Esempio n. 1
    def unblind(self, msg, blind):
        Unblinds a msg.

            msg: A string - a blinded message.
               len(msg) must equal self.size
            blind: The blind that was used on the msg. instance of Blind

            A byte string of the unblinded msg on success, None otherwise

        if (len(msg) != self.size or blind is None):
            return None

        ctx = _ssl.BN_CTX_new()
        f = _ssl.BN_bin2bn(msg, len(msg), _ssl.BN_new())

        if _ssl.BN_mod_mul(f, f, blind.bn_Ai, self.bn_n, ctx) != 1:
            logging.debug("Failed to unblind msg")
            return None

        unblinded_msg = BNToBin(f, self.size)

        # Cleanup

        return unblinded_msg
Esempio n. 2
    def compare_mod(self, rand):
        """ Returns the result of comparing rand to the rsa mod"""

        # Convert to bn
        rand_bn = _ssl.BN_new()
        rand_bn = _ssl.BN_bin2bn(rand, self.size, rand_bn)

        result = _ssl.BN_ucmp(rand_bn, self.bn_n)


        return result
Esempio n. 3
    def _get_mod(self):
        """ Returns the modulus of the RSA key in bn form."""
        buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024)
        pBuf = ctypes.c_char_p(ctypes.addressof(buf))
        n = _ssl.i2d_RSAPublicKey(self.key, ctypes.byref(pBuf))
        s = buf.raw[:n]
        seq = asn1.DerSequence()
        seq.decode(s)  # s[0] is n, s[1] is e

        # Convert to bn
        self.bn_n = _ssl.BN_new()
        seq_bytes = ctypes.c_char_p(seq[0].to_bytes(256, byteorder='big'))

        return _ssl.BN_bin2bn(seq_bytes, self.size, self.bn_n)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, r, e, mod):
        assert r is not None
        assert e is not None
        assert mod is not None

        ctx = _ssl.BN_CTX_new()
        self._free = []

        self.r = r
        self.bn_r = _ssl.BN_bin2bn(r, len(r), _ssl.BN_new())  # r
        self.bn_Ai = _ssl.BN_mod_inverse(None, self.bn_r, mod, ctx)  # r^-1

        self.bn_A = _ssl.BN_new()  # r^pk
        if _ssl.BN_mod_exp(self.bn_A, self.bn_r, e, mod, ctx) != 1:
            logging.debug("Failed to get r^pk")

        self.bn_ri = _ssl.BN_new()  # (r^-1)^pk
        if _ssl.BN_mod_exp(self.bn_ri, self.bn_Ai, e, mod, ctx) != 1:
            logging.debug("Failed to get (r^-1)^pk")

        self._free = [self.bn_r, self.bn_ri, self.bn_A, self.bn_Ai]