Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, **config):
        self.encoder = Encoder(**config)

        self.interval = 0.0
        self.trigger_time = 0.0
        if 'interval' in config:
            self.interval = calc_interval(config['interval'])
            logger.debug('stats recorded on %f secs', self.interval)
            self.trigger_time = time.time() + self.interval

        stime = time.time()
        self.stats = dict(
            start = stime,
            timestamp = time.ctime(stime),
            duration = 0.0,
            count = 0,
            tweets = 0,
            coords = 0,
            retweets = 0,
            places = 0,
            limits = 0,
            track = 0,
            deletes = 0,
Esempio n. 2
class Statistics(object):
    An pseudo-encoder class that collects statistics on tweets. This clase
    provides both an encoder and handler method.

    Inheritance from Encoder is not used because Encoder is function that
    returns one of several different encoder classes.

    def __init__(self, **config):
        self.encoder = Encoder(**config)

        self.interval = 0.0
        self.trigger_time = 0.0
        if 'interval' in config:
            self.interval = calc_interval(config['interval'])
            logger.debug('stats recorded on %f secs', self.interval)
            self.trigger_time = time.time() + self.interval

        stime = time.time()
        self.stats = dict(
            start = stime,
            timestamp = time.ctime(stime),
            duration = 0.0,
            count = 0,
            tweets = 0,
            coords = 0,
            retweets = 0,
            places = 0,
            limits = 0,
            track = 0,
            deletes = 0,

    def reset(self):
        for k in self.stats.keys():
            self.stats[k] = 0
        self.stats['start'] = time.time()
        self.stats['timestamp'] = time.ctime(self.stats['start'])
        if self.trigger_time:
            self.trigger_time = time.time() + self.interval

    def status_encoder(self, status):

        # only return stats if trigger time has been been defined and expired
        if self.trigger_time and time.time() > self.trigger_time:
            logger.debug('stats encoder triggered')
            self.stats['duration'] = time.time() - self.stats['start']
            record = self.encoder.status_encoder(self.stats)
            return record
            return ''

    def status_handler(self, status):
        """Examines the status (tweet) and records statistics."""

        self.stats['count'] += 1
        if 'text' in status:
            self.stats['tweets'] += 1

            if 'retweeted_status' in status:
                self.stats['retweets'] += 1

            if status.get('coordinates', {}):
                self.stats['coords'] += 1

            if status.get('place', {}):
                self.stats['places'] += 1

        elif 'delete' in status:
            self.stats['deletes'] += 1 

        elif 'limit' in status:
            self.stats['limits'] += 1 
            self.stats['track'] += status['limit']['track']

            logger.warn('unknown status %s', status)

        return True

    def dumps(self, **extras):

    def report(self):
        print "\n\nstarting at", time.ctime(self.stats['start']), 
        print "(%10.0f secs)" % self.stats['start']
        print "duration = %10.0f secs" % (time.time() - self.stats['start'])
        print "status messages =", self.stats['count']
        print "total tweets =", self.stats['tweets']
        print "retweets = {0} ({1:.0%})".format(self.stats['retweets'],
                float(self.stats['retweets']) / self.stats['tweets'])
        print "coordinates = {0} ({1:.0%})".format(self.stats['coords'],
                float(self.stats['coords']) / self.stats['tweets'])
        print "limit hit {} times, track (missed) = {}".format(
                self.stats['limits'], self.stats['track'])