def solve(input_data,baseDir):
    q,dphi,rw,twd,p = input_data

    # Kepler's law gives a quantity related to wd mass and separation, a
    # scaled_mass = a**3/M_wd. I call this the scaled mass.
    scaled_mass = const.G * (1+q) * p**2 / 4.0 / np.pi**2

    # convert white dwarf radius to units of separation, rw/a
    xl1_a = roche.xl1(q)
    rw_a = rw*xl1_a

    solved = True
        # try wood models
        mw = find_wdmass(twd,scaled_mass,rw_a,baseDir,model='wood')
        # try panei models (usually for masses above 1 Msun)
            mw = find_wdmass(twd,scaled_mass,rw_a,baseDir,model='panei')
            # try hamada models (for masses less than 0.4 or more than 1.2 Msun)
                solved = False

    # do nothing if none of the models yielded a solution
    # otherwise,         
    if solved:
        # donor star mass
        mr = mw*q
        # from this wd mass and scaled mass, find a
        a3 = scaled_mass*mw
        a = a3**(1./3.)
        a =

        # inc
        inc = roche.findi(q,dphi)
        sini = np.sin(np.radians(inc))

        # radial velocities
        kw = (2.0*np.pi*sini*q*a/(1+q)/p).to(
        kr = kw/q
        #secondary radius
        #use from Warner 1995 (eggleton)
        #radius of sphere with same volume as Roche Lobe...
        r2 = 0.49*a*q**(2.0/3.0)
        r2 /= 0.6 * q**(2.0/3.0) + np.log(1.0+q**(1.0/3.0))

        # need to be a little careful here for different versions of astropy
        data = (q,mw,rw_a*a,mr,r2,a,kw,kr,inc)
        if not quantitySupport:
            data = [getval(datum) for datum in data]
        return data
        return None
Esempio n. 2
def findi(q, deltai):
	""" Finds value of i from q and deltai, assuming an eclipse phase width given in mgutils. If iangle would be > 90, sets = 90.
	# By MJG
	avphi = 0.037134275925356952
	iangle = roche.findi(q, avphi) + deltai
	if iangle > 90.0:
		iangle = 90.0
	return iangle
 def calcChangepoints(self,phi):
     # Also get object for dphi, q and rwd as this is required to determine changepoints
     dphi = self.getParam('dphi')
     q = self.getParam('q')
     rwd = self.getParam('rwd')
     phi0Template = 'phi0_{0}'
     dphi_change = np.fabs(self._olddphi - dphi.currVal)/dphi.currVal
     q_change    = np.fabs(self._oldq - q.currVal)/q.currVal
     rwd_change  = np.fabs(self._oldrwd - rwd.currVal)/rwd.currVal
     if (dphi_change > 1.2) or (q_change > 1.2) or (rwd_change > 1.2):
         # Calculate inclination
         inc = roche.findi(q.currVal,dphi.currVal)
         # Calculate wd contact phases 3 and 4
         phi3, phi4 = roche.wdphases(q.currVal, inc, rwd.currVal, ntheta=10)
         # Calculate length of wd egress
         dpwd = phi4 - phi3
         # Distance from changepoints to mideclipse
         dist_cp = (dphi.currVal+dpwd)/2.
         dist_cp = self._dist_cp
     '''# Find location of all changepoints
     for iecl in range(self.necl):
         changepoints = []
         phi0 = self.getParam(phi0Template.format(iecl))
         # the following range construction gives a list
         # of all mid-eclipse phases within phi array
         for n in range (int( phi.min() ), int( phi.max() )+1, 1):
             changepoints.append(n+phi0.currVal+dist_cp) '''
     # Find location of all changepoints
     changepoints = []
     # the following range construction gives a list
     # of all mid-eclipse phases within phi array
     for n in range (int( phi.min() ), int( phi.max() )+1, 1):
     # save these values for speed
     if (dphi_change > 1.2) or (q_change > 1.2) or (rwd_change > 1.2):
         self._dist_cp = dist_cp
         self._oldq = q.currVal
         self._olddphi = dphi.currVal
         self._oldrwd = rwd.currVal
     return changepoints
Esempio n. 4
def solve(input_data, baseDir):
    q, dphi, rw, twd, p = input_data

    # Kepler's law gives a quantity related to wd mass and separation, a
    # scaled_mass = a**3/M_wd. I call this the scaled mass.
    scaled_mass = const.G * (1 + q) * p**2 / 4.0 / np.pi**2

    # convert white dwarf radius to units of separation, rw/a
    xl1_a = roche.xl1(q)
    rw_a = rw * xl1_a

    solved = True
        # try wood models
        mw = find_wdmass(twd, scaled_mass, rw_a, baseDir, model='wood')
        # try panei models (usually for masses above 1 Msun)
            mw = find_wdmass(twd, scaled_mass, rw_a, baseDir, model='panei')
            # try hamada models (for masses less than 0.4 or more than 1.2 Msun)
                mw = find_wdmass(twd,
                solved = False

    # do nothing if none of the models yielded a solution
    # otherwise,
    if solved:
        # donor star mass
        mr = mw * q

        # from this wd mass and scaled mass, find a
        a3 = scaled_mass * mw
        a = a3**(1. / 3.)
        a =

        # inc
        inc = roche.findi(q, dphi)
        sini = np.sin(np.radians(inc))

        # radial velocities
        kw = (2.0 * np.pi * sini * q * a / (1 + q) / p).to( / units.s)
        kr = kw / q

        #secondary radius
        #use from Warner 1995 (eggleton)
        #radius of sphere with same volume as Roche Lobe...
        r2 = 0.49 * a * q**(2.0 / 3.0)
        r2 /= 0.6 * q**(2.0 / 3.0) + np.log(1.0 + q**(1.0 / 3.0))

        # need to be a little careful here for different versions of astropy
        data = (q, mw, rw_a * a, mr, r2, a, kw, kr, inc)
        if not quantitySupport:
            data = [getval(datum) for datum in data]

        return data
        return None
Esempio n. 5
	return True

## Read in original model file
labels, valsorig, a, b, c, d, footer = readMod(origname)
qorig = valsorig[labels=='q']
iorig = valsorig[labels=='iangle']
phi = roche.findphi(qorig, iorig)
minq = roche.findq(90,phi)

## Loop over q values wanted
qlist = np.append([minq],np.linspace(0.02,0.1,9))
for q in qlist:
	## find i and write model
	iangle = roche.findi(q,phi)

	vals = np.copy(valsorig)
	vals[labels=='q'] = q
	vals[labels=='iangle'] = iangle

	if q == minq:
		outname = "qmin.mod"
		outname = "q%03d.mod"%(q*100)

	writeMod(outname, labels, vals, a, b, c, d, footer)

	print "Written model with q", q, "to", outname

Esempio n. 6

## Create model q/i relationship based on mean phi
modelq, modelplus, modelminus = [], [], []
modeli = np.linspace(ilowerlim, 90, 1000)
for j in modeli:
	modelq += [roche.findq(j, avphi)]
	modelplus += [roche.findq(j, avphi+avphierr)]
	modelminus += [roche.findq(j, avphi-avphierr)]

## Find statistics of points from model
s = []
chisq, chisqr, chisqg, chisqb = 0, 0, 0, 0
for j in xrange(len(q[nz])):
	s += [(i[nz][j] - roche.findi(q[nz][j], avphi)) ** 2]		#find difference squared for each point
	chisq += ((i[nz][j] - roche.findi(q[nz][j], avphi)) / ierr[nz][j])**2 + ((q[nz][j] - roche.findq(i[nz][j], avphi)) / qerr[nz][j])**2
	if "-r" in names[j]:
		chisqr += ((i[nz][j] - roche.findi(q[nz][j], avphi)) / ierr[nz][j])**2 + ((q[nz][j] - roche.findq(i[nz][j], avphi)) / qerr[nz][j])**2
	if "-g" in names[j]:
		chisqg += ((i[nz][j] - roche.findi(q[nz][j], avphi)) / ierr[nz][j])**2 + ((q[nz][j] - roche.findq(i[nz][j], avphi)) / qerr[nz][j])**2
	if "-b" in names[j]:
		chisqb += ((i[nz][j] - roche.findi(q[nz][j], avphi)) / ierr[nz][j])**2 + ((q[nz][j] - roche.findq(i[nz][j], avphi)) / qerr[nz][j])**2
rms = np.sqrt(np.array([s]).mean())						# take mean and square root
print "\nRMS is", rms
print "Chisq is", chisq
print "Reduced chisq is", chisq / len(q[nz])
print "\nChisq of red points is", chisqr, "reduced is", chisqr / len(q[nz][red])
print "Chisq of green points is", chisqg, "reduced is", chisqg / len(q[nz][gre])
print "Chisq of blue points is", chisqb, "reduced is", chisqb / len(q[nz][blu])
Esempio n. 7
from trm import dnl, subs, sla, roche
import stars, runs
import mgutils as mg
from os import listdir
import pickle

""" Script for plotting things in ingress/egress space

avphi = 0.0373289888593

qmin = roche.findq(ianglemax, avphi)

q = 0.024
iangle = roche.findi(q, avphi)
q2 = 0.03
iangle2 = roche.findi(q2, avphi)

plotFoldedEclipses = True
plotUnfoldedEclipses = False

class Eclipse(object):
	""" A class for handling times of an eclipse.
	def __init__(self, name): = name

def iestream(q, iangle, step=1./1000, n=200):
	""" Returns ingress, egress, x and y positions for stream. A wrapper around