Esempio n. 1
def draw_strokes(stroke_based_drawings):
    Visualizes drawings (ground truth or predictions) by
    returning images to represent the stroke-based data from 
    the user.

    stroke_based_drawings: SArray or list
        An `SArray` of type `list`. Each element in the SArray 
        should be a list of strokes, where each stroke is a list
        of points, and each point is represented as a dictionary
        with two keys, "x" and "y". A single stroke-based drawing
        is also supported, in which case, the type of the input
        would be list.
    drawings: SArray or _tc.Image
        Each stroke-based drawing is converted into a 28x28 
        grayscale drawing for the user to visualize what their
        strokes traced.

    single_input = False
    if (type(stroke_based_drawings) != _tc.SArray
            and type(stroke_based_drawings) != list):
        raise _ToolkitError(
            "Input to draw_strokes must be of type " +
            "turicreate.SArray or list (for a single stroke-based drawing)")
    if (type(stroke_based_drawings) == _tc.SArray
            and stroke_based_drawings.dtype != list):
        raise _ToolkitError(
            "SArray input to draw_strokes must have dtype " +
            "list. Each element in the SArray should be a list of strokes, " +
            "where each stroke is a list of points, " +
            "and each point is represented as a dictionary " +
            "with two keys, \"x\" and \"y\".")
    if type(stroke_based_drawings) == list:
        single_input = True
        stroke_based_drawings = _tc.SArray([stroke_based_drawings])
    sf = _tc.SFrame({"drawings": stroke_based_drawings})
    sf_with_drawings = _extensions._drawing_classifier_prepare_data(
        sf, "drawings")
    if single_input:
        return sf_with_drawings["drawings"][0]
    return sf_with_drawings["drawings"]
Esempio n. 2
def create(input_dataset, target, feature=None, validation_set='auto',
            warm_start='auto', batch_size=256,
            max_iterations=100, verbose=True):
    Create a :class:`DrawingClassifier` model.

    dataset : SFrame
        Input data. The columns named by the ``feature`` and ``target``
        parameters will be extracted for training the drawing classifier.

    target : string
        Name of the column containing the target variable. The values in this
        column must be of string or integer type.

    feature : string optional
        Name of the column containing the input drawings. 'None' (the default)
        indicates the column in `dataset` named "drawing" should be used as the
        The feature column can contain both bitmap-based drawings as well as
        stroke-based drawings. Bitmap-based drawing input can be a grayscale
        tc.Image of any size.
        Stroke-based drawing input must be in the following format:
        Every drawing must be represented by a list of strokes, where each
        stroke must be a list of points in the order in which they were drawn
        on the canvas.
        Each point must be a dictionary with two keys, "x" and "y", and their
        respective values must be numerical, i.e. either integer or float.

    validation_set : SFrame optional
        A dataset for monitoring the model's generalization performance.
        The format of this SFrame must be the same as the training set.
        By default this argument is set to 'auto' and a validation set is
        automatically sampled and used for progress printing. If
        validation_set is set to None, then no additional metrics
        are computed. The default value is 'auto'.

    warm_start : string optional
        A string to denote which pretrained model to use. Set to "auto"
        by default which uses a model trained on 245 of the 345 classes in the
        Quick, Draw! dataset. To disable warm start, pass in None to this
        argument. Here is a list of all the pretrained models that
        can be passed in as this argument:
        "auto": Uses quickdraw_245_v0
        "quickdraw_245_v0": Uses a model trained on 245 of the 345 classes in the
                         Quick, Draw! dataset.
        None: No Warm Start

    batch_size: int optional
        The number of drawings per training step. If not set, a default
        value of 256 will be used. If you are getting memory errors,
        try decreasing this value. If you have a powerful computer, increasing
        this value may improve performance.

    max_iterations : int optional
        The maximum number of allowed passes through the data. More passes over
        the data can result in a more accurately trained model.

    verbose : bool optional
        If True, print progress updates and model details.

    out : DrawingClassifier
        A trained :class:`DrawingClassifier` model.

    See Also

    .. sourcecode:: python

        # Train a drawing classifier model
        >>> model = turicreate.drawing_classifier.create(data)

        # Make predictions on the training set and as column to the SFrame
        >>> data['predictions'] = model.predict(data)


    import mxnet as _mx
    from mxnet import autograd as _autograd
    from ._model_architecture import Model as _Model
    from ._sframe_loader import SFrameClassifierIter as _SFrameClassifierIter
    from .._mxnet import _mxnet_utils

    start_time = _time.time()
    accepted_values_for_warm_start = ["auto", "quickdraw_245_v0", None]

    # @TODO: Should be able to automatically choose number of iterations
    # based on data size: Tracked in Github Issue #1576

    # automatically infer feature column
    if feature is None:
        feature = _tkutl._find_only_drawing_column(input_dataset)

        input_dataset, feature, target)

    if batch_size is not None and not isinstance(batch_size, int):
        raise TypeError("'batch_size' must be an integer >= 1")
    if batch_size is not None and batch_size < 1:
        raise ValueError("'batch_size' must be >= 1")
    if max_iterations is not None and not isinstance(max_iterations, int):
        raise TypeError("'max_iterations' must be an integer >= 1")
    if max_iterations is not None and max_iterations < 1:
        raise ValueError("'max_iterations' must be >= 1")

    is_stroke_input = (input_dataset[feature].dtype != _tc.Image)
    dataset = _extensions._drawing_classifier_prepare_data(
        input_dataset, feature) if is_stroke_input else input_dataset

    iteration = -1

    classes = dataset[target].unique()
    classes = sorted(classes)

    if len(classes) == 1:
        _ToolkitError("The number of classes has to be greater than one")

    class_to_index = {name: index for index, name in enumerate(classes)}

    validation_set_corrective_string = ("'validation_set' parameter must be "
        + "an SFrame, or None, or must be set to 'auto' for the toolkit to "
        + "automatically create a validation set.")
    if isinstance(validation_set, _tc.SFrame):
            validation_set, feature, target)
        is_validation_stroke_input = (validation_set[feature].dtype != _tc.Image)
        validation_dataset = _extensions._drawing_classifier_prepare_data(
            validation_set, feature) if is_validation_stroke_input else validation_set
    elif isinstance(validation_set, str):
        if validation_set == 'auto':
            if dataset.num_rows() >= 100:
                if verbose:
                    print ( "PROGRESS: Creating a validation set from 5 percent of training data. This may take a while.\n"
                            "          You can set ``validation_set=None`` to disable validation tracking.\n")
                dataset, validation_dataset = dataset.random_split(TRAIN_VALIDATION_SPLIT, exact=True)
                validation_set = None
                validation_dataset = _tc.SFrame()
            raise _ToolkitError("Unrecognized value for 'validation_set'. "
                + validation_set_corrective_string)
    elif validation_set is None:
        validation_dataset = _tc.SFrame()
        raise TypeError("Unrecognized type for 'validation_set'."
            + validation_set_corrective_string)

    dataset = _drop_missing_values(dataset, feature, is_train =True)
    if len(validation_dataset) > 0:
        validation_dataset = _drop_missing_values(validation_dataset, feature, is_train=False)

    train_loader = _SFrameClassifierIter(dataset, batch_size,
    train_loader_to_compute_accuracy = _SFrameClassifierIter(dataset, batch_size,
    validation_loader = _SFrameClassifierIter(validation_dataset, batch_size,

    ctx = _mxnet_utils.get_mxnet_context(max_devices=batch_size)
    model = _Model(num_classes = len(classes), prefix="drawing_")
    model_params = model.collect_params()
    model_params.initialize(_mx.init.Xavier(), ctx=ctx)

    if warm_start is not None:
        if type(warm_start) is not str:
            raise TypeError("'warm_start' must be a string or None. "
                + "'warm_start' can take in the following values: "
                + str(accepted_values_for_warm_start))
        if warm_start not in accepted_values_for_warm_start:
            raise _ToolkitError("Unrecognized value for 'warm_start': "
                + warm_start + ". 'warm_start' can take in the following "
                + "values: " + str(accepted_values_for_warm_start))
        pretrained_model = _pre_trained_models.DrawingClassifierPreTrainedModel(
        pretrained_model_params_path = pretrained_model.get_model_path()
    softmax_cross_entropy = _mx.gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()
    trainer = _mx.gluon.Trainer(model.collect_params(), 'adam')

    if verbose and iteration == -1:
        column_names = ['iteration', 'train_loss', 'train_accuracy', 'time']
        column_titles = ['Iteration', 'Training Loss', 'Training Accuracy', 'Elapsed Time (seconds)']
        if validation_set is not None:
            column_names.insert(3, 'validation_accuracy')
            column_titles.insert(3, 'Validation Accuracy')
        table_printer = _tc.util._ProgressTablePrinter(
            column_names, column_titles)

    train_accuracy = _mx.metric.Accuracy()
    validation_accuracy = _mx.metric.Accuracy()

    def get_data_and_label_from_batch(batch):
        if batch.pad is not None:
            size = batch_size - batch.pad
            sliced_data  = _mx.nd.slice_axis([0], axis=0, begin=0, end=size)
            sliced_label = _mx.nd.slice_axis(batch.label[0], axis=0, begin=0, end=size)
            num_devices = min(sliced_data.shape[0], len(ctx))
            batch_data = _mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(sliced_data, ctx_list=ctx[:num_devices], even_split=False)
            batch_label = _mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(sliced_label, ctx_list=ctx[:num_devices], even_split=False)
            batch_data = _mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load([0], ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0)
            batch_label = _mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch.label[0], ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0)
        return batch_data, batch_label

    def compute_accuracy(accuracy_metric, batch_loader):
        for batch in batch_loader:
            batch_data, batch_label = get_data_and_label_from_batch(batch)
            outputs = []
            for x, y in zip(batch_data, batch_label):
                if x is None or y is None: continue
                z = model(x)
            accuracy_metric.update(batch_label, outputs)

    for train_batch in train_loader:
        train_batch_data, train_batch_label = get_data_and_label_from_batch(train_batch)
        with _autograd.record():
            # Inside training scope
            for x, y in zip(train_batch_data, train_batch_label):
                z = model(x)
                # Computes softmax cross entropy loss.
                loss = softmax_cross_entropy(z, y)
                # Backpropagate the error for one iteration.

        # Make one step of parameter update. Trainer needs to know the
        # batch size of data to normalize the gradient by 1/batch_size.
        # calculate training metrics
        train_loss = loss.mean().asscalar()

        if train_batch.iteration > iteration:

            # Compute training accuracy
            compute_accuracy(train_accuracy, train_loader_to_compute_accuracy)
            # Compute validation accuracy
            if validation_set is not None:
                compute_accuracy(validation_accuracy, validation_loader)
            iteration = train_batch.iteration
            if verbose:
                kwargs = {  "iteration": iteration + 1,
                            "train_loss": float(train_loss),
                            "train_accuracy": train_accuracy.get()[1],
                            "time": _time.time() - start_time}
                if validation_set is not None:
                    kwargs["validation_accuracy"] = validation_accuracy.get()[1]

    state = {
        '_model': model,
        '_class_to_index': class_to_index,
        'num_classes': len(classes),
        'classes': classes,
        'input_image_shape': (1, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT),
        'training_loss': train_loss,
        'training_accuracy': train_accuracy.get()[1],
        'training_time': _time.time() - start_time,
        'validation_accuracy': validation_accuracy.get()[1] if validation_set else None,
        # None if validation_set=None
        'max_iterations': max_iterations,
        'target': target,
        'feature': feature,
        'num_examples': len(input_dataset)
    return DrawingClassifier(state)
Esempio n. 3
def create(input_dataset, target, feature=None, 
            pretrained_model_url=None, batch_size=256, 
            max_iterations=100, verbose=True):
    Create a :class:`DrawingClassifier` model.

    dataset : SFrame
        Input data. The columns named by the ``feature`` and ``target``
        parameters will be extracted for training the drawing classifier.

    target : string
        Name of the column containing the target variable. The values in this
        column must be of string or integer type.

    feature : string optional
        Name of the column containing the input drawings. 'None' (the default)
        indicates the column in `dataset` named "drawing" should be used as the
        The feature column can contain both bitmap-based drawings as well as
        stroke-based drawings. Bitmap-based drawing input can be a grayscale
        tc.Image of any size.
        Stroke-based drawing input must be in the following format:
        Every drawing must be represented by a list of strokes, where each
        stroke must be a list of points in the order in which they were drawn
        on the canvas.
        Each point must be a dictionary with two keys, "x" and "y", and their
        respective values must be numerical, i.e. either integer or float.

    pretrained_model_url : string optional
        A URL to the pretrained model that must be used for a warm start before

    batch_size: int optional
        The number of images per training step. If not set, a default
        value of 256 will be used. If you are getting memory errors,
        try decreasing this value. If you have a powerful computer, increasing
        this value may improve performance.

    max_iterations : int optional
        The maximum number of allowed passes through the data. More passes over
        the data can result in a more accurately trained model. 

    verbose : bool optional
        If True, print progress updates and model details.

    out : DrawingClassifier
        A trained :class:`DrawingClassifier` model.

    See Also

    .. sourcecode:: python

        # Train a drawing classifier model
        >>> model = turicreate.drawing_classifier.create(data)

        # Make predictions on the training set and as column to the SFrame
        >>> data['predictions'] = model.predict(data)

    import mxnet as _mx
    from mxnet import autograd as _autograd
    from ._model_architecture import Model as _Model
    from ._sframe_loader import SFrameClassifierIter as _SFrameClassifierIter
    start_time = _time.time()

    # @TODO: Should be able to automatically choose number of iterations
    # based on data size: Tracked in Github Issue #1576

    # automatically infer feature column
    if feature is None:
        feature = _tkutl._find_only_drawing_column(input_dataset)

        input_dataset, feature, target)

    is_stroke_input = (input_dataset[feature].dtype != _tc.Image)
    dataset = _extensions._drawing_classifier_prepare_data(
        input_dataset, feature) if is_stroke_input else input_dataset

    column_names = ['Iteration', 'Loss', 'Elapsed Time']
    num_columns = len(column_names)
    column_width = max(map(lambda x: len(x), column_names)) + 2
    hr = '+' + '+'.join(['-' * column_width] * num_columns) + '+'

    progress = {'smoothed_loss': None, 'last_time': 0}
    iteration = 0

    classes = dataset[target].unique()
    classes = sorted(classes)
    class_to_index = {name: index for index, name in enumerate(classes)}

    def update_progress(cur_loss, iteration):
        iteration_base1 = iteration + 1
        if progress['smoothed_loss'] is None:
            progress['smoothed_loss'] = cur_loss
            progress['smoothed_loss'] = (0.9 * progress['smoothed_loss'] 
                + 0.1 * cur_loss)
        cur_time = _time.time()

        # Printing of table header is deferred, so that start-of-training
        # warnings appear above the table
        if verbose and iteration == 0:
            # Print progress table header
            print(('| {:<{width}}' * num_columns + '|').format(*column_names, 

        if verbose and (cur_time > progress['last_time'] + 10 or
                        iteration_base1 == max_iterations):
            # Print progress table row
            elapsed_time = cur_time - start_time
                "| {cur_iter:<{width}}| {loss:<{width}.3f}| {time:<{width}.1f}|".format(
                cur_iter=iteration_base1, loss=progress['smoothed_loss'],
                time=elapsed_time , width=column_width-1))
            progress['last_time'] = cur_time

    loader = _SFrameClassifierIter(dataset, batch_size,

    ctx = _mxnet_utils.get_mxnet_context(max_devices=batch_size)
    model = _Model(num_classes = len(classes), prefix="drawing_")
    model_params = model.collect_params()
    model_params.initialize(_mx.init.Xavier(), ctx=ctx)

    if pretrained_model_url is not None:
        pretrained_model = _pre_trained_models.DrawingClassifierPreTrainedModel(pretrained_model_url)
        pretrained_model_params_path = pretrained_model.get_model_path()
    softmax_cross_entropy = _mx.gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()
    trainer = _mx.gluon.Trainer(model.collect_params(), 'adam')

    train_loss = 0.
    for batch in loader:
        data = _mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load([0], 
            ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0)[0]
        label = _mx.nd.array(
                ctx_list=ctx, batch_axis=0)[0]

        with _autograd.record():
            output = model(data)
            loss = softmax_cross_entropy(output, label)
        # update parameters
        # calculate training metrics
        cur_loss = loss.mean().asscalar()
        update_progress(cur_loss, batch.iteration)
        iteration = batch.iteration

    training_time = _time.time() - start_time
    if verbose:
        print(hr)   # progress table footer
    state = {
        '_model': model,
        '_class_to_index': class_to_index,
        'num_classes': len(classes),
        'classes': classes,
        'input_image_shape': (1, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT),
        'batch_size': batch_size,
        'training_loss': cur_loss,
        'training_time': training_time,
        'max_iterations': max_iterations,
        'target': target,
        'feature': feature,
        'num_examples': len(input_dataset)
    return DrawingClassifier(state)
Esempio n. 4
    def _predict_with_probabilities(self, input_dataset, batch_size=64,
        Predict with probabilities. The core prediction part that both
        `evaluate` and `predict` share.

        Returns an SFrame with two columns,, and "probabilities".

        The column with column name,, contains the predictions made
        by the model for the provided dataset.

        The "probabilities" column contains the probabilities for each class
        that the model predicted for the data provided to the function.

        from .._mxnet import _mxnet_utils
        import mxnet as _mx
        from ._sframe_loader import SFrameClassifierIter as _SFrameClassifierIter

        is_stroke_input = (input_dataset[self.feature].dtype != _tc.Image)
        dataset = _extensions._drawing_classifier_prepare_data(
                input_dataset, self.feature) if is_stroke_input else input_dataset

        batch_size = self.batch_size if batch_size is None else batch_size
        loader = _SFrameClassifierIter(dataset, batch_size,

        dataset_size = len(dataset)
        ctx = _mxnet_utils.get_mxnet_context()

        num_processed = 0
        last_time = 0

        from turicreate import SArrayBuilder
        from array import array

        classes = self.classes
        class_type = None
        for class_ in classes:
            if class_ is not None:
                class_type = type(class_)
        all_predicted_builder = SArrayBuilder(dtype=class_type)
        all_probabilities_builder = SArrayBuilder(dtype=array)

        for batch in loader:
            if batch.pad is not None:
                size = batch_size - batch.pad
                batch_data = _mx.nd.slice_axis([0],
                    axis=0, begin=0, end=size)
                batch_data =[0]
                size = batch_size

            num_devices = min(batch_data.shape[0], len(ctx))
            split_data = _mx.gluon.utils.split_and_load(batch_data, ctx_list=ctx[:num_devices], even_split=False)

            for data in split_data:
                z = self._model(data).asnumpy()
                predicted = list(map(lambda x: classes[x], z.argmax(axis=1)))
                split_length = z.shape[0]
                num_processed += split_length

                cur_time = _time.time()
                # Do not print progress if only a few samples are predicted
                if verbose and (dataset_size >= 5
                    and cur_time > last_time + 30 or num_processed >= dataset_size ):
                    print('Predicting {cur_n:{width}d}/{max_n:{width}d}'.format(
                        cur_n = num_processed,
                        max_n = dataset_size,
                        width = len(str(dataset_size))))
                    last_time = cur_time

        return (_tc.SFrame({ all_predicted_builder.close(),
                            'probability': all_probabilities_builder.close()}))
Esempio n. 5
    def _predict_with_probabilities(self, input_dataset, verbose = True):
        Predict with probabilities. The core prediction part that both 
        `evaluate` and `predict` share.

        Returns an SFrame with two columns,, and "probabilities".

        The column with column name,, contains the predictions made
        by the model for the provided dataset.

        The "probabilities" column contains the probabilities for each class 
        that the model predicted for the data provided to the function.

        import mxnet as _mx
        from ._sframe_loader import SFrameClassifierIter as _SFrameClassifierIter

        is_stroke_input = (input_dataset[self.feature].dtype != _tc.Image)
        dataset = _extensions._drawing_classifier_prepare_data(
                input_dataset, self.feature) if is_stroke_input else input_dataset
        loader = _SFrameClassifierIter(dataset, self.batch_size,

        dataset_size = len(dataset)
        ctx = _mxnet_utils.get_mxnet_context()
        all_predicted = ['']*dataset_size
        all_probabilities = _np.zeros((dataset_size, len(self.classes)), 

        index = 0
        last_time = 0
        done = False
        for batch in loader:
            if batch.pad is not None:
                size = self.batch_size - batch.pad
                batch_data = _mx.nd.slice_axis([0], 
                    axis=0, begin=0, end=size)
                batch_data =[0]
                size = self.batch_size

            if batch_data.shape[0] < len(ctx):
                ctx0 = ctx[:batch_data.shape[0]]
                ctx0 = ctx

            z = self._model(batch_data).asnumpy()
            predicted = z.argmax(axis=1)
            classes = self.classes
            predicted_sa = _tc.SArray(predicted).apply(lambda x: classes[x])
            all_predicted[index : index + len(predicted_sa)] = predicted_sa
            all_probabilities[index : index + z.shape[0]] = z
            index += z.shape[0]
            if index == dataset_size - 1:
                done = True

            cur_time = _time.time()
            # Do not print process if only a few samples are predicted
            if verbose and (dataset_size >= 5 
                and cur_time > last_time + 10 or done):
                print('Predicting {cur_n:{width}d}/{max_n:{width}d}'.format(
                    cur_n = index + 1, 
                    max_n = dataset_size, 
                    width = len(str(dataset_size))))
                last_time = cur_time
        return (_tc.SFrame({ _tc.SArray(all_predicted),
            'probability': _tc.SArray(all_probabilities)}))