def pingTest(confFilename): """ ping a server specified by a configuration file. """ from twisted.web.soap import Proxy from twisted.internet import reactor import time c = Config(confFilename) url = "http://%s:%d/%s" % (c.slaveHostname, c.slavePort, c.slaveSoapPath) print "using url",url proxy = Proxy(url) t = time.time() call = proxy.callRemote('ping') def succ(cook): e = time.time() print "success ",cook a = cook.split() firsthalf = float(a[1]) - t total = e-t print "total time: %f firsthalf: %f" %(total, firsthalf) reactor.stop() def fail(reason): print "fail",reason reactor.stop() call.addCallbacks(succ, fail)
from twisted.web.soap import Proxy from twisted.internet import reactor def printResult(value): print repr(value) reactor.stop() def printError(error): print 'Error', error reactor.stop() proxy = Proxy('http://localhost:8443/SOAP') proxy.callRemote('listdir', 'User').addCallbacks(printResult, printError)
print "Usage: %s <URL> <OPTIONS> \n" % (sys.argv[0]) print "Options:" print " -a <add_options> \t add photos" print " -f <file_json> \t specified the JSON file" print " -d <path> \t specified the images directory" print "\n" print " -q <file> \t send query file" print " -g <file> \t generate the image index" print "\n" exit(-1) url = sys.argv[1] option = sys.argv[2] path = None proxy = Proxy(url) if (option == "-a"): suboption = sys.argv[3] path = sys.argv[4] if (suboption == "-f"): f = open(path, 'r') json = f.close() proxy.callRemote('add_photo', json).addCallbacks(callback, errback) elif (suboption == "-d"):
print "Usage: %s <URL> <OPTIONS> \n" %(sys.argv[0]) print "Options:" print " -a <add_options> \t add photos" print " -f <file_json> \t specified the JSON file" print " -d <path> \t specified the images directory" print "\n" print " -q <file> \t send query file" print " -g <file> \t generate the image index" print "\n" exit(-1) url = sys.argv[1] option = sys.argv[2] path = None proxy = Proxy(url) if (option == "-a"): suboption = sys.argv[3] path = sys.argv[4] if (suboption == "-f"): f = open(path, 'r') json = f.close() proxy.callRemote('add_photo', json).addCallbacks(callback, errback) elif (suboption == "-d"):
from twisted.web.soap import Proxy from twisted.internet import reactor def printValue(value): print repr(value) reactor.stop() def printError(error): print 'error', error reactor.stop() proxy = Proxy('') proxy.callRemote('myself').addCallbacks(printValue, printError)