def sweep(ctx): """ Sweep your machine wallet to your primary wallet. \b Sweep your machine wallet to your primary wallet. $ 21 sell sweep """ manager = ctx.obj['manager']"Sweeping all service balances.", fg=cli_helpers.TITLE_COLOR)) provider = TwentyOneProvider() try: wallet = Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(provider, manager.get_services_mnemonic()) except Exception:"Error: unable to import wallet mnemonic. Please check to make " "sure the mnemonic exists in %s " "or contact [email protected]." % Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE, fg="magenta")) utxos = wallet.get_utxos(include_unconfirmed=True, accounts=wallet._accounts) utxo_sum = wallet._sum_utxos(utxos) fee_amounts = txn_fees.get_fees() total_value, num_utxos = utxo_sum def fee_calc_small(num_utxos, total_value, fee_amounts): maybe_fee = _fee_calc(num_utxos, total_value, fee_amounts) return int(min([total_value / 2, maybe_fee])) fee = fee_calc_small(num_utxos, total_value, fee_amounts) if click.confirm("Sweeping %s satoshis to your primary wallet. This will incur a " "fee of approximately %d satoshis.\n" "Would you like to continue?" % (total_value, fee), fg=cli_helpers.PROMPT_COLOR)): master = Two1Wallet(manager.composer.wallet_file, provider) try: wallet.sweep(master.current_address, fee_calculator=fee_calc_small) except WalletBalanceError: cli_helpers.print_str("Sweep", ["Wallet balance (%d satoshis) is less than the dust " "limit. Not Sweeping." % total_value], "FAILED", False) except DustLimitError: cli_helpers.print_str("Sweep", ["Wallet balance (%d satoshis) would be below the " "dust limit when fees are deducted. " "Aborting sweep." % total_value], "FAILED", False) else: cli_helpers.print_str("Sweep", ["Swept %d satoshis, excluding %d satoshis of " "fees" % (total_value - fee, fee)], "SUCCESS", True) else: sys.exit()
def get_balances(services, client): """ Gets wallet balances of given services. """ buffer_balance = get_buffer_balance(client) with open(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE, "r") as f: services_info = yaml.load(f) balances = {} for service in services: template = { "buffer": buffer_balance, "wallet": None, "channels": None, } try: service_mnemonic = services_info.get('services').get(service).get( 'environment').get('TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC') service_wallet = Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(mnemonic=service_mnemonic) template["wallet"] = service_wallet.balances["total"] channel_client = channels.PaymentChannelClient(service_wallet) channel_client.sync() channel_urls = channel_client.list() channels_balance = sum(s.balance for s in (channel_client.status(url) for url in channel_urls) if s.state == channels.PaymentChannelState.READY) template["channels"] = channels_balance except AttributeError: template["wallet"] = 0 template["channels"] = 0 balances[service] = template return balances
def get_balances(services, client): """ Gets wallet balances of given services. """ buffer_balance = get_buffer_balance(client) with open(Two1Composer.SERVICES_WALLET_FILE, "r") as f: services_info = json.load(f) provider = TwentyOneProvider() balances = {} for service in services: template = {"buffer": None, "wallet": None, "channels": None} template["buffer"] = buffer_balance try: service_mnemonic = services_info.get(service).get("mnemonic") wallet = Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(provider, service_mnemonic) template["wallet"] = wallet.balances["total"] channel_client = channels.PaymentChannelClient(wallet) channel_client.sync() channel_urls = channel_client.list() channels_balance = sum(s.balance for s in (channel_client.status(url) for url in channel_urls) if s.state == channels.PaymentChannelState.READY) template["channels"] = channels_balance except AttributeError: template["wallet"] = 0 template["channels"] = 0 balances[service] = template return balances
def get_payments_server_balance(provider): with open(Two1Composer.PAYMENTS_WALLET_FILE, "r") as f: info = json.load(f) mnemonic = info["mnemonic"] wallet = Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(provider, mnemonic) balances = {"onchain": None, "channels": None} balances["onchain"] = wallet.balances["total"] channel_client = channels.PaymentChannelClient(wallet) channel_client.sync() channel_urls = channel_client.list() channels_balance = sum(s.balance for s in (channel_client.status(url) for url in channel_urls) if s.state == channels.PaymentChannelState.READY) balances["channels"] = channels_balance return balances
def get_payments_server_balance(provider): with open(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE, "r") as f: info = yaml.load(f) mnemonic = info['services']['payments']['environment']['TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] payments_wallet = Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(data_provider=provider, mnemonic=mnemonic) balances = { "onchain": payments_wallet.balances["total"], "channels": None } channel_client = channels.PaymentChannelClient(payments_wallet) channel_client.sync() channel_urls = channel_client.list() channels_balance = sum(s.balance for s in (channel_client.status(url) for url in channel_urls) if s.state == channels.PaymentChannelState.READY) balances["channels"] = channels_balance return balances
def get_payments_server_balance(provider): with open(Two1Composer.COMPOSE_FILE, "r") as f: info = yaml.load(f) mnemonic = info['services']['payments']['environment'][ 'TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC'] payments_wallet = Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(data_provider=provider, mnemonic=mnemonic) balances = {"onchain": payments_wallet.balances["total"], "channels": None} channel_client = channels.PaymentChannelClient(payments_wallet) channel_client.sync() channel_urls = channel_client.list() channels_balance = sum(s.balance for s in (channel_client.status(url) for url in channel_urls) if s.state == channels.PaymentChannelState.READY) balances["channels"] = channels_balance return balances
# this line is already in your BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # load environment variables from .env dotenv_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ".env") if os.path.isfile(dotenv_file): dotenv.load_dotenv(dotenv_file) # load database from the DATABASE_URL environment variable DATABASES = {} DATABASES['default'] = dj_database_url.config(conn_max_age=600) TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC = os.environ.get("TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC") TWO1_USERNAME = os.environ.get("TWO1_USERNAME") WALLET = Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(mnemonic=TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC) HASHIDS_SALT = os.environ.get("HASHIDS_SALT") DEBUG = os.environ.get('DEBUG', 'False').lower() in ['t', 'true', '1'] # unused in this app SECRET_KEY = 'g!&#vtozb7t363_5ow+p%rhm53w31rr=abf%c!0f$4#8jb!7us' # TODO: Set this to your specific hostname when you turn off DEBUG # or else you will get 400 errors. ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = (
# Load .env file for local use dotenv_file = ".env" if os.path.isfile(dotenv_file): dotenv.load_dotenv(dotenv_file) client = TwilioRestClient(account=os.environ.get('TWILIO_ACCOUNT'), token=os.environ.get('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN')) validationclient = TwilioLookupsClient(account=os.environ.get('TWILIO_ACCOUNT'), token=os.environ.get('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN')) app = Flask(__name__) TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC = os.environ.get("TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC") TWO1_USERNAME = os.environ.get("TWO1_USERNAME") wallet = Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(mnemonic=TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC) payment = Payment(app, wallet, username=TWO1_USERNAME) @app.route('/buy', methods=["POST"]) def start(): to = "" post_data = request.get_json() if(post_data is None): return "You need to provide post data", 500 try: response = validationclient.phone_numbers.get(post_data['phone']) if(response.country_code != "US"): return "Only numbers in the US are supported" to = response.phone_number
def __init__(self): self._connected = ComposerState.DISCONNECTED self.provider = TwentyOneProvider() self.default_wallet = Two1Wallet(self.wallet_file, self.provider)
import codecs import pytest import two1.bitcoin as bitcoin from two1.bitserv import OnChain from two1.bitserv.models import OnChainSQLite3 from two1.wallet import Two1Wallet from two1.bitserv.payment_methods import InsufficientPaymentError from two1.bitserv.payment_methods import InvalidPaymentParameterError from two1.bitserv.payment_methods import DuplicatePaymentError from two1.bitserv.payment_methods import TransactionBroadcastError from two1.bitserv.payment_methods import PaymentBelowDustLimitError test_wallet = Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(mnemonic='six words test wallet on fleek') def _build_void_transaction(price=None, address=None): price = price or 1000 address = address or '19tAqnusJv2XoyxsC1UzuBTdG9dCAgafEX' _, hash160 = bitcoin.utils.address_to_key_hash(address) h = codecs.encode(b'test hash for a fake payment txn', 'hex_codec').decode() outpoint = bitcoin.Hash(h) inputs = [bitcoin.TransactionInput( outpoint=outpoint, outpoint_index=0, script=bitcoin.Script(), sequence_num=0xffffffff )] outputs = [bitcoin.TransactionOutput(value=price, script=bitcoin.Script.build_p2pkh(hash160))] txn = bitcoin.Transaction( version=bitcoin.Transaction.DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_VERSION, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, lock_time=0 )
def sweep(ctx, services, all, channels): """ Sweep service wallets to primary wallet. \b Sweep all service wallets to primary wallet. $ 21 sell sweep --all \b Sweep the wallets of services to primary wallet. $ 21 sell sweep <services>... """ services_present = len(services) > 0 all_present = all is True channels_present = channels is True if services_present + all_present + channels_present != 1: sys.exit() manager = ctx.obj['manager'] provider = TwentyOneProvider() master = Two1Wallet(manager.composer.PRIMARY_WALLET_FILE, provider) if not channels_present: try: with open(manager.composer.SERVICES_WALLET_FILE, "r") as f: services_info = json.load(f) except:"The services wallet information file seems to be corrupted, exiting..."), fg="magenta") sys.exit() requested_services_set = frozenset(services) available_services_set = frozenset(services_info.keys()) if all: start_string = "Sweeping all service balances..." clients = {service_name: Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(provider, service_details['mnemonic']) for service_name, service_details in services_info.items()} elif requested_services_set.issubset(available_services_set): start_string = "Sweeping balances for " + ", ".join(services) + "..." clients = {service_name: Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(provider, services_info[service_name]['mnemonic']) for service_name in services} else: unavailable_requested_services = requested_services_set.difference(available_services_set) if len(unavailable_requested_services) > 1:"Services {} aren't available to be sweeped".format(", ".join(unavailable_requested_services)), fg="magenta")) else:"Service {} isn't available to be sweeped".format(", ".join(unavailable_requested_services)), fg="magenta")) sys.exit(), fg=cli_helpers.TITLE_COLOR)) else:"Sweeping payment server balances...", fg=cli_helpers.TITLE_COLOR)) try: with open(manager.composer.PAYMENTS_WALLET_FILE, "r") as f: payments_info = json.load(f) except:"The payment server wallet information file seems to be corrupted, exiting..."), fg="magenta") sys.exit() clients = {"payment channels": Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic(provider, payments_info['mnemonic'])}, fg=cli_helpers.TITLE_COLOR)) utxo_sums = {} for service_name, wallet in clients.items(): utxos_by_addr = wallet.get_utxos(include_unconfirmed=True, accounts=wallet._accounts) utxo_sums[service_name] = wallet._sum_utxos(utxos_by_addr) fee_dict = {} fee_amounts = txn_fees.get_fees() for service_name, utxo_sum in utxo_sums.items(): total_value, num_utxos = utxo_sum fee_dict[service_name] = fee_calc_small(num_utxos, total_value, fee_amounts) fees = sum(fee_dict.values()) if click.confirm("This will incur a fee of approximately %d satoshis in total. " "Would you like to continue?" % fees, fg=cli_helpers.PROMPT_COLOR)): for service_name, wallet in clients.items(): try: wallet.sweep(master.current_address, fee_calculator=fee_calc_small) except WalletBalanceError: cli_helpers.print_str(service_name, ["Wallet balance (%d satoshis) is less than the dust limit. Not Sweeping." % utxo_sums[service_name][0]], "FALSE", False) except DustLimitError: cli_helpers.print_str(service_name, ["Wallet balance (%d satoshis) would be below the dust limit when fees are deducted. Not Sweeping." % utxo_sums[service_name][0]], "FALSE", False) else: total_value = utxo_sums[service_name][0] fees_incurred = fee_dict[service_name] cli_helpers.print_str(service_name, ["Sweeped %d satoshis, excluding %d satoshis of fees" % (total_value - fees_incurred, fees_incurred)], "TRUE", True) else: sys.exit()
from os.path import expanduser from two1.wallet import Two1Wallet from two1.bitcoin.crypto import HDPublicKey, PublicKey from two1.bitcoin.txn import Transaction from two1.blockchain.twentyone_provider import TwentyOneProvider from two1.bitcoin.script import Script from two1.commands.util.currency import Price from two1.bitcoin.utils import bytes_to_str from two1.wallet.base_wallet import convert_to_satoshis with open('{}/.two1/wallet/default_wallet.json'.format( expanduser('~'))) as data_file: wallet_data = json.load(data_file) wallet = None wallet = wallet or Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic( mnemonic=wallet_data['master_seed']) provider = TwentyOneProvider() def execute(wallet_method): methodToCall = getattr(wallet, wallet_method) result = json.dumps({wallet_method: methodToCall()}) print(result) # Loop through methods del sys.argv[0] if sys.argv[0] == 'sign': pubkey = HDPublicKey.from_hex(sys.argv[1]) server_privkey = wallet.get_private_for_public(pubkey) tx = Transaction.from_hex(sys.argv[2])
import os from flask import Flask from two1.wallet import Two1Wallet from two1.bitserv.flask import Payment application = Flask(__name__) payment = Payment( application, Two1Wallet.import_from_mnemonic( mnemonic=os.getenv('TWO1_WALLET_MNEMONIC')), # noqa: E501 username=os.getenv('TWO1_USERNAME')) import translator.views # noqa: E402,F401