def simulate_circle(no_realizations, Tmin=400, Tmax=800):
    # Create the tree
    K = 3
    depth, leaf_path, possible_paths, leaf_nodes = utils.create_balanced_binary_tree(

    # Define emission parameters
    C = np.zeros((D_out, D_in + 1))
    C[:, :-1] = np.eye(D_out)
    C[0, 1] = 2
    S = .001 * np.eye(D_out)

    # Create dynamics
    theta_1 = -.15 * np.pi / 2
    theta_2 = -.05 * np.pi / 2
    theta_3 = -.35 * np.pi / 2

    A = []
    A.append(np.zeros((D_in, D_in + 1, 1)))

    At = np.zeros((D_in, D_in + 1, 2))
    At[:, :-1, 0] = np.array([[np.cos(theta_3), -np.sin(theta_3)],
    At[:, :, 1] *= np.nan

    At = np.zeros((D_in, D_in + 1, 4))
    At[:, :, 0] *= np.nan
    At[:, :, 1] *= np.nan
    At[:, :-1, 2] = np.array([[np.cos(theta_1), -np.sin(theta_1)],
    At[:, :-1, 3] = np.array([[np.cos(theta_2), -np.sin(theta_2)],

    Q = np.repeat(.001 * np.eye(D_in)[:, :, na], K, axis=2)  # Noise covariance

    # Create hyperplanes
    R_par = np.zeros((D_in + 1, 1))
    R_par[0, 0] = 100
    R_par[1, 0] = 100

    R = []
    R_temp = np.zeros((D_in + 1, 2))
    R_temp[:, 0] *= np.nan  # Left hyperplane
    R_temp[:-1, 1] = np.array([-100, 100])  # Right hyperplane

    kwargs = {
        'D_in': D_in,
        'D_out': D_out,
        'K': K,
        'dynamics': A,
        'dynamics_noise': Q,
        'emission': C,
        'emission_noise': S,
        'hyper_planes': R,
        'possible_paths': possible_paths,
        'leaf_path': leaf_path,
        'leaf_nodes': leaf_nodes

    true_model = TroSLDS(**kwargs)  # Create model

    # Generate data from model
    Xreal = []
    Yreal = []
    Zreal = []
    starting_pts = npr.uniform(-5, 5, (D_in, no_realizations))
    for reals in tqdm(range(no_realizations)):
        T = npr.randint(Tmin, Tmax + 1)
        y, x, z = true_model._generate_data(T, starting_pts[:, reals])

    return Xreal, Yreal, Zreal, true_model
"Initalize values"
max_epochs = 200
batch_size = 128
lr = 0.0001
#Instead of passing in spikes, pass in smoothed spikes to do PCA on
A, C, R, X, Z, Path, possible_paths, leaf_path, leaf_nodes = init.initialize(Ysmooth, D_in, K, max_epochs, batch_size,
Qstart = np.repeat(np.eye(D_in)[:, :, na], K, axis=2)
Sstart = np.eye(D_out)

#Have to pass in bern=True for spike trains
kwargs = {'D_in': D_in, 'D_out': D_out, 'K': K, 'dynamics': A, 'dynamics_noise': Qstart, 'emission': C,
          'emission_noise': Sstart,
          'hyper_planes': R, 'possible_paths': possible_paths, 'leaf_path': leaf_path, 'leaf_nodes': leaf_nodes,
          'scale': 0.01, 'bern':True}
trslds = TroSLDS(**kwargs) #Instantiiate the model

#Add data to model
for idx in range(len(Y)):
    trslds._add_data(X[idx], Y[idx], Z[idx], Path[idx])

#Visualize initalization of latent states to see if it looks okay
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for idx in range(len(X)):
    ax.plot(X[idx][0, 1:], X[idx][1, 1:])
# In[]:
no_samples = 500 #For ICLR we ran for 1,000 samples but it converges rather quickly. 100 should be fine.
R_par = np.zeros((D_in + 1, 1))
R_par[0, 0] = 100
R_par[1, 0] = 100
r_par = np.array([0.0])

R = []
R_temp = np.zeros((D_in + 1, 2))
R_temp[:-1, 0] = np.array([-100, 100])  # Left hyperplane
R_temp[:-1, 1] = np.array([-100, 100])  # Right hyperplane

kwargs = {'D_in': D_in, 'D_out': D_out, 'K': K, 'dynamics': A, 'dynamics_noise': Q, 'emission': C, 'emission_noise': S,
          'hyper_planes': R, 'possible_paths': possible_paths, 'leaf_path': leaf_path, 'leaf_nodes': leaf_nodes}

true_model = TroSLDS(**kwargs)  # Create model

# In[2]:
"Check to see if plotting code works"
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
xmin = -15
xmax = 15
ymin = -15
ymax = 15
delta = 0.1
transform = np.hstack((np.eye(2), np.zeros((2, 1))))

X, Y, arrows = plotting.rot_vector_field(true_model.Aleaf, true_model.R, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, delta, depth,
                                         leaf_path, K, transform)
norm = np.sqrt(arrows[:, :, 0] ** 2 + arrows[:, :, 1] ** 2)