Esempio n. 1
class ScalaCompile(NailgunTask):
    def setup_parser(cls, option_group, args, mkflag):
        NailgunTask.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

            mkflag("warnings", negate=True),
            help="[%default] Compile scala code with all configured warnings " "enabled.",

            help="Use these scalac plugins. Default is set in pants.ini.",

            help="Roughly how many source files to attempt to compile together. Set to a large number "
            "to compile all sources together. Set this to 0 to compile target-by-target. "
            "Default is set in pants.ini.",

        JvmDependencyCache.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

    def __init__(self, context):
        NailgunTask.__init__(self, context, workdir=context.config.get("scala-compile", "nailgun_dir"))

        # Set up the zinc utils.
        color = not context.options.no_color
        self._zinc_utils = ZincUtils(context=context, nailgun_task=self, color=color)

        # The rough number of source files to build in each compiler pass.
        self._partition_size_hint = (
            if context.options.scala_compile_partition_size_hint != -1
            else context.config.getint("scala-compile", "partition_size_hint", default=1000)

        # Set up dep checking if needed.
        if context.options.scala_check_missing_deps:

        self._opts = context.config.getlist("scala-compile", "args")
        if context.options.scala_compile_warnings:
            self._opts.extend(context.config.getlist("scala-compile", "warning_args"))
            self._opts.extend(context.config.getlist("scala-compile", "no_warning_args"))

        # Various output directories.
        workdir = context.config.get("scala-compile", "workdir")
        self._resources_dir = os.path.join(workdir, "resources")
        self._artifact_factory = ZincArtifactFactory(workdir, self.context, self._zinc_utils)

        # The ivy confs for which we're building.
        self._confs = context.config.getlist("scala-compile", "confs")

        # The artifact cache to read from/write to.
        artifact_cache_spec = context.config.getlist("scala-compile", "artifact_caches", default=[])

        # If we are compiling scala libraries with circular deps on java libraries we need to make sure
        # those cycle deps are present.

    def _inject_java_cycles(self):
        for scala_target in self.context.targets(lambda t: isinstance(t, ScalaLibrary)):
            for java_target in scala_target.java_sources:

    def product_type(self):
        return "classes"

    def can_dry_run(self):
        return True

    def execute(self, targets):
        scala_targets = filter(_is_scala, targets)
        if not scala_targets:

        # Get the exclusives group for the targets to compile.
        # Group guarantees that they'll be a single exclusives key for them.
        egroups = self.context.products.get_data("exclusives_groups")
        exclusives_key = egroups.get_group_key_for_target(targets[0])
        exclusives_classpath = egroups.get_classpath_for_group(exclusives_key)

        with self.context.state("upstream_analysis_map", {}) as upstream_analysis_map:
            with self.invalidated(
                scala_targets, invalidate_dependents=True, partition_size_hint=self._partition_size_hint
            ) as invalidation_check:
                # Process partitions one by one.
                for vts in invalidation_check.all_vts_partitioned:
                    # Refresh the classpath, to pick up any changes from update_compatible_classpaths.
                    exclusives_classpath = egroups.get_classpath_for_group(exclusives_key)
                    # Get the classpath generated by upstream JVM tasks (including previous calls to execute()).
                    # Add the global classpaths here, directly, instead of doing the
                    # add-to-compatible thing.

                    if not self.dry_run:
                        merged_artifact = self._process_target_partition(
                            vts, exclusives_classpath, upstream_analysis_map
                        # Note that we add the merged classes_dir to the upstream.
                        # This is because zinc doesn't handle many upstream dirs well.
                        if os.path.exists(merged_artifact.classes_dir):
                            for conf in self._confs:  ### CLASSPATH UPDATE
                                # Update the exclusives group classpaths.
                                    exclusives_key, [(conf, merged_artifact.classes_dir)]
                            if os.path.exists(merged_artifact.analysis_file):
                                upstream_analysis_map[merged_artifact.classes_dir] = AnalysisFileSpec(
                                    merged_artifact.analysis_file, merged_artifact.classes_dir
                if invalidation_check.invalid_vts:
                    # Check for missing dependencies.
                    all_analysis_files = set()
                    for target in scala_targets:
                        analysis_file_spec = self._artifact_factory.analysis_file_for_targets([target])
                        if os.path.exists(analysis_file_spec.analysis_file):
                    deps_cache = JvmDependencyCache(self.context, scala_targets, all_analysis_files)

    def _add_globally_required_classpath_entries(self, cp):
        # Add classpath entries necessary both for our compiler calls and for downstream JVM tasks.
        for conf in self._confs:
            cp.insert(0, (conf, self._resources_dir))
            for jar in self._zinc_utils.plugin_jars():
                cp.insert(0, (conf, jar))

    def _localize_portable_analysis_files(self, vts):
        # Localize the analysis files we read from the artifact cache.
        for vt in vts:
            analysis_file = self._artifact_factory.analysis_file_for_targets(vt.targets)
            if self._zinc_utils.localize_analysis_file(
                ZincArtifactFactory.portable(analysis_file.analysis_file), analysis_file.analysis_file
                    "Zinc failed to localize analysis file: %s. Incremental rebuild"
                    "of that target may not be possible." % analysis_file

    def check_artifact_cache(self, vts):
        # Special handling for scala artifacts.
        cached_vts, uncached_vts = Task.check_artifact_cache(self, vts)

        if cached_vts:
            # Localize the portable analysis files.
            with self.context.new_workunit("localize", labels=[WorkUnit.MULTITOOL]):

            # Split any merged artifacts.
            for vt in cached_vts:
                if len(vt.targets) > 1:
                    artifacts = [self._artifact_factory.artifact_for_target(t) for t in vt.targets]
                    merged_artifact = self._artifact_factory.merged_artifact(artifacts)
                    for v in vt.versioned_targets:
        return cached_vts, uncached_vts

    def _process_target_partition(self, vts, cp, upstream_analysis_map):
        """Must run on all target partitions, not just invalid ones.

    May be invoked concurrently on independent target sets.

    Postcondition: The individual targets in vts are up-to-date, as if each were
                   compiled individually.
        artifacts = [self._artifact_factory.artifact_for_target(target) for target in vts.targets]
        merged_artifact = self._artifact_factory.merged_artifact(artifacts)

        if not merged_artifact.sources:
            self.context.log.warn("Skipping scala compile for targets with no sources:\n  %s" % merged_artifact.targets)
            # Get anything we have from previous builds (or we pulled from the artifact cache).
            # We must do this even if we're not going to compile, because the merged output dir
            # will go on the classpath of downstream tasks. We can't put the per-target dirs
            # on the classpath because Zinc doesn't handle large numbers of upstream deps well.
            current_state = merged_artifact.merge(force=not vts.valid)

            # Note: vts.valid tells us if the merged artifact is valid. If not, we recreate it
            # above. [not vt.valid for vt in vts.versioned_targets] tells us if anything needs
            # to be recompiled. The distinction is important: all the underlying targets may be
            # valid because they were built in some other pants run with different partitions,
            # but this partition may still be invalid and need merging.

            # Invoke the compiler if needed.
            if any([not vt.valid for vt in vts.versioned_targets]):
                # Do some reporting.
                    "Operating on a partition containing ",
                    items_to_report_element(vts.cache_key.sources, "source"),
                    " in ",
                    items_to_report_element([t.address.reference() for t in vts.targets], "target"),
                old_state = current_state
                classpath = [entry for conf, entry in cp if conf in self._confs]
                with self.context.new_workunit("compile"):
                    # Zinc may delete classfiles, then later exit on a compilation error. Then if the
                    # change triggering the error is reverted, we won't rebuild to restore the missing
                    # classfiles. So we force-invalidate here, to be on the safe side.
                    if self._zinc_utils.compile(
                        raise TaskError("Compile failed.")

                write_to_artifact_cache = self._artifact_cache and self.context.options.write_to_artifact_cache
                current_state = merged_artifact.split(old_state, portable=write_to_artifact_cache)

                if write_to_artifact_cache:
                    # Write the entire merged artifact, and each individual split artifact,
                    # to the artifact cache, if needed.
                    vts_artifact_pairs = zip(vts.versioned_targets, artifacts) + [(vts, merged_artifact)]

            # Register the products, if needed. TODO: Make sure this is safe to call concurrently.
            # In practice the GIL will make it fine, but relying on that is insanitary.
            if self.context.products.isrequired("classes"):
                self._add_products_to_genmap(merged_artifact, current_state)
        return merged_artifact

    def _add_products_to_genmap(self, artifact, state):
        """Must be called on all targets, whether they needed compilation or not."""
        genmap = self.context.products.get("classes")
        for target, sources in artifact.sources_by_target.items():
            for source in sources:
                classes = state.classes_by_src.get(source, [])
                relsrc = os.path.relpath(source, target.target_base)
                genmap.add(relsrc, artifact.classes_dir, classes)
                genmap.add(target, artifact.classes_dir, classes)
            # TODO(John Sirois): Map target.resources in the same way
            # Create and Map scala plugin info files to the owning targets.
            if is_scalac_plugin(target) and target.classname:
                basedir, plugin_info_file = self._zinc_utils.write_plugin_info(self._resources_dir, target)
                genmap.add(target, basedir, [plugin_info_file])

    def _update_artifact_cache(self, vts_artifact_pairs):
        # Relativize the analysis.
        # TODO: Relativize before splitting? This will require changes to Zinc, which currently
        # eliminates paths it doesn't recognize (including our placeholders) when splitting.
        vts_artifactfiles_pairs = []
        with self.context.new_workunit(name="cacheprep"):
            with self.context.new_workunit(name="relativize", labels=[WorkUnit.MULTITOOL]):
                for vts, artifact in vts_artifact_pairs:
                    if os.path.exists(artifact.analysis_file) and self._zinc_utils.relativize_analysis_file(
                        artifact.analysis_file, artifact.portable_analysis_file
                        raise TaskError("Zinc failed to relativize analysis file: %s" % artifact.analysis_file)
                    artifact_files = [artifact.classes_dir, artifact.portable_analysis_file]
                    vts_artifactfiles_pairs.append((vts, artifact_files))

Esempio n. 2
class ScalaCompile(NailgunTask):
    def setup_parser(cls, option_group, args, mkflag):
        NailgunTask.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

            mkflag('warnings', negate=True),
            help='[%default] Compile scala code with all configured warnings '

            help='Use these scalac plugins. Default is set in pants.ini.')

        option_group.add_option(mkflag('partition-size-hint'), dest='scala_compile_partition_size_hint',
          action='store', type='int', default=-1,
          help='Roughly how many source files to attempt to compile together. Set to a large number ' \
               'to compile all sources together. Set this to 0 to compile target-by-target. ' \
               'Default is set in pants.ini.')

        JvmDependencyCache.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

    def __init__(self, context):
                                 'scala-compile', 'nailgun_dir'))

        # Set up the zinc utils.
        color = not context.options.no_color
        self._zinc_utils = ZincUtils(context=context,

        # The rough number of source files to build in each compiler pass.
        self._partition_size_hint = (
            if context.options.scala_compile_partition_size_hint != -1 else
                'scala-compile', 'partition_size_hint', default=1000))

        # Set up dep checking if needed.
        if context.options.scala_check_missing_deps:

        self._opts = context.config.getlist('scala-compile', 'args')
        if context.options.scala_compile_warnings:
                context.config.getlist('scala-compile', 'warning_args'))
                context.config.getlist('scala-compile', 'no_warning_args'))

        # Various output directories.
        workdir = context.config.get('scala-compile', 'workdir')
        self._resources_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'resources')
        self._artifact_factory = ZincArtifactFactory(workdir, self.context,

        # The ivy confs for which we're building.
        self._confs = context.config.getlist('scala-compile', 'confs')

        # The artifact cache to read from/write to.
        artifact_cache_spec = context.config.getlist('scala-compile',

        # If we are compiling scala libraries with circular deps on java libraries we need to make sure
        # those cycle deps are present.

    def _inject_java_cycles(self):
        for scala_target in self.context.targets(
                lambda t: isinstance(t, ScalaLibrary)):
            for java_target in scala_target.java_sources:

    def product_type(self):
        return 'classes'

    def can_dry_run(self):
        return True

    def execute(self, targets):
        scala_targets = filter(_is_scala, targets)
        if not scala_targets:

        # Get the exclusives group for the targets to compile.
        # Group guarantees that they'll be a single exclusives key for them.
        egroups = self.context.products.get_data('exclusives_groups')
        exclusives_key = egroups.get_group_key_for_target(targets[0])
        exclusives_classpath = egroups.get_classpath_for_group(exclusives_key)

        with self.context.state('upstream_analysis_map',
                                {}) as upstream_analysis_map:
            with self.invalidated(scala_targets,
                                  ) as invalidation_check:
                # Process partitions one by one.
                for vts in invalidation_check.all_vts_partitioned:
                    # Refresh the classpath, to pick up any changes from update_compatible_classpaths.
                    exclusives_classpath = egroups.get_classpath_for_group(
                    # Get the classpath generated by upstream JVM tasks (including previous calls to execute()).
                    # Add the global classpaths here, directly, instead of doing the
                    # add-to-compatible thing.

                    if not self.dry_run:
                        merged_artifact = self._process_target_partition(
                            vts, exclusives_classpath, upstream_analysis_map)
                        # Note that we add the merged classes_dir to the upstream.
                        # This is because zinc doesn't handle many upstream dirs well.
                        if os.path.exists(merged_artifact.classes_dir):
                            for conf in self._confs:  ### CLASSPATH UPDATE
                                # Update the exclusives group classpaths.
                                    [(conf, merged_artifact.classes_dir)])
                            if os.path.exists(merged_artifact.analysis_file):
                                upstream_analysis_map[merged_artifact.classes_dir] = \
                                  AnalysisFileSpec(merged_artifact.analysis_file, merged_artifact.classes_dir)
                if invalidation_check.invalid_vts:
                    # Check for missing dependencies.
                    all_analysis_files = set()
                    for target in scala_targets:
                        analysis_file_spec = self._artifact_factory.analysis_file_for_targets(
                        if os.path.exists(analysis_file_spec.analysis_file):
                    deps_cache = JvmDependencyCache(self.context,

    def _add_globally_required_classpath_entries(self, cp):
        # Add classpath entries necessary both for our compiler calls and for downstream JVM tasks.
        for conf in self._confs:
            cp.insert(0, (conf, self._resources_dir))
            for jar in self._zinc_utils.plugin_jars():
                cp.insert(0, (conf, jar))

    def _localize_portable_analysis_files(self, vts):
        # Localize the analysis files we read from the artifact cache.
        for vt in vts:
            analysis_file = self._artifact_factory.analysis_file_for_targets(
            if self._zinc_utils.localize_analysis_file(
                self.context.log.warn('Zinc failed to localize analysis file: %s. Incremental rebuild' \
                                      'of that target may not be possible.' % analysis_file)

    def check_artifact_cache(self, vts):
        # Special handling for scala artifacts.
        cached_vts, uncached_vts = Task.check_artifact_cache(self, vts)

        if cached_vts:
            # Localize the portable analysis files.
            with self.context.new_workunit('localize',

            # Split any merged artifacts.
            for vt in cached_vts:
                if len(vt.targets) > 1:
                    artifacts = [
                        for t in vt.targets
                    merged_artifact = self._artifact_factory.merged_artifact(
                    for v in vt.versioned_targets:
        return cached_vts, uncached_vts

    def _process_target_partition(self, vts, cp, upstream_analysis_map):
        """Must run on all target partitions, not just invalid ones.

    May be invoked concurrently on independent target sets.

    Postcondition: The individual targets in vts are up-to-date, as if each were
                   compiled individually.
        artifacts = [
            for target in vts.targets
        merged_artifact = self._artifact_factory.merged_artifact(artifacts)

        if not merged_artifact.sources:
                'Skipping scala compile for targets with no sources:\n  %s' %
            # Get anything we have from previous builds (or we pulled from the artifact cache).
            # We must do this even if we're not going to compile, because the merged output dir
            # will go on the classpath of downstream tasks. We can't put the per-target dirs
            # on the classpath because Zinc doesn't handle large numbers of upstream deps well.
            current_state = merged_artifact.merge(force=not vts.valid)

            # Note: vts.valid tells us if the merged artifact is valid. If not, we recreate it
            # above. [not vt.valid for vt in vts.versioned_targets] tells us if anything needs
            # to be recompiled. The distinction is important: all the underlying targets may be
            # valid because they were built in some other pants run with different partitions,
            # but this partition may still be invalid and need merging.

            # Invoke the compiler if needed.
            if any([not vt.valid for vt in vts.versioned_targets]):
                # Do some reporting.
                    'Operating on a partition containing ',
                    items_to_report_element(vts.cache_key.sources, 'source'),
                    ' in ',
                        [t.address.reference() for t in vts.targets],
                        'target'), '.')
                old_state = current_state
                classpath = [
                    entry for conf, entry in cp if conf in self._confs
                with self.context.new_workunit('compile'):
                    # Zinc may delete classfiles, then later exit on a compilation error. Then if the
                    # change triggering the error is reverted, we won't rebuild to restore the missing
                    # classfiles. So we force-invalidate here, to be on the safe side.
                    if self._zinc_utils.compile(classpath,
                        raise TaskError('Compile failed.')

                write_to_artifact_cache = self._artifact_cache and \
                current_state = merged_artifact.split(
                    old_state, portable=write_to_artifact_cache)

                if write_to_artifact_cache:
                    # Write the entire merged artifact, and each individual split artifact,
                    # to the artifact cache, if needed.
                    vts_artifact_pairs = zip(vts.versioned_targets,
                                             artifacts) + [
                                                 (vts, merged_artifact)

            # Register the products, if needed. TODO: Make sure this is safe to call concurrently.
            # In practice the GIL will make it fine, but relying on that is insanitary.
            if self.context.products.isrequired('classes'):
                self._add_products_to_genmap(merged_artifact, current_state)
        return merged_artifact

    def _add_products_to_genmap(self, artifact, state):
        """Must be called on all targets, whether they needed compilation or not."""
        genmap = self.context.products.get('classes')
        for target, sources in artifact.sources_by_target.items():
            for source in sources:
                classes = state.classes_by_src.get(source, [])
                relsrc = os.path.relpath(source, target.target_base)
                genmap.add(relsrc, artifact.classes_dir, classes)
                genmap.add(target, artifact.classes_dir, classes)
            # TODO(John Sirois): Map target.resources in the same way
            # Create and Map scala plugin info files to the owning targets.
            if is_scalac_plugin(target) and target.classname:
                basedir, plugin_info_file = self._zinc_utils.write_plugin_info(
                    self._resources_dir, target)
                genmap.add(target, basedir, [plugin_info_file])

    def _update_artifact_cache(self, vts_artifact_pairs):
        # Relativize the analysis.
        # TODO: Relativize before splitting? This will require changes to Zinc, which currently
        # eliminates paths it doesn't recognize (including our placeholders) when splitting.
        vts_artifactfiles_pairs = []
        with self.context.new_workunit(name='cacheprep'):
            with self.context.new_workunit(name='relativize',
                for vts, artifact in vts_artifact_pairs:
                    if os.path.exists(artifact.analysis_file) and \
                        raise TaskError(
                            'Zinc failed to relativize analysis file: %s' %
                    artifact_files = [
                        artifact.classes_dir, artifact.portable_analysis_file
                    vts_artifactfiles_pairs.append((vts, artifact_files))

Esempio n. 3
class ScalaCompile(NailgunTask):
  def _has_scala_sources(target):
    return isinstance(target, ScalaLibrary) or isinstance(target, ScalaTests)

  def setup_parser(cls, option_group, args, mkflag):
    NailgunTask.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

    option_group.add_option(mkflag('warnings'), mkflag('warnings', negate=True),
                            dest='scala_compile_warnings', default=True,
                            action='callback', callback=mkflag.set_bool,
                            help='[%default] Compile scala code with all configured warnings '

    option_group.add_option(mkflag('plugins'), dest='plugins', default=None,
      action='append', help='Use these scalac plugins. Default is set in pants.ini.')

    option_group.add_option(mkflag('partition-size-hint'), dest='scala_compile_partition_size_hint',
      action='store', type='int', default=-1,
      help='Roughly how many source files to attempt to compile together. Set to a large number ' \
           'to compile all sources together. Set this to 0 to compile target-by-target. ' \
           'Default is set in pants.ini.')

    option_group.add_option(mkflag('color'), mkflag('color', negate=True),
                            action='callback', callback=mkflag.set_bool,
                            help='[True] Enable color in logging.')
    JvmDependencyCache.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

  def __init__(self, context, workdir=None):
    NailgunTask.__init__(self, context, workdir=context.config.get('scala-compile', 'nailgun_dir'))

    # Set up the zinc utils.
    color = context.options.scala_compile_color or \
            context.config.getbool('scala-compile', 'color', default=True)

    self._zinc_utils = ZincUtils(context=context, java_runner=self.runjava, color=color)

    # The rough number of source files to build in each compiler pass.
    self._partition_size_hint = \
      context.options.scala_compile_partition_size_hint \
      if context.options.scala_compile_partition_size_hint != -1 else \
      context.config.getint('scala-compile', 'partition_size_hint')

    # Set up dep checking if needed.
    if context.options.scala_check_missing_deps:

    # Various output directories.
    self._buildroot = get_buildroot()
    workdir = context.config.get('scala-compile', 'workdir') if workdir is None else workdir
    self._resources_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'resources')
    self._artifact_factory = ZincArtifactFactory(workdir, self.context, self._zinc_utils)

    # The ivy confs for which we're building.
    self._confs = context.config.getlist('scala-compile', 'confs')

    # The artifact cache to read from/write to.
    artifact_cache_spec = context.config.getlist('scala-compile', 'artifact_caches')

  def product_type(self):
    return 'classes'

  def can_dry_run(self):
    return True

  def execute(self, targets):
    scala_targets = filter(ScalaCompile._has_scala_sources, targets)
    if not scala_targets:

    # Get the classpath generated by upstream JVM tasks (including previous calls to execute()).
    with self.context.state('classpath', []) as cp:
      with self.context.state('upstream_analysis_map', {}) as upstream_analysis_map:
        with self.invalidated(scala_targets, invalidate_dependents=True,
                              partition_size_hint=self._partition_size_hint) as invalidation_check:
          # Process partitions one by one.
          for vts in invalidation_check.all_vts_partitioned:
            if not self.dry_run:
              merged_artifact = self._process_target_partition(vts, cp, upstream_analysis_map)
              # Note that we add the merged classes_dir to the upstream.
              # This is because zinc doesn't handle many upstream dirs well.
              if os.path.exists(merged_artifact.classes_dir):
                for conf in self._confs:
                  cp.append((conf, merged_artifact.classes_dir))
                if os.path.exists(merged_artifact.analysis_file):
                  upstream_analysis_map[merged_artifact.classes_dir] = merged_artifact.analysis_file

    # Check for missing dependencies.
    all_analysis_files = set()
    for target in scala_targets:
      analysis_file = self._artifact_factory.analysis_file_for_targets([target])
      if os.path.exists(analysis_file):
    deps_cache = JvmDependencyCache(self.context, scala_targets, all_analysis_files)

  def _add_globally_required_classpath_entries(self, cp):
    # Add classpath entries necessary both for our compiler calls and for downstream JVM tasks.
    for conf in self._confs:
      cp.insert(0, (conf, self._resources_dir))
      for jar in self._zinc_utils.plugin_jars():
        cp.insert(0, (conf, jar))

  def _localize_portable_analysis_files(self, vts):
    # Localize the analysis files we read from the artifact cache.
    for vt in vts:
      analysis_file = self._artifact_factory.analysis_file_for_targets(vt.targets)
      self.context.log.debug('Localizing analysis file %s' % analysis_file)
      if self._zinc_utils.localize_analysis_file(ZincArtifactFactory.portable(analysis_file),
        self.context.log.warn('Zinc failed to localize analysis file: %s. Incremental rebuild' \
                              'of that target may not be possible.' % analysis_file)

  def check_artifact_cache(self, vts):
    # Special handling for scala artifacts.
    cached_vts, uncached_vts = Task.check_artifact_cache(self, vts)

    # Localize the portable analysis files.

    # Split any merged artifacts.
    for vt in cached_vts:
      if len(vt.targets) > 1:
        artifacts = [self._artifact_factory.artifact_for_target(t) for t in vt.targets]
        merged_artifact = self._artifact_factory.merged_artifact(artifacts)
        for v in vt.versioned_targets:
    return cached_vts, uncached_vts

  def _process_target_partition(self, vts, cp, upstream_analysis_map):
    """Must run on all target partitions, not just invalid ones.

    May be invoked concurrently on independent target sets.

    Postcondition: The individual targets in vts are up-to-date, as if each were
                   compiled individually.
    artifacts = [self._artifact_factory.artifact_for_target(target) for target in vts.targets]
    merged_artifact = self._artifact_factory.merged_artifact(artifacts)

    if not merged_artifact.sources:
      self.context.log.warn('Skipping scala compile for targets with no sources:\n  %s' %
      # Get anything we have from previous builds (or we pulled from the artifact cache).
      # We must do this even if we're not going to compile, because the merged output dir
      # will go on the classpath of downstream tasks. We can't put the per-target dirs
      # on the classpath because Zinc doesn't handle large numbers of upstream deps well.
      current_state = merged_artifact.merge()

      # Invoke the compiler if needed.
      if any([not vt.valid for vt in vts.versioned_targets]):
        old_state = current_state
        classpath = [entry for conf, entry in cp if conf in self._confs]'Compiling targets %s' % vts.targets)
        if self._zinc_utils.compile(classpath, merged_artifact.sources, merged_artifact.classes_dir,
                                    merged_artifact.analysis_file, upstream_analysis_map):
          raise TaskError('Compile failed.')

        write_to_artifact_cache = self._artifact_cache and \
        current_state = merged_artifact.split(old_state, portable=write_to_artifact_cache)

        if write_to_artifact_cache:
          # Write the entire merged artifact, and each individual split artifact,
          # to the artifact cache, if needed.
          self._update_artifact_cache(merged_artifact, vts)
          for artifact, vt in zip(artifacts, vts.versioned_targets):
            assert artifact.targets == vt.targets  # Something is horribly wrong if this fails.
            self._update_artifact_cache(artifact, vt)

      # Register the products, if needed. TODO: Make sure this is safe to call concurrently.
      # In practice the GIL will make it fine, but relying on that is insanitary.
      if self.context.products.isrequired('classes'):
        self._add_products_to_genmap(merged_artifact, current_state)
    return merged_artifact

  def _add_products_to_genmap(self, artifact, state):
    """Must be called on all targets, whether they needed compilation or not."""
    genmap = self.context.products.get('classes')
    for target, sources in artifact.sources_by_target.items():
      for source in sources:
        classes = state.classes_by_src.get(source, [])
        relsrc = os.path.relpath(source, target.target_base)
        genmap.add(relsrc, artifact.classes_dir, classes)
        genmap.add(target, artifact.classes_dir, classes)
      # TODO(John Sirois): Map target.resources in the same way
      # Create and Map scala plugin info files to the owning targets.
      if is_scalac_plugin(target) and target.classname:
        basedir, plugin_info_file = self._zinc_utils.write_plugin_info(self._resources_dir, target)
        genmap.add(target, basedir, [plugin_info_file])

  def _update_artifact_cache(self, artifact, vt):
    # Relativize the analysis.
    # TODO: Relativize before splitting? This will require changes to Zinc, which currently
    # eliminates paths it doesn't recognize (including our placeholders) when splitting.
    if os.path.exists(artifact.analysis_file) and \
      raise TaskError('Zinc failed to relativize analysis file: %s' % artifact.analysis_file)
      # Write the per-target artifacts to the cache.
    artifact_files = [artifact.classes_dir, artifact.portable_analysis_file]
    self.update_artifact_cache(vt, artifact_files)