def show_sharks(self, sharks): self.update_cnt += 1 if UPDATE_EVERY > 0 and self.update_cnt % UPDATE_EVERY != 1: return turtle.clearstamps() draw_cnt = 0 px = {} for shark in sharks: draw_cnt += 1 shark_shape = 'classic' if shark.tracked else 'classic' if DRAW_EVERY == 0 or draw_cnt % DRAW_EVERY == 0: # Keep track of which positions already have something # drawn to speed up display rendering scaled_x = int(shark.x * self.one_px) scaled_y = int(shark.y * self.one_px) scaled_xy = scaled_x * 10000 + scaled_y turtle.color(shark.color) turtle.shape(shark_shape) turtle.resizemode("user") turtle.shapesize(1.5,1.5,1) if not scaled_xy in px: px[scaled_xy] = 1 turtle.setposition(*shark.xy) turtle.setheading(math.degrees(shark.h)) turtle.stamp()
def enlarge(): global lengthSize global widthSize turtle.resizemode("user") turtle.shapesize(lengthSize+1,widthSize+1) lengthSize += 1 widthSize += 1
def fireworks(pos, color, size, turtle): turtle.shapesize(0) turtle.goto(pos) turtle.color(color) for i in range(0, 36): turtle.speed(0) turtle.fd(size)
def update(self): turtle.tiltangle(90) self.size = (-0.003)*(self.z) + 1.41 # y = mx + b, y=(-0.003)x + 1.41 turtle.shapesize(self.size*0.7,self.size) self.x = self.x + ((s.turnX) * (((-0.3)*(self.z) + 118)/10) * s.acc * 0.1); #more interpolation super().update()
def tegn_romskip(): turtle.penup() turtle.shapesize(4) turtle.setpos(200, 400) turtle.setheading(90) turtle.color('blue') turtle.onkey(snu_hoyre, 'Right') turtle.onkey(snu_venstre, 'Left') turtle.onkey(bruk_motor, 'Up') turtle.listen()
def show_attraction_point(self, att): turtle.color('black') turtle.shape('circle') turtle.fillcolor("") turtle.resizemode("user") turtle.shapesize(1.5, 1.5, 1) turtle.setposition(att) turtle.setheading(0) turtle.stamp() turtle.update()
def reduceSize(): global lengthSize global widthSize turtle.resizemode("user") if lengthSize > 1 and widthSize >1: turtle.shapesize(lengthSize-1,widthSize-1) lengthSize -= 1 widthSize -= 1 else: turtle.shapesize(1,1) lengthSize = 1 widthSize = 1
def update(self): turtle.shapesize(1,1.4) #screen wraparound if self.x > WIDTH / 2: self.x = WIDTH / 2 elif self.x < -WIDTH / 2: self.x = -WIDTH / 2 elif self.y > HEIGHT / 2: self.y = HEIGHT / 2 elif self.y < -HEIGHT / 2: self.y = -HEIGHT / 2 super().update()
def update(self): # adjust shear and size turtle.shearfactor(self.shear) turtle.shapesize(self.size, 1.0) self.shear = self.shear + 0.05 self.size = self.size + 0.05 super().update() # restore original values turtle.shapesize(1.0, 1.0) turtle.shearfactor(0.0)
def disp(A, cellsize = 1 / 10.5): turtle.clear() turtle.shape("square") turtle.penup() turtle.speed(0) turtle.shapesize(0.5, 0.5, 1) top = len(A) / cellsize left = -len(A[0]) / cellsize for r in range(len(A)): for c in range(len(A[r])): if A[r][c]: turtle.goto(c * 10.5 + left, top - r * 10.5) turtle.stamp()
def update(self): turtle.shapesize(self.sizex, self.sizey) turtle.settiltangle(0) #screen wraparound if self.x >= WIDTH / 2: self.x = -WIDTH / 2 elif self.x <= -WIDTH / 2: self.x = WIDTH / 2 - 2 elif self.y >= HEIGHT / 2: self.y = -HEIGHT / 2 elif self.y <= -HEIGHT / 2: self.y = HEIGHT / 2 super().update() turtle.shapesize(0.1, 0.1)
def update(self): turtle.tiltangle(90) turtle.shapesize(10,4) curTime = round(time.time() - s.time, 0) if(curTime == math.ceil(curTime) and curTime != self.prevTime): #prints time draw_score() if(GAMETIME - curTime <= 0): lose() self.prevTime = curTime super().update()
def update(self): turtle.shapesize(0.2,0.2) turtle.settiltangle(0) #screen wraparound if self.x >= WIDTH / 2: self.x = -WIDTH / 2 elif self.x <= -WIDTH / 2: self.x = WIDTH / 2 - 2 elif self.y >= HEIGHT / 2: self.y = -HEIGHT / 2 elif self.y <= -HEIGHT / 2: self.y = HEIGHT / 2 super().update() if self.age >= SHOTLIFE: engine.del_obj(self) s.shots -= 1
import turtle turtle.width(3) turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.shapesize(1,1,1) turtle.color('yellow') turtle.bk(100) turtle.fd(300) turtle.up() turtle.goto(20,20) turtle.down() turtle.left(90) turtle.color('red') turtle.bk(100) turtle.fd(300) turtle.up() turtle.goto(0,40) turtle.down() turtle.left(90) turtle.color('green') turtle.bk(100) turtle.fd(300) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-20,20)
import turtle SLOW = 500 # this is about 1/2 of a second (quite noticeable) # get a reference to the turtle's screen, so that later we can # change the display speed fast/slow screen = turtle.Screen() turtle.shape("circle") numTimes = 4 i = 1 while i <= numTimes: # Only go inside this block if i is <= numTimes turtle.color("yellow", "blue") # color of border, then color of shape turtle.shapesize(4, 4, 8) # x stretch, y stretch, then border size # Once we see the first circle, slow down so we can see everything screen.delay(SLOW) turtle.color("green", "purple") # color of border, then color of shape turtle.shapesize(8, 8, 24) # x stretch, y stretch, then border size i = i + 1 # after i is incremented, the flow of control goes up to the while statement turtle.done() turtle.end_fill() turtle.pencolor("salmon") turtle.pu() turtle.goto(-150,-200) turtle.pd() turtle.stamp() turtle.pu() turtle.goto(-150,-250) turtle.pd() turtle.stamp() turtle.pu() turtle.goto(-150,-150) turtle.pd() turtle.stamp() turtle.pu() turtle.goto(-150,-300) turtle.pd() turtle.stamp() turtle.pu() turtle.home() turtle.pd() turtle.shapesize(5,5)
def draw(self): oldmode = turtle.resizemode() turtle.shapesize(outline=self.diameter) id = super().draw() turtle.resizemode(oldmode) return id
import turtle as t from time import sleep from random import randint import random t.speed("fastest") t.fillcolor("black") t.shape("circle") t.shapesize(.3, .3, .3) t.pensize(5) t.penup() t.goto(-50,100) t.pendown() t.forward(100) t.right(120) t.begin_fill() t.forward(200) t.left(120) t.forward(100) t.left(120) t.forward(10) t.left(60) t.forward(90) t.end_fill() t.left(180) t.forward(90) t.left(120) t.begin_fill() t.forward(110) t.right(120) t.forward(20)
colorG = [ 'darkgreen', 'seagreen', 'forestgreen', 'yellowgreen', 'mediumseagreen', 'green2', 'green3', 'green4', 'OliveDrab1', 'OliveDrab2', 'OliveDrab4' ] colorB = [ 'saddlebrown', 'salmon4', 'brown4', 'LightSalmon4', 'OrangeRed4', 'gray2', 'seashell3', 'lightblue2' ] turtle.shape('square') #turtle.tracer(0) for turn in range(6): print('Turn = ' + str(turn)) size = size / 2 turtle.shapesize(size) pixel = turn * turn if (turn == 0): turtle.goto(0, 0) randB = randint(0, 5) ranColorB = colorB[randB] turtle.color(ranColorB) turtle.pd() turtle.stamp() if (turn == 1): value = 25 pixel = 2 if (turn == 2):
import turtle as t t.shape("turtle") t.shapesize(3) t.color("blue") t.speed(10) for i in range(10): t.forward(30)
def drawCoin(): turtle.shape("circle") turtle.shapesize(1, 2) turtle.stamp()
import turtle as t t.color('red') t.shape('turtle') t.shapesize(1) # t.delay(20) # 속도 느리게 t.speed(9) t.fd(100) # forward의 줄인 표시 dis = 100 rad = 90 for i in range(100): dis += 5 rad += 2 t.rt(rad) t.fd(dis) # 2씩 늘린 변수를 대입시켜 각도를 늘림 t.mainloop()
dmenor = getDirData(getDirData(int(qactual[1])))/5 else: dmenor = getDirData(int(qactual[1]))/5 if int(qactual[2]) >= 40000: dmayor = getDirData(getDirData(int(qactual[2])))/5 else: dmayor = getDirData(int(qactual[2]))/5 turtle.pencolor(getDarkColor(qactual[3])) turtle.penup() turtle.forward((dmenor+0.5)*10) turtle.seth(180) turtle.forward((dmayor+0.5)*10) turtle.seth(90) turtle.shape("circle") turtle.shapesize(dmenor+0.5,dmayor+0.5,1) turtle.fillcolor(getDarkColor(qactual[3])) turtle.stamp() turtle.shapesize(dmenor,dmayor,1) turtle.fillcolor(getColor(qactual[3])) turtle.stamp() turtle.shapesize(1,1,1) turtle.fillcolor("black") turtle.shape('classic') turtle.penup() turtle.seth(0) turtle.forward((dmayor+0.5)*10) turtle.seth(90) turtle.backward((dmenor+0.5)*10) prevSample = False
def draw(self): turtle.shapesize(outline=20) draw_shape = super().draw() turtle.resizemode("auto") return draw_shape
def jog1(): #Turtle race #EQM - Games #Eduardo Q Marques #29/03/2019 #Janela window = turtle.Screen() window.title("Turtle Race") turtle.bgcolor("forestgreen") turtle.color("white") turtle.speed(0) turtle.penup() turtle.setpos(-140, 200) turtle.write("Turtle Race", font=("Arial", 30, "bold")) turtle.penup() #DIRT turtle.setpos(-400, -180) turtle.color("chocolate") turtle.begin_fill() turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(800) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(300) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(800) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(300) turtle.end_fill() #Final line stamp_size = 20 square_size = 15 finish_line = 200 turtle.color("black") turtle.shape("square") turtle.shapesize(square_size / stamp_size) turtle.penup() for i in range (10): turtle.setpos(finish_line, (150 - (i * square_size * 2))) turtle.stamp() for j in range(10): turtle.setpos(finish_line + square_size, ((150 - square_size) - (j * square_size * 2))) turtle.hideturtle() #Jabuti 1 turtle1 = Turtle() turtle1.speed(0) turtle1.color("black") turtle1.shape("turtle") turtle1.penup() turtle1.goto(-250, 100) turtle1.pendown() #Jabuti 2 turtle2 = Turtle() turtle2.speed(0) turtle2.color("cyan") turtle2.shape("turtle") turtle2.penup() turtle2.goto(-250, 50) turtle2.pendown() #Jabuti 3 turtle3 = Turtle() turtle3.speed(0) turtle3.color("magenta") turtle3.shape("turtle") turtle3.penup() turtle3.goto(-250, 0) turtle3.pendown() #Jabuti 4 turtle4 = Turtle() turtle4.speed(0) turtle4.color("yellow") turtle4.shape("turtle") turtle4.penup() turtle4.goto(-250, -50) turtle4.pendown() #Jabuti 5 turtle5 = Turtle() turtle5.speed(0) turtle5.color("white") turtle5.shape("turtle") turtle5.penup() turtle5.goto(-250, -100) turtle5.pendown() time.sleep(2) #pause in seconds before race #Move the jabutis for i in range(145): turtle1.forward(randint(1,5)) turtle2.forward(randint(1,5)) turtle3.forward(randint(1,5)) turtle4.forward(randint(1,5)) turtle5.forward(randint(1,5)) turtle.exitonclick()
def visualizerTool(): #Dictionary for source IPs ip_dict = {} #Set keeps track of all the ips, no duplicates ip_set = set() #dictionary to keep track of the randomized coordinates of each ip (used later to draw the package comm.) ip_screen = {} #Initialize the turtle screen with size of 400x300 pixels screen = t.Screen() screen.screensize(400, 300) visited_dict = {} #Reads from CSV files with open('log.csv', 'r') as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file) next(csv_reader) #insert the contents of the CSV into the dictionary for line in csv_reader: #Checks if the IP is already in the set of IPs and adds it if not. Also checks for the destination IP if line[0] not in ip_set: ip_set.add(line[0]) if line[1] not in ip_set: ip_set.add(line[1]) #Checks that the src IP is not in the IP dictionary and maps it accordingly if line[0] not in ip_dict: ip_dict[line[0]] = [] ip_dict[line[0]].append(line[1]) ip_dict[line[0]].append(line[2]) else: if ip_dict[line[0]][0] == line[1]: ip_dict[line[0]][1] = line[2] #print(ip_set) #Draw each "circle" for each IP for item in ip_set: #print(key + " goes to" + ip_dict[key][0] + " and exchanged " + # ip_dict[key][1] + " packages") #Randomize x and y coordinates of the circle and store them in the screen dictionary rand_x = r.randrange(-350, 350, 1) rand_y = r.randrange(-300, 300, 1) ip_screen[item] = (rand_x, rand_y) #Sets the turtle color to red and its shape to a circle of size 2 t.color("purple") t.shape("circle") t.shapesize(1) #Lifts the "pen" so no line is drawn when moving the turtle t.penup() #Move the turtle to the randomized coordinates and stamp (paint the circle) t.setpos(rand_x, rand_y) t.stamp() #Stamps the IP with its respective circle t.setpos(rand_x, rand_y + 20) t.write(item, font=("Arial", 15, "bold")) #print(ip_screen) #Recreates a smaller turtle to show the communication between IPs t.shapesize(0.20) t.color("orange") t.shape("square") for key in ip_dict: #Hide the turtle while moving to a new location and increase the speed to move faster t.hideturtle() t.speed(10) t.penup() dest_ip = ip_dict[key][0] #The new position will be given by the randomized values stored in the screen dictionary, mapped to the IP (key) t.setpos(ip_screen[key][0], ip_screen[key][1]) t.showturtle() t.speed(1.20) #Pen down to draw the line t.pendown() #New position is the destination source of the current key. Accessed via the IP dictionary, and reused by the #screen dictionary to find its coordinates. if dest_ip not in visited_dict: t.color("orange") t.setpos(ip_screen[ip_dict[key][0]][0], ip_screen[ip_dict[key][0]][1]) t.stamp() t.penup() t.setpos(ip_screen[ip_dict[key][0]][0], ip_screen[ip_dict[key][0]][1] - 40) t.write("Packages: " + ip_dict[key][1], font=("Arial", 12, "bold")) visited_dict[dest_ip] = 1 else: t.color("green") t.setpos(ip_screen[ip_dict[key][0]][0], ip_screen[ip_dict[key][0]][1]) t.stamp() t.penup() t.setpos(ip_screen[ip_dict[key][0]][0], ip_screen[ip_dict[key][0]][1] + 40) t.write("Packages: " + ip_dict[key][1], font=("Arial", 12, "bold")) t.penup() t.hideturtle() t.setpos(0, 0) t.exitonclick()
def createtoken(color): turtle.speed(0) turtle.shape("circle") turtle.color(color) turtle.shapesize(2.75, 2.75, 2.75) turtle.stamp()
turtle.color('red') turtle.goto(float(bulkx) * xscale - xoffset, float(12) * yscale) with open(componentFilename) as csv_file: biggestComp = 0 csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 for row in csv_reader: if (line_count != 0): biggestComp = max(biggestComp, float(row[2])) line_count += 1 print(biggestComp) with open(componentFilename) as csv_file: compScale = 2 / biggestComp csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 turtle.shape('circle') turtle.resizemode("user") for row in csv_reader: if (line_count != 0): turtle.penup() turtle.goto( float(row[0]) * xscale - xoffset, float(row[1]) * yscale) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("blue") turtle.shapesize(max((float(row[2]) * compScale)**.5, .05)) turtle.stamp() line_count += 1
turtle.addshape("star.gif") turtle.shape("star.gif") turtle.speed(1000000000000000000000000000000000) turtle.pensize(1) a = 0 for i in range(360): turtle.pendown() turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(200) turtle.right(45) turtle.forward(80) turtle.right(45) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(200) turtle.right(45) turtle.forward(80) turtle.right(45) turtle.forward(40) turtle.penup() turtle.home() a += 7 turtle.left(a) turtle.shapesize(1000) turtle.mainloop()
turtle.shapesize(lengthSize+1,widthSize+1) lengthSize += 1 widthSize += 1 turtle.onkeypress(enlarge,"equal") def reduceSize(): global lengthSize global widthSize turtle.resizemode("user") if lengthSize > 1 and widthSize >1: turtle.shapesize(lengthSize-1,widthSize-1) lengthSize -= 1 widthSize -= 1 else: turtle.shapesize(1,1) lengthSize = 1 widthSize = 1 turtle.onkeypress(reduceSize,"minus") #Stamp function and definition def stamp(x,y): turtle.pu() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.stamp() turtle.ondrag(stamp, btn = 1, add = True) ###### turtle.onscreenclick(turtle.goto, btn = 1, add = True) turtle.onkeypress(turtle.clear, "space") print(turtle.shapesize(), turtle.turtlesize()) turtle.getscreen().listen() turtle.mainloop()
def simulate_with_steering(self, next_angle, params): """Run simulation to allow glider to be steered. Args: next_angle(func): Student submission function for gliders next turn angle. params(dict): Test parameters. Raises: Exception if error running submission. """ self._reset() #make the test somewhat repeatable by seeding the RNG. random.seed(params['map_seed']) ourMapFunc = getMapFunc(params['map_seed'], params['map_freq']) #Student function is separate, so they can mess it up if they want. studentMapFunc = getMapFunc(params['map_seed'], params['map_freq']) target = glider.glider( params['target_x'], params['target_y'], 5000 + random.randint(-50, 50), #Altitude params['target_heading'], ourMapFunc) target.set_noise(params['measurement_noise'], params['altitude_offset'], params['turning_noise']) other_info = None steps = 0 tolerance = 10.0 #Double tolerance for steering task. # Set up the plotter if requested if PLOT_PARTICLES == True: import turtle s = turtle.Screen() s.tracer(0, 1) turtle.setup(width=800, height=800) turtle.setworldcoordinates(-WINDOW_SIZE, -WINDOW_SIZE, WINDOW_SIZE, WINDOW_SIZE) #Draw a cross at (0,0) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(0, -5) turtle.pendown() turtle.setposition(0, 5) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-5, 0) turtle.pendown() turtle.setposition(5, 0) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(target.x, target.y) turtle.pendown() turtle.shape("triangle") turtle.shapesize(0.2, 0.4) turtle.settiltangle(target.heading * 180 / math.pi) turtle.pencolor("red") turtleList = [] try: while steps < params['max_steps']: target_meas = target.sense() target_height = target.get_height() result = next_angle(target_height, target_meas, studentMapFunc, other_info) if len(result) == 3: steering, other_info, extra_points = result elif len(result) == 2: steering, other_info = result extra_points = None else: print "next_angle did not return 2 or 3 return values!" steering = max(-PI / 8.0, steering) steering = min(steering, PI / 8.0) target.glide(steering) target_pos = (target.x, target.y) separation = self.distance((0, 0), target_pos) if PLOT_PARTICLES == True: if extra_points != None: #Add turtles if needed. while len(extra_points) > len(turtleList): newTurtle = turtle.Turtle() newTurtle.penup() turtleList.append(newTurtle) #remove turtles if needed. while len(extra_points) < len(turtleList): turtleList[-1].hideturtle() turtleList = turtleList[0:-1] # Draw the particles, set angle and position of each turtle. for i in range(len(extra_points)): t = turtleList[i] p = extra_points[i] if len(p) > 2: t.shape("triangle") t.shapesize(0.2, 0.4) t.settiltangle(p[2] * 180 / math.pi) else: t.shape("circle") t.shapesize(0.1, 0.1) t.setposition(p[0], p[1]) #Always show the actual glider. turtle.setposition(target.x, target.y) turtle.settiltangle(target.heading * 180 / math.pi) s = turtle.Screen() s.update() if VERBOSE == True: actual_height = target.z ground_height = ourMapFunc(target.x, target.y) actual_dist_to_ground = actual_height - ground_height print "Step: {} Actual Heading ({}) \n Dist To (0,0) = {}\n ".format( steps, target.heading, separation) if separation < tolerance: self.glider_found.put(True) self.glider_steps.put(steps) return steps += 1 self.glider_found.put(False) self.glider_steps.put(steps) except: self.glider_error.put(traceback.format_exc())
import turtle turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.shapesize(2, 2) turtle.speed(6) def narisi_veckotnik(n, d=100): for x in range(n): turtle.forward(d) turtle.left(360 / n) def narisi_zvezdico(n, d=100): for x in range(n): turtle.forward(d) turtle.right(180 - 180 / n)
import turtle as t t.shape('turtle') t.shapesize(2) t.speed(0) t.width(2) t.color("chocolate") for n in range(10): t.penup() t.fd(30) t.pendown() t.exitonclick()
def drawmonsterdetails(mirror, scale, generikmon,startoftoes): detailsbit = generikmon['detail0'] turtle.penup() turtle.goto(startoftoes) turtle.pendown() ### draw the toes webs and claws numofToes = generikmon['numofToes'] fullwidth= turtle.xcor() tailwidth= fullwidth*generikmon['tailbodyratio'] #talibodywidthratio, pawswidth= fullwidth-tailwidth frontpawwidth=pawswidth*generikmon['frontbackratio'] #fronttobackratio toewidth=frontpawwidth/(numofToes) for i in range(numofToes): turtle.setheading(270) turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['toelengthD'])#toelengthD turtle.right(mirror*90) turtle.forward(mirror*toewidth*0.1) #mirror required here since xcord is negative on second hlaf # start claw layout calcs xclawstart = turtle.xcor() xclawtip = xclawstart - toewidth*0.4 xclawend = xclawtip - toewidth*0.4 yclawstart = turtle.ycor() yclawtip = yclawstart-scale*detailsbit['clawlength'] yclawend = yclawstart #draw claw (it's already at the start) turtle.goto(xclawtip, yclawtip) turtle.goto(xclawend, yclawend) turtle.forward(mirror*toewidth*0.1) #mirror required here since xcord is negative on second hlaf turtle.right(mirror*90) turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['toelengthD']) #toelegnth - going back up #into the rear toes. # all lengths scaled by generikmon[16] = frontotbackratio toewidth=(pawswidth-frontpawwidth)/numofToes #redefines toe width for backpaws. for i in range(numofToes): turtle.setheading(270) turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['frontbackratio']*generikmon['toelengthD'])#toelengthD turtle.right(mirror*90) turtle.forward(mirror*toewidth*0.1) #mirror required here since xcord is negative on second hlaf # start claw layout calcs xclawstart = turtle.xcor() xclawtip = xclawstart - toewidth*0.4 xclawend = xclawtip - toewidth*0.4 yclawstart = turtle.ycor() yclawtip = yclawstart-scale*detailsbit['clawlength']*generikmon['frontbackratio'] yclawend = yclawstart #draw claw (it's already at the start) turtle.goto(xclawtip, yclawtip) turtle.goto(xclawend, yclawend) turtle.forward(mirror*toewidth*0.1) #mirror required here since xcord is negative on second hlaf turtle.right(mirror*90) turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['frontbackratio']*generikmon['toelengthD']) #toelegnth - going back up ### draw the ears turtle.penup() turtle.home() turtle.setheading(90) turtle.right(mirror*90) #requires turtle to be facing upwards turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['crownD']) #crownD follow crown line exactly turtle.left(mirror*generikmon['ear1A']) #ear1A turtle.right(mirror*90) #turns back into shape. turtle.forward(scale*(generikmon['ear2D']*0.1+0.01)) startoftheear = turtle.pos() turtle.pendown() # start actually drawing turtle.setheading(90) turtle.right(mirror*90) turtle.left(mirror*generikmon['ear1A']) #ear1A turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['ear2D']*0.8) #ear2D turtle.right(mirror*generikmon['ear3A']) #ear3A turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['ear2D']*0.8) #ear2D turtle.right(mirror*generikmon['ear4A']) #ear4A turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['ear6D']*0.7) #ear6D turtle.right(mirror*generikmon['ear5A']) #ear5A turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['ear6D']*0.7) #ear5D turtle.goto(startoftheear) #finishs the ear off. ### draw the eyes (stamped over ears if needed) turtle.penup() turtle.home() # print(turtle.xcor(),turtle.ycor()) turtle.setheading(90) turtle.right(mirror*90) #requires turtle to be facing upwards turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['crownD']*detailsbit['eyeratio']) #crownD, #eyeratio turtle.setheading(270) turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['cheekD']*(1-detailsbit['eyeratio'])) #cheekD, #eyeratio turtle.shape("circle") turtle.resizemode("user") turtle.shapesize(detailsbit['eyesize'],detailsbit['eyesize']*detailsbit['eyeratio']*4,1) # print(turtle.shapesize()) turtle.tilt(mirror*detailsbit['frownA']) turtle.stamp() turtle.tilt(-1*mirror*detailsbit['frownA']) #takes the tilt off the turtle to avoid later confusion turtle.shapesize(1,1,1) #takes off the eye size, i think. ### draw the nose turtle.penup() turtle.home() turtle.setheading(270) turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['cheekD']) #cheekD turtle.shape("triangle") turtle.shapesize(detailsbit['nosesize'],detailsbit['nosesize'],1) turtle.stamp() #and from the nose, the mouth turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['shoulderD']*detailsbit['nosesize']+detailsbit['nosesize']) #shouldD below the nose turtle.left(mirror*90) turtle.forward(scale*generikmon['crownD']*detailsbit['mouthsize']) #crownD #width of mouth turtle.penup() turtle.home() return()
import turtle import math turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.shapesize(1) turtle.speed(10) def polygon(r, n): turtle.pendown() for i in range (n): turtle.left(90 + 180/n) turtle.forward(2 * r * math.sin(math.pi/n)) turtle.right((180 - 360/n) / 2) turtle.penup() for i in range (1, 10): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(20*i + 10, 0) polygon(20*i + 10, i + 2)
def size_2(): turtle.shapesize(2,2,2)
import turtle import random turtle.shape('circle') turtle.shapesize(3, 3, 3) turtle.penup() turtle.forward(400) turtle.pendown() turtle.left(90) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, 0) while turtle.distance(0, 0) < 400: turtle.left(random.randint(1, 180)) turtle.forward(100) if turtle.distance(0, 0) >= 400: turtle.undo()
def size_4(): turtle.shapesize(4,4,4)
import turtle as t def draw_pos(x, y): t.clear() t.setpos(x, y) t.stamp() hl = -(t.window_height() / 2) tm = 0 while True: d = (9.8 * tm**2) / 2 ny = y - int(d) if ny > hl: t.goto(x, ny) t.stamp() tm = tm + 0.3 else: break t.setup(500, 600) t.shape("circle") t.shapesize(0.3, 0.3, 0) t.penup() s = t.Screen() s.onscreenclick(draw_pos) s.listen()
# Locate the tile and move to the tile position # # - Find the x, y position of the tile in the turtle window tile_x = maze_x + col * tile_size tile_y = maze_y + (maze_rows - row - 1) * tile_size # - Put the turtle to the tile position turtle.goto(tile_x, tile_y) # Draw the tiles according to the tile symbol # # - Draw the tiles for walls, food and power food if tile == "+": # wall turtle.shape("square") turtle.shapesize(tile_size / 20, tile_size / 20) # 1 denote 20 pixels turtle.color("blue", "black") turtle.stamp() elif tile == ".": # food turtle.color("yellow") / 2) food_count += 1 elif tile == "o": # power food turtle.color("white") food_count += 1 # - Initialize the position of pacman elif tile == "P": # pacman pacman_x = tile_x
turtle.forward(300) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(800) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(300) turtle.end_fill() #Fill the shape drawn after the last call to begin_fill() # fINISH LINE stamp_size = 20 #Move and draw / turtle.stamp Stamp a copy of the turtle shape onto the canvas at the current turtle position square_size = 15 finish_line = 200 turtle.color("black") turtle.shape("square") turtle.shapesize( square_size / stamp_size ) #turtle.shapesize(stretch_wid=None, stretch_len=None, outline=None) // turtle.shapesize(5, 5, 12) turtle.penup() #i,j for i in range(10): turtle.setpos(finish_line, (150 - (i * square_size * 2) )) #150 = y (Finish Line)/ *2 = development of squares turtle.stamp() for j in range(10): turtle.setpos(finish_line + square_size, ((150 - square_size) - (j * square_size * 2))) turtle.stamp()
import turtle import constantes import robot_mouvment import init_board from constantes import LISTEGOBI, convert_CMOtoCTC, convert_CTCtoCMO turtle.colormode(0xFF) turtle.speed(100) turtle.shapesize(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) turtle.penup() init_board.dessin_Gobies_init() def dessin_Gobies_init2(): """ Dessine l'ensemble des gobies de la table (à ne faire qu'une fois). Dans l'état les éléments de la liste sont en unité turtle centré donc on applique juste ECHELLE. """ for i in range(0, 24): init_board.dessin_Cercle( convert_CMOtoCTC(LISTEGOBI[i][0]), convert_CMOtoCTC(LISTEGOBI[i][1]), LISTEGOBI[i][2] ) rotate_target(86) turtle.mainloop()
import turtle turtle = turtle.Turtle() # turtle. tilt(angle) # Parameters: angle – a number # Rotate the turtleshape by angle from its current tilt-angle, but do not change the turtle’s heading (direction of movement). turtle.speed(1) turtle.shape("circle") turtle.shapesize(5, 2) turtle.tilt(30) turtle.fd(50) turtle.tilt(30) turtle.fd(50)
turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(300) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(800) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(300) turtle.end_fill() #finish line stamp_size = 20 square_size = 15 finish_line = 200 turtle.color("black") turtle.shape("square") turtle.shapesize(square_size / stamp_size) turtle.penup() for i in range(10): turtle.setpos(finish_line, (150 - (i * square_size * 2))) turtle.stamp() for j in range(10): turtle.setpos(finish_line + square_size, (150 - square_size) - (j * square_size * 2)) turtle.stamp() #turtle1 t1 = Turtle() t1.speed(0) t1.color('black') t1.shape('turtle')
import turtle as t t.title('自动轨迹绘制') t.setup(800, 600, 0, 0) t.pencolor("red") t.shapesize(5) # 数据读取 datals = [] f = open("D:/PythonProject/chapter7/data.txt") for line in f: line = line.replace("\n", "") datals.append(list(map(eval, line.split(",")))) f.close() # 自动绘制 for i in range(len(datals)): t.pencolor(datals[i][3], datals[i][4], datals[i][5]) t.fd(datals[i][0]) if datals[i][1]: t.right(datals[i][2]) else: t.left(datals[i][2]) t.done
import turtle for i in range(1): turtle.shapesize(0.01) turtle.pensize(5) turtle.pencolor("blue") turtle.title("Animation 1") turtle.speed(1) turtle.left(270) turtle.forward(90) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(90) turtle.clear() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pendown() turtle.left(270) turtle.forward(90) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.goto(0,90) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(9) turtle.clear() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pendown() turtle.left(45) turtle.forward(90) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(90)
import turtle turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.shapesize(2) turtle.color('green')
def size_1(): turtle.shapesize(1,1,1)
import turtle,180) turtle.shape("circle") turtle.shapesize(4, 5, 1) turtle.fillcolor("white")
def size_3(): turtle.shapesize(3,3,3)
import turtle turtle.shape("circle") turtle.shapesize(.1, .1, 5) speed = 5 x, y = 0, 0 turtle.speed(0) xmaxsize = 512 ymaxsize = 256 turtle.setup(xmaxsize * 2, ymaxsize * 2) xdir, ydir = speed, speed xlimit, ylimit = xmaxsize, ymaxsize turtle.penup() while True: x = x + xdir y = y + ydir if not -xlimit < x < xlimit: xdir = -xdir if not -ylimit < y < ylimit: ydir = -ydir turtle.goto(x, y)
def size_5(): turtle.shapesize(5,5,5)
import turtle # default square print() print('"Your Default square size is : 15 px"') print() print("Do you want to change square size ?") turtle.bgcolor("gray") turtle.color("black", "olive") turtle.pensize(5) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.shape("square") # create the square using shape method. turtle.shapesize(15) #shape size. turtle.end_fill() print() b = int(input("So, enter the value for square in px : ") ) # Enter the any interger value for area of square. turtle.reset() #reset the python turtle graphic print() print('"Thank you, you can check your square in python turtle graphic."') d = b * b # area of square window = turtle.Screen() # Pop up a new window using turtle screen method.
t.showturtle() ##거북이를 화면에 표시하는 함수 t.stamp() ##현재위치에 스탬프 찍기 hl = -(t.window_height() / 2) # t.window_height() : 터틀창의 높이를 반환하는 함수 ux = velocity * math.cos(angle) uy = velocity * math.sin(angle) while True: uy = uy + (-1 * a_g) * drawing_time dy = t.ycor() + (uy * drawing_time) - (a_g * drawing_time ** 2) / 2 ##t.ycor() : 현재위치의 y좌표 반환 dx = t.xcor() + (ux * drawing_time) # t.xcor() : 현재위치의 x좌표 반환 if dy > hl: t.goto(dx, dy) t.stamp() else: break ##완료시 반복문 탈출 t.setup(600, 600) # 화면 창 크기 조절 t.shape("turtle") # 거북이의 모양을 바꿔주는 함수 모양에는 'arrow','turtle','circle'등이 있습니다. t.shapesize(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) # 거북이의 폭과 길이의 스케일과 외곽선의 두께를 지정하는 함수 t.penup() # 펜 올리기 s = t.Screen() s.onscreenclick(draw_track) s.listen() ##키 입력모드 실행 t.mainloop() # ==t.done() ##저의 개발환경이 '파이참'이라 터틀창이 바로 꺼지는 현상이 있었습니다. 이를 해결하기 위하여 쓴 함수입니다.##
int1 = int(add[:space]) int2 = int(add[space+1:]) answer = int1+int2 str2 = str(int1)+'+'+str(int2)+'='+str(answer) print (str2) #Problem 4 import turtle color = str(input("Enter a color: ")) shape = str(input("Enter a shape: ")) size = int(input("Enter a size: ")) turtle.color(color) turtle.shape(shape) turtle.shapesize(size,size) #Problem 5 old_tel=str(input("Please enter the old phone number ")) if(old_tel[3]!= '-' and old_tel[7]!='-' and len(old_tel)==12): print ("invalid number") else: save= old_tel[8:] new_tel = str(('646-997-')+save) print (new_tel) #Question 6 phrase=str(input("enter the phrase: ")) first_space = phrase.find(" ") small_phrase=phrase[1+first_space:] second_space= small_phrase.find(" ") second_space+=first_space+1