proj4'))) if data.get('proj4') else None return BBox( (data['xmin'], data['ymin'], data['xmax'], data['ymax']), projection=projection ) except (ValueError, KeyError): raise ValidationError("")
def to_python(self, value): if not value or isinstance(value, BBox): return value try: projection = None if 'xmin' in value: data = json.loads(value) values = [data[k] for k in ('xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax')] if 'spatialReference' in data: projection = SrField().to_python( json.dumps(data.get('spatialReference'))) else: values = [float(x.strip()) for x in value.split(',')] return BBox(values, projection=projection) except ValueError: raise ValidationError('Invalid bbox')
def get_basemap_image(self, basemap, bounds, size, zoom): tiles = list(mercantile.tiles(*bounds, zoom, truncate=True)) bounds_merc = [*mercantile.xy(*bounds[:2]), *mercantile.xy(*bounds[2:])] image ='RGBA', size) to_image = world_to_image(BBox(bounds_merc, projection=WEB_MERCATOR), size) async def fetch_tile(client, url, tile): tile_bounds = mercantile.xy_bounds(tile) if url.startswith('//'): url = 'http:' + url async with client.get(url.format(x=tile.x, y=tile.y, z=tile.z, s='server')) as r: tile_im = image.paste(tile_im, [int(round(x)) for x in to_image(*tile_bounds[0:4:3])]) # [0:4:3] = [xmin, ymax] (upper-left) async def fetch_tiles(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client: futures = [ensure_future(fetch_tile(client, basemap, tile)) for tile in tiles] await asyncio.wait(futures, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(fetch_tiles()) return image
def raster_to_netcdf(filename_or_raster, outfilename=None, variable_name='data', format='NETCDF4', **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- filename_or_raster: name of file to open with rasterio, or opened rasterio raster dataset outfilename: name of output file. If blank, will be same name as input with *.nc extension added variable_name: output format for netCDF file: NETCDF3_CLASSIC, NETCDF3_64BIT, NETCDF4_CLASSIC, NETCDF4 format kwargs: arguments passed to variable creation: zlib Note: only rasters with descending y coordinates are currently supported """ start = time.time() if isinstance(filename_or_raster, string_types): if not os.path.exists(filename_or_raster): raise ValueError( 'File does not exist: {0}'.format(filename_or_raster)) src = managed_raster = True else: src = filename_or_raster managed_raster = False if not src.count == 1: raise NotImplementedError( 'ERROR: multi-band rasters not yet supported for this operation') prj = pyproj.Proj(** outfilename = outfilename or + '.nc' with Dataset(outfilename, 'w', format=format) as target: if is_latlong(prj): x_varname = 'longitude' y_varname = 'latitude' else: x_varname = 'x' y_varname = 'y' # TODO: may need to do this in blocks if source is big data =, masked=True) coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_bbox(BBox(src.bounds, prj), src.width, src.height) coords.add_to_dataset(target, x_varname, y_varname, **kwargs) out_var = target.createVariable(variable_name, data.dtype, dimensions=(y_varname, x_varname), **kwargs) out_var[:] = data set_crs(target, variable_name, prj, set_proj4_att=False) if managed_raster: src.close() print('Elapsed {0:.3f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start))
def handle(self, data_files, overwrite, *args, **options): with transaction.atomic(): for data_file in data_files: if not os.path.isdir(SERVICE_DATA_ROOT): raise CommandError('Directory %s does not exist.' % SERVICE_DATA_ROOT) # Check for existence of file or service. There's a possible race # condition here, but this is a management command, not a user command. file_exists = False svc_exists = False target = os.path.join(SERVICE_DATA_ROOT, os.path.basename(data_file)) if os.path.exists(target): if not overwrite: self.stderr.write('File %s already exists.\n' % target) file_exists = True svc_name = os.path.basename(data_file).split('.')[0] if Service.objects.filter(name=svc_name).exists(): if overwrite: Service.objects.filter(name=svc_name).delete() else: self.stderr.write('Service %s already exists.\n' % svc_name) svc_exists = True if (file_exists or svc_exists) and not overwrite: raise CommandError('No changes made.') desc = describe(data_file) grid = next(v['spatial_grid'] for k, v in desc['variables'].items() if v.get('spatial_grid')) extent = grid['extent'] proj = extent['proj4'] bbox = BBox( [extent[c] for c in ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']], pyproj.Proj(proj) ) renderer = UniqueValuesRenderer([(1, Color(0, 0, 0, 255))], fill_value=0) if file_exists: os.remove(os.path.join(SERVICE_DATA_ROOT, os.path.basename(data_file))) shutil.copy(data_file, SERVICE_DATA_ROOT) service = Service.objects.create( name=svc_name, projection=proj, full_extent=bbox, initial_extent=bbox, data_path=os.path.basename(data_file) ) for i, (variable_name, variable) in enumerate(desc['variables'].items()): grid = variable.get('spatial_grid') if grid is None: continue extent = grid['extent'] bbox = BBox( [extent[c] for c in ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']], pyproj.Proj(extent['proj4']) ) Variable.objects.create( service=service, index=i, variable=variable_name, projection=proj, x_dimension=grid['x_dimension'], y_dimension=grid['y_dimension'], name=variable_name, renderer=renderer, full_extent=bbox )
def main(in_pattern, out_pattern, boundary, single, varname): """ Clips and masks large NetCDF datasets to regional datasets based on the boundary. The in_pattern and out_pattern arguments should be filename patterns (can include path) with the pattern: /path/to/in_netcdf_{variable}.nc. Example usage: python NorthAmerica/NA_{variable}.nc USWest/west_{variable}.nc west.shp """ if single and not varname: print('--varname is required when --single is used') sys.exit(-1) if single: if not os.path.exists(in_pattern): print('Input file {} does not exist.'.format(in_pattern)) sys.exit(-1) input_paths = [(in_pattern, varname)] else: input_paths = [(in_pattern.format(variable=x), x) for x in VARIABLES] for path, _ in input_paths: if not os.path.exists(path): print('Input file {} does not exist.'.format(path)) sys.exit(-1) with, 'r') as shp: features = [] wgs84 = Proj('+init=EPSG:4326') shp_projection = Proj( bounds = shp.bounds ll = transform(shp_projection, wgs84, bounds[0], bounds[1]) ur = transform(shp_projection, wgs84, bounds[2], bounds[3]) bbox = BBox([*ll, *ur], projection=wgs84) for feature in shp.items(): geometry = transform_geom(, {'init': 'EPSG: 4326'}, feature[1]['geometry']) features.append(geometry) for in_path, variable in input_paths: if single: out_path = out_pattern else: out_path = out_pattern.format(variable=variable) if os.path.exists(out_path): confirm = input( "The output file '{}' already exists? Do you with to replace it? [y/n] " .format(out_path)) if confirm.lower().strip() not in ['y', 'yes']: print('Exiting...') sys.exit() with Dataset(in_path, 'r') as ds: coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_dataset( ds, x_name='longitude', y_name='latitude') x_start, x_stop = coords.x.indices_for_range(bbox.xmin, bbox.xmax) y_start, y_stop = coords.y.indices_for_range(bbox.ymin, bbox.ymax) x_slice = slice(x_start, x_stop) y_slice = slice(y_start, y_stop) clipped_coords = coords.slice_by_bbox(bbox) grid = ds.variables[variable][y_slice, x_slice] if is_masked(grid): mask = grid.mask.astype('uint8') else: mask = numpy.zeros(grid.shape, dtype='uint8') mask |= rasterize(((x, 0) for x in features), out_shape=mask.shape, transform=clipped_coords.affine, fill=1, default_value=0) grid = == 1, print('Writing {}...'.format(out_path)) with Dataset(out_path, 'w', format='NETCDF4') as ds: clipped_coords.add_to_dataset(ds, 'longitude', 'latitude') data_var = ds.createVariable(variable, grid.dtype, dimensions=('latitude', 'longitude'), fill_value=grid.fill_value) if data_var.shape != grid.shape: grid = grid[:data_var.shape[0], :data_var.shape[1]] data_var[:] = grid set_crs(ds, variable, Proj('+init=EPSG:4326'))
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): tile_bounds = list( mercantile.bounds(int(self.kwargs['x']), int(self.kwargs['y']), int(self.kwargs['z']))) extent = BBox(tile_bounds, projection=WGS84).project(WEB_MERCATOR) try: service_names = request.GET['services'].split(',') except KeyError: return HttpResponse(status=400) grids = [] for service_name in service_names: self.service = Service.objects.get(name=service_name) variable = self.service.variable_set.all()[:1].get() native_extent = extent.project( pyproj.Proj(str(variable.projection))) dimensions = self.get_grid_spatial_dimensions(variable) cell_size = (float(variable.full_extent.width) / dimensions[0], float(variable.full_extent.height) / dimensions[1]) grid_bounds = [ int( math.floor( float(native_extent.xmin - variable.full_extent.xmin) / cell_size[0])) - 1, int( math.floor( float(native_extent.ymin - variable.full_extent.ymin) / cell_size[1])) - 1, int( math.ceil( float(native_extent.xmax - variable.full_extent.xmin) / cell_size[0])) + 1, int( math.ceil( float(native_extent.ymax - variable.full_extent.ymin) / cell_size[1])) + 1 ] grid_bounds = [ min(max(grid_bounds[0], 0), dimensions[0]), min(max(grid_bounds[1], 0), dimensions[1]), min(max(grid_bounds[2], 0), dimensions[0]), min(max(grid_bounds[3], 0), dimensions[1]) ] if not (grid_bounds[2] - grid_bounds[0] and grid_bounds[3] - grid_bounds[1]): continue grid_extent = BBox( (variable.full_extent.xmin + grid_bounds[0] * cell_size[0], variable.full_extent.ymin + grid_bounds[1] * cell_size[1], variable.full_extent.xmin + grid_bounds[2] * cell_size[0], variable.full_extent.ymin + grid_bounds[3] * cell_size[1]), native_extent.projection) if not self.is_y_increasing(variable): y_max = dimensions[1] - grid_bounds[1] y_min = dimensions[1] - grid_bounds[3] grid_bounds[1] = y_min grid_bounds[3] = y_max grids.append( self.get_grid_for_variable(variable, x_slice=(grid_bounds[0], grid_bounds[2]), y_slice=(grid_bounds[1], grid_bounds[3]))) self.close_dataset() intersection = reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, grids) image = RENDERER.render_image( intersection, row_major_order=self.is_row_major(variable)).convert('RGBA') # If y values are increasing, the rendered image needs to be flipped vertically if self.is_y_increasing(variable): image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) image = GeoImage(image, grid_extent).warp(extent, TILE_SIZE).image image, content_type = self.format_image(image, 'png') return self.create_response(request, image, content_type)
def render_tif(filename_pattern, output_directory, renderer_file, save, renderer_type, colormap, colorspace, palette, scale, id_variable, lh, legend_breaks, legend_ticks, src_crs, dst_crs, res, resampling, anchors): """ Render single-band GeoTIFF files to images. colormap is ignored if renderer_file is provided """ filenames = glob.glob(filename_pattern) if not filenames: raise click.BadParameter('No files found matching that pattern', param='filename_pattern', param_hint='FILENAME_PATTERN') if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) if renderer_file is not None and not save: if not os.path.exists(renderer_file): raise click.BadParameter('does not exist', param='renderer_file', param_hint='renderer_file') # see for format renderer_dict = json.loads(open(renderer_file).read()) # if renderer_dict['type'] == 'stretched': # colors = ','.join([str(c[0]) for c in renderer_dict['colors']]) # if 'min' in colors or 'max' in colors or 'mean' in colors: # statistics = collect_statistics(filenames, (variable,))[variable] # for entry in renderer_dict['colors']: # if isinstance(entry[0], basestring): # if entry[0] in ('min', 'max', 'mean'): # entry[0] = statistics[entry[0]] # elif '*' in entry[0]: # rel_value, statistic = entry[0].split('*') # entry[0] = float(rel_value) * statistics[statistic] renderer = renderer_from_dict(renderer_dict) else: if renderer_type == 'stretched': # if palette is not None: # renderer = _palette_to_stretched_renderer(palette, 'min,max', filenames, variable) # # else: renderer = _colormap_to_stretched_renderer(colormap, colorspace, filenames) elif renderer_type == 'unique': renderer = UniqueValuesRenderer(_parse_colormap(colormap), colorspace) else: raise NotImplementedError('other renderers not yet built') # if save: # if not renderer_file: # raise click.BadParameter('must be provided to save', param='renderer_file', param_hint='renderer_file') # # if os.path.exists(renderer_file): # with open(renderer_file, 'r+') as output_file: # data = json.loads( # # output_file.truncate() # data[variable] = renderer.serialize() # output_file.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) # else: # with open(renderer_file, 'w') as output_file: # output_file.write(json.dumps({variable: renderer.serialize()})) if renderer_type == 'streteched': if legend_ticks is not None and not legend_breaks: legend_ticks = [float(v) for v in legend_ticks.split(',')] legend = renderer.get_legend(image_height=lh, breaks=legend_breaks, ticks=legend_ticks, max_precision=2)[0].to_image() elif renderer_type == 'unique': legend = renderer.get_legend(image_height=lh)[0].to_image(), 'legend.png')) for filename in filenames: with as ds: print('Processing', filename) filename_root = os.path.split(filename)[1].replace('.nc', '') data =, masked=True) # # get transforms, assume last 2 dimensions on variable are spatial in row, col order # y_dim, x_dim = ds.variables[variable].dimensions[-2:] # y_len, x_len = data.shape[-2:] # coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_dataset(ds, x_dim, y_dim)#, projection=Proj(src_crs)) # # if coords.y.is_ascending_order(): # data = data[::-1] # reproject_kwargs = None if dst_crs is not None: # TODO: extract this out into a general trefoil reprojection function ds_crs = if not (src_crs or ds_crs): raise click.BadParameter( 'must provide src_crs to reproject', param='src_crs', param_hint='src_crs') dst_crs = {'init': dst_crs} src_crs = ds_crs if ds_crs else {'init': src_crs} left, bottom, top, right = ds.bounds dst_affine, dst_width, dst_height = calculate_default_transform( left, bottom, right, top, ds.width, ds.height, src_crs, dst_crs) dst_shape = (dst_height, dst_width) # proj_bbox = coords.bbox.project(Proj(dst_crs)) # # x_dif = proj_bbox.xmax - proj_bbox.xmin # y_dif = proj_bbox.ymax - proj_bbox.ymin # # total_len = float(x_len + y_len) # # Cellsize is dimension weighted average of x and y dimensions per projected pixel, unless otherwise provided # avg_cellsize = ((x_dif / float(x_len)) * (float(x_len) / total_len)) + ((y_dif / float(y_len)) * (float(y_len) / total_len)) # # cellsize = res or avg_cellsize # dst_affine = Affine(cellsize, 0, proj_bbox.xmin, 0, -cellsize, proj_bbox.ymax) # dst_shape = ( # max(int(ceil((y_dif) / cellsize)), 1), # height # max(int(ceil(x_dif / cellsize)), 1) # width # ) # TODO: replace with method in rasterio reproject_kwargs = { 'src_crs': src_crs, 'src_transform': ds.affine, 'dst_crs': dst_crs, 'dst_transform': dst_affine, 'resampling': getattr(Resampling, resampling), 'dst_shape': dst_shape } if anchors: # Reproject the bbox of the output to WGS84 full_bbox = BBox( (dst_affine.c, dst_affine.f + dst_affine.e * dst_shape[0], dst_affine.c + dst_affine.a * dst_shape[1], dst_affine.f), projection=Proj(dst_crs)) wgs84_bbox = full_bbox.project(Proj(init='EPSG:4326')) print('WGS84 Anchors: {0}'.format( [[wgs84_bbox.ymin, wgs84_bbox.xmin], [wgs84_bbox.ymax, wgs84_bbox.xmax]])) elif anchors: # Reproject the bbox of the output to WGS84 full_bbox = BBox(ds.bounds, projection=Proj( wgs84_bbox = full_bbox.project(Proj(init='EPSG:4326')) print('WGS84 Anchors: {0}'.format( [[wgs84_bbox.ymin, wgs84_bbox.xmin], [wgs84_bbox.ymax, wgs84_bbox.xmax]])) image_filename = os.path.join(output_directory, '{0}.png'.format(filename_root)) render_image(renderer, data, image_filename, scale, reproject_kwargs=reproject_kwargs)
def execute(self, bounds, zoom, basemap, single_color, kept_colors, gained_colors, species, **kwargs): historic = kwargs['historic'] futures = kwargs.get('futures', []) opacity = kwargs.get('opacity', 1.) map_image = self.get_basemap_image(basemap, bounds, IMAGE_SIZE, zoom) results_image = self.get_results_image( bounds, IMAGE_SIZE, single_color, kept_colors, gained_colors, species, historic, futures ) map_image.paste(Image.blend(map_image, results_image, opacity), (0, 0), results_image) image_data = BytesIO(), 'png') def format_x_coord(x): return '{}° W'.format(round(abs(x), 2)) if x < 0 else '{}° E'.format(round(x, 2)) def format_y_coord(y): return '{}° S'.format(round(abs(y), 2)) if y < 0 else '{}° N'.format(round(y, 2)) to_world = image_to_world(BBox(bounds, projection=WGS84).project(WEB_MERCATOR), IMAGE_SIZE) images_dir = self.get_images_dir() with open(os.path.join(images_dir, 'scale.png'), 'rb') as f: scale_data = b64encode( scale_bar_x = 38 scale_bar_y = IMAGE_SIZE[1] - 15 scale_bar_start = transform(WEB_MERCATOR, WGS84, *to_world(scale_bar_x, scale_bar_y)) scale_bar_end = transform(WEB_MERCATOR, WGS84, *to_world(scale_bar_x + 96, scale_bar_y)) scale = '{} mi'.format(round(vincenty(reversed(scale_bar_start), reversed(scale_bar_end)).miles, 1)) context = { 'today': now(), 'image_data': b64encode(image_data.getvalue()), 'east': format_x_coord(bounds[0]), 'south': format_y_coord(bounds[1]), 'west': format_x_coord(bounds[2]), 'north': format_y_coord(bounds[3]), 'scale_image_data': scale_data, 'scale': scale, 'single_color': single_color, 'kept_colors': self.get_colors(kept_colors, len(futures)+1), 'gained_colors': self.get_colors(gained_colors, len(futures)+1), 'historic': historic.replace('_', '-'), 'futures': [ {'rcp': RCP_LABELS[rcp], 'year': YEAR_LABELS[year]} for rcp, year in [x.split('_', 1) for x in futures] ], 'species': SPECIES_LABELS[species], } uuid = str(uuid4()) report_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, uuid) if not os.path.exists(report_dir): os.makedirs(report_dir) path = os.path.join(report_dir, 'SPHT Report.pdf') with open(path, 'wb') as f: HTML(BytesIO(render_to_string('spht/report.html', context).encode())).write_pdf(f) return '{}{}/SPHT Report.pdf'.format(settings.MEDIA_URL, uuid)
def test_SpatialCoordinateVariables_bbox(): proj = Proj(init='EPSG:4326') bbox = BBox((10.5, 5, 110.5, 55), projection=proj) coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_bbox(bbox, 10, 5) assert coords.bbox.as_list() == bbox.as_list()
def hydrate_initial_extent(self, bundle): if'initial_extent'):['initial_extent'] = BBox(['initial_extent']) return bundle
def test_window_for_bbox(): coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_bbox(BBox([-124, 82, -122, 90], Proj(init='epsg:4326')), 20, 20) window = coords.get_window_for_bbox(BBox([-123.9, 82.4, -122.1, 89.6])) assert window.x_slice == slice(1, 19) assert window.y_slice == slice(1, 19)
def hydrate_full_extent(self, bundle): if'full_extent'):['full_extent'] = BBox(['full_extent']) return bundle
def to_netcdf( files, output, variable, dtype, src_crs, x_name, y_name, z_name, datetime_pattern, netcdf3, compress, packed, xy_dtype, # z_dtype, calendar, autocrop): """ Convert rasters to NetCDF and stack them according to a dimension. X and Y dimension names will be named according to the source projection (lon, lat if geographic projection, x, y otherwise) unless specified. Will overwrite an existing NetCDF file. Only the first band of the input will be turned into a NetCDF file. """ # TODO: add format string template to this to parse out components filenames = list(glob.glob(files)) if not filenames: raise click.BadParameter('No files found matching that pattern', param='files', param_hint='FILES') z_values = [] if datetime_pattern is not None: datetimes = (datetime.strptime(x, datetime_pattern) for x in filenames) # Sort both datimes and filenames by datetimes z_values, filenames = [ list(x) for x in zip(*sorted(zip(datetimes, filenames), key=itemgetter(0))) ] items = tuple(enumerate(filenames)) has_z = len(filenames) > 1 if has_z and not z_name: raise click.BadParameter('Required when > 1 input file', param='--z', param_hint='--z') if src_crs: src_crs = CRS.from_string(src_crs) template_ds =[0]) src_crs = or src_crs if not src_crs: raise click.BadParameter( 'Required when no CRS information available in source files', param='--src-crs', param_hint='--src-crs') prj = Proj(**src_crs.to_dict()) bounds = template_ds.bounds width = template_ds.width height = template_ds.height window = None src_dtype = numpy.dtype(template_ds.dtypes[0]) dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) if dtype else src_dtype if dtype == src_dtype: fill_value = template_ds.nodata if src_dtype.kind in ('u', 'i'): # nodata always comes from rasterio as floating point fill_value = int(fill_value) else: fill_value = get_fill_value(dtype) x_name = x_name or ('lon' if src_crs.is_geographic else 'x') y_name = y_name or ('lat' if src_crs.is_geographic else 'y') var_kwargs = {'fill_value': fill_value} format = 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC' if netcdf3 else 'NETCDF4' with Dataset(output, 'w', format=format) as out: if packed or autocrop: mins = [] maxs = [] windows = [] click.echo('Inspecting input datasets...') with click.progressbar(items) as iter: for index, filename in iter: with as src: data =, masked=True) if packed: mins.append(data.min()) maxs.append(data.max()) if autocrop: data_window = get_data_window(data) if data_window != ((0, height), (0, width)): windows.append(data_window) if packed: min_value = min(mins) max_value = max(maxs) scale, offset = get_pack_atts(dtype, min_value, max_value) if autocrop and windows: window = union(windows) bounds = template_ds.window_bounds(window) height = window[0][1] - window[0][0] width = window[1][1] - window[1][0] coords = SpatialCoordinateVariables.from_bbox(BBox(bounds, prj), width, height, xy_dtype) coords.add_to_dataset(out, x_name, y_name, zlib=compress) var_dimensions = [y_name, x_name] shape = list(coords.shape) if has_z: shape.insert(0, len(filenames)) out.createDimension(z_name, shape[0]) var_dimensions.insert(0, z_name) if z_values: dates = DateVariable(numpy.array(z_values), units_start_date=z_values[0], calendar=calendar) dates.add_to_dataset(out, z_name) click.echo('Creating {0}:{1} with shape {2}'.format( output, variable, shape)) out_var = out.createVariable(variable, dtype, dimensions=var_dimensions, zlib=compress, **var_kwargs) set_crs(out, variable, prj, set_proj4_att=True) if packed: out_var.setncattr('scale_factor', scale) out_var.setncattr('add_offset', offset) click.echo('Copying data from input files...') with click.progressbar(items) as iter: for index, filename in iter: with as src: data =, masked=True, window=window) if has_z: out_var[index, :] = data else: out_var[:] = data out.sync()
def __init__(self, size, point, zoom, center, tile_layers, region, zone_id, opacity, constraint_geometry=None): self._configure_event_loop() self.num_tiles = [ math.ceil(size[x] / TILE_SIZE[x]) + 1 for x in (0, 1) ] center_tile = mercantile.tile(center[1], center[0], zoom) mercator = Proj(init='epsg:3857') wgs84 = Proj(init='epsg:4326') center_tile_bbox = BBox(mercantile.bounds(*center_tile), projection=wgs84).project(mercator, edge_points=0) center_to_image = world_to_image(center_tile_bbox, TILE_SIZE) center_to_world = image_to_world(center_tile_bbox, TILE_SIZE) center_point_px = center_to_image(*mercantile.xy(center[1], center[0])) self.ul_tile = mercantile.tile(*transform( mercator, wgs84, *center_to_world(center_point_px[0] - math.ceil(IMAGE_SIZE[0] / 2), center_point_px[1] - math.ceil(IMAGE_SIZE[1] / 2)), zoom)) lr_tile = mercantile.Tile(x=min(2**zoom, self.ul_tile.x + self.num_tiles[0]), y=min(2**zoom, self.ul_tile.y + self.num_tiles[1]), z=zoom) ul = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(*self.ul_tile)) lr = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(*lr_tile)) self.image_bbox = BBox((ul[0], lr[1], lr[0], ul[1])) self.image_size = (TILE_SIZE[0] * self.num_tiles[0], TILE_SIZE[1] * self.num_tiles[1]) self.to_image = world_to_image(self.image_bbox, self.image_size) self.to_world = image_to_world(self.image_bbox, self.image_size) self.point_px = [ round(x) for x in self.to_image(*mercantile.xy(*point)) ] self.center_point_px = self.to_image( *mercantile.xy(center[1], center[0])) self.target_size = size self.point = point self.zoom = zoom = center self.tile_layers = tile_layers self.region = region self.zone_id = zone_id self.opacity = opacity self.constraint_geometry = constraint_geometry
def handle(self, region_name, *args, **options): name = region_name[0] from django.conf import settings BASE_DIR = settings.NC_SERVICE_DATA_ROOT # determine extent and lat/lon variable names from DEM dem_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "regions", name, "{}".format(name)) with Dataset(dem_path, "r") as ds: dims = ds.dimensions.keys() lat = "lat" if "lat" in dims else "latitude" lon = "lon" if "lon" in dims else "longitude" l = float(ds.variables[lon][:].min()) b = float(ds.variables[lat][:].min()) r = float(ds.variables[lon][:].max()) t = float(ds.variables[lat][:].max()) extent = BBox((l, b, r, t), projection=pyproj.Proj(WGS84)) # Generate DEM service with transaction.atomic(): print("Adding {}".format(name)) print("---") print("elevation") service_name = "{}_dem".format(name) if Service.objects.filter(name__iexact=service_name).exists(): print("{} already exists, skipping.".format(service_name)) else: dem_service = Service.objects.create( name=service_name, data_path="regions/{name}/{name}".format(name=name), projection=WGS84, full_extent=extent, initial_extent=extent, ) with Dataset(dem_path, "r") as ds: v_min = numpy.nanmin(ds.variables["elevation"][:]).item() v_max = numpy.nanmax(ds.variables["elevation"][:]).item() renderer = StretchedRenderer([(v_min, Color(0, 0, 0)), (v_max, Color(255, 255, 255))]) Variable.objects.create( service=dem_service, index=0, variable="elevation", projection=WGS84, x_dimension=lon, y_dimension=lat, name="elevation", renderer=renderer, full_extent=extent, ) # Generate ClimateNA services with transaction.atomic(): for year in PERIODS: print("") print(year) print("---") for var in VARS: print(var) service_name = "{}_{}Y_{}".format(name, year, var) if not Service.objects.filter(name__iexact=service_name).exists(): data_path = "regions/{name}/{year}Y/{name}_{year}Y_{var}.nc".format( name=name, year=year, var=var ) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, data_path)): print("{} does not exist, skipping.".format(service_name)) continue service = Service.objects.create( name=service_name, data_path=data_path, projection=WGS84, full_extent=extent, initial_extent=extent, ) with Dataset(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, service.data_path), "r") as ds: dims = ds.dimensions.keys() lat = "lat" if "lat" in dims else "latitude" lon = "lon" if "lon" in dims else "longitude" v_min = numpy.nanmin(ds.variables[var][:]).item() v_max = numpy.nanmax(ds.variables[var][:]).item() renderer = StretchedRenderer([(v_min, Color(0, 0, 0)), (v_max, Color(255, 255, 255))]) variable = Variable.objects.create( service=service, index=0, variable=var, projection=WGS84, x_dimension=lon, y_dimension=lat, name=var, renderer=renderer, full_extent=extent, ) else: print("{} already exists, skipping.".format(service_name))