Esempio n. 1
 def commandConnect(self, schid, targetMode, toID, fromID, params=""):
     params = params.split(' ', 1)
     ip = params[0].split(':')
     nickname = ""
     if params[1]: nickname = params[1]
     ts3lib.stopConnection(schid, "Connecting to %s" % ip)
     ts3lib.startConnection(schid, "", ip[0], int(ip[1]), nickname, [], "", "")
Esempio n. 2
 def onConnectStatusChangeEvent(self, schid, newStatus, errorNumber):
     if not self.enabled: return
     if newStatus != ts3defines.ConnectStatus.STATUS_CONNECTING: return
     if self.proxied: self.proxied = False; return
     err, host, port, pw = ts3lib.getServerConnectInfo(schid)
     if host.lower() in self.whitelist: ts3lib.printMessageToCurrentTab("[color=green]%s is whitelisted, not using proxy!" % host); return
     ip = QHostAddress(host)
     if not ip.isNull():
         if ip.isLoopback(): ts3lib.printMessageToCurrentTab("[color=green]%s is Loopback, not using proxy!" % host); return
         elif ip.isMulticast(): ts3lib.printMessageToCurrentTab("[color=green]%s is Multicast, not using proxy!" % host); return
     is_nickname = False
     if not "." in host:
         ts3lib.printMessageToCurrentTab("[color=orange]%s is a server nickname, resolving..." % host)
         self.backup["address"] = host
         is_nickname = True
     if not is_nickname:
         self.backup["address"] = "{}:{}".format(host,port)
         ts3lib.printMessageToCurrentTab("[color=red]Not proxied on %s, disconnecting!"%self.backup["address"])
     ts3lib.stopConnection(schid, "switching to proxy")
     if pw: self.backup["pw"] = pw
     err, nickname = ts3lib.getClientSelfVariable(schid, ts3defines.ClientProperties.CLIENT_NICKNAME)
     if not err and nickname: self.backup["nickname"] = nickname
     err, nickname_phonetic = ts3lib.getClientSelfVariable(schid, ts3defines.ClientPropertiesRare.CLIENT_NICKNAME_PHONETIC)
     if not err and nickname_phonetic: self.backup["phonetic"] = nickname_phonetic
     err, c = ts3lib.getClientSelfVariable(schid, ts3defines.ClientProperties.CLIENT_DEFAULT_CHANNEL)
     if not err and c: self.backup["c"] = c
     err, cpw = ts3lib.getClientSelfVariable(schid, ts3defines.ClientProperties.CLIENT_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_PASSWORD)
     if not err and cpw: self.backup["cpw"] = cpw
     err, default_token = ts3lib.getClientSelfVariable(schid, ts3defines.ClientPropertiesRare.CLIENT_DEFAULT_TOKEN)
     if not err and default_token: self.backup["token"] = default_token
     if is_nickname:
     self.proxy(host, port)
Esempio n. 3
 def disconnect(self, schid=0, close_tab=False):
     if schid < 1: schid = ts3lib.getCurrentServerConnectionHandlerID()
     (err, status) = ts3lib.getConnectionStatus(schid)
     if status != ts3defines.ConnectStatus.STATUS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED:
     clipboard = QApplication.clipboard().text()
     msg = inputBox("Disconnect", "Message", clipboard)
     if close_tab: self.schid = schid
     ts3lib.stopConnection(schid, msg if msg else "")
Esempio n. 4
 def commandDisconnect(self, schid, targetMode, toID, fromID, params=""):
     if self.cfg.getboolean('general', 'customprefix'):
         prefix = self.cfg.get('general', 'prefix')
         (error, id) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid);prefix = self.clientURL(schid, id)
     (error, nickname) = ts3lib.getClientVariableAsString(schid, fromID, ts3defines.ClientProperties.CLIENT_NICKNAME)
     if params != "":
         ts3lib.stopConnection(schid, params)
         ts3lib.stopConnection(schid, "Command %sdisconnect used by %s" % (prefix, nickname))
Esempio n. 5
 def processCommand(self, schid, command):
     ts3.stopConnection(schid, "Disconnected via Pytson Script")
     return True
Esempio n. 6
 def disconnect(self, schid=schid):
     (err, status) = ts3lib.getConnectionStatus(schid)
     if status != ts3defines.ConnectStatus.STATUS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED:
     ts3lib.stopConnection(schid, "ts3lib.stopConnection({})".format(schid))