def setUp(self):
        # fire up fake euca
        # and then kill it when we are done

        mc = services.mc_mock.Client(["localhost:11211"], 1)
        mc.set("test_token", {"test_cloud": {"username": "******"}}, None)

        auth = KeystoneProxy("test_cloud", "test_token", mc,
            eucarc_path="tukey_middleware/tests/data/%s") = EucaDriver(auth)
class EucaDriverTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    ''' The Eucalyptus Driver '''

    def setUp(self):
        # fire up fake euca
        # and then kill it when we are done

        mc = services.mc_mock.Client(["localhost:11211"], 1)
        mc.set("test_token", {"test_cloud": {"username": "******"}}, None)

        auth = KeystoneProxy("test_cloud", "test_token", mc,
            eucarc_path="tukey_middleware/tests/data/%s") = EucaDriver(auth)

    def test_euca_instances(self):
        instances =
        inst_dict = instances[0]
        assert inst_dict["image"]["id"] == "00938d13-6d00-0000-0000-000000000000"