Esempio n. 1
#name = '2nd-0001'
#mu_2 = np.array([[[[0.0,0.0],[0.0,1.0]] , [[0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0]]]])

# post process
mu_1 = SIGMA**1*mu_1
mu_2 = SIGMA**2*mu_2
for d in range(DIM): # make triangular
    mu_2[0,d] = 0.5*(mu_2[0,d] + mu_2[0,d].T)
    print mu_2[0,d]

# default
q_1 = np.outer(np.ones(N),np.eye(DIM)).reshape([N,DIM,DIM])
q_2 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM])

state0 = tj.weinstein_darboux_to_state(q, q_1, q_2, p, mu_1, mu_2 )
(t_span, y_span) = tj.integrate(state0, T=1.)

print 'initial energy was \n' + str([0]))
print 'final energy is \n'    + str([-1]))

# plot
save = True
xlim = (-2.5,2.5)
ylim = (-2.5,2.5)
reggrid = pg.getGrid(xlim[0],xlim[1],ylim[0],ylim[1],xpts=40,ypts=40)

(ggrid,gNx,gNy) = reggrid
(_,_,mgridts) = tj.integrate(state0,pts=ggrid)
mgridT = mgridts[-1:].reshape(-1,DIM)
Esempio n. 2
# get baseline, order 0
# nr points
pointsPerAxis = moving_im.shape[0]
h = 1. / pointsPerAxis
# get similarity
sim = imsim.get(pointsPerAxis, immname=moving, imfname=fixed, immT=None, border=border, normalize=False, visualize=visualize, order=2, smoothscaleFactor=pointsPerAxis*smoothing, SIGMAF=SIGMAF, h=h, splineS=splineS)
DIM = tj.DIM = sim['DIM']
N = tj.N = sim['N']"N points: %d", N)
# state
p = np.zeros([N,DIM])
mu_1 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM])
mu_2 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM])
(q,q_1,q_2) = (sim['initial'][0], np.outer(np.ones(N),np.eye(DIM)).reshape([N,DIM,DIM]), np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM]))
state = tj.weinstein_darboux_to_state(q, q_1, q_2, p, mu_1, mu_2)# initial guess + zeros

# runsim
baseline = sim['f'](state, visualize=False)[0]"baseline sim: %g", baseline)
#baseline = 0.

for order in [0,2]:
    for i in range(len(hk)):
        # nr points
        h = 1. / 2**hk[i]
        pointsPerAxis = np.ceil(1. / h)
        h = 1. / pointsPerAxis
        hs[i] = h
        ppas[i] = pointsPerAxis
Esempio n. 3
def F(sim, nonmoving, x, weights=None, adjint=True, order=2, scalegrad=None, simGradCheck=False, energyGradCheck=False, visualize=False):
    Function that scipy's optimize function will call for returning the value 
    and gradient for a given x. The forward and adjoint integration is called 
    from this function using the values supplied by the similarity measure.

    N = sim['N']
    DIM = sim['DIM']

    i = 0
    q = np.reshape( nonmoving[i:(i+N*DIM)] , [N,DIM] )
    tj.gaussian.N = N
    tj.gaussian.DIM = DIM
    tj.gaussian.SIGMA = tj.SIGMA
    K,DK,D2K,D3K,D4K,D5K,D6K = tj.derivatives_of_kernel(q,q)

    # input
    state0 = np.append(nonmoving, x)
    if order < 1:
        state0 = np.append(state0, np.zeros(N*DIM**2)) # append mu_1
    if order < 2:
        state0 = np.append(state0, np.zeros(N*DIM*tj.triuDim())) # append mu_2
    # shift from triangular to symmetric
    state0 = tj.triangular_to_state(state0)
    triunonmoving = nonmoving
    triux = x
    nonmoving = state0[0:state0.size/2]
    x = state0[state0.size/2:]

    # rescale
    if scalegrad:
        #logging.debug("rescaling, SIGMA " + str(tj.SIGMA))
        q0,q0_1,q0_2,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2 = tj.state_to_weinstein_darboux( state0 )
        if order >= 1:
            mu0_1 = tj.SIGMA*mu0_1
        if order == 2:
            mu0_2 = tj.SIGMA*mu0_2
        state0 = tj.weinstein_darboux_to_state(q0,q0_1,q0_2,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2)

    q0,q0_1,q0_2,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2 = tj.state_to_weinstein_darboux( state0 )

    # flow
    (t_span, y_span) = tj.integrate(state0)
    stateT = y_span[-1]
    # debug
    qT,qT_1,qT_2,pT,muT_1,muT_2 = tj.state_to_weinstein_darboux( stateT )"q0: " + str(q0))"p0_2: " + str(p0))"qT: " + str(qT))"||p0||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(p0)))"||mu0_1||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(mu0_1)))"||mu0_2||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(mu0_2)))
    #if order >= 1:"q0_1: " + str(q0_1))"qT_1: " + str(qT_1))"mu0_1: " + str(mu0_1))
    #if order >= 2:"q0_2: " + str(q0_2))"qT_2: " + str(qT_2))"mu0_2: " + str(mu0_2))"qT-q0: " + str(qT-q0))"qT_1-q0_1: " + str(qT_1-q0_1))"qT_2-q0_2: " + str(qT_2-q0_2))

    simT = sim['f'](stateT, state0=state0, visualize=visualize)

    # debug'match term (before flow/after flow/diff): ' + str(sim['f'](state0)[0]) + '/' + str(simT[0]) + '/' + str(sim['f'](state0)[0]-simT[0]))'match term after flow: ' + str(simT[0]))
    Ediff = tj.Hamiltonian(q0,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2) # path energy from Hamiltonian'Hamiltonian: ' + str(Ediff))

    if not adjint:
        return weights[1]*simT[0]+weights[0]*Ediff

    dq = simT[1][0]
    if order >= 1:
        dq_1 = simT[1][1]
        dq_1 = np.zeros(q0_1.shape)
    if order >= 2:
        dq_2 = simT[1][2]
        dq_2 = np.zeros(q0_2.shape)"||dq||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(dq)))"||dq_1||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(dq_1)))"||dq_2||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(dq_2)))
    ds1 = tj.weinstein_darboux_to_state(dq,dq_1,dq_2,np.zeros(dq.shape),np.zeros(dq_1.shape),np.zeros(dq_2.shape),N,DIM)

    if simGradCheck:"computing finite difference approximation of sim gradient")
        fsim = lambda x: sim['f'](np.hstack( (x,stateT[x.size:],) ), state0=state0)[0]
        findiffgrad = approx_fprime(stateT[0:N*DIM+N*DIM**2+N*DIM**3],fsim,1e-5)
        compgrad = ds1[0:N*DIM+N*DIM**2+N*DIM**3]
        graderr = np.max(abs(findiffgrad-compgrad))
        logging.debug("sim gradient numerical check error: %e",graderr)
        logging.debug("finite diff gradient: " + str(findiffgrad))
        logging.debug("computed gradient: " + str(compgrad))
        logging.debug("difference: " + str(findiffgrad-compgrad))
    if energyGradCheck:"computing finite difference approximation of energy gradient")
        fsim = lambda x: tj.Hamiltonian(q0,np.reshape(x[0:N*DIM],[N,DIM]),np.reshape(x[N*DIM:N*DIM+N*DIM**2],[N,DIM,DIM]),np.reshape(x[N*DIM+N*DIM**2:N*DIM+N*DIM**2+N*DIM**3],[N,DIM,DIM,DIM]))
        findiffgrad = approx_fprime(np.hstack((p0.flatten(),mu0_1.flatten(),mu0_2.flatten(),)),fsim,1e-7)
        compgrad = tj.grad_Hamiltonian(q0,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2)
        graderr = np.max(abs(findiffgrad-compgrad))
        logging.debug("energy gradient numerical check error: %e",graderr)
        logging.debug("finite diff gradient: " + str(findiffgrad))
        logging.debug("computed gradient: " + str(compgrad))
        logging.debug("difference: " + str(findiffgrad-compgrad))
    (t_span, y_span) = tj.adj_integrate(stateT,ds1)
    adjstate0 = y_span[-1]

    gradE = tj.grad_Hamiltonian(q0,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2)
    assert(adjstate0.size/2-nonmoving.size == gradE.size) # gradE doesn't include point variations currently
    gradE = gradE[0:x.size]
    grad0 = weights[1]*adjstate0[adjstate0.size/2+nonmoving.size:adjstate0.size/2+nonmoving.size+x.size] + weights[0]*gradE # transported gradient + grad of energy

    adjstate0[adjstate0.size/2+nonmoving.size:adjstate0.size/2+nonmoving.size+grad0.size] = grad0
    grad0 = tj.state_to_triangular(adjstate0[adjstate0.size/2:adjstate0.size])[triunonmoving.size:triunonmoving.size+triux.size]

    grad0 = np.ndarray.flatten(grad0)

    # rescale
    if scalegrad:
        if order >= 1:
            grad0[N*DIM:N*DIM+N*DIM**2] = tj.SIGMA*grad0[N*DIM:N*DIM+N*DIM**2]
        if order == 2:
            grad0[N*DIM+N*DIM**2:N*DIM+N*DIM**2+N*DIM**3] = tj.SIGMA*grad0[N*DIM+N*DIM**2:N*DIM+N*DIM**2+N*DIM**3]

    # visualization
    dq0,dq0_1,dq0_2,dp0,dmu0_1,dmu0_2 = tj.state_to_weinstein_darboux( adjstate0[adjstate0.size/2:adjstate0.size],N,DIM )"dp0: " + str(dp0))"||dp0|| final: " + str(np.linalg.norm(dp0)))"dmu0_1: " + str(dmu0_1))"||dmu0_1|| final: " + str(np.linalg.norm(dmu0_1)))"dmu0_2: " + str(dmu0_2))"||dmu0_2|| final: " + str(np.linalg.norm(dmu0_2)))"adjstate0: " + str(adjstate0))"grad0: " + str(grad0))

    ## pause
    #raw_input("F: Press ENTER to continue")

    return (weights[1]*simT[0]+weights[0]*Ediff, grad0)
Esempio n. 4
def match(sim,SIGMA,weights,initial=None,initialMomentum=None,gradTol=None,order=2,scalegrad=True, maxIter=150, visualize=False, visualizeIterations=False):
    Perform matching using the supplied similarity measure, the two_jet flow 
    and scipy's optimizer. A gradient check can be performed for the initial 

    The initial value is either zero of supplied as a parameter.

    Order specifies the order of the particle jets

    Weights determines the split between energy (weights[0]) and match term (weights[1])

    # set flow parameters
    DIM = tj.DIM = sim['DIM']
    N = tj.N = sim['N']
    tj.SIGMA = SIGMA"Flow parameters: weights %s, order %d, SIGMA %g, scalegrad %s, gradTol %s, maxIter %d, visualize %s, visualizeIterations %s",weights,order,SIGMA,scalegrad,gradTol,maxIter,visualize,visualizeIterations)

    # initial guess (x0moving)
    if not initialMomentum:
        p = np.zeros([N,DIM])
        mu_1 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM])
        mu_2 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM])
        p = initialMomentum[0]
        mu_1 = initialMomentum[1]
        mu_2 = initialMomentum[2]
    if not initial:
        (q,q_1,q_2) = (np.zeros([N,DIM]), np.outer(np.ones(N),np.eye(DIM)).reshape([N,DIM,DIM]), np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM]))
    elif len(initial) == 1:
        (q,q_1,q_2) = (initial[0], np.outer(np.ones(N),np.eye(DIM)).reshape([N,DIM,DIM]), np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM]))
    elif len(initial) == 2:
        (q,q_1,q_2) = (initial[0], initial[1], np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM]))
    elif len(initial) == 3:
        (q,q_1,q_2) = initial
    x0 = tj.weinstein_darboux_to_state(q, q_1, q_2, p, mu_1, mu_2)# initial guess + zeros
    x0 = tj.state_to_triangular(x0) # we do not need to optimize over symmetric indices

    sizeqs = x0.size/2
    x0nonmoving = x0[0:sizeqs] # for now, the point positions are fixed
    if order == 0:
        x0moving = x0[sizeqs:sizeqs+p.size] # only p is optimized for
    elif order == 1:
        x0moving = x0[sizeqs:sizeqs+p.size+mu_1.size] # only p,mu_1 is optimized for
        x0moving = x0[sizeqs:x0.size] # p,mu_1,mu_2 is optimized for

    # optimization functions
    fsim = lambda x: F(sim, x0nonmoving, x, weights=weights, order=order, scalegrad=scalegrad, visualize=visualizeIterations)
    f = lambda x: F(sim, x0nonmoving, x, weights=weights, adjint=False, order=order, scalegrad=scalegrad, visualize=visualizeIterations)
    fgrad = lambda x: F(sim, x0nonmoving, x, weights=weights, order=order, scalegrad=scalegrad, visualize=visualizeIterations)[1]

    ## debug
    #fsim = lambda x: Fdisp(sim, x0nonmoving, x, weights=weights, order=order, scalegrad=scalegrad)
    #f = lambda x: Fdisp(sim, x0nonmoving, x, weights=weights, adjint=False, order=order, scalegrad=scalegrad)
    #fgrad = lambda x: Fdisp(sim, x0nonmoving, x, weights=weights, order=order, scalegrad=scalegrad)[1]

    if gradTol != None:
        # non-zero starting point
        res = minimize(fsim, x0moving, method='BFGS', jac=True, options={'disp': True, 'maxiter': 50})
        x0moving = res.x

        # grad check for similarity
        F(sim, x0nonmoving, x0moving, weights=weights, adjint=True, order=order, scalegrad=scalegrad,simGradCheck=True,energyGradCheck=True)

        # grad check full system
        #f = lambda x: F(sim, x0nonmoving, x, weights=[0,1], adjint=False, order=order, scalegrad=False, visualize=visualizeIterations)
        #fgrad = lambda x: F(sim, x0nonmoving, x, weights=[0,1], order=order, scalegrad=False, visualize=visualizeIterations)[1]"computing finite difference approximation of gradient")
        findiffgrad = approx_fprime(x0moving,f,1e-7)
        compgrad = fgrad(x0moving)
        graderr = np.max(abs(findiffgrad-compgrad))"gradient numerical check error: %e",graderr)
        if abs(graderr) > gradTol:
            logging.warning("finite diff gradient: " + str(findiffgrad))
            logging.warning("computed gradient: " + str(compgrad))
            logging.warning("difference: " + str(findiffgrad-compgrad))
            #return None # gradient check not passed

    # change optimization method to e.g. BFGS after debugging
    res = minimize(fsim, x0moving, method='BFGS', jac=True, options={'disp': True, 'maxiter': maxIter})
    #res = fmin_bfgs(f, x0moving, fprime=fgrad, disp=True, full_output=True)
    #res = fmin_cg(f, x0moving, fprime=fgrad, disp=True, full_output=True)
    #res = fmin_l_bfgs_b(f, x0moving, fprime=fgrad, disp=0)

    # visualize result
    if visualize:
        F(sim, x0nonmoving, res.x, weights=weights, adjint=False, order=order, scalegrad=scalegrad, visualize=True)

    return (np.append(x0nonmoving,res.x),res)
Esempio n. 5
def Fdisp(sim, nonmoving, x, adjint=True, weights=None, order=2, scalegrad=None):
    As F above but using linear displacement instead of integrating the flows. For testing.

    # input
    N = sim['N'] # debug
    DIM = sim['DIM'] # debug
    tj.gaussian.N = N
    tj.gaussian.DIM = DIM
    tj.gaussian.SIGMA = tj.SIGMA
    #x = np.append(x, np.zeros(N*DIM**3)) # debug
    state0 = np.append(nonmoving, x)
    if order < 1:
        state0 = np.append(state0, np.zeros(N*DIM**2)) # append mu_1
    if order < 2:
        state0 = np.append(state0, np.zeros(N*DIM**3)) # append mu_2

    # shift from triangular to symmetric
    state0 = tj.triangular_to_state(state0)
    triunonmoving = nonmoving
    triux = x
    nonmoving = state0[0:state0.size/2]
    x = state0[state0.size/2:]

    # rescale
    if scalegrad:
        #logging.debug("rescaling, SIGMA " + str(tj.SIGMA))
        q0,q0_1,q0_2,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2 = tj.state_to_weinstein_darboux( state0 )
        if order >= 1:
            mu0_1 = tj.SIGMA*mu0_1
        if order == 2:
            mu0_2 = tj.SIGMA*mu0_2
        state0 = tj.weinstein_darboux_to_state(q0,q0_1,q0_2,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2)

    q0,q0_1,q0_2,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2 = tj.state_to_weinstein_darboux( state0 )

    # displacement
    qT = q0+p0
    qT_1 = q0_1+mu0_1
    qT_2 = q0_2+mu0_2
    stateT = tj.weinstein_darboux_to_state(qT,qT_1,qT_2,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2)
    # debug
    #qT,qT_1,qT_2,pT,muT_1,muT_2 = tj.state_to_weinstein_darboux( stateT )"q0_1: " + str(q0_1))"q0_2: " + str(q0_2))"p0: " + str(p0))"mu0_1: " + str(mu0_1))"mu0_2: " + str(mu0_2))"qT: " + str(qT))"qT_1: " + str(qT_1))"qT_2: " + str(qT_2))"qT-q0: " + str(qT-q0))"qT_1-q0_1: " + str(qT_1-q0_1))"qT_2-q0_2: " + str(qT_2-q0_2))"||p0||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(p0)))"||mu0_1||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(mu0_1)))"||mu0_2||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(mu0_2)))

    simT = sim['f'](stateT)

    # debug'match term (after flow): ' + str(simT[0]))
    Ediff = tj.Hamiltonian(q0,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2) # path energy from Hamiltonian'Hamiltonian: ' + str(Ediff))

    if not adjint:
        return weights[1]*simT[0]+weights[0]*Ediff

    dq = simT[1][0]
    if order >= 1:
        dq_1 = simT[1][1]
        dq_1 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM])
    if order >= 2:
        dq_2 = simT[1][2]
        dq_2 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM])
    ds1 = tj.weinstein_darboux_to_state(np.zeros(dq.shape),np.zeros(dq_1.shape),np.zeros(dq_2.shape),dq,dq_1,dq_2,sim['N'],sim['DIM'])
    adjstate0 = np.append(np.zeros(ds1.size), ds1)
    gradE = tj.grad_Hamiltonian(q0,p0,mu0_1,mu0_2)
    assert(adjstate0.size/2-nonmoving.size == gradE.size) # gradE doesn't include point variations currently
    grad0 = np.array(weights[1]*adjstate0[adjstate0.size/2+nonmoving.size:] + weights[0]*gradE) # transported gradient + grad of energy

    # get from symmetric to triangular form
    grad0 = tj.state_to_triangular(adjstate0[adjstate0.size/2:adjstate0.size])[triunonmoving.size:triunonmoving.size+triux.size]

    grad0 = np.ndarray.flatten(grad0)

    # rescale
    if scalegrad:
        if order >= 1:
            grad0[N*DIM:N*DIM+N*DIM**2] = tj.SIGMA*grad0[N*DIM:N*DIM+N*DIM**2]
        if order == 2:
            grad0[N*DIM+N*DIM**2:N*DIM+N*DIM**2+N*DIM**3] = tj.SIGMA*grad0[N*DIM+N*DIM**2:N*DIM+N*DIM**2+N*DIM**3]

    # debug
    #grad0 = grad0[0:N*DIM+N*DIM**2]"||dq||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(dq)))"||dq_1||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(dq_1)))"||dq_2||: " + str(np.linalg.norm(dq_2)))"grad0: " + str(grad0))
    ## pause
    #raw_input("Fdisp: Press ENTER to continue")
    return (weights[1]*simT[0]+weights[0]*Ediff, grad0)
Esempio n. 6

q = SIGMA*2*np.random.randn(N,DIM)
#q = SIGMA*2*np.mgrid[-1.5:1.5:np.complex(0,np.sqrt(N)),-1.5:1.5:np.complex(0,np.sqrt(N))] # particles in regular grid
#q = d2zip(q)
q_1 = np.outer(np.ones(N),np.eye(DIM)).reshape([N,DIM,DIM])
q_2 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM])
p = SIGMA*np.random.randn(N,DIM)
mu_1 = SIGMA*np.random.randn(N,DIM,DIM)
mu_2 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM])
for i in range(0,N):
    for d in range(0,DIM):
        store = (SIGMA**2)*np.random.randn(DIM,DIM)
        mu_2[i,d] = 0.5*(store + store.T)

#q = np.array([[-1.0 , 0.0],[1.0,0.0]])
#p = np.zeros([N,DIM])
#mu_1 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM])
#mu_2 = np.zeros([N,DIM,DIM,DIM])

(t_span, y_span) = tj.integrate(tj.weinstein_darboux_to_state(q, q_1, q_2, p, mu_1, mu_2 ), T=1.)

print 'initial energy was \n' + str([0]))
print 'final energy is \n'    + str([-1]))

# save result'output/state_data',y_span)'output/time_data',t_span)'output/setup',[N,DIM,SIGMA])