Esempio n. 1
    def encrypt(self, msg):
        e_start_ts = time.time()
        start_timestamp = round(time.time(), 5)
        print('Start timestamp at encryption:', start_timestamp, 's')

        algo1 = Twofish('utf-8'))
        encrypt_msg1 = algo1.encrypt(msg.encode('utf-8'))

        algo2 = Rijndael(, self.block_size)
        encrypt_msg2 = algo2.encrypt(encrypt_msg1 +

        print('\nSize of encrypt1:', len(encrypt_msg1), 'bytes')
        print('Size of encrypt2:', len(encrypt_msg2), 'bytes')

        e_end_ts = time.time()
        print('Time taken for encrypt():', (e_end_ts - e_start_ts) * 10**3,

        return encrypt_msg2
Esempio n. 2
    def decrypt(self, msg):
        d_start_ts = time.time()
        end_timestamp = round(time.time(), 5)
        print('End timestamp at decryption:', end_timestamp, 's')

        algo2 = Rijndael(, self.block_size)
        decrypt_msg2 = algo2.decrypt(msg)

        algo1 = Twofish('utf-8'))
        decrypt_msg1 = algo1.decrypt(decrypt_msg2[:16])

        print('\nSize of decrypt2:', len(decrypt_msg2), 'bytes')
        print('Size of decrypt1:', len(decrypt_msg1), 'bytes')

        start_timestamp = float((decrypt_msg2[16:]).decode('utf-8'))
        print('Start timestamp extracted at decryption:', start_timestamp, 's')
        diff_timestamp = end_timestamp - start_timestamp

        d_end_ts = time.time()
        print('Time taken for decrypt():', (d_end_ts - d_start_ts) * 10**3,

        return decrypt_msg1.decode('utf-8'), diff_timestamp