def test_prepare_quantiles_call_weight(self, mocker): """Test the call to prepare_quantiles if weights_column is set.""" df = d.create_df_9() x = CappingTransformer( quantiles={"a": [0.1, 1], "b": [0.5, None]}, weights_column="c" ) expected_call_args = { 0: { "args": (d.create_df_9()["a"], [0.1, 1], d.create_df_9()["c"]), "kwargs": {}, }, 1: { "args": (d.create_df_9()["b"], [0.5, None], d.create_df_9()["c"]), "kwargs": {}, }, } with h.assert_function_call( mocker, tubular.capping.CappingTransformer, "prepare_quantiles", expected_call_args, ):
def test_prepare_quantiles_output_set_attributes(self, mocker, weights_column): """Test the output of prepare_quantiles is set to capping_values and_replacement_values attributes.""" df = d.create_df_9() x = CappingTransformer( quantiles={"a": [0.1, 1], "b": [0.5, None]}, weights_column=weights_column ) mocked_return_values = [["aaaa", "bbbb"], [1234, None]] mocker.patch( "tubular.capping.CappingTransformer.prepare_quantiles", side_effect=mocked_return_values, ) h.test_object_attributes( obj=x, expected_attributes={ "capping_values": { "a": mocked_return_values[0], "b": mocked_return_values[1], }, "_replacement_values": { "a": mocked_return_values[0], "b": mocked_return_values[1], }, }, msg="weighted_quantile output set to capping_values, _replacement_values attributes", )
def test_attributes_unchanged_from_transform(self): """Test that attributes are unchanged after transform is run.""" df = d.create_df_9() x = CappingTransformer(quantiles={"a": [0.2, 1], "b": [0, 1]}) x2 = CappingTransformer(quantiles={"a": [0.2, 1], "b": [0, 1]}) x2.transform(df) assert ( x.capping_values == x2.capping_values ), "capping_values attribute modified in transform" assert ( x._replacement_values == x2._replacement_values ), "_replacement_values attribute modified in transform" assert ( x.weights_column == x2.weights_column ), "weights_column attribute modified in transform" assert x.quantiles == x2.quantiles, "quantiles attribute modified in transform"
def test_weighted_quantile_call( self, mocker, values, quantiles, sample_weight, expected_quantiles ): """Test the call to weighted_quantile, inlcuding the filtering out of None values.""" x = CappingTransformer(quantiles={"a": [0.1, 1], "b": [0.5, None]}) mocked = mocker.patch("tubular.capping.CappingTransformer.weighted_quantile") x.prepare_quantiles(values, quantiles, sample_weight) assert ( mocked.call_count == 1 ), f"unexpected number of calls to weighted_quantile, expecting 1 but got {mocked.call_count}" call_args = mocked.call_args_list[0] call_pos_args = call_args[0] call_kwargs = call_args[1] expected_pos_args = (values, expected_quantiles, sample_weight) assert ( call_pos_args == expected_pos_args ), f"unexpected positional args in call to weighted_quantile, expecting {expected_pos_args} but got {call_pos_args}" assert ( call_kwargs == {} ), f"unexpected kwargs in call to weighted_quantile, expecting None but got {call_kwargs}"
def test_negative_values_in_weights_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if there are negative values in sample_weight.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [2, 10]}) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="negative weights in sample weights"): x.weighted_quantile([2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1], [2, -0.01])
def test_capping_values_both_null_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if both capping_values are null.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [1, 3], "b": [None, -1]}) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="both values are None for key a"): x.check_capping_values_dict( capping_values_dict={"a": [None, None], "b": [None, 1]}, dict_name="eee" )
def test_zero_total_weight_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if the total sample weights are 0.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [2, 10]}) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="total sample weights are not greater than 0" ): x.weighted_quantile([2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1], [0, 0])
def test_non_cap_column_left_untouched(self, df, expected): """Test that capping is applied only to specific columns, others remain the same.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [2, 10]}) df_transformed = x.transform(df) h.assert_frame_equal_msg( actual=df_transformed, expected=expected, msg_tag="Unexpected values in CappingTransformer.transform, with columns meant to not be transformed", )
def test_check_is_fitted_call_count(self, mocker): """Test there are 2 calls to BaseTransformer check_is_fitted in transform.""" df = d.create_df_3() x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [2, 5], "b": [-1, 8]}) with h.assert_function_call_count( mocker, tubular.base.BaseTransformer, "check_is_fitted", 2 ): x.transform(df)
def test_non_numeric_column_error(self): """Test that transform will raise an error if a column to transform is not numeric.""" df = d.create_df_5() x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [2, 5], "b": [-1, 8], "c": [-1, 8]}) with pytest.raises( TypeError, match=r"The following columns are not numeric in X; \['b', 'c'\]" ): x.transform(df)
def test_quantiles_none_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if quantiles is None when fit is run.""" with pytest.warns( UserWarning, match="quantiles not set so no fitting done in CappingTransformer", ): df = d.create_df_3() x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [2, 5], "b": [-1, 8]})
def test_capping_values_non_str_key_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if capping_values_dict has any non str keys.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [1, 3], "b": [None, -1]}) with pytest.raises( TypeError, match=r"all keys in bbb should be str, but got \<class 'int'\>", ): x.check_capping_values_dict( capping_values_dict={"a": [1, 3], 1: [None, -1]}, dict_name="bbb" )
def test_capping_values_non_list_item_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if capping_values_dict has any non list items.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [1, 3], "b": [None, -1]}) with pytest.raises( TypeError, match=r"each item in ccc should be a list, but got \<class 'tuple'\> for key b", ): x.check_capping_values_dict( capping_values_dict={"a": [1, 3], "b": (None, -1)}, dict_name="ccc" )
def test_capping_values_non_length_2_list_item_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if capping_values_dict has any non length 2 list items.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [1, 3], "b": [None, -1]}) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="each item in ddd should be length 2, but got 1 for key b", ): x.check_capping_values_dict( capping_values_dict={"a": [1, 3], "b": [None]}, dict_name="ddd" )
def test_capping_values_non_numeric_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if capping_values_dict contains any non-nulls and non-numeric values.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [1, 3], "b": [None, -1]}) with pytest.raises( TypeError, match=r"each item in eee lists must contain numeric values or None, got \<class 'str'\> for key a", ): x.check_capping_values_dict( capping_values_dict={"b": [1, 3], "a": [None, "a"]}, dict_name="eee" )
def test_lower_value_gte_upper_value_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if capping_values_dict[0] >= capping_values_dict[1].""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [1, 2], "b": [None, -1]}) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="lower value is greater than or equal to upper value for key a", ): x.check_capping_values_dict( capping_values_dict={"a": [4, 3], "b": [None, -1]}, dict_name="eee" )
def test_capping_value_nan_inf_error(self, value): """Test that an exception is raised if capping_values are np.nan or np.inf values.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [1, 3], "b": [None, 1]}) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="item in eee lists contains numpy NaN or Inf values", ): x.check_capping_values_dict( capping_values_dict={"b": [1, 3], "a": [None, value]}, dict_name="eee" )
def test_capping_values_not_dict_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if capping_values_dict is not a dict.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [1, 3], "b": [None, -1]}) with pytest.raises( TypeError, match="aaa should be dict of columns and capping values", ): x.check_capping_values_dict( capping_values_dict=("a", [1, 3], "b", [None, -1]), dict_name="aaa" )
def test_quantile_not_fit_error(self): """Test that transform will raise an error if quantiles are specified in init but fit is not run before calling transform.""" df = d.create_df_9() x = CappingTransformer(quantiles={"a": [0.2, 1], "b": [0, 1]}) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="capping_values attribute is an empty dict - perhaps the fit method has not been run yet", ): x.transform(df)
def test_expected_output_min_and_max_combinations(self, df, expected): """Test that capping is applied correctly in transform.""" x = CappingTransformer( capping_values={"a": [2, 5], "b": [None, 7], "c": [0, None]} ) df_transformed = x.transform(df) h.assert_frame_equal_msg( actual=df_transformed, expected=expected, msg_tag="Unexpected values in CappingTransformer.transform", )
def test_super_fit_call(self, mocker): """Test the call to""" df = d.create_df_9() x = CappingTransformer( quantiles={"a": [0.1, 1], "b": [0.5, None]}, weights_column="c" ) expected_call_args = {0: {"args": (d.create_df_9(), None), "kwargs": {}}} with h.assert_function_call( mocker, tubular.base.BaseTransformer, "fit", expected_call_args ):
def test_replacement_values_dict_not_set_error(self): """Test that transform will raise an error if _replacement_values is an empty dict.""" df = d.create_df_9() x = CappingTransformer(quantiles={"a": [0.2, 1], "b": [0, 1]}) # manually set attribute to get past the capping_values attribute is an empty dict exception x.capping_values = {"a": [1, 4]} with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="_replacement_values attribute is an empty dict - perhaps the fit method has not been run yet", ): x.transform(df)
def test_learnt_values_not_modified(self): """Test that the replacements from fit are not changed in transform.""" capping_values_dict = {"a": [2, 5], "b": [-1, 8]} df = d.create_df_3() x = CappingTransformer(capping_values_dict) x.transform(df) h.test_object_attributes( obj=x, expected_attributes={"capping_values": capping_values_dict}, msg="Attributes for CappingTransformer set in init", )
def test_output_from_weighted_quantile_returned( self, mocker, values, quantiles, sample_weight, expected_results ): """Test the output from weighted_quantile is returned from the function, inlcuding None values added back in.""" x = CappingTransformer(quantiles={"a": [0.1, 1], "b": [0.5, None]}) mocker.patch( "tubular.capping.CappingTransformer.weighted_quantile", return_value=["aaaa"], ) results = x.prepare_quantiles(values, quantiles, sample_weight) assert ( results == expected_results ), f"unexpected value returned from prepare_quantiles, expecting {results} but got {expected_results}"
def test_expected_output( self, values, sample_weight, quantiles, expected_quantiles ): """Test that weighted_quantile gives the expected outputs.""" x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [2, 10]}) values = pd.Series(values) actual = x.weighted_quantile(values, quantiles, sample_weight) # round to 1dp to avoid mismatches due to numerical precision actual_rounded_1_dp = list(np.round(actual, 1)) assert ( actual_rounded_1_dp == expected_quantiles ), "unexpected weighted quantiles calculated"
def test_check_is_fitted_call_1(self, mocker): """Test the first call to BaseTransformer check_is_fitted in transform.""" df = d.create_df_3() x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [2, 5], "b": [-1, 8]}) expected_call_args = { 0: {"args": (["capping_values"],), "kwargs": {}}, 1: {"args": (["_replacement_values"],), "kwargs": {}}, } with h.assert_function_call( mocker, tubular.base.BaseTransformer, "check_is_fitted", expected_call_args ): x.transform(df)
def test_quantile_combinations_handled(self, quantiles, weights_column): """Test that a given combination of None and non-None quantile values can be calculated successfully.""" df = d.create_df_9() x = CappingTransformer( quantiles={"a": quantiles}, weights_column=weights_column ) try: except Exception as err: f"unexpected exception when calling fit with quantiles {quantiles} - {err}" )
def test_super_transform_called(self, mocker): """Test that BaseTransformer.transform called.""" df = d.create_df_3() x = CappingTransformer(capping_values={"a": [2, 5], "b": [-1, 8]}) expected_call_args = {0: {"args": (d.create_df_3(),), "kwargs": {}}} with h.assert_function_call( mocker, tubular.base.BaseTransformer, "transform", expected_call_args, return_value=d.create_df_3(), ): x.transform(df)
def test_capping_values_quantiles_both_none_error(self): """Test that an exception is raised if both capping_values and quantiles are passed as None.""" with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="both capping_values and quantiles are None, either supply capping values in the " "capping_values argument or supply quantiles that can be learnt in the fit method", ): CappingTransformer(capping_values=None, quantiles=None)
def test_quantiles_outside_range_error(self, out_range_value): """Test that an exception is raised if quanties contain values outisde [0, 1] range.""" with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=rf"quantile values must be in the range \[0, 1\] but got {out_range_value} for key f", ): CappingTransformer( quantiles={"e": [0.1, 0.9], "f": [out_range_value, None]} )