async def cmd_sub_bal(msg: Message, *args): if len(args) != 2: raise InvalidArgumentsError('must supply both <user or all> and <amount>', cmd=cmd_sub_bal) target = args[0].lower() if target != 'all' and target not in raise InvalidArgumentsError(f'cannot find any viewer named "{target}"', cmd=cmd_sub_bal) try: amount = int(args[1]) except ValueError: raise InvalidArgumentsError(f'cannot parse "{args[1]}" to a int, must be a valid int, ex: 100', cmd=cmd_sub_bal) if amount <= 0: raise InvalidArgumentsError(f'amount must be positive and not zero, ex: 1, 2, 100', cmd=cmd_sub_bal) currency = get_currency_name(msg.channel_name).name if get_balance_from_msg(msg).balance < amount: raise InvalidArgumentsError(f'{target} does not have {currency} to subtract {amount} {currency} from', cmd=cmd_sub_bal) if target == 'all': subtract_balance_from_all(msg.channel_name, amount) await msg.reply(f"subtracted {amount} {currency} from everyone's balance") else: subtract_balance(msg.channel_name, target, amount) await msg.reply( f'subtracted {amount} {currency} from {target}, ' f'their total is now {get_balance(msg.channel_name, target).balance} {currency}')
async def cmd_accept(msg: Message, *args): if len(args) != 1: raise InvalidArgumentsError('missing required arguments') challenger = args[0].lstrip('@') winner, bet = accept_duel(msg.channel_name, challenger, if not winner: raise InvalidArgumentsError( reason=f'{msg.mention}, you have not been challenged by {challenger}, or the duel might have expired', cmd=cmd_accept) loser = if winner == else challenger add_balance(msg.channel_name, winner, bet) subtract_balance(msg.channel_name, loser, bet) currency_name = get_currency_name(msg.channel_name).name await msg.reply(f'@{winner} has won the duel, {bet} {currency_name} went to the winner')
async def cmd_get_sound(msg: Message, *args): # sanity checks: if not args: #raise InvalidArgumentsError(reason='missing required argument', cmd=cmd_get_sound) await msg.reply( f'You can play sounds from the soundboard with "!sb <sndname>".') return snd = get_sound(msg.channel_name, args[0]) if snd is None: raise InvalidArgumentsError(reason='no sound found with this name', cmd=cmd_get_sound) # calculate the sound price if snd.price: price = snd.price elif snd.pricemult: price = snd.pricemult * SB_DEFPRICE else: price = SB_DEFPRICE # make the author pay the price: currency = get_currency_name(msg.channel_name).name if get_balance_from_msg(msg).balance < price: raise InvalidArgumentsError( f'{} tried to play {snd.sndid} ' f'for {price} {currency}, but they do not have enough {currency}!') subtract_balance(msg.channel_name,, price) # report success if cfg.soundbank_verbose: await msg.reply( f'{} played "{snd.sndid}" for {price} {currency}') # play the sound with PyDub; supports all formats supported by ffmpeg. # Tested with mp3, wav, ogg. if snd.gain: gain = snd.gain else: gain = 0 sound = pd_audio.from_file(snd.filepath) + cfg.soundbank_gain + gain pd_play(sound)
async def cmd_arena(msg: Message, *args): def _can_pay_entry_fee(fee): return get_balance(msg.channel_name, >= fee def _remove_running_arena_entry(arena: Arena): try: del running_arenas[] except KeyError: pass arena = running_arenas.get(msg.channel_name) curname = get_currency_name(msg.channel_name).name # arena is already running for this channel if arena: if in arena.users: return await msg.reply( whisper=True, msg='you are already entered the in the arena') elif not _can_pay_entry_fee(arena.entry_fee): await msg.reply( whisper=True, msg=f'{msg.mention} you do not have enough {curname} ' f'to join the arena, entry_fee is {arena.entry_fee} {curname}') return arena.add_user( add_balance(msg.channel_name,, -arena.entry_fee) await msg.reply( whisper=True, msg=f'{msg.mention} you have been added to the arena, ' f'you were charged {arena.entry_fee} {curname} for entry') # start a new arena as one is not already running for this channel else: if args: try: entry_fee = int(args[0]) except ValueError: raise InvalidArgumentsError(reason='invalid value for entry fee, example: 100', cmd=cmd_arena) else: entry_fee = ARENA_DEFAULT_ENTRY_FEE if entry_fee and entry_fee < ARENA_DEFAULT_ENTRY_FEE: raise InvalidArgumentsError(reason=f'entry fee cannot be less than {ARENA_DEFAULT_ENTRY_FEE}', cmd=cmd_arena) if not _can_pay_entry_fee(entry_fee): await msg.reply( whisper=True, msg=f'{msg.mention} you do not have {entry_fee} {curname}') return arena = Arena(, entry_fee, on_arena_ended_func=_remove_running_arena_entry) arena.start() arena.add_user( subtract_balance(msg.channel_name,, arena.entry_fee) running_arenas[msg.channel_name] = arena