def match_to_gaia(imcat, refcat, product, output, searchrad=5.0): """Create a catalog with sources matched to GAIA sources Parameters ---------- imcat : str or obj Filename or astropy.Table of source catalog written out as ECSV file refcat : str Filename of GAIA catalog files written out as ECSV file product : str Filename of drizzled product used to derive the source catalog output : str Rootname for matched catalog file to be written as an ECSV file """ if isinstance(imcat, str): imtab =, format='ascii.ecsv') imtab.rename_column('X-Center', 'x') imtab.rename_column('Y-Center', 'y') else: imtab = imcat if 'X-Center' in imtab.colnames: imtab.rename_column('X-Center', 'x') imtab.rename_column('Y-Center', 'y') reftab =, format='ascii.ecsv') # define WCS for matching tpwcs = tweakwcs.FITSWCS(HSTWCS(product, ext=1)) # define matching parameters tpmatch = tweakwcs.TPMatch(searchrad=searchrad) # perform match ref_indx, im_indx = tpmatch(reftab, imtab, tpwcs) print('Found {} matches'.format(len(ref_indx))) # Obtain tangent plane positions for both image sources and reference sources im_x, im_y = tpwcs.det_to_tanp(imtab['x'][im_indx], imtab['y'][im_indx]) ref_x, ref_y = tpwcs.world_to_tanp(reftab['RA'][ref_indx], reftab['DEC'][ref_indx]) if 'RA' not in imtab.colnames: im_ra, im_dec = tpwcs.det_to_world(imtab['x'][im_indx], imtab['y'][im_indx]) else: im_ra = imtab['RA'][im_indx] im_dec = imtab['DEC'][im_indx] # Compile match table match_tab = Table(data=[im_x, im_y, im_ra, im_dec, ref_x, ref_y, reftab['RA'][ref_indx], reftab['DEC'][ref_indx]], names=['img_x','img_y', 'img_RA', 'img_DEC', 'ref_x', 'ref_y', 'ref_RA', 'ref_DEC']) if not output.endswith('.ecsv'): output = '{}.ecsv'.format(output) match_tab.write(output, format='ascii.ecsv')
def test_generate_catalog(self,input_filenames, truth_file): """ Verify whether sources from astrometric catalogs can be extracted from images. Success Criteria ----------------- * Initially, source catalog matches >80% of 'truth' catalog sources """ self.input_loc = 'catalog_tests' self.curdir = os.getcwd() truth_path = [self.input_repo, self.tree, self.input_loc, *self.ref_loc] if not isinstance(input_filenames, list): input_filenames = [input_filenames] try: # Make local copies of input files local_files = [] for infile in input_filenames: downloaded_files = self.get_input_file(infile, docopy=True) local_files.extend(downloaded_files) test_image = local_files[0] print("Testing with {}".format(test_image)) imghdu = instrume = imghdu[0].header['instrume'].lower() detector = imghdu[0].header['detector'].lower() instr_pars = detector_specific_params[instrume][detector] reference_wcs = amutils.build_reference_wcs(local_files) imcat = amutils.generate_sky_catalog(imghdu, reference_wcs, **instr_pars) imcat.rename_column('xcentroid', 'x') imcat.rename_column('ycentroid', 'y') # create FITS WCS corrector object wcs_corrector = tweakwcs.FITSWCS(reference_wcs) # get reference catalog as 'truth' files reference_catalog = get_bigdata(*truth_path, truth_file, docopy=True) if os.path.basename(reference_catalog).endswith('ecsv'): tab_format = 'ascii.ecsv' else: tab_format = 'ascii.fast_commented_header' reference_table =, format=tab_format) num_expected = len(reference_table) # Perform matching match = tweakwcs.TPMatch(searchrad=200, separation=0.1, tolerance=5, use2dhist=True) ridx, iidx = match(reference_table, imcat, wcs_corrector) nmatches = len(ridx) except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, file=sys.stdout) sys.exit() assert (nmatches > 0.8*num_expected)
def test_multichip_fitswcs_alignment(): h1 = fits.Header.fromfile(get_pkg_data_filename('data/wfc3_uvis1.hdr')) w1 = wcs.WCS(h1) imcat1 = tweakwcs.FITSWCS(w1) imcat1.meta['catalog'] = get_pkg_data_filename('data/'), format='ascii.csv', delimiter=' ', names=['x', 'y']) imcat1.meta['group_id'] = 1 imcat1.meta['name'] = 'ext1' h2 = fits.Header.fromfile(get_pkg_data_filename('data/wfc3_uvis2.hdr')) w2 = wcs.WCS(h2) imcat2 = tweakwcs.FITSWCS(w2) imcat2.meta['catalog'] = get_pkg_data_filename('data/'), format='ascii.csv', delimiter=' ', names=['x', 'y']) imcat2.meta['group_id'] = 1 imcat2.meta['name'] = 'ext4' refcat ='data/'), format='ascii.csv', delimiter=' ', names=['RA', 'DEC']) tweakwcs.align_wcs([imcat1, imcat2], refcat, match=_match, nclip=None, sigma=3, fitgeom='general') fi1 = imcat1.meta['fit_info'] fi2 = imcat2.meta['fit_info'] w1 = imcat1.wcs w2 = imcat2.wcs assert np.allclose(w1.wcs.crval, (83.206917667519, -67.73275818507248), rtol=0) assert np.allclose(, np.array([[3.93222694902149e-06, -1.0106698270131359e-05], [-1.0377001075437075e-05, -4.577945148472431e-06]]), atol=0.0, rtol=1e-8) assert np.allclose(w2.wcs.crval, (83.15167050722597, -67.74220306069903), rtol=0) assert np.allclose(, np.array([[3.834449806681195e-06, -9.996495217498745e-06], [-1.0348147451241423e-05, -4.503496019301529e-06]]), atol=0.0, rtol=1e-8) assert np.allclose(fi1['<scale>'], 1.0025, rtol=0, atol=2e-8) assert np.allclose(fi2['<scale>'], 1.0025, rtol=0, atol=2e-8) assert fi1['rmse'] < 5e-5 assert fi2['rmse'] < 5e-5 cat1 = imcat1.meta['catalog'] ra1, dec1 = w1.all_pix2world(cat1['x'], cat1['y'], 0) cat2 = imcat2.meta['catalog'] ra2, dec2 = w2.all_pix2world(cat2['x'], cat2['y'], 0) ra = np.concatenate([ra1, ra2]) dec = np.concatenate([dec1, dec2]) rmse_ra = np.sqrt(np.mean((ra - refcat['RA'])**2)) rmse_dec = np.sqrt(np.mean((dec - refcat['DEC'])**2)) assert rmse_ra < 1e-9 assert rmse_dec < 1e-9
def test_different_ref_tpwcs_fitswcs_alignment(wcsno, refscale, dra, ddec): # This test was designed to check that the results of alignment, # in particular and most importantly, the sky positions of sources in # aligned images do not depend on the tangent reference plane used # for alignment. [#125] h1 = fits.Header.fromfile(get_pkg_data_filename('data/wfc3_uvis1.hdr')) w1 = wcs.WCS(h1) imcat1 = tweakwcs.FITSWCS(w1) imcat1.meta['catalog'] = get_pkg_data_filename('data/'), format='ascii.csv', delimiter=' ', names=['x', 'y']) imcat1.meta['group_id'] = 1 imcat1.meta['name'] = 'ext1' h2 = fits.Header.fromfile(get_pkg_data_filename('data/wfc3_uvis2.hdr')) w2 = wcs.WCS(h2) imcat2 = tweakwcs.FITSWCS(w2) imcat2.meta['catalog'] = get_pkg_data_filename('data/'), format='ascii.csv', delimiter=' ', names=['x', 'y']) imcat2.meta['group_id'] = 1 imcat2.meta['name'] = 'ext4' refcat ='data/'), format='ascii.csv', delimiter=' ', names=['RA', 'DEC']) refwcses = [wcs.WCS(h1), wcs.WCS(h2)] refwcs = refwcses[wcsno] # change pointing of the reference WCS (alignment tangent plane): refwcs.wcs.crval = refwcses[1 - wcsno].wcs.crval + np.asarray([dra, ddec]) rotm = tweakwcs.linearfit.build_fit_matrix(*refscale) =, rotm) refwcs.wcs.set() ref_tpwcs = tweakwcs.FITSWCS(refwcs) tweakwcs.align_wcs([imcat1, imcat2], refcat, ref_tpwcs=ref_tpwcs, match=_match, nclip=None, sigma=3, fitgeom='general') fi1 = imcat1.meta['fit_info'] fi2 = imcat2.meta['fit_info'] w1 = imcat1.wcs w2 = imcat2.wcs assert fi1['rmse'] < 1e-4 assert fi2['rmse'] < 1e-4 cat1 = imcat1.meta['catalog'] ra1, dec1 = w1.all_pix2world(cat1['x'], cat1['y'], 0) cat2 = imcat2.meta['catalog'] ra2, dec2 = w2.all_pix2world(cat2['x'], cat2['y'], 0) ra = np.concatenate([ra1, ra2]) dec = np.concatenate([dec1, dec2]) rmse_ra = np.sqrt(np.mean((ra - refcat['RA'])**2)) rmse_dec = np.sqrt(np.mean((dec - refcat['DEC'])**2)) assert rmse_ra < 5e-9 assert rmse_dec < 5e-9