def test_get_project_structure(self, datatype_group_factory,
                                   project_factory, user_factory):
        Tests project structure is as expected and contains all datatypes
        SELF_DTS_NUMBER = 3

        user = user_factory()
        project = project_factory(user)
        dt_group = datatype_group_factory(project=project)

        link_ids, expected_links = [], []
        # Prepare link towards a simple DT
        dt_to_link = dummy_datatype_index_factory(state="RAW_DATA")

        # Prepare links towards a full DT Group, but expecting only the DT_Group in the final tree
        link_gr = dt_group
        dts = dao.get_datatype_in_group(
        link_ids.extend([ for dt_to_link in dts])

        # Prepare link towards a single DT inside a group, and expecting to find the DT in the final tree
        link_gr = dt_group
        dt_to_link = dao.get_datatype_in_group([0]

        # Actually create the links from Prj2 into Prj1

        # Retrieve the raw data used to compose the tree (for easy parsing)
        dts_in_tree = dao.get_data_in_project(
        dts_in_tree = [dt.gid for dt in dts_in_tree]
        # Retrieve the tree json (for trivial validations only, as we can not decode)
        node_json = self.project_service.get_project_structure(
            project, None, DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE,
            DataTypeMetaData.KEY_SUBJECT, None)

        assert len(expected_links) + SELF_DTS_NUMBER + 2 == len(
            dts_in_tree), "invalid number of nodes in tree"
        assert not link_gr.gid in dts_in_tree, "DT_group where a single DT is linked is not expected."
        assert dt_group.gid in dts_in_tree, "DT_Group should be in the Project Tree!"
        assert dt_group.gid in node_json, "DT_Group should be in the Project Tree JSON!"

        project_dts = dao.get_datatypes_in_project(
        for dt in project_dts:
            if dt.fk_datatype_group is not None:
                assert not dt.gid in node_json, "DTs part of a group should not be"
                assert not dt.gid in dts_in_tree, "DTs part of a group should not be"
                assert dt.gid in node_json, "Simple DTs and DT_Groups should be"
                assert dt.gid in dts_in_tree, "Simple DTs and DT_Groups should be"

        for link_gid in expected_links:
            assert link_gid in node_json, "Expected Link not present"
            assert link_gid in dts_in_tree, "Expected Link not present"
    def test_get_project_structure(self):
        Tests project structure is as expected and contains all datatypes
        SELF_DTS_NUMBER = 3
        dt_factory_1 = datatypes_factory.DatatypesFactory()
        self._create_datatypes(dt_factory_1, SELF_DTS_NUMBER)
        dt_group = dt_factory_1.create_datatype_group()

        link_ids, expected_links = [], []
        # Prepare link towards a simple DT
        dt_factory_2 = datatypes_factory.DatatypesFactory()
        dt_to_link = dt_factory_2.create_simple_datatype()

        # Prepare links towards a full DT Group, but expecting only the DT_Group in the final tree
        link_gr = dt_factory_2.create_datatype_group()
        dts = dao.get_datatype_in_group(
        link_ids.extend([ for dt_to_link in dts])

        # Prepare link towards a single DT inside a group, and expecting to find the DT in the final tree
        link_gr = dt_factory_2.create_datatype_group()
        dt_to_link = dao.get_datatype_in_group([0]

        # Actually create the links from Prj2 into Prj1

        # Retrieve the raw data used to compose the tree (for easy parsing)
        dts_in_tree = dao.get_data_in_project(
        dts_in_tree = [dt.gid for dt in dts_in_tree]
        # Retrieve the tree json (for trivial validations only, as we can not decode)
        node_json = self.project_service.get_project_structure(dt_factory_1.project, None, DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE,
                                                               DataTypeMetaData.KEY_SUBJECT, None)

        self.assertEqual(len(expected_links) + SELF_DTS_NUMBER + 2, len(dts_in_tree), "invalid number of nodes in tree")
        self.assertFalse(link_gr.gid in dts_in_tree, "DT_group where a single DT is linked is not expected.")
        self.assertTrue(dt_group.gid in dts_in_tree, "DT_Group should be in the Project Tree!")
        self.assertTrue(dt_group.gid in node_json, "DT_Group should be in the Project Tree JSON!")

        project_dts = dao.get_datatypes_in_project(
        for dt in project_dts:
            if dt.fk_datatype_group is not None:
                self.assertFalse(dt.gid in node_json, "DTs part of a group should not be")
                self.assertFalse(dt.gid in dts_in_tree, "DTs part of a group should not be")
                self.assertTrue(dt.gid in node_json, "Simple DTs and DT_Groups should be")
                self.assertTrue(dt.gid in dts_in_tree, "Simple DTs and DT_Groups should be")

        for link_gid in expected_links:
            self.assertTrue(link_gid in node_json, "Expected Link not present")
            self.assertTrue(link_gid in dts_in_tree, "Expected Link not present")
    def test_datatypes_groups(self):
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.
        flow_service = FlowService()

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(, None)
        assert len(all_operations) == 0, "There should be no operation"

        adapter_instance = TestFactory.create_adapter('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3', 'TestAdapter3')
        data = {model.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': [1, 2]}
        ## Create Group of operations
        flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance, self.test_user,, **data)

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(, None)
        assert len(all_operations) == 1, "Expected one operation group"
        assert all_operations[0][2] == 2, "Expected 2 operations in group"

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        assert operation_group_id != None, "The operation should be part of a group."

        ## Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operation_group_id)
        assert len(resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(len(resulted_datatypes))

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(operation_group_id)
        assert dt.fk_datatype_group ==, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect"
    def test_datatypes_groups(self):
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.
        flow_service = FlowService()

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(all_operations), 0, "There should be no operation")

        algogroup = dao.find_group("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3", "TestAdapter3")
        group, _ = flow_service.prepare_adapter(, algogroup)
        adapter_instance = flow_service.build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {model.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: "param_5", "param_5": [1, 2]}
        ## Create Group of operations
        flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance, self.test_user,, **data)

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(all_operations), 1, "Expected one operation group")
        self.assertEqual(all_operations[0][2], 2, "Expected 2 operations in group")

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        self.assertNotEquals(operation_group_id, None, "The operation should be part of a group.")

        ## Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operation_group_id)
        self.assertTrue(len(resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(len(resulted_datatypes)))

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(operation_group_id)
        self.assertEqual(dt.fk_datatype_group,, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect")
Esempio n. 5
    def update_metadata(self, submit_data):
        Update DataType/ DataTypeGroup metadata
        THROW StructureException when input data is invalid.
        new_data = dict()
        for key in DataTypeOverlayDetails().meta_attributes_list:
            if key in submit_data:
                new_data[key] = submit_data[key]

        if new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_TAG] == '':
            new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_TAG] = None
            if (CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_GROUP_ID in new_data
                    and new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_GROUP_ID]
                    and new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_GROUP_ID] != ''):
                # We need to edit a group
                all_data_in_group = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=
                if len(all_data_in_group) < 1:
                    raise StructureException("Inconsistent group, can not be updated!")
                datatype_group = dao.get_generic_entity(DataTypeGroup, all_data_in_group[0].fk_datatype_group)[0]
                for datatype in all_data_in_group:
                    new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_GID] = datatype.gid
                    self._edit_data(datatype, new_data, True)
                # Get the required DataType and operation from DB to store changes that will be done in XML.
                gid = new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_GID]
                datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(gid)
                self._edit_data(datatype, new_data)
        except Exception as excep:
            raise StructureException(str(excep))
Esempio n. 6
    def create_group(test_user=None, test_project=None, subject="John Doe"):
        Create a group of 2 operations, each with at least one resultant DataType.
        if test_user is None:
            test_user = TestFactory.create_user()
        if test_project is None:
            test_project = TestFactory.create_project(test_user)

        adapter_inst = TestFactory.create_adapter('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3', 'TestAdapter3')
        adapter_inst.generic_attributes.subject = subject

        view_model = adapter_inst.get_view_model()()
        args = {RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': json.dumps({constants.ATT_MINVALUE: 1,
                                                                     constants.ATT_MAXVALUE: 2.1,
                                                                     constants.ATT_STEP: 1})}
        algo = adapter_inst.stored_adapter
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo.fk_category)

        # Prepare Operations group. Execute them synchronously
        service = OperationService()
        operations = service.prepare_operations(, test_project, algo, algo_category,
                                                view_model=view_model, **args)[0]
        service.launch_operation(operations[0].id, False, adapter_inst)
        service.launch_operation(operations[1].id, False, adapter_inst)

        resulted_dts = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operations[0].fk_operation_group)
        return resulted_dts, operations[0].fk_operation_group
Esempio n. 7
    def update_metadata(self, submit_data):
        Update DataType/ DataTypeGroup metadata
        THROW StructureException when input data is invalid.
        new_data = dict()
        for key in DataTypeOverlayDetails().meta_attributes_list:
            if key in submit_data:
                new_data[key] = submit_data[key]

        if new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_TAG] == '':
            new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_TAG] = None
            if (CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_GROUP_ID in new_data
                    and new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_GROUP_ID]
                    and new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_OPERATION_GROUP_ID] != ''):
                # We need to edit a group
                all_data_in_group = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=
                if len(all_data_in_group) < 1:
                    raise StructureException("Inconsistent group, can not be updated!")
                datatype_group = dao.get_generic_entity(model.DataTypeGroup, all_data_in_group[0].fk_datatype_group)[0]
                for datatype in all_data_in_group:
                    new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_GID] = datatype.gid
                    self._edit_data(datatype, new_data, True)
                # Get the required DataType and operation from DB to store changes that will be done in XML.
                gid = new_data[CommonDetails.CODE_GID]
                datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(gid)
                self._edit_data(datatype, new_data)
        except Exception, excep:
            raise StructureException(str(excep))
Esempio n. 8
 def create_group(test_user=None, test_project=None, subject="John Doe"):
     Create a group of 2 operations, each with at least one resultant DataType.
     if test_user is None:
         test_user = TestFactory.create_user()  
     if test_project is None:
         test_project = TestFactory.create_project(test_user)
     ### Retrieve Adapter instance 
     algo_group = dao.find_group('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3', 'TestAdapter3')
     algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo_group.fk_category)
     algo = dao.get_algorithm_by_group( 
     adapter_inst = TestFactory.create_adapter(algo_group=algo_group, test_project=test_project)
     adapter_inst.meta_data = {DataTypeMetaData.KEY_SUBJECT: subject}
     args = {model.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': [1, 2]}
     ### Prepare Operations group. Execute them synchronously
     service = OperationService()
     operations = service.prepare_operations(,, algo, algo_category, {}, **args)[0]
     service.launch_operation(operations[0].id, False, adapter_inst)
     service.launch_operation(operations[1].id, False, adapter_inst)
     resulted_dts = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operations[0].fk_operation_group)
     return resulted_dts, operations[0].fk_operation_group
Esempio n. 9
    def test_datatypes_groups(self, test_adapter_factory):
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.
        # TODO: re-write this to use groups correctly
        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(, None)
        assert len(all_operations) == 0, "There should be no operation"

        algo = test_adapter_factory(TestAdapter3)
        adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(algo)
        data = {model_burst.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': [1, 2]}
        ## Create Group of operations
        FlowService().fire_operation(adapter_instance, self.test_user,

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(, None)
        assert len(all_operations) == 1, "Expected one operation group"
        assert all_operations[0][2] == 2, "Expected 2 operations in group"

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        assert operation_group_id != None, "The operation should be part of a group."

        ## Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operation_group_id)
        assert len(resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(len(resulted_datatypes))

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(operation_group_id)
        assert dt.fk_datatype_group ==, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect"
Esempio n. 10
    def test_datatypes_groups(self):
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.
        flow_service = FlowService()

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(all_operations), 0, "There should be no operation")

        algogroup = dao.find_group('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3', 'TestAdapter3')
        group, _ = flow_service.prepare_adapter(, algogroup)
        adapter_instance = flow_service.build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {model.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': [1, 2]}
        ## Create Group of operations
        flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance, self.test_user,, **data)

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(all_operations), 1, "Expected one operation group")
        self.assertEqual(all_operations[0][2], 2, "Expected 2 operations in group")

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        self.assertNotEquals(operation_group_id, None, "The operation should be part of a group.")

        ## Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operation_group_id)
        self.assertTrue(len(resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(len(resulted_datatypes)))

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(operation_group_id)
        self.assertEqual(dt.fk_datatype_group,, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect")
Esempio n. 11
 def create_group(test_user=None, test_project=None, subject="John Doe"):
     Create a group of 2 operations, each with at least one resultant DataType.
     if test_user is None:
         test_user = TestFactory.create_user()  
     if test_project is None:
         test_project = TestFactory.create_project(test_user)
     ### Retrieve Adapter instance 
     algo_group = dao.find_group('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3', 'TestAdapter3')
     algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo_group.fk_category)
     algo = dao.get_algorithm_by_group( 
     adapter_inst = TestFactory.create_adapter(algo_group=algo_group, test_project=test_project)
     adapter_inst.meta_data = {DataTypeMetaData.KEY_SUBJECT: subject}
     args = {model.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': [1, 2]}
     ### Prepare Operations group. Execute them synchronously
     service = OperationService()
     operations = service.prepare_operations(,, algo, algo_category, {}, **args)[0]
     service.launch_operation(operations[0].id, False, adapter_inst)
     service.launch_operation(operations[1].id, False, adapter_inst)
     resulted_dts = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operations[0].fk_operation_group)
     return resulted_dts, operations[0].fk_operation_group
    def test_get_project_structure(self, datatype_group_factory,
                                   project_factory, user_factory):
        Tests project structure is as expected and contains all datatypes and created links
        user = user_factory()
        project1 = project_factory(user, name="TestPS1")
        project2 = project_factory(user, name="TestPS2")

        dt_group = datatype_group_factory(project=project1)
        dt_simple = dummy_datatype_index_factory(state="RAW_DATA",
        # Create 3 DTs directly in Project 2
        dummy_datatype_index_factory(state="RAW_DATA", project=project2)
        dummy_datatype_index_factory(state="RAW_DATA", project=project2)
        dummy_datatype_index_factory(state="RAW_DATA", project=project2)

        # Create Links from Project 1 into Project 2
        link_ids, expected_links = [], []

        # Prepare links towards a full DT Group, but expecting only the DT_Group in the final tree
        dts = dao.get_datatype_in_group(
        link_ids.extend([ for dt_to_link in dts])

        # Actually create the links from Prj1 into Prj2

        # Retrieve the raw data used to compose the tree (for easy parsing)
        dts_in_tree = dao.get_data_in_project(
        dts_in_tree = [dt.gid for dt in dts_in_tree]
        # Retrieve the tree json (for trivial validations only, as we can not decode)
        node_json = self.project_service.get_project_structure(
            project2, None, DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE,
            DataTypeMetaData.KEY_SUBJECT, None)

        assert len(expected_links) + 3 == len(
            dts_in_tree), "invalid number of nodes in tree"
        assert dt_group.gid in dts_in_tree, "DT_Group should be in the Project Tree!"
        assert dt_group.gid in node_json, "DT_Group should be in the Project Tree JSON!"

        project_dts = dao.get_datatypes_in_project(
        for dt in project_dts:
            if dt.fk_datatype_group is not None:
                assert not dt.gid in node_json, "DTs part of a group should not be"
                assert not dt.gid in dts_in_tree, "DTs part of a group should not be"
                assert dt.gid in node_json, "Simple DTs and DT_Groups should be"
                assert dt.gid in dts_in_tree, "Simple DTs and DT_Groups should be"

        for link_gid in expected_links:
            assert link_gid in node_json, "Expected Link not present"
            assert link_gid in dts_in_tree, "Expected Link not present"
Esempio n. 13
    def test_datatypes_groups(self, test_adapter_factory,
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.
        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(,
        assert len(all_operations) == 0, "There should be no operation"

        dt_group = datatype_group_factory(project=self.test_project)
        model = TestModel()
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
            "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1", "TestAdapter1")

        operations = dao.get_operations_in_group(

        for op in operations:
            model.gid = uuid.uuid4()
            op_path = StorageInterface().get_project_folder(
      , str(
            op.view_model_gid = model.gid.hex
            op.algorithm = adapter.stored_adapter
            h5.store_view_model(model, op_path)

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(,
        assert len(all_operations) == 2, "Expected two operation groups"
        assert all_operations[0][2] == 6, "Expected 6 operations in one group"

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        assert operation_group_id != None, "The operation should be part of a group."

        # Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[1][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[1][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(
        assert len(
            resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(
        assert dt.fk_datatype_group ==, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect"
Esempio n. 14
    def _remove_operation_group(self, operation_group_id, project_id, skip_validation, operations_set, links):
        metrics_groups = dao.get_generic_entity(DataTypeGroup, operation_group_id,
        if len(metrics_groups) > 0:
            metric_datatype_group_id = metrics_groups[0].id
            self._remove_datatype_group_dts(project_id, metric_datatype_group_id, skip_validation,
                                            operations_set, links)
            datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(metric_datatype_group_id)

            # If this condition is false, then there is a link for the datatype group and we don't need to delete it
            if len(datatypes) == 0:
                dao.remove_entity(DataTypeGroup, metric_datatype_group_id)
                return dao.remove_entity(OperationGroup, operation_group_id)
                return True
Esempio n. 15
    def test_update_meta_data_group(self, test_adapter_factory, datatype_group_factory):
        Test the new update metaData for a group of dataTypes.
        group, _ = datatype_group_factory()
        op_group_id = group.fk_operation_group

        new_meta_data = {DataTypeOverlayDetails.DATA_SUBJECT: "new subject",
                         DataTypeOverlayDetails.DATA_STATE: "updated_state",
                         DataTypeOverlayDetails.CODE_OPERATION_GROUP_ID: op_group_id,
                         DataTypeOverlayDetails.CODE_OPERATION_TAG: 'newGroupName'}
        datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(op_group_id)
        for datatype in datatypes:
            new_datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(
            assert op_group_id == new_datatype.parent_operation.fk_operation_group
            new_group = dao.get_generic_entity(model_operation.OperationGroup, op_group_id)[0]
            assert == "newGroupName"
            self.__check_meta_data(new_meta_data, new_datatype)
Esempio n. 16
    def test_datatypes_groups(self):
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.
        flow_service = FlowService()

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(,
        assert len(all_operations) == 0, "There should be no operation"

        adapter_instance = TestFactory.create_adapter(
            'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3', 'TestAdapter3')
        data = {model.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': [1, 2]}
        ## Create Group of operations
        flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance, self.test_user,
                          , **data)

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(,
        assert len(all_operations) == 1, "Expected one operation group"
        assert all_operations[0][2] == 2, "Expected 2 operations in group"

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        assert operation_group_id != None, "The operation should be part of a group."

        ## Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(
        assert len(
            resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(
        assert dt.fk_datatype_group ==, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect"
Esempio n. 17
 def get_datatype_in_group(group):
     Return all dataTypes that are the result of the same DTgroup.
     return dao.get_datatype_in_group(datatype_group_id=group)
Esempio n. 18
    def remove_datatype(self, project_id, datatype_gid, skip_validation=False, existing_dt_links=None):
        Method used for removing a dataType. If the given dataType is a DatatypeGroup
        or a dataType from a DataTypeGroup than this method will remove the entire group.
        The operation(s) used for creating the dataType(s) will also be removed.
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(datatype_gid)
        if datatype is None:
            self.logger.warning("Attempt to delete DT[%s] which no longer exists." % datatype_gid)

        if datatype.parent_operation.fk_launched_in != int(project_id):
            self.logger.warning("Datatype with GUID [%s] has been moved to another project and does "
                                "not need to be deleted anymore." % datatype_gid)

        is_datatype_group = False
        datatype_group = None
        new_dt_links = []

        # Datatype Groups were already handled when the first DatatypeMeasureIndex has been found
        if dao.is_datatype_group(datatype_gid):
            is_datatype_group = True
            datatype_group = datatype
        # Found the first DatatypeMeasureIndex from a group
        elif datatype.fk_datatype_group is not None:
            is_datatype_group = True
            # We load it this way to make sure we have the 'fk_operation_group' in every case
            datatype_group_gid = dao.get_datatype_by_id(datatype.fk_datatype_group).gid
            datatype_group = h5.load_entity_by_gid(datatype_group_gid)

        operations_set = [datatype.fk_from_operation]
        correct = True

        if is_datatype_group:
            operations_set = [datatype_group.fk_from_operation]
            self.logger.debug("Removing datatype group %s" % datatype_group)

            datatypes = self.get_all_datatypes_from_data(datatype_group)
            first_datatype = datatypes[0]

            if hasattr(first_datatype, 'fk_source_gid'):
                ts = h5.load_entity_by_gid(first_datatype.fk_source_gid)
                ts_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(ts.parent_operation.fk_operation_group)
                dm_group = datatype_group
                dt_measure_index = get_class_by_name("{}.{}".format(DATATYPE_MEASURE_INDEX_MODULE,
                dm_group = dao.get_datatype_measure_group_from_ts_from_pse(first_datatype.gid, dt_measure_index)
                ts_group = datatype_group

            links = []

            if ts_group:
                correct = correct and self._remove_operation_group(ts_group.fk_operation_group, project_id,
                                                                   skip_validation, operations_set, links)

            if dm_group:
                correct = correct and self._remove_operation_group(dm_group.fk_operation_group, project_id,
                                                                   skip_validation, operations_set, links)

            if len(links) > 0:
                # We want to get the links for the first TSIndex directly
                # This code works for all cases
                datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(
                ts = datatypes[0]

                new_dt_links = self._add_links_for_datatype_references(ts, links[0].fk_to_project, links[0].id,

            self.logger.debug("Removing datatype %s" % datatype)
            links = dao.get_links_for_datatype(

            if len(links) > 0:
                new_dt_links = self._add_links_for_datatype_references(datatype, links[0].fk_to_project, links[0].id,

            self._remove_project_node_files(project_id, datatype.gid, links, skip_validation)

        # Remove Operation entity in case no other DataType needs them.
        project = dao.get_project_by_id(project_id)
        for operation_id in operations_set:
            dependent_dt = dao.get_generic_entity(DataType, operation_id, "fk_from_operation")
            if len(dependent_dt) > 0:
                # Do not remove Operation in case DataType still exist referring it.
            correct = correct and dao.remove_entity(Operation, operation_id)
            # Make sure Operation folder is removed
            self.storage_interface.remove_operation_data(, operation_id)

        if not correct:
            raise RemoveDataTypeException("Could not remove DataType " + str(datatype_gid))
        return new_dt_links
Esempio n. 19
 def get_datatype_in_group(group):
     Return all dataTypes that are the result of the same DTgroup.
     return dao.get_datatype_in_group(datatype_group_id=group)
 def get_datatype_in_group(group):
     Return all dataTypes that are the result of the same group of operations.
     return dao.get_datatype_in_group(group)
    def test_get_project_structure(self):
        Tests project structure is as expected and contains all datatypes
        SELF_DTS_NUMBER = 3
        dt_factory_1 = datatypes_factory.DatatypesFactory()
        self._create_datatypes(dt_factory_1, SELF_DTS_NUMBER)
        dt_group = dt_factory_1.create_datatype_group()

        link_ids, expected_links = [], []
        # Prepare link towards a simple DT
        dt_factory_2 = datatypes_factory.DatatypesFactory()
        dt_to_link = dt_factory_2.create_simple_datatype()

        # Prepare links towards a full DT Group, but expecting only the DT_Group in the final tree
        link_gr = dt_factory_2.create_datatype_group()
        dts = dao.get_datatype_in_group(
        link_ids.extend([ for dt_to_link in dts])

        # Prepare link towards a single DT inside a group, and expecting to find the DT in the final tree
        link_gr = dt_factory_2.create_datatype_group()
        dt_to_link = dao.get_datatype_in_group([0]

        # Actually create the links from Prj2 into Prj1

        # Retrieve the raw data used to compose the tree (for easy parsing)
        dts_in_tree = dao.get_data_in_project(
        dts_in_tree = [dt.gid for dt in dts_in_tree]
        # Retrieve the tree json (for trivial validations only, as we can not decode)
        node_json = self.project_service.get_project_structure(
            dt_factory_1.project, None, DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE,
            DataTypeMetaData.KEY_SUBJECT, None)

            len(expected_links) + SELF_DTS_NUMBER + 2, len(dts_in_tree),
            "invalid number of nodes in tree")
            link_gr.gid in dts_in_tree,
            "DT_group where a single DT is linked is not expected.")
        self.assertTrue(dt_group.gid in dts_in_tree,
                        "DT_Group should be in the Project Tree!")
        self.assertTrue(dt_group.gid in node_json,
                        "DT_Group should be in the Project Tree JSON!")

        project_dts = dao.get_datatypes_in_project(
        for dt in project_dts:
            if dt.fk_datatype_group is not None:
                self.assertFalse(dt.gid in node_json,
                                 "DTs part of a group should not be")
                self.assertFalse(dt.gid in dts_in_tree,
                                 "DTs part of a group should not be")
                self.assertTrue(dt.gid in node_json,
                                "Simple DTs and DT_Groups should be")
                self.assertTrue(dt.gid in dts_in_tree,
                                "Simple DTs and DT_Groups should be")

        for link_gid in expected_links:
            self.assertTrue(link_gid in node_json, "Expected Link not present")
            self.assertTrue(link_gid in dts_in_tree,
                            "Expected Link not present")