def compare_numpy_tvm(inputs, output, target, device, compute, schedule): """Compare a numpy inputs and output of a function to the results of the TVM version. Parameters ---------- inputs : Sequence[numpy.nd.array] List of input numpy arrays to pass to the function. output : numpy.nd.array Verified correct function output. target : Target to run on. device : tvm.runtime.Device Context to run on. compute : callable Topi compute function to test against. schedule : callable Topi scheduling function to test against. """ te_inputs = [ tvm.te.placeholder(shape=i.shape, dtype=str(i.dtype)) for i in inputs ] te_out = tvm.nd.array(np.zeros(output.shape).astype(output.dtype), device=device) with out = compute(*te_inputs) s = schedule([out]) func =, te_inputs + [out]) arys = [tvm.nd.array(x, device=device) for x in inputs] func(*(arys + [te_out])) assert_allclose(te_out.numpy(), output, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
def test_reverse_ad_identity(): """Simple test with reverse mode ad.""" # of f(x) = x mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (10, 10) dtype = "float32" t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) x = relay.var("x", t) func = relay.Function([x], x) func = run_infer_type(func) back_func = transform.gradient(func) back_func = run_infer_type(back_func) mod["main"] = back_func mod = transform.InferType()(mod) mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod) back_func = mod["main"] assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType( [t], relay.TupleType([t, relay.TupleType([t])]) ) x = rand(dtype, *shape) (forward), (grad,) = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate(back_func)(x) assert_allclose(forward.numpy(), x.numpy()) assert_allclose(grad.numpy(), np.ones_like(x.numpy()))
def test_add_broadcast(): """Test adding matrices of different size. Check types and semantic equivalence.""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape1 = (3, 4, 1) shape2 = (1, 5) dtype = "float32" t1 = relay.TensorType(shape1, dtype) t2 = relay.TensorType(shape2, dtype) x1 = relay.var("x1", t1) x2 = relay.var("x2", t2) func = relay.Function([x1, x2], x1 + x2) func = run_infer_type(func) mod["main"] = func mod = transform.InferType()(mod) mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod) func = mod["main"] x1_np = rand(dtype, *shape1).numpy() x2_np = rand(dtype, *shape2).numpy() expected_forward = x1_np + x2_np expected_forward_type = relay.TensorType(expected_forward.shape, dtype) assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t1, t2], expected_forward_type) forward = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate(func)(x1_np, x2_np) assert_allclose(forward.numpy(), expected_forward)
def check_device(device, host="llvm"): ctx = tvm.context(device, 0) if not tvm.runtime.enabled(host): return if not ctx.exist: print("skip because %s is not enabled.." % device) return sout = te.create_schedule(out.op) mout =, [out] + inputs + args) out_shape = get_const_tuple(out.shape) l, h = data_range input_data = [ tvm.nd.array( np.random.uniform(l, h, size=get_const_tuple( input.shape)).astype(input.dtype)) for input in inputs ] arg_vals = [ tvm.nd.array( np.random.uniform(l, h, size=get_const_tuple( arg.shape)).astype(arg.dtype)) for arg in args ] ones = topi.full_like(out, 1.0) # we provide head to sum and reduce the output dimension, # which equals to grad(out.sum(), inputs) grads = te.gradient(out, inputs, head=ones) grad_sched = te.create_schedule([grad.op for grad in grads]) mgrad =, list(grads) + inputs + args) if assert_no_jacobian: # TODO(yzhliu): it is better to visit the expression and do assertion lowered_ir = str( tvm.lower(grad_sched, list(grads) + inputs + args, simple_mode=True)) assert "jacobian" not in lowered_ir, lowered_ir grad_data = [ tvm.nd.empty(get_const_tuple(i.shape), g.dtype) for i, g in zip(inputs, grads) ] mgrad(*grad_data, *input_data, *arg_vals) g_res = [g.asnumpy() for g in grad_data] if desired_grads: assert isinstance(desired_grads, list) for actual, desired in zip(g_res, desired_grads): assert_allclose(actual, desired, rtol=0.1, atol=1e-2) else: def forward(*in_data): out_data = tvm.nd.empty(out_shape, out.dtype) mout(out_data, *[tvm.nd.array(d) for d in list(in_data)]) return out_data.asnumpy().sum() check_numerical_grads(forward, [d.asnumpy() for d in input_data + arg_vals], g_res)
def test_ret_tuple(): """Test tuple return type. Check types and semantic equivalence.""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (10, 10) dtype = "float32" t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) x = relay.var("x", t) # f(x) = (x,x) func = relay.Function([x], relay.Tuple([x, x * relay.const(2.0)])) func = run_infer_type(func) mod["main"] = func mod = transform.InferType()(mod) mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod) func = mod["main"] assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t], relay.TupleType([t, t])) x = rand(dtype, *shape) y = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate(func)(x) assert_allclose(y[0].numpy(), x.numpy()) assert_allclose(y[1].numpy(), x.numpy() * 2.0)
def test_add_tuple(): """Add elements of tuple. Check types and semantic equivalence.""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (10, 10) dtype = "float32" tensor_type = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) t = relay.TupleType([tensor_type, tensor_type]) x = relay.var("x", t) # f((x1,x2)) = x1 + x2 y = relay.Function([x], relay.TupleGetItem(x, 0) + relay.TupleGetItem(x, 1)) mod["main"] = y mod = transform.InferType()(mod) mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod) mod = tvm.transform.PrintIR(show_meta_data=True)(mod) y = mod["main"] assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t], tensor_type) x = (rand(dtype, *shape), rand(dtype, *shape)) y = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate(y)(x) assert_allclose(y.numpy(), x[0].numpy() + x[1].numpy())
def test_tuple_passing(): x = relay.var( "x", type_annotation=relay.ty.TupleType([ relay.ty.TensorType((), "int64"), relay.ty.TensorType((), "int64") ]), ) fn = relay.Function([x], relay.expr.TupleGetItem(x, 0)) mod = tvm.IRModule({}) gv = relay.GlobalVar("main") mod[gv] = fn mod = relay.transform.InferType()(mod) dev = tvm.cpu() target ="llvm") f = relay.create_executor(mod=mod, device=dev, target=target).evaluate(gv) # First use a Python tuple. out = f((10, 8)) testing.assert_allclose(out.numpy(), np.array(10)) # Second use a tuple value. value_tuple = container.tuple_object( [nd.array(np.array(11)), nd.array(np.array(12))]) out = f(value_tuple) testing.assert_allclose(out.numpy(), np.array(11))
def test_functional_returns(): n = 3 x = relay.Var("x", relay.TensorType([n], "float32")) f = relay.Function([x], x) t = relay.Tuple([f, f]) c = np.random.rand(n).astype("float32") result1, result2 = relay.create_executor().evaluate(t) testing.assert_allclose(result1(c).numpy(), c) testing.assert_allclose(result2(c).numpy(), c)
def test_kwargs_params(): x = relay.var("x", shape=(1, 10)) y = relay.var("y", shape=(1, 10)) z = relay.var("z", shape=(1, 10)) f = relay.Function([x, y, z], x + y + z) x_data = np.random.rand(1, 10).astype("float32") y_data = np.random.rand(1, 10).astype("float32") z_data = np.random.rand(1, 10).astype("float32") params = {"y": y_data, "z": z_data} res = relay.create_executor().evaluate(f)(x_data, **params) testing.assert_allclose(res.numpy(), x_data + y_data + z_data)
def test_allclose(value, target, rtol=1e-5, print_diff=False): passed = 1 from tvm.testing import assert_allclose try: assert_allclose(value, target, rtol) except AssertionError: passed = 0 if print_diff: print(target - value) print("Max diff:", np.max(np.fabs(target - value))) return passed
def check_eval(expr, args, expected_result, mod=None, rtol=1e-07): # TODO(tqchen) add more types once the schedule register is fixed. for target in ["llvm"]: dev = tvm.device(target, 0) if not testing.device_enabled(target): return func = relay.create_executor(mod=mod, device=dev, target=target).evaluate(expr) result = func if args is None else func(*args) # use testing which also set atol testing.assert_allclose(result.numpy(), expected_result, rtol=rtol)
def test_keyword_args(): n = 3 x = relay.Var("x", relay.TensorType([n], "float32")) y = relay.Var("y", relay.TensorType([n], "float32")) z = relay.add(x, y) mod = tvm.IRModule() mod["main"] = relay.Function([x, y], z) x_np = np.random.uniform(size=(n, )).astype("float32") y_np = np.random.uniform(size=(n, )).astype("float32") expected = np.add(x_np, y_np) actual = relay.create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate()(y=y_np, x=x_np) testing.assert_allclose(actual.numpy(), expected)
def test_zeros(): """Simple test using "zeros" op""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (10, 10) dtype = "float32" t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) x = relay.var("x", t) y = relay.Function([x], x + relay.zeros(shape, dtype)) mod["main"] = y mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod) y = mod["main"] assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t], t) ex = create_executor(mod=mod) x = rand(dtype, *shape) y = ex.evaluate(y)(x) assert_allclose(y.asnumpy(), x.asnumpy())
def test_ones_like(): """Simple test using "ones_like" op""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (10, 10) dtype = "float32" t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) x = relay.var("x", t) y = relay.Function([x], x + relay.ones_like(x)) mod["main"] = y mod = transform.InferType()(mod) mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod) y = mod["main"] assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t], t) x = rand(dtype, *shape) y = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate(y)(x) assert_allclose(y.numpy(), x.numpy() + np.ones_like(x.numpy()))
def test_multivar_reverse_ad(): """Simple test with multivariate reverse mode ad.""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (10, 10) dtype = "float32" t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) x = relay.var("x", t) y = relay.var("y", t) func = relay.Function([x, y], (x * y) * relay.const(np.ones(shape, dtype))) func = run_infer_type(func) back_func = transform.gradient(func) back_func = run_infer_type(back_func) mod["main"] = back_func mod = transform.InferType()(mod) mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod) back_func = mod["main"] assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType( [t, t], relay.TupleType([t, relay.TupleType([t, t])]) ) x = rand(dtype, *shape) y = rand(dtype, *shape) (forward), (grad_x, grad_y,) = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate( back_func )(x, y) assert_allclose(forward.numpy(), x.numpy() * y.numpy()) assert_allclose(grad_x.numpy(), y.numpy()) assert_allclose(grad_y.numpy(), x.numpy())
def test_before_partial_eval(): """Test transformation before PartialEval""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (10, 10) dtype = 'float32' t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) x = relay.var("x", t) y = relay.var("y", t) func = relay.Function([x, y], x * y) func = run_infer_type(func) back_func = transform.gradient(func) back_func = run_infer_type(back_func) mod["main"] = back_func seq = tvm.transform.Sequential([ transform.LazyGradientInit(), transform.PartialEvaluate(), transform.DeadCodeElimination() ]) mod = seq(mod) back_func = mod["main"] assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t, t], relay.TupleType([t, relay.TupleType([t, t])])) ex = create_executor(mod=mod) x = rand(dtype, *shape) y = rand(dtype, *shape) (forward), (grad_x, grad_y,) = ex.evaluate(back_func)(x, y) assert_allclose(forward.asnumpy(), x.asnumpy() * y.asnumpy()) assert_allclose(grad_x.asnumpy(), y.asnumpy()) assert_allclose(grad_y.asnumpy(), x.asnumpy())
def test_add(): """Simple add testcase. Check types and semantic equivalence.""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (10, 10) dtype = "float32" t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) x = relay.var("x", t) # f(x) = x+x y = relay.Function([x], x + x) mod["main"] = y mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod) y = mod["main"] assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t], t) ex = create_executor(mod=mod) x = rand(dtype, *shape) y = ex.evaluate(y)(x) assert_allclose(y.asnumpy(), x.asnumpy() + x.asnumpy())
def test_mult(): """Simple multiplication testcase. Check types and semantic equivalence.""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (15, 15) dtype = "float32" t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) x = relay.var("x", t) # f(x) = x*x y = relay.Function([x], x * x) mod["main"] = y mod = transform.InferType()(mod) mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod) y = mod["main"] assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t], t) x = rand(dtype, *shape) y = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate(y)(x) assert_allclose(y.numpy(), x.numpy() * x.numpy())
def test_after_partial_eval(): """Test transformation following reverse mode ad and PartialEval""" mod = tvm.IRModule() shape = (10, 10) dtype = "float32" t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype) x = relay.var("x", t) y = relay.var("y", t) func = relay.Function([x, y], (x * y) * relay.const(np.ones(shape, dtype))) func = run_infer_type(func) back_func = transform.gradient(func) back_func = run_infer_type(back_func) mod["main"] = back_func back_func = mod["main"] seq = tvm.transform.Sequential( [ transform.PartialEvaluate(), transform.InferType(), transform.LazyGradientInit(), transform.InferType(), transform.DeadCodeElimination(), transform.InferType(), ] ) mod = seq(mod) assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType( [t, t], relay.TupleType([t, relay.TupleType([t, t])]) ) x = rand(dtype, *shape) y = rand(dtype, *shape) (forward), (grad_x, grad_y,) = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate( back_func )(x, y) assert_allclose(forward.numpy(), x.numpy() * y.numpy()) assert_allclose(grad_x.numpy(), y.numpy()) assert_allclose(grad_y.numpy(), x.numpy())
def test_function_taking_adt_ref_tuple(): mod = tvm.IRModule() prelude = relay.prelude.Prelude(mod) _, cons, nil = prelude.mod.get_type("List") nil_value = ConstructorValue(nil.tag, [], nil) cons_value = ConstructorValue( cons.tag, [nd.array(np.random.rand(1, 10).astype("float32")), nil_value], cons, ) ref_value = RefValue(nd.array(np.random.rand(1, 10).astype("float32"))) tuple_value = container.tuple_object( [nd.array(np.random.rand(1, 10).astype("float32")) for _ in range(10)]) id_func = relay.create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate( res_nil = id_func(nil_value) assert res_nil.tag == nil_value.tag assert len(res_nil.fields) == 0 res_cons = id_func(cons_value) assert res_cons.tag == cons_value.tag assert len(res_cons.fields) == len(cons_value.fields) testing.assert_allclose(res_cons.fields[0].numpy(), cons_value.fields[0].numpy()) assert isinstance(res_cons.fields[1], ConstructorValue) assert res_cons.fields[1].tag == nil.tag assert len(res_cons.fields[1].fields) == 0 res_ref = id_func(ref_value) testing.assert_allclose(res_ref.value.numpy(), ref_value.value.numpy()) res_tuple = id_func(tuple_value) for i in range(10): testing.assert_allclose(res_tuple[i].numpy(), tuple_value[i].numpy())
def test_binds(): x = relay.var("x") y = relay.add(x, x) xx = np.ones((10, 20)) res = relay.create_executor().evaluate(y, binds={x: xx}).numpy() testing.assert_allclose(xx + xx, res)