total_points = (steps_x + 1)*(steps_y + 1)
    c = 0
    added = 0
    boundaries = get_country_boundaries(countries)
    for i_x in range(steps_x + 1):
        for i_y in range(steps_y + 1):
            point = (min_x + i_x*step, min_y + i_y*step)
            #Check if point belongs to projection
                proj(point[0], point[1], inverse=True, errcheck=True)
                #check point is in a country
                found = locate(point, countries, boundaries, projected=True)
                if found:
                    lookup[json.dumps(point)] = found
                    added += 1
            except RuntimeError:
            c += 1
            if not c % 10000:
                print "processed %s of %s (%s added) in %s" % (c, total_points, added, round(time.time() - start, 1))
    return lookup

if __name__ == "__main__":
    countries = Geo.countries()
    lookup = generate_lookup(countries)
    datapath = os.path.join(settings.DATA_FOLDER, "country-lookup.json")
    g = open(datapath, 'w')