def return_trace_ele_ratio(self,ratio):#takes in ratio that wants to found as string and calculates
				up= up.upper()
				up_val=try_strings.try_strings(["%s(PPM)"%up,"%s(PPB)"%up,"%s(PPM): altern. values or methods"%up,"%s(PPB): altern. values or methods"%up,"%s(PPB): altern. values and methods"%up,"%s(PPM): altern. values and methods"%up],self.pts)
				low_val=try_strings.try_strings(["%s(PPM)"%low,"%s(PPB)"%low,"%s(PPM): altern. values or methods"%low,"%s(PPB): altern. values or methods"%low,"%s(PPB): altern. values and methods"%low,"%s(PPM): altern. values and methods"%low],self.pts)
				if up_val is None or low_val is None:
					return np.nan
				if up_val ==0 or low_val ==0:
					return np.nan
					return up_val/low_val
			except ValueError:#when only one element is specified:ratio.split('/')returns ValueError
				ratio= ratio.upper()
				print ratio
				up_val=try_strings.try_strings(["%s(PPM)"%ratio,"%s(PPB)"%ratio,"%s(PPM): altern. values or methods"%ratio,"%s(PPB): altern. values or methods"%ratio,"%s(PPB): altern. values and methods"%ratio,"%s(PPM): altern. values and methods"%ratio,"%s(WT%%): altern. values and methods"%ratio,"%s(WT%%)"%ratio],self.pts)
				if up_val is None:
					return np.nan
				if up_val ==0:
					return np.nan
					return up_val
Esempio n. 2
        def __init__(
                self, name, pts
        ):  #,fo90_0,fo90_8,fo92_0,fo92_8,name):#,fo92_0,fo92_8,tio2):

            self.pts = pts
   = name
            self.tio2 = try_strings.try_strings([
                "TIO2(WT%)", "TIO2(WT%): altern. values or methods",
                "TIO2(WT%): altern. values and methods"
            ], self.pts)
            self.fo2_vals = [0.15, 0.15]
            self.Y = try_strings.try_strings([
                "Y(PPM)", "Y(PPB)", "Y(PPM): altern. values or methods",
                "Y(PPB): altern. values or methods",
                "Y(PPB): altern. values and methods",
                "Y(PPM): altern. values and methods"
            ], self.pts)
            self.La_D = {
                "ol": 0.0,
                "opx": 0.0008,
                "cpx": 0.071
            }  #distribution coeffs
            self.Y_D = {"ol": 1e-3, "opx": 0.086, "cpx": 0.76}
            self.ti_D = {"ol": 0.01, "opx": 0.24, "cpx": 0.34}
		def __init__(self,name,pts):#,fo90_0,fo90_8,fo92_0,fo92_8,name):#,fo92_0,fo92_8,tio2):
			self.tio2=try_strings.try_strings(["TIO2(WT%)","TIO2(WT%): altern. values or methods","TIO2(WT%): altern. values and methods"],self.pts)
			self.Y=try_strings.try_strings(["Y(PPM)","Y(PPB)","Y(PPM): altern. values or methods","Y(PPB): altern. values or methods","Y(PPB): altern. values and methods","Y(PPM): altern. values and methods"],self.pts)
			self.La_D={"ol":0.0,"opx":0.0008,"cpx":0.071}#distribution coeffs 
		def eu_anomaly(self): #Eu anomaly as defined in Turner and Langmuir 2015, test for mixed evolved and primitive magmas
			import chondrite_comp
			Eu=try_strings.try_strings(["EU(PPM)","EU(PPB)","EU(PPM): altern. values or methods","EU(PPB): altern. values or methods","EU(PPB): altern. values and methods","EU(PPM): altern. values and methods"],self.pts)
			Sm=try_strings.try_strings(["SM(PPM)","SM(PPB)","SM(PPM): altern. values or methods","SM(PPB): altern. values or methods","SM(PPB): altern. values and methods","SM(PPM): altern. values and methods"],self.pts)
			Gd=try_strings.try_strings(["GD(PPM)","GD(PPB)","GD(PPM): altern. values or methods","GD(PPB): altern. values or methods","GD(PPB): altern. values and methods","GD(PPM): altern. values and methods"],self.pts)
			Tb=try_strings.try_strings(["TB(PPM)","TB(PPB)","TB(PPM): altern. values or methods","TB(PPB): altern. values or methods","TB(PPB): altern. values and methods","TB(PPM): altern. values and methods"],self.pts)
			if Gd is not None and Sm is not None and Eu is not None: #np.isnan(Gd)== False:
			elif  Gd is None and Tb is not None and Eu is not None:#np.isnan(Gd)== True:
def fractionate(ele_d,H2Omelt1,fo2,Fomax,mass_inc=0.00005,Kd_var=1,MgO_min=6.0):#ele_d=dict of element concentrations,h2o=h2o content of melt, fo2=oxidation of mantle,Fo=forsterite content of mantle,Kd_var (1=variable Kd, 0 =non variable Kd)
	import math
	import try_strings
	SiO2melt1 = try_strings.try_strings(["SIO2(WT%)","SIO2(WT%): altern. values or methods","SIO2(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	TiO2melt1 = try_strings.try_strings(["TIO2(WT%)","TIO2(WT%): altern. values or methods","TIO2(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	Al2O3melt1 = try_strings.try_strings(["AL2O3(WT%)","AL2O3(WT%): altern. values or methods","AL2O3(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	Cr2O3melt1 = 0.0#try_strings.try_strings(["CR2O3(WT%)","CR2O3(WT%): altern. values or methods","CR2O3(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	FeOmelt1 = try_strings.try_strings(["FEOT(WT%)","FEOT(WT%): altern. values or methods","FEOT(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	MnOmelt1 = try_strings.try_strings(["MNO(WT%)","MNO(WT%): altern. values or methods","MNO(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	MgOmelt1 = try_strings.try_strings(["MGO(WT%)","MGO(WT%): altern. values or methods","MGO(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	CaOmelt1 = try_strings.try_strings(["CAO(WT%)","CAO(WT%): altern. values or methods","CAO(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	Na2Omelt1 = try_strings.try_strings(["NA2O(WT%)","NA2O(WT%): altern. values or methods","NA2O(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	K2Omelt1 = try_strings.try_strings(["K2O(WT%)","K2O(WT%): altern. values or methods","K2O(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
	#H2Omelt1 = ele_d["H2O"]
	for maj in [SiO2melt1,TiO2melt1,Al2O3melt1,FeOmelt1,MnOmelt1,MgOmelt1,CaOmelt1,Na2Omelt1,K2Omelt1]:
		if type(maj) is not float:#if one of major elements values is not a float
			#print "heree",ele_d["AL2O3(WT%)"],"blah"
			return major_eles_corrected
	SumMelt1 = SiO2melt1 + TiO2melt1 + Al2O3melt1 + Cr2O3melt1 + FeOmelt1 + MnOmelt1 + MgOmelt1 + CaOmelt1 + Na2Omelt1 + K2Omelt1 + H2Omelt1

	FeOmelt1x = FeOmelt1 * (1 - fo2)#??
	Fe2O3melt1x = FeOmelt1 * (fo2) * 159.69 /( 71.84 * 2)#??

	Sum = SiO2melt1 + TiO2melt1 + Al2O3melt1 + Cr2O3melt1 + FeOmelt1x + Fe2O3melt1x + MnOmelt1 + MgOmelt1 + CaOmelt1 + Na2Omelt1 + K2Omelt1 + H2Omelt1
	if MgOmelt1<MgO_min:
		print MgOmelt1,"no this is"
	#Normalize to 100%
	SiO2melt = SiO2melt1 / Sum * 100
        TiO2melt = TiO2melt1 / Sum * 100
        Al2O3melt = Al2O3melt1 / Sum * 100
        Cr2O3melt1 = Cr2O3melt1 / Sum * 100
        FeOmelt = FeOmelt1x / Sum * 100
        Fe2O3melt = Fe2O3melt1x / Sum * 100
        MnOmelt = MnOmelt1 / Sum * 100
        MgOmelt = MgOmelt1 / Sum * 100
        CaOmelt = CaOmelt1 / Sum * 100
        Na2Omelt = Na2Omelt1 / Sum * 100
        K2Omelt = K2Omelt1 / Sum * 100
        H2Omelt = H2Omelt1 / Sum * 100

	#ANHYDROUS cation percents for original sample (note: we include H2O)
        cat0 = (SiO2melt1 / 60.08) + (TiO2melt1 / 79.86) + ((2 * Al2O3melt1) / 101.96) + ((2 * Cr2O3melt1) / 151.99) + (FeOmelt1 / 71.84) + (MnOmelt1 / 70.94) + (MgOmelt1 / 40.3) + (CaOmelt1 / 56.08) + ((2 * Na2Omelt1) / 61.98) + ((2 * K2Omelt1) / 94.2)+((2 * Fe2O3melt1x) / 159.59) #2* ? Total number of moles?
	Si0 = SiO2melt1 / (60.08 * cat0) * 100
	Ti0 = TiO2melt1 / (79.86 * cat0) * 100
	Al0 = 2 * Al2O3melt1 / (101.96 * cat0) * 100
	Cr0 = 2 * Cr2O3melt1 / (151.99 * cat0) * 100
	Fe20 = FeOmelt1x / (71.84 * cat0) * 100
	Mn0 = MnOmelt1 / (70.94 * cat0) * 100
	Mg0 = MgOmelt1 / (40.3 * cat0) * 100
	Ca0 = CaOmelt1 / (56.08 * cat0) * 100
	Na0 = 2 * Na2Omelt1 / (61.98 * cat0) * 100
	K0 = 2 * K2Omelt1 / (94.2 * cat0) * 100
	Fe30 = ((2 * Fe2O3melt1x) / (159.69 * cat0)) * 100
	Fe30 = 2 * Fe2O3melt1x / 159.69 / cat0 * 100
	if Kd_var == 0:
		KD = 0.32
	elif Kd_var==1:
		KD = 0.25324 + 0.0033663 * (Mg0 + 0.33 * Fe20) #Tamura(19xx)
	FoZ = 1 / (1 + KD * Fe20 / Mg0)

	if FoZ>Fomax:
	if SumMelt1<97:
		print "Sum of major elements < 97%; returning 0,0"
	if K1==0 or K==0:
		#print K1,K,"blah"
		return major_eles_corrected
		while True:
			MWol = 2 * Fo * 40.3 + 2.0 * (1.0 - Fo) * 71.85 + 60.08#calculating composition of olivine to add in
			FeOol = ((2 * (1 - Fo) * 71.85) / MWol) * 100
			MgOol = (2 * Fo * 40.3 / MWol) * 100
			SiO2ol = (60.08 / MWol) * 100
			MgOmelt = (MgOol * dm + MgOmelt) / (1 + dm)
			FeOmelt = (FeOol * dm + FeOmelt) / (1 + dm)
			Fe2O3melt = Fe2O3melt / (1 + dm)
			SiO2melt = (SiO2ol * dm + SiO2melt) / (1 + dm)
			TiO2melt = TiO2melt / (1 + dm)
			Al2O3melt = Al2O3melt / (1 + dm)
			MnOmelt = MnOmelt / (1 + dm)
			CaOmelt = CaOmelt / (1 + dm)
			Na2Omelt = Na2Omelt / (1 + dm)
			K2Omelt = K2Omelt / (1 + dm)
			H2Omelt = H2Omelt / (1 + dm)
			#Cr2O3melt = Cr2O3melt / (1 + dm)
			if Kd_var == 0:
				KD = 0.32
			if Kd_var == 1: 
				KD = 0.25324 + 0.0033663 * (Mg0 + 0.33 * Fe20) #Tamura(19xx)
			Fo = 1 / (1 + KD * (FeOmelt / 71.85) / (MgOmelt / 40.3))
			Sum = (SiO2melt + TiO2melt + Al2O3melt + FeOmelt + Fe2O3melt + MnOmelt + MgOmelt + CaOmelt + Na2Omelt + K2Omelt + H2Omelt)#removed Cr2O3
			totaloliv = (1 + dm) ** (Iteration)
			#print abs(Fo-Fomax)
			#print Iteration
#			if Iteration%100==0:
#				print Fo
#				c=raw_input("helo")
			if abs(Fo-Fomax)<0.0005:
#			if Iteration>10000:
#				return [0.0,0.0],0.0
		return major_eles_corrected
	 #oxide mole percent
	Ox = SiO2melt / 60.08 + TiO2melt / 79.86 + Al2O3melt / 101.96 + FeOmelt / 71.84 + MnOmelt / 70.94 + MgOmelt / 40.3 + CaOmelt / 56.08 + Na2Omelt / 61.98 + K2Omelt / 94.2 + H2Omelt / 18.02 + Fe2O3melt / 159.59 #Cr2O3melt / 151.99  removed
	moleSiO2 = SiO2melt / 60.08 / Ox * 100
	moleTiO2 = TiO2melt / 79.86 / Ox * 100
	moleAl2O3 = Al2O3melt / 101.96 / Ox * 100
	#moleCr2O3 = Cr2O3melt / 151.99 / Ox * 100
	moleFeO = FeOmelt / 71.84 / Ox * 100
	moleMnO = MnOmelt / 70.94 / Ox * 100
	moleMgO = MgOmelt / 40.3 / Ox * 100
	moleCaO = CaOmelt / 56.08 / Ox * 100
	moleNa2O = Na2Omelt / 61.98 / Ox * 100
	moleK2O = K2Omelt / 94.2 / Ox * 100
	moleH2O = H2Omelt / 18.02 / Ox * 100
	moleFe2O3 = Fe2O3melt / (159.69 * Ox) * 100
	SumOxmole = moleSiO2 + moleTiO2 + moleAl2O3 + moleFeO + moleMnO + moleMgO + moleCaO + moleNa2O + moleK2O + moleH2O + moleFe2O3 #+ moleCr2O3 removed
	#ANHYDROUS cation mole percent
	cat = moleSiO2 + moleTiO2 + moleAl2O3 * 2 + moleFeO + moleMnO + moleMgO + moleCaO + moleNa2O * 2 + moleK2O * 2 + moleFe2O3 * 2# + moleCr2O3
	Si = moleSiO2 / cat * 100
	Ti = moleTiO2 / cat * 100
	Al = moleAl2O3 * 2 / cat * 100
	#Cr = moleCr2O3 * 2 / cat * 100
	Fe2 = moleFeO / cat * 100
	Mn = moleMnO / cat * 100
	Mg = moleMgO / cat * 100
	Ca = moleCaO / cat * 100
	Na = moleNa2O * 2 / cat * 100
	Ks = moleK2O * 2 / cat * 100
	#?? No one for H2O
	Fe3 = moleFe2O3 * 2 / cat * 100
	catsum = Si + Ti + Al + Fe2 + Mn + Mg + Ca + Na + Ks + Fe3#remover+Cr and +H
	#Mole Species - Cin-Ty's formulation
	Si4O8 = 0.25 * (moleSiO2 - 0.5 * (moleFeO + moleMgO + moleCaO + moleMnO) - moleNa2O - moleK2O)
	Ti4O8 = 0.25 * moleTiO2
	Al163O8 = 3 / 8. * (moleAl2O3 - moleNa2O)
	#Cr163O8 = 3 / 8 * moleCr2O3
	Fe163O8 = 3 / 8. * moleFe2O3
	Fe4Si2O8 = 0.25 * moleFeO
	Mn4Si2O8 = 1 / 4. * moleMnO
	Mg4Si2O8 = 1 / 4. * moleMgO
	Ca4Si2O8 = 1 / 4. * moleCaO
	Na2Al2Si2O8 = moleNa2O
	K2Al2Si2O8 = moleK2O
	H16O8 = 0.125 * moleH2O
	sum8 = Si4O8 + Ti4O8 + Al163O8  + Fe163O8 + Fe4Si2O8 + Mg4Si2O8 + Mn4Si2O8 + Ca4Si2O8 + Na2Al2Si2O8 + K2Al2Si2O8 + H16O8  #+ Cr163O8

	Sim = Si4O8 / sum8 * 100
	Tim = Ti4O8 / sum8 * 100
	Alm = Al163O8 / sum8 * 100
	#Crm = Cr163O8 / sum8 * 100
	FeIIIm = Fe163O8 / sum8 * 100
	FeIIm = Fe4Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
	Mnm = Mn4Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
	Mgm = Mg4Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
	Cam = Ca4Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
	Nam = Na2Al2Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
	Km = K2Al2Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
	Hm = H16O8 / sum8 * 100
	sum8b = Sim + Tim + Alm + FeIIIm + FeIIm + Mnm + Mgm + Cam + Nam + Km + Hm # + Crm
            #PLee parameters
	b0 = 4.019    #basic constant
        b1 = -770   #temperature 1/T
        b2 = 0.0058 #temperature T^0.5
        b3 = 0.0165    #Fe
        b4 = 0.0005     #Ca
        b5 = 0.003      #water
                #Putirka 2005 with Na, K, H2O
                   #T is in Celsius, P is GPa
        #Tp = 3063.2 / (math.log(Fo * 100 * 2. / 3. / Mg) + 2.106193 - 0.019 * SiO2melt - 0.08 * (Na2Omelt + K2Omelt) + 0.028 * H2Omelt)
        #Pa = 0.1 * (math.exp(0.00252 * Tp - 0.12 * SiO2melt + 5.027))
        #PLee = (math.log(Sim) - b0 + b3 * FeIIm + b4 * Cam**2) / (b1 / (Tp + 273.15) + b2 * (Tp + 273.15)**0.5 - b5 * Hm)
#                'Putirka 2005 without compositional effects
#                    'T is in Celsius, P is GPa
#                    If K = 0 Then Tpx = 0 Else Tpx = 4490.5 / (Log(Fo * 100 * 2 / 3 / Mg) + 2.02)
#                    If Tpx = 0 Then Pax = 0 Else Pax = 0.1 * Exp(0.00252 * Tpx - 0.12 * SiO2melt + 5.027)
#                    If Pax = 0 Then PLeex = 0 Else PLeex = (Log(Sim) - b0 + b3 * FeIIm + b4 * Cam ^ 2) / (b1 / (Tpx + 273.15) + b2 * (Tpx + 273.15) ^ 0.5 - b5 * Hm)
#                        ActiveCell.Offset(x, 79) = Tpx
#                        ActiveCell.Offset(x, 80) = PLeex
#                        ActiveCell.Offset(x, 81) = Pax
#                'Lee T-independent barometer
#                    c0 = 4.05
#                    c3 = 0.012
#                    If K = 0 Then PLeez = 0 Else PLeez = (Log(Sim) - c0 + c3 * FeIIm) / (c1 / (Mgm ^ (1 / 3)) + c2 * Mgm ^ (1 / 2))
#                        ActiveCell.Offset(x, 89) = PLeez
	TLee = 916.45 + 13.68 * Mgm + 4580 / Sim - 0.509 * Hm * Mgm
	PLeeTLee = (math.log(Sim) - b0 + b3 * FeIIm + b4 * Cam**2) / (b1 / (TLee + 273.15) + b2 * (TLee + 273.15)**0.5 - b5 * Hm)
	return major_eles_corrected
def fractionate(
):  #ele_d=dict of element concentrations,h2o=h2o content of melt, fo2=oxidation of mantle,Fo=forsterite content of mantle,Kd_var (1=variable Kd, 0 =non variable Kd)
    import math
    import try_strings
    Iteration = 0

    SiO2melt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "SIO2(WT%)", "SIO2(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "SIO2(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    TiO2melt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "TIO2(WT%)", "TIO2(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "TIO2(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    Al2O3melt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "AL2O3(WT%)", "AL2O3(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "AL2O3(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    Cr2O3melt1 = 0.0  #try_strings.try_strings(["CR2O3(WT%)","CR2O3(WT%): altern. values or methods","CR2O3(WT%): altern. values and methods"],ele_d)
    FeOmelt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "FEOT(WT%)", "FEOT(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "FEOT(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    MnOmelt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "MNO(WT%)", "MNO(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "MNO(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    MgOmelt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "MGO(WT%)", "MGO(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "MGO(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    CaOmelt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "CAO(WT%)", "CAO(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "CAO(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    Na2Omelt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "NA2O(WT%)", "NA2O(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "NA2O(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    K2Omelt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "K2O(WT%)", "K2O(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "K2O(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    H2Omelt1 = try_strings.try_strings([
        "H2O(WT%)", "H2O(WT%): altern. values or methods",
        "H2O(WT%): altern. values and methods"
    ], ele_d)
    #H2Omelt1 = ele_d["H2O"]
    for maj in [
            SiO2melt1, TiO2melt1, Al2O3melt1, FeOmelt1, MnOmelt1, MgOmelt1,
            CaOmelt1, Na2Omelt1, K2Omelt1

        if type(
        ) is not float:  #if one of major elements values is not a float
            #print "heree",ele_d["AL2O3(WT%)"],"blah"
            return [0.0, 0.0], 0.0

    SumMelt1 = SiO2melt1 + TiO2melt1 + Al2O3melt1 + Cr2O3melt1 + FeOmelt1 + MnOmelt1 + MgOmelt1 + CaOmelt1 + Na2Omelt1 + K2Omelt1 + H2Omelt1

    FeOmelt1x = FeOmelt1 * (1 - fo2)  #??
    Fe2O3melt1x = FeOmelt1 * (fo2) * 159.69 / (71.84 * 2)  #??

    Sum = SiO2melt1 + TiO2melt1 + Al2O3melt1 + Cr2O3melt1 + FeOmelt1x + Fe2O3melt1x + MnOmelt1 + MgOmelt1 + CaOmelt1 + Na2Omelt1 + K2Omelt1 + H2Omelt1

    if MgOmelt1 < MgO_min:
        print MgOmelt1, "no this is"
        K = 0
        K = 1

    #Normalize to 100%
    SiO2melt = SiO2melt1 / Sum * 100
    TiO2melt = TiO2melt1 / Sum * 100
    Al2O3melt = Al2O3melt1 / Sum * 100
    Cr2O3melt1 = Cr2O3melt1 / Sum * 100
    FeOmelt = FeOmelt1x / Sum * 100
    Fe2O3melt = Fe2O3melt1x / Sum * 100
    MnOmelt = MnOmelt1 / Sum * 100
    MgOmelt = MgOmelt1 / Sum * 100
    CaOmelt = CaOmelt1 / Sum * 100
    Na2Omelt = Na2Omelt1 / Sum * 100
    K2Omelt = K2Omelt1 / Sum * 100
    H2Omelt = H2Omelt1 / Sum * 100

    #ANHYDROUS cation percents for original sample (note: we include H2O)
    cat0 = (SiO2melt1 / 60.08) + (TiO2melt1 / 79.86) + (
        (2 * Al2O3melt1) /
        101.96) + ((2 * Cr2O3melt1) / 151.99) + (FeOmelt1 / 71.84) + (
            MnOmelt1 / 70.94) + (MgOmelt1 / 40.3) + (CaOmelt1 / 56.08) + (
                (2 * Na2Omelt1) / 61.98) + ((2 * K2Omelt1) / 94.2) + (
                    (2 * Fe2O3melt1x) / 159.59)  #2* ? Total number of moles?
    Si0 = SiO2melt1 / (60.08 * cat0) * 100
    Ti0 = TiO2melt1 / (79.86 * cat0) * 100
    Al0 = 2 * Al2O3melt1 / (101.96 * cat0) * 100
    Cr0 = 2 * Cr2O3melt1 / (151.99 * cat0) * 100
    Fe20 = FeOmelt1x / (71.84 * cat0) * 100
    Mn0 = MnOmelt1 / (70.94 * cat0) * 100
    Mg0 = MgOmelt1 / (40.3 * cat0) * 100
    Ca0 = CaOmelt1 / (56.08 * cat0) * 100
    Na0 = 2 * Na2Omelt1 / (61.98 * cat0) * 100
    K0 = 2 * K2Omelt1 / (94.2 * cat0) * 100

    Fe30 = ((2 * Fe2O3melt1x) / (159.69 * cat0)) * 100
    Fe30 = 2 * Fe2O3melt1x / 159.69 / cat0 * 100
    if Kd_var == 0:
        KD = 0.32
    elif Kd_var == 1:
        KD = 0.25324 + 0.0033663 * (Mg0 + 0.33 * Fe20)  #Tamura(19xx)

    FoZ = 1 / (1 + KD * Fe20 / Mg0)

    if FoZ > Fomax:
        dm = -1 * mass_inc
        dm = mass_inc

    Fo = FoZ
    if SumMelt1 < 97:
        print "Sum of major elements < 97%; returning 0,0"
        K1 = 0

        K1 = 1

    if K1 == 0 or K == 0:
        #print K1,K,"blah"
        return [0.0, 0.0], 0.0
        while True:
            MWol = 2 * Fo * 40.3 + 2.0 * (
                1.0 - Fo
            ) * 71.85 + 60.08  #calculating composition of olivine to add in
            FeOol = ((2 * (1 - Fo) * 71.85) / MWol) * 100
            MgOol = (2 * Fo * 40.3 / MWol) * 100
            SiO2ol = (60.08 / MWol) * 100

            MgOmelt = (MgOol * dm + MgOmelt) / (1 + dm)
            FeOmelt = (FeOol * dm + FeOmelt) / (1 + dm)
            Fe2O3melt = Fe2O3melt / (1 + dm)
            SiO2melt = (SiO2ol * dm + SiO2melt) / (1 + dm)
            TiO2melt = TiO2melt / (1 + dm)
            Al2O3melt = Al2O3melt / (1 + dm)
            MnOmelt = MnOmelt / (1 + dm)
            CaOmelt = CaOmelt / (1 + dm)
            Na2Omelt = Na2Omelt / (1 + dm)
            K2Omelt = K2Omelt / (1 + dm)
            H2Omelt = H2Omelt / (1 + dm)
            #Cr2O3melt = Cr2O3melt / (1 + dm)
            if Kd_var == 0:
                KD = 0.32
            if Kd_var == 1:
                KD = 0.25324 + 0.0033663 * (Mg0 + 0.33 * Fe20)  #Tamura(19xx)
            Fo = 1 / (1 + KD * (FeOmelt / 71.85) / (MgOmelt / 40.3))
            Sum = (SiO2melt + TiO2melt + Al2O3melt + FeOmelt + Fe2O3melt +
                   MnOmelt + MgOmelt + CaOmelt + Na2Omelt + K2Omelt + H2Omelt
                   )  #removed Cr2O3
            Iteration += 1
            print iteration
            totaloliv = (1 + dm)**(Iteration)
            #print abs(Fo-Fomax)
            #print Iteration
            #			if Iteration%100==0:
            #				print Fo
            #				c=raw_input("helo")
            if abs(Fo - Fomax) < 0.0005:

#			if Iteration>10000:
#				return [0.0,0.0],0.0

        print "error in olivine correction loop,"
        return [0.0, 0.0], 0.0

    #oxide mole percent
    Ox = SiO2melt / 60.08 + TiO2melt / 79.86 + Al2O3melt / 101.96 + FeOmelt / 71.84 + MnOmelt / 70.94 + MgOmelt / 40.3 + CaOmelt / 56.08 + Na2Omelt / 61.98 + K2Omelt / 94.2 + H2Omelt / 18.02 + Fe2O3melt / 159.59  #Cr2O3melt / 151.99  removed
    moleSiO2 = SiO2melt / 60.08 / Ox * 100
    moleTiO2 = TiO2melt / 79.86 / Ox * 100
    moleAl2O3 = Al2O3melt / 101.96 / Ox * 100
    #moleCr2O3 = Cr2O3melt / 151.99 / Ox * 100
    moleFeO = FeOmelt / 71.84 / Ox * 100
    moleMnO = MnOmelt / 70.94 / Ox * 100
    moleMgO = MgOmelt / 40.3 / Ox * 100
    moleCaO = CaOmelt / 56.08 / Ox * 100
    moleNa2O = Na2Omelt / 61.98 / Ox * 100
    moleK2O = K2Omelt / 94.2 / Ox * 100
    moleH2O = H2Omelt / 18.02 / Ox * 100
    moleFe2O3 = Fe2O3melt / (159.69 * Ox) * 100
    SumOxmole = moleSiO2 + moleTiO2 + moleAl2O3 + moleFeO + moleMnO + moleMgO + moleCaO + moleNa2O + moleK2O + moleH2O + moleFe2O3  #+ moleCr2O3 removed

    #ANHYDROUS cation mole percent
    cat = moleSiO2 + moleTiO2 + moleAl2O3 * 2 + moleFeO + moleMnO + moleMgO + moleCaO + moleNa2O * 2 + moleK2O * 2 + moleFe2O3 * 2  # + moleCr2O3
    Si = moleSiO2 / cat * 100
    Ti = moleTiO2 / cat * 100
    Al = moleAl2O3 * 2 / cat * 100
    #Cr = moleCr2O3 * 2 / cat * 100
    Fe2 = moleFeO / cat * 100
    Mn = moleMnO / cat * 100
    Mg = moleMgO / cat * 100
    Ca = moleCaO / cat * 100
    Na = moleNa2O * 2 / cat * 100
    Ks = moleK2O * 2 / cat * 100
    #?? No one for H2O

    Fe3 = moleFe2O3 * 2 / cat * 100
    catsum = Si + Ti + Al + Fe2 + Mn + Mg + Ca + Na + Ks + Fe3  #remover+Cr and +H

    #Mole Species - Cin-Ty's formulation
    Si4O8 = 0.25 * (moleSiO2 - 0.5 * (moleFeO + moleMgO + moleCaO + moleMnO) -
                    moleNa2O - moleK2O)
    Ti4O8 = 0.25 * moleTiO2
    Al163O8 = 3 / 8. * (moleAl2O3 - moleNa2O)
    #Cr163O8 = 3 / 8 * moleCr2O3
    Fe163O8 = 3 / 8. * moleFe2O3
    Fe4Si2O8 = 0.25 * moleFeO
    Mn4Si2O8 = 1 / 4. * moleMnO
    Mg4Si2O8 = 1 / 4. * moleMgO
    Ca4Si2O8 = 1 / 4. * moleCaO
    Na2Al2Si2O8 = moleNa2O
    K2Al2Si2O8 = moleK2O
    H16O8 = 0.125 * moleH2O
    sum8 = Si4O8 + Ti4O8 + Al163O8 + Fe163O8 + Fe4Si2O8 + Mg4Si2O8 + Mn4Si2O8 + Ca4Si2O8 + Na2Al2Si2O8 + K2Al2Si2O8 + H16O8  #+ Cr163O8

    Sim = Si4O8 / sum8 * 100
    Tim = Ti4O8 / sum8 * 100
    Alm = Al163O8 / sum8 * 100
    #Crm = Cr163O8 / sum8 * 100
    FeIIIm = Fe163O8 / sum8 * 100
    FeIIm = Fe4Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
    Mnm = Mn4Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
    Mgm = Mg4Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
    Cam = Ca4Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
    Nam = Na2Al2Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
    Km = K2Al2Si2O8 / sum8 * 100
    Hm = H16O8 / sum8 * 100
    sum8b = Sim + Tim + Alm + FeIIIm + FeIIm + Mnm + Mgm + Cam + Nam + Km + Hm  # + Crm

    #PLee parameters
    b0 = 4.019  #basic constant
    b1 = -770  #temperature 1/T
    b2 = 0.0058  #temperature T^0.5
    b3 = 0.0165  #Fe
    b4 = 0.0005  #Ca
    b5 = 0.003  #water

    #Putirka 2005 with Na, K, H2O
    #T is in Celsius, P is GPa
    #Tp = 3063.2 / (math.log(Fo * 100 * 2. / 3. / Mg) + 2.106193 - 0.019 * SiO2melt - 0.08 * (Na2Omelt + K2Omelt) + 0.028 * H2Omelt)
    #Pa = 0.1 * (math.exp(0.00252 * Tp - 0.12 * SiO2melt + 5.027))
    #PLee = (math.log(Sim) - b0 + b3 * FeIIm + b4 * Cam**2) / (b1 / (Tp + 273.15) + b2 * (Tp + 273.15)**0.5 - b5 * Hm)

    #                'Putirka 2005 without compositional effects
    #                    'T is in Celsius, P is GPa
    #                    If K = 0 Then Tpx = 0 Else Tpx = 4490.5 / (Log(Fo * 100 * 2 / 3 / Mg) + 2.02)
    #                    If Tpx = 0 Then Pax = 0 Else Pax = 0.1 * Exp(0.00252 * Tpx - 0.12 * SiO2melt + 5.027)
    #                    If Pax = 0 Then PLeex = 0 Else PLeex = (Log(Sim) - b0 + b3 * FeIIm + b4 * Cam ^ 2) / (b1 / (Tpx + 273.15) + b2 * (Tpx + 273.15) ^ 0.5 - b5 * Hm)
    #                        ActiveCell.Offset(x, 79) = Tpx
    #                        ActiveCell.Offset(x, 80) = PLeex
    #                        ActiveCell.Offset(x, 81) = Pax
    #                'Lee T-independent barometer
    #                    c0 = 4.05
    #                    c3 = 0.012
    #                    If K = 0 Then PLeez = 0 Else PLeez = (Log(Sim) - c0 + c3 * FeIIm) / (c1 / (Mgm ^ (1 / 3)) + c2 * Mgm ^ (1 / 2))
    #                        ActiveCell.Offset(x, 89) = PLeez

    TLee = 916.45 + 13.68 * Mgm + 4580 / Sim - 0.509 * Hm * Mgm

    PLeeTLee = (math.log(Sim) - b0 + b3 * FeIIm +
                b4 * Cam**2) / (b1 / (TLee + 273.15) + b2 *
                                (TLee + 273.15)**0.5 - b5 * Hm)

    return [TLee, PLeeTLee], TiO2melt