def create_histogram(key, title): if is2D: histograms[key] = ROOT.TH2D(key, title, len(bins_x) - 1, bins_x, len(bins_y) - 1, bins_y) for bin_idx in range(len(bins_x) - 1): histograms[key].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( bin_idx + 1, '%d <= %s < %d' % (bins_x[bin_idx], x_var, bins_x[bin_idx + 1])) for bin_idx in range(len(bins_y) - 1): histograms[key].GetYaxis().SetBinLabel( bin_idx + 1, '%d <= %s < %d' % (bins_y[bin_idx], y_var, bins_y[bin_idx + 1])) histograms[key].SetXTitle(x_var) histograms[key].SetYTitle(y_var) else: histograms[key] = ROOT.TH1D(key, title, len(bins_x) - 1, bins_x) for bin_idx in range(len(bins_x) - 1): histograms[key].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( bin_idx + 1, '%d <= %s < %d' % (bins_x[bin_idx], x_var, bins_x[bin_idx + 1])) histograms[key].SetXTitle(x_var)
def comp_weights_2_wo_inclusive(f, samples, samples_to_stitch, split_var_1, split_var_2): inclusive_samples = samples_to_stitch['inclusive']['samples'] inclusive_binning_1 = samples_to_stitch['inclusive'][split_var_1] inclusive_binning_2 = samples_to_stitch['inclusive'][split_var_2] split_dict_1 = samples_to_stitch['exclusive'][split_var_1] split_dict_2 = samples_to_stitch['exclusive'][split_var_2] split_binning_1 = [sample['value'] for sample in split_dict_1] split_binning_2 = [sample['value'] for sample in split_dict_2] complete_binning_1 = list( sorted( list( map( float, set(inclusive_binning_1) | set(list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(split_binning_1))))))) complete_binning_2 = list( sorted( list( map( float, set(inclusive_binning_2) | set(list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(split_binning_2))))))) inclusive_xs = -1 for sample_key, sample_entry in samples.items(): if sample_key == 'sum_events': continue if sample_entry['process_name_specific'] == inclusive_samples[0]: inclusive_xs = sample_entry['xsection'] assert (inclusive_xs > 0) # sum the inclusive nof events inclusive_nof_events = {} for sample_key, sample_entry in samples.items(): if sample_key == 'sum_events': continue if sample_entry['process_name_specific'] in inclusive_samples: if not inclusive_nof_events: inclusive_nof_events = copy_nof_events(sample_entry) else: nof_events_keys = set(nof_key for nof_key in sample_entry['nof_events'] if is_valid_event_type(nof_key)) assert (nof_events_keys == set(inclusive_nof_events)) for nof_key, nof_arr in sample_entry['nof_events'].items(): if not is_valid_event_type(nof_key): continue assert (len(nof_arr) == len(inclusive_nof_events[nof_key])) for idx, nof in enumerate(nof_arr): assert (nof > 0) inclusive_nof_events[nof_key][idx] += nof # sum the binned nof events for binned_sample in split_dict_1: nof_events = {} xs = -1 for sample_key, sample_entry in samples.items(): if sample_key == 'sum_events': continue if sample_entry['process_name_specific'] in binned_sample[ 'samples']: if not nof_events: nof_events = copy_nof_events(sample_entry) inclusive_nof_events_type = set( event_type for event_type in inclusive_nof_events.keys() if is_valid_event_type(event_type)) nof_events_type = set(event_type for event_type in nof_events.keys() if is_valid_event_type(event_type)) assert (inclusive_nof_events_type == nof_events_type) else: nof_events_keys = set( nof_key for nof_key in sample_entry['nof_events'] if is_valid_event_type(nof_key)) assert (nof_events_keys == set(nof_events.keys())) for nof_key, nof_arr in sample_entry['nof_events'].items(): if not is_valid_event_type(nof_key): continue assert (len(nof_arr) == len(nof_events[nof_key])) for idx, nof in enumerate(nof_arr): assert (nof > 0) nof_events[nof_key][idx] += nof if xs < 0: xs = sample_entry['xsection'] assert (xs > 0) binned_sample['xsection'] = xs binned_sample['nof_events'] = nof_events lumis = {} for nof_key, nof_arr in binned_sample['nof_events'].items(): lumis[nof_key] = list( map(lambda nof: nof / binned_sample['xsection'], nof_arr)) binned_sample['lumis'] = lumis for binned_sample in split_dict_2: nof_events = {} xs = -1 for sample_key, sample_entry in samples.items(): if sample_key == 'sum_events': continue if sample_entry['process_name_specific'] in binned_sample[ 'samples']: if not nof_events: nof_events = copy_nof_events(sample_entry) inclusive_nof_events_type = set( event_type for event_type in inclusive_nof_events.keys() if is_valid_event_type(event_type)) nof_events_type = set(event_type for event_type in nof_events.keys() if is_valid_event_type(event_type)) assert (inclusive_nof_events_type == nof_events_type) else: nof_events_keys = set( nof_key for nof_key in sample_entry['nof_events'] if is_valid_event_type(nof_key)) assert (nof_events_keys == set(nof_events.keys())) for nof_key, nof_arr in sample_entry['nof_events'].items(): if not is_valid_event_type(nof_key): continue assert (len(nof_arr) == len(nof_events[nof_key])) for idx, nof in enumerate(nof_arr): assert (nof > 0) nof_events[nof_key][idx] += nof if xs < 0: xs = sample_entry['xsection'] assert (xs > 0) binned_sample['xsection'] = xs binned_sample['nof_events'] = nof_events lumis = {} for nof_key, nof_arr in binned_sample['nof_events'].items(): lumis[nof_key] = list( map(lambda nof: nof / binned_sample['xsection'], nof_arr)) binned_sample['lumis'] = lumis # compute integrated luminosities for the inclusive sample inclusive_lumis = {} for nof_key, nof_arr in inclusive_nof_events.items(): inclusive_lumis[nof_key] = list( map(lambda nof: nof / inclusive_xs, nof_arr)) # decide on the bin indices idxs_split_sample_1 = [] idxs_split_sample_2 = [] for binned_sample in split_dict_1: binned_idx = complete_binning_1.index(binned_sample['value'][0]) + 1 binned_sample['idx'] = binned_idx idxs_split_sample_1.append(binned_idx) for binned_sample in split_dict_2: binned_idx = complete_binning_2.index(binned_sample['value'][0]) + 1 binned_sample['idx'] = binned_idx idxs_split_sample_2.append(binned_idx) for binned_sample_1 in split_dict_1: for sample_name in binned_sample_1['samples']: if sample_name not in [key.GetName() for key in f.GetListOfKeys()]: histogram_dir_root = f.mkdir(sample_name) else: histogram_dir_root = f.Get(sample_name) subdir_name = '%s_v_%s_wo_inclusive' % (split_var_1, split_var_2) if subdir_name not in [ key.GetName() for key in histogram_dir_root.GetListOfKeys() ]: histogram_dir = histogram_dir_root.mkdir(subdir_name) else: histogram_dir = histogram_dir_root.Get(subdir_name) for nof_key, lumi_arr in inclusive_lumis.items(): if not is_valid_event_type(nof_key): continue for idx, lumi_incl in enumerate(lumi_arr): histogram_name = '%s_%d' % (nof_key, idx) binning_1 = array.array('f', complete_binning_1) binning_2 = array.array('f', complete_binning_2) histogram = ROOT.TH2D(histogram_name, histogram_name, len(binning_1) - 1, binning_1, len(binning_2) - 1, binning_2) histogram.SetDirectory(histogram_dir) histogram.SetXTitle(split_var_1) histogram.SetYTitle(split_var_2) lumi_split_1 = -1 for split_idx_1 in range(1, len(binning_1)): if split_idx_1 == binned_sample_1['idx']: lumi_split_1 = binned_sample_1['lumis'][nof_key][ idx] for split_idx_2 in range(1, len(binning_2)): lumi_split_2 = 0. for binned_sample_2 in split_dict_2: if split_idx_2 == binned_sample_2['idx']: lumi_split_2 = binned_sample_2[ 'lumis'][nof_key][idx] break if binning_1[split_idx_1] > inclusive_binning_1[-1] or \ binning_1[split_idx_1] < inclusive_binning_1[0] or \ binning_2[split_idx_2] > inclusive_binning_2[-1] or \ binning_2[split_idx_2] < inclusive_binning_2[0]: if lumi_split_2 == 0.: weight = 1. else: weight = lumi_split_1 / (lumi_split_1 + lumi_split_2) else: weight = lumi_split_1 / (lumi_split_1 + lumi_split_2) assert (weight >= 0.) histogram.SetBinContent( split_idx_1, split_idx_2, weight) else: for split_idx_2 in range(1, len(binning_2)): histogram.SetBinContent( split_idx_1, split_idx_2, 0.) histogram.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( split_idx_1, '%.0f <= %s < %.0f' % (complete_binning_1[split_idx_1 - 1], split_var_1, complete_binning_1[split_idx_1])) for split_idx_2 in range(1, len(binning_2)): histogram.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel( split_idx_2, '%.0f <= %s < %.0f' % (complete_binning_2[split_idx_2 - 1], split_var_2, complete_binning_2[split_idx_2])) histogram.Write() for binned_sample_2 in split_dict_2: for sample_name in binned_sample_2['samples']: if sample_name not in [key.GetName() for key in f.GetListOfKeys()]: histogram_dir_root = f.mkdir(sample_name) else: histogram_dir_root = f.Get(sample_name) subdir_name = '%s_v_%s_wo_inclusive' % (split_var_1, split_var_2) if subdir_name not in [ key.GetName() for key in histogram_dir_root.GetListOfKeys() ]: histogram_dir = histogram_dir_root.mkdir(subdir_name) else: histogram_dir = histogram_dir_root.Get(subdir_name) for nof_key, lumi_arr in inclusive_lumis.items(): if not is_valid_event_type(nof_key): continue for idx, lumi_incl in enumerate(lumi_arr): histogram_name = '%s_%d' % (nof_key, idx) binning_1 = array.array('f', complete_binning_1) binning_2 = array.array('f', complete_binning_2) histogram = ROOT.TH2D(histogram_name, histogram_name, len(binning_1) - 1, binning_1, len(binning_2) - 1, binning_2) histogram.SetDirectory(histogram_dir) histogram.SetXTitle(split_var_1) histogram.SetYTitle(split_var_2) lumi_split_2 = -1 for split_idx_2 in range(1, len(binning_2)): if split_idx_2 == binned_sample_2['idx']: lumi_split_2 = binned_sample_2['lumis'][nof_key][ idx] for split_idx_1 in range(1, len(binning_1)): lumi_split_1 = 0. for binned_sample_1 in split_dict_1: if split_idx_1 == binned_sample_1['idx']: lumi_split_1 = binned_sample_1[ 'lumis'][nof_key][idx] break if binning_1[split_idx_1] > inclusive_binning_1[-1] or \ binning_1[split_idx_1] < inclusive_binning_1[0] or \ binning_2[split_idx_2] > inclusive_binning_2[-1] or \ binning_2[split_idx_2] < inclusive_binning_2[0]: if lumi_split_1 == 0.: weight = 1. else: weight = lumi_split_2 / (lumi_split_1 + lumi_split_2) else: weight = lumi_split_2 / (lumi_split_1 + lumi_split_2) histogram.SetBinContent( split_idx_1, split_idx_2, weight) else: for split_idx_1 in range(1, len(binning_1)): histogram.SetBinContent( split_idx_1, split_idx_2, 0.) histogram.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel( split_idx_2, '%.0f <= %s < %.0f' % (complete_binning_2[split_idx_2 - 1], split_var_2, complete_binning_2[split_idx_2])) for split_idx_1 in range(1, len(binning_1)): histogram.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( split_idx_1, '%.0f <= %s < %.0f' % (complete_binning_1[split_idx_1 - 1], split_var_1, complete_binning_1[split_idx_1])) histogram.Write()