Esempio n. 1
    def handle_message(self, message: Dict[str, Any],
                       **kwargs: Any) -> Union[Response, Iterable[Response]]:
        result: Optional[Tuple[str, CommandParser.Opts, CommandParser.Args]]

        if not self.client.user_is_privileged(message['sender_id']):
            return Response.admin_err(message)

        result = self.command_parser.parse(message['command'])
        if result is None:
            return Response.command_not_found(message)
        command, _, args = result

        if command == 'list':
            response: str = 'Key | Value\n ---- | ----'
            for key, value in self._db.execute(self._list_sql):
                response += f'\n{key} | {value}'
            return Response.build_message(message, response)

        if command == 'remove':
            self._db.execute(self._remove_sql, args.key, commit=True)
            return Response.ok(message)

        if command == 'set':
            except Exception as e:
                return Response.build_message(message, 'Failed: %s' % str(e))
            return Response.ok(message)

        return Response.command_not_found(message)
Esempio n. 2
    def handle_message(
        message: Dict[str, Any],
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Union[Response, Iterable[Response]]:
        result: Optional[Tuple[str, CommandParser.Opts, CommandParser.Args]]
        result_sql: List[Tuple[Any, ...]]

        if not self.client.user_is_privileged(message['sender_id']):
            return Response.admin_err(message)

        # Get command and parameters.
        result = self.command_parser.parse(message['command'])
        if result is None:
            return Response.command_not_found(message)
        command, _, args = result

        if command == 'list':
            result_sql = self._db.execute(self._list_sql)
            response: str = 'Alert word or phrase | Emoji\n---- | ----'
            for (phrase, emoji) in result_sql:
                response += '\n`{0}` | {1} :{1}:'.format(phrase, emoji)
            return Response.build_message(message, response)

        # Use lowercase -> no need for case insensitivity.
        alert_phrase: str = args.alert_phrase.lower()

        if command == 'add':
            # Add binding to database or update it.
            self._db.execute(self._update_sql, alert_phrase, args.emoji, commit = True)
        elif command == 'remove':
            self._db.execute(self._remove_sql, alert_phrase, commit = True)

        return Response.ok(message)
Esempio n. 3
    def _move_stream(
        message: Dict[str, Any],
        dest: str
    ) -> Union[Response, Iterable[Response]]:
        # Get destination stream name.
        dest_stream: Optional[str] = Regex.get_stream_name(dest)
        if dest_stream is None:
            return Response.command_not_found(message)

        # Get destination stream id.
        result: Dict[str, Any] = self.client.get_stream_id(dest_stream)
        if result['result'] != 'success':
            return Response.error(message)
        dest_stream_id: int = result['stream_id']

        # Get the stream id ...
        src_stream_id: int = message['stream_id']
        # ... and the topic of the current message.
        topic: str = message['subject']

        # Get message which started the topic.
        request: Dict[str, Any] = {
            'anchor': 'oldest',
            'num_before': 0,
            'num_after': 1,
            'narrow': [
                { 'operator': 'stream', 'operand': src_stream_id },
                { 'operator': 'topic', 'operand': topic }
        result = self.client.get_messages(request)
        if result['result'] != 'success':
            return Response.error(message)
        first_message: Dict[str, Any] = result['messages'][0]

        # Move message (and all following in the same topic) = move topic.
        request = {
            'message_id': first_message['id'],
            'topic': topic,
            'stream_id': dest_stream_id,
            'send_notification_to_old_thread': False,
            'propagate_mode': 'change_all'
        result = self.client.update_message(request)
        if result['result'] != 'success':
            return Response.error(message)

        # Remove requesting message.

        return Response.build_message(
            self.msg_template_stream.format(first_message['sender_full_name'], topic, dest_stream),
            msg_type = 'private'
Esempio n. 4
    def handle_message(
        message: Dict[str, Any],
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Union[Response, Iterable[Response]]:
        result: Optional[Tuple[str, CommandParser.Opts, CommandParser.Args]]

        # Get command and parameters.
        result = self.command_parser.parse(message['command'])
        if result is None:
            return Response.command_not_found(message)
        command, _, args = result

        if command == 'subscribe':
            return self._subscribe(message['sender_id'], args.group_id, message)
        if command == 'unsubscribe':
            return self._unsubscribe(message['sender_id'], args.group_id, message)

        if not self.client.user_is_privileged(message['sender_id']):
            return Response.admin_err(message)

        if command == 'list':
            return self._list(message)
        if command == 'announce':
            if message['type'] != 'stream':
                return Response.build_message(message, 'Claim only stream messages.')
            return self._announce(message)
        if command == 'unannounce':
            return self._unannounce(message, args.message_id)
        if command == 'claim':
            if message['type'] != 'stream':
                return Response.build_message(message, 'Claim only stream messages.')
            return self._claim(message, args.group_id)
        if command == 'unclaim':
            return self._unclaim(message, args.group_id, args.message_id)
        if command == 'add':
            return self._add(message, args.group_id, args.emoji)
        if command == 'remove':
            return self._remove(message, args.group_id)
        if command in ['add_streams', 'remove_streams']:
            return self._change_streams(message, args.group_id, command, args.streams)

        return Response.command_not_found(message)
Esempio n. 5
    def handle_message(
        message: Dict[str, Any],
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Union[Response, Iterable[Response]]:
        result: Optional[Tuple[str, CommandParser.Opts, CommandParser.Args]]
        result_sql: List[Tuple[Any, ...]]

        if not self.client.user_is_privileged(message['sender_id']):
            return Response.admin_err(message)

        # Get command and parameters.
        result = self.command_parser.parse(message['command'])
        if result is None:
            return Response.command_not_found(message)
        command, _, args = result

        if command == 'list':
            response: str = '***List of Identifiers and Messages***\n'
            for (ident, text) in self._db.execute(self._list_sql):
                response += '\n--------\nTitle: **{}**\n{}'.format(ident, text)
            return Response.build_message(message, response)

        # Use lowercase -> no need for case insensitivity.
        ident =

        if command == 'send':
            result_sql = self._db.execute(self._search_sql, ident)
            if not result_sql:
                return Response.command_not_found(message)
            # Remove requesting message.
            return Response.build_message(message, result_sql[0][0])

        if command == 'add':
            self._db.execute(self._update_sql, ident, args.text, commit = True)
            return Response.ok(message)

        if command == 'remove':
            self._db.execute(self._delete_sql, ident, commit = True)
            return Response.ok(message)

        return Response.command_not_found(message)
Esempio n. 6
    def handle_message(self, message: Dict[str, Any],
                       **kwargs: Any) -> Union[Response, Iterable[Response]]:
        result: Optional[Tuple[str, CommandParser.Opts, CommandParser.Args]]

        result = self.command_parser.parse(message['command'])
        if result is None:
            return Response.command_not_found(message)
        command, _, args = result

        if command == 'streams':
            return self.subscribe_streams(message, args.dest_stream,
        if command == 'users':
            return self.subscribe_users(message, args.dest_stream, args.users)
        if command == 'user_emails':
            return self.subscribe_user_emails(message, args.dest_stream,
        if command == 'all_users':
            return self.subscribe_all_users(message, args.dest_stream)

        return Response.command_not_found(message)
Esempio n. 7
    def _help_command(self, message: Dict[str, Any],
                      command: str) -> Union[Response, Iterable[Response]]:
        info_tuple: Optional[Tuple[str, str, str]] = None

        for ituple in self.help_info:
            if ituple[0] == command:
                info_tuple = ituple
        if info_tuple is None:
            return Response.command_not_found(message)

        help_message: str = '\n'.join(info_tuple[1:])

        return Response.build_message(message,
Esempio n. 8
    def handle_message(
        message: Dict[str, Any],
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Union[Response, Iterable[Response]]:
        result: Optional[Tuple[str, CommandParser.Opts, CommandParser.Args]]

        if not self.client.user_is_privileged(message['sender_id']):
            return Response.admin_err(message)

        if 'stream_id' not in message:
            return Response.build_message(message, 'Error: Not a stream topic.')

        result = self.command_parser.parse('move ' + message['command'])
        if result is None:
            return Response.command_not_found(message)
        _, opts, args = result

        dest: str = ' '.join(args.dest)

        if opts.m is not None:
            return self._move_topic(message, dest, opts.m)
        return self._move_stream(message, dest)