Esempio n. 1
    def selectSeries(self, allSeries):

        if len(allSeries) == 1:
            # Single result, return it!
            print("Automatically selecting only result")
            return allSeries[0]

        if self.config['select_first'] is True:
            print("Automatically returning first search result")
            return allSeries[0]

        while True:  # return breaks this loop
                    "Enter choice (first number, return for default, 'all', ? for help):"
                ans = user_input()
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (^c keyboard interupt)")
            except EOFError:
                raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (EOF received)")

            log().debug('Got choice of: %s' % (ans))
                selected_id = int(
                    ans) - 1  # The human entered 1 as first result, not zero
            except ValueError:  # Input was not number
                if len(ans.strip()) == 0:
                    # Default option
                    log().debug('Default option, returning first series')
                    return allSeries[0]
                if ans == "q":
                    log().debug('Got quit command (q)')
                    raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted ('q' quit command)")
                elif ans == "?":
                    print("## Help")
                        "# Enter the number that corresponds to the correct show."
                    print("# a - display all results")
                    print("# all - display all results")
                    print("# ? - this help")
                    print("# q - abort tvnamer")
                        "# Press return with no input to select first result")
                elif ans.lower() in ["a", "all"]:
                    self._displaySeries(allSeries, limit=None)
                    log().debug('Unknown keypress %s' % (ans))
                log().debug('Trying to return ID: %d' % (selected_id))
                    return allSeries[selected_id]
                except IndexError:
                    log().debug('Invalid show number entered!')
                    print("Invalid number (%s) selected!")
Esempio n. 2
    def selectSeries(self, allSeries):

        if len(allSeries) == 1:
            # Single result, return it!
            print "Automatically selecting only result"
            return allSeries[0]

        if self.config['select_first'] is True:
            print "Automatically returning first search result"
            return allSeries[0]

        while True: # return breaks this loop
                print "Enter choice (first number, return for default, 'all', ? for help):"
                ans = raw_input()
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (^c keyboard interupt)")
            except EOFError:
                raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (EOF received)")

            log().debug('Got choice of: %s' % (ans))
                selected_id = int(ans) - 1 # The human entered 1 as first result, not zero
            except ValueError: # Input was not number
                if len(ans.strip()) == 0:
                    # Default option
                    log().debug('Default option, returning first series')
                    return allSeries[0]
                if ans == "q":
                    log().debug('Got quit command (q)')
                    raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted ('q' quit command)")
                elif ans == "?":
                    print "## Help"
                    print "# Enter the number that corresponds to the correct show."
                    print "# a - display all results"
                    print "# all - display all results"
                    print "# ? - this help"
                    print "# q - abort tvnamer"
                    print "# Press return with no input to select first result"
                elif ans.lower() in ["a", "all"]:
                    self._displaySeries(allSeries, limit = None)
                    log().debug('Unknown keypress %s' % (ans))
                log().debug('Trying to return ID: %d' % (selected_id))
                    return allSeries[selected_id]
                except IndexError:
                    log().debug('Invalid show number entered!')
                    print "Invalid number (%s) selected!"
Esempio n. 3
    def selectSeries(self, allSeries):

        if len(allSeries) == 1:
            # Single result, return it!
            print "Automatically selecting only result"
            return allSeries[0]

        if self.config['select_first'] is True:
            print "Automatically returning first search result"
            return allSeries[0]

        while True:  # return breaks this loop
                print "Enter choice (first number, ? for help):"
                ans = raw_input()
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (^c keyboard interupt)")
            except EOFError:
                raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (EOF received)")

            log().debug('Got choice of: %s' % (ans))
                selected_id = int(
                    ans) - 1  # The human entered 1 as first result, not zero
            except ValueError:  # Input was not number
                if ans == "q":
                    log().debug('Got quit command (q)')
                    raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted ('q' quit command)")
                elif ans == "?":
                    print "## Help"
                    print "# Enter the number that corresponds to the correct show."
                    print "# ? - this help"
                    print "# q - abort tvnamer"
                    log().debug('Unknown keypress %s' % (ans))
                log().debug('Trying to return ID: %d' % (selected_id))
                    return allSeries[selected_id]
                except IndexError:
                    log().debug('Invalid show number entered!')
                    print "Invalid number (%s) selected!"
Esempio n. 4
    def selectSeries(self, allSeries):

        if len(allSeries) == 1:
            # Single result, return it!
            print "Automatically selecting only result"
            return allSeries[0]

        if self.config["select_first"] is True:
            print "Automatically returning first search result"
            return allSeries[0]

        while True:  # return breaks this loop
                print "Enter choice (first number, ? for help):"
                ans = raw_input()
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (^c keyboard interupt)")
            except EOFError:
                raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted (EOF received)")

            log().debug("Got choice of: %s" % (ans))
                selected_id = int(ans) - 1  # The human entered 1 as first result, not zero
            except ValueError:  # Input was not number
                if ans == "q":
                    log().debug("Got quit command (q)")
                    raise tvdb_userabort("User aborted ('q' quit command)")
                elif ans == "?":
                    print "## Help"
                    print "# Enter the number that corresponds to the correct show."
                    print "# ? - this help"
                    print "# q - abort tvnamer"
                    log().debug("Unknown keypress %s" % (ans))
                log().debug("Trying to return ID: %d" % (selected_id))
                    return allSeries[selected_id]
                except IndexError:
                    log().debug("Invalid show number entered!")
                    print "Invalid number (%s) selected!"
Esempio n. 5
#!/usr/bin/env python
#license:unlicense (

"""Contains included user interfaces for Tvdb show selection.

A UI is a callback. A class, it's __init__ function takes two arguments:

- config, which is the Tvdb config dict, setup in
- log, which is Tvdb's logger instance (which uses the logging module). You can
call log.warning() etc

It must have a method "selectSeries", this is passed a list of dicts, each dict
contains the the keys "name" (human readable show name), and "sid" (the shows
ID as on For example:

[{'name': u'Lost', 'sid': u'73739'},
 {'name': u'Lost Universe', 'sid': u'73181'}]

The "selectSeries" method must return the appropriate dict, or it can raise
tvdb_userabort (if the selection is aborted), tvdb_shownotfound (if the show
cannot be found).

A simple example callback, which returns a random series:

>>> import random
>>> from tvdb_ui import BaseUI
>>> class RandomUI(BaseUI):
Esempio n. 6
#!/usr/bin/env python
#license:Creative Commons GNU GPL v2
# (
"""Contains included user interfaces for Tvdb show selection.

A UI is a callback. A class, it's __init__ function takes two arguments:

- config, which is the Tvdb config dict, setup in
- log, which is Tvdb's logger instance (which uses the logging module). You can
call log.warning() etc

It must have a method "selectSeries", this is passed a list of dicts, each dict
contains the the keys "name" (human readable show name), and "sid" (the shows
ID as on For example:

[{'name': u'Lost', 'sid': u'73739'},
 {'name': u'Lost Universe', 'sid': u'73181'}]

The "selectSeries" method must return the appropriate dict, or it can raise
tvdb_userabort (if the selection is aborted), tvdb_shownotfound (if the show
cannot be found).

A simple example callback, which returns a random series:

>>> import random
>>> from tvdb_ui import BaseUI
>>> class RandomUI(BaseUI):