Esempio n. 1
class Tracker:
    protocol = PeerProtocol()

    def run(self):
        _, port = config.proxy.tracker.split(':')
        port = int(port)
        self.trans = reactor.listenUDP(port, self.protocol)
        self.refresh_loop = LoopingCall(self.protocol.refresh_peers).start(60)

    def stop(self):
Esempio n. 2
class Room:
    """A room is a conference. Everyone in the room hears everyone else
       (well, kinda)

    # Theory of operation. Rather than rely on the individual sources
    # timer loops (which would be, well, horrid), we trigger off our
    # own timer.
    # This means we don't have to worry about the end systems not
    # contributing during a window.
    _open = False

    def __init__(self, name, MaxSpeakers=4):
        self._name = name
        self._members = Set()
        self._audioOut = {}
        self._audioOutDefault = ''
        self._maxSpeakers = MaxSpeakers

    def start(self):
        self._audioCalcLoop = LoopingCall(self.mixAudio)
        self._open = True

    def getName(self):
        return self._name

    def __repr__(self):
        if self._open:
            o = ''
            o = ' (closed)'
        return "<ConferenceRoom %s%s with %d members>"%(self._name, o,

    def shutdown(self):
        if hasattr(self._audioCalcLoop, 'cancel'):
        # XXX close down any running sources!
        self._members = Set()
        del self._audioOut
        self._open = False

    def addMember(self, confsource):
        if CONFDEBUG:
            print "added", confsource, "to room", self
        if not self._open:

    def removeMember(self, confsource):
        if len(self._members) and confsource in self._members:
            if CONFDEBUG:
                print "removed", confsource, "from", self
            raise ConferenceMemberNotFoundError(confsource)
        if not len(self._members):
            if CONFDEBUG:
                print "No members left, shutting down"

    def isMember(self, confsource):
        return confsource in self._members

    def isOpen(self):
        return self._open

    def memberCount(self):
        return len(self._members)

    def readAudio(self, confsource):
        if self._open:
            return self._audioOut.get(confsource, self._audioOutDefault)
            raise ConferenceClosedError()

    def mixAudio(self):
        # XXX see the comment above about storing a decaying number for the
        # volume. For instance, each time round the loop, take the calculated
        # volume, and the stored volume, and do something like:
        # newStoredVolume = (oldStoredVolume * 0.33) + (thisPacketVolume * 0.66)
        import audioop
        self._audioOut = {}
        if not self._open:
            log.msg('mixing closed room %r'%(self,), system='doug')
        audioIn = {}
        for m in self._members:
            bytes = m.getAudioForRoom()
            if bytes: audioIn[m] = bytes
        if CONFDEBUG:
            print "room %r has %d members"%(self, len(self._members))
            print "got %d samples this time"%len(audioIn)
            print "samples: %r"%(audioIn.items(),)
        # short-circuit this case
        if len(self._members) < 2:
            if CONFDEBUG:
                print "less than 2 members, no sound"
            self._audioOutDefault = ''
        # Samples is (confsource, audio)
        samples = audioIn.items()
        # power is three-tuples of (rms,audio,confsource)
        power = [ (audioop.rms(x[1],2),x[1], x[0]) for x in samples ]
        power.sort(); power.reverse()
        if CONFDEBUG:
            for rms,audio,confsource in power:
                print confsource, rms
        # Speakers is a list of the _maxSpeakers loudest speakers
        speakers = Set([x[2] for x in power[:self._maxSpeakers]])
        # First we calculate the 'default' audio. Used for everyone who's
        # not a speaker in the room.
        samples = [ x[1] for x in power[:self._maxSpeakers] ]
        scaledsamples = [ audioop.mul(x, 2, 1.0/len(samples)) for x in samples ]
        if scaledsamples:
            # ooo. a use of reduce. first time for everything...
                combined = reduce(lambda x,y: audioop.add(x, y, 2), scaledsamples)
            except audioop.error, exc:
                # XXX tofix!
                print "combine got error %s"%(exc,)
                print "lengths", [len(x) for x in scaledsamples]
                combined = ''
Esempio n. 3
class Room:
    """A room is a conference. Everyone in the room hears everyone else
       (well, kinda)

    # Theory of operation. Rather than rely on the individual sources
    # timer loops (which would be, well, horrid), we trigger off our
    # own timer.
    # This means we don't have to worry about the end systems not
    # contributing during a window.
    _open = False

    def __init__(self, name, MaxSpeakers=4):
        self._name = name
        self._members = Set()
        self._audioOut = {}
        self._audioOutDefault = ''
        self._maxSpeakers = MaxSpeakers

    def start(self):
        self._audioCalcLoop = LoopingCall(self.mixAudio)
        self._open = True

    def getName(self):
        return self._name

    def __repr__(self):
        if self._open:
            o = ''
            o = ' (closed)'
        return "<ConferenceRoom %s%s with %d members>"%(self._name, o,

    def shutdown(self):
        if hasattr(self._audioCalcLoop, 'cancel'):
        # XXX close down any running sources!
        self._members = Set()
        del self._audioOut
        self._open = False

    def addMember(self, confsource):
        if CONFDEBUG:
            print("added", confsource, "to room", self)
        if not self._open:

    def removeMember(self, confsource):
        if len(self._members) and confsource in self._members:
            if CONFDEBUG:
                print("removed", confsource, "from", self)
            raise ConferenceMemberNotFoundError(confsource)
        if not len(self._members):
            if CONFDEBUG:
                print("No members left, shutting down")

    def isMember(self, confsource):
        return confsource in self._members

    def isOpen(self):
        return self._open

    def memberCount(self):
        return len(self._members)

    def readAudio(self, confsource):
        if self._open:
            return self._audioOut.get(confsource, self._audioOutDefault)
            raise ConferenceClosedError()

    def mixAudio(self):
        # XXX see the comment above about storing a decaying number for the
        # volume. For instance, each time round the loop, take the calculated
        # volume, and the stored volume, and do something like:
        # newStoredVolume = (oldStoredVolume * 0.33) + (thisPacketVolume * 0.66)
        import audioop
        self._audioOut = {}
        if not self._open:
            log.msg('mixing closed room %r'%(self,), system='doug')
        audioIn = {}
        for m in self._members:
            bytes = m.getAudioForRoom()
            if bytes: audioIn[m] = bytes
        if CONFDEBUG:
            print("room %r has %d members"%(self, len(self._members)))
            print("got %d samples this time"%len(audioIn))
            print("samples: %r"%(audioIn.items(),))
        # short-circuit this case
        if len(self._members) < 2:
            if CONFDEBUG:
                print("less than 2 members, no sound")
            self._audioOutDefault = ''
        # Samples is (confsource, audio)
        samples = audioIn.items()
        # power is three-tuples of (rms,audio,confsource)
        power = [ (audioop.rms(x[1],2),x[1], x[0]) for x in samples ]
        power.sort(); power.reverse()
        if CONFDEBUG:
            for rms,audio,confsource in power:
                print(confsource, rms)
        # Speakers is a list of the _maxSpeakers loudest speakers
        speakers = Set([x[2] for x in power[:self._maxSpeakers]])
        # First we calculate the 'default' audio. Used for everyone who's
        # not a speaker in the room.
        samples = [ x[1] for x in power[:self._maxSpeakers] ]
        scaledsamples = [ audioop.mul(x, 2, 1.0/len(samples)) for x in samples ]
        if scaledsamples:
            # ooo. a use of reduce. first time for everything...
                combined = reduce(lambda x,y: audioop.add(x, y, 2), scaledsamples)
            except audioop.error as exc:
                # XXX tofix!
                print("combine got error %s"%(exc,))
                print("lengths", [len(x) for x in scaledsamples])
                combined = ''
            combined = ''
        self._audioOutDefault = combined
        # Now calculate output for each speaker.
        allsamples = {}
        for p,sample,speaker in power:
            allsamples[speaker] = p, sample
        for s in speakers:
            # For each speaker, take the set of (other speakers), grab
            # the top N speakers, and combine them. Add to the _audioOut
            # dictionary
            all = allsamples.copy()
            del all[s]
            power = all.values()
            power.sort() ; power.reverse()
            samples = [ x[1] for x in power[:self._maxSpeakers] ]
            if samples:
                scaled = [ audioop.mul(x, 2, 1.0/len(samples)) for x in samples]
                    out = reduce(lambda x,y: audioop.add(x, y, 2), scaled)
                except audioop.error as exc:
                    # XXX tofix!
                    print("combine got error %s"%(exc,))
                    print("lengths", [len(x) for x in scaled])
                    out = ''
                out = ''
            if CONFDEBUG:
                print("calc for", s, "is", audioop.rms(out, 2))
            self._audioOut[s] = out