def run(): """Command for reflection database objects""" parser = OptionParser( version=__version__, description=__doc__, ) parser.add_option( '-u', '--url', dest='url', help='Database URL (connection string)', ) parser.add_option( '-r', '--render', dest='render', default='dot', choices=['plantuml', 'dot'], help='Output format - plantuml or dot', ) parser.add_option( '-l', '--list', dest='list', action='store_true', help='Output database list of tables and exit', ) parser.add_option( '-i', '--include', dest='include', help='List of tables to include through ","', ) parser.add_option( '-e', '--exclude', dest='exclude', help='List of tables to exlude through ","', ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.url: print('-u/--url option required') exit(1) engine = create_engine(options.url) meta = MetaData() meta.reflect(bind=engine) if options.list: print('Database tables:') tables = sorted(meta.tables.keys()) def _g(l, i): try: return tables[i] except IndexError: return '' for i in range(0, len(tables), 2): print(' {0}{1}{2}'.format( _g(tables, i), ' ' * (38 - len(_g(tables, i))), _g(tables, i + 1), )) exit(0) tables = set(meta.tables.keys()) if options.include: tables &= set(map(string.strip, options.include.split(','))) if options.exclude: tables -= set(map(string.strip, options.exclude.split(','))) desc = describe(map(lambda x: operator.getitem(meta.tables, x), tables)) print(getattr(render, options.render)(desc))
import tsadisplay as sad import trump.orm as model from subprocess import call desc = sad.describe([getattr(model, attr) for attr in dir(model)]) colors = { 'ncolor': "lightgray", 'pcolor': 'Salmon', 'mcolor': 'lightblue', 'ccolor': 'SpringGreen' } open('', 'w').write(, colors)) call(["dot", "-Tpng", "", "-o", "schema.png"])
import tsadisplay as sad import trump.orm as model from subprocess import call desc = sad.describe([getattr(model, attr) for attr in dir(model)]) colors = {'ncolor' : "lightgray", 'pcolor' : 'Salmon', 'mcolor' : 'lightblue', 'ccolor' : 'SpringGreen'} open('', 'w').write(, colors)) call(["dot", "-Tpng", "", "-o", "schema.png"])