def writeexfitres(fitresfile,fitresoutfile): import os from txtobj import txtobj import numpy as np fitresheader = """# VERSION: PS1_PS1MD # FITOPT: NONE # ---------------------------------------- NVAR: 31 VARNAMES: CID IDSURVEY TYPE FIELD zHD zHDERR HOST_LOGMASS HOST_LOGMASS_ERR SNRMAX1 SNRMAX2 SNRMAX3 PKMJD PKMJDERR x1 x1ERR c cERR mB mBERR x0 x0ERR COV_x1_c COV_x1_x0 COV_c_x0 NDOF FITCHI2 FITPROB PNN_Ia PTRUE_Ia SIM_TYPE_INDEX SIM_ZCMB # VERSION_SNANA = v10_39i # VERSION_PHOTOMETRY = PS1_PS1MD # TABLE NAME: FITRES # """ fitresvars = ["CID","IDSURVEY","TYPE","FIELD", "zHD","zHDERR","HOST_LOGMASS", "HOST_LOGMASS_ERR","SNRMAX1","SNRMAX2", "SNRMAX3","PKMJD","PKMJDERR","x1","x1ERR", "c","cERR","mB","mBERR","x0","x0ERR","COV_x1_c", "COV_x1_x0","COV_c_x0","NDOF","FITCHI2","FITPROB", "PNN_Ia","PTRUE_Ia","SIM_TYPE_INDEX","SIM_ZCMB"] fitresfmt = 'SN: %s %i %i %s %.5f %.5f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.3f %.3f %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %.4f %.4f %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %i %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %i %.5f' fr = txtobj(fitresfile,fitresheader=True) cols = np.where((fr.x1 > -3) & (fr.x1 < 3) & (fr.c > -0.3) & (fr.c < 0.3) & (fr.x1ERR < 1) & (fr.PKMJDERR < 2*(1+fr.zHD)) & (fr.FITPROB >= 0.001) & (fr.zHD > 0.01) & (fr.zHD < 0.7) & (fr.PNN_Ia >= 0)) for k in fr.__dict__.keys(): fr.__dict__[k] = fr.__dict__[k][cols] writefitres(fr,range(len(fr.CID)), fitresoutfile,fitresheader=fitresheader, fitresvars=fitresvars,fitresfmt=fitresfmt) return(fitresoutfile)
def main(id,outfile='',filters='griz'): import pipeclasses params = pipeclasses.paramfileclass() params.loadfile(os.environ['PIPE_PARAMS']) params.loadfile(os.environ['EXTRAPARAMFILE'],addflag=True) if not outfile: fout = open('%s.supernova'%id,'w') else: fout = open(outfile,'w') nfiles = 0 nxpix = 0 for f in filters: impath = '%s/%s/%s'%(params.get('WORKSPACE_DIR'),id,f) files = glob.glob('%s/*%s'%(impath,params.get('SWARPSUFFIX'))) nfiles += len(files) if not nxpix: nxpix = pyfits.getval(files[0],'NAXIS1') nypix = pyfits.getval(files[0],'NAXIS2') objlist = txtobj(params.get('C2E_EVENTLIST')) col = np.where(objlist.PS1id == id) ra,dec,peakmjd = objlist.ra[col][0],\ objlist.dec[col][0],objlist.mjd_disc[col][0] header = """SURVEY: PS1 SNID: %s FILTERS: griz PIXSIZE: 0.25 # arcsec NXPIX: %i NYPIX: %i ZPFLUX: 30.0 # PS1 FLUX zero point PSF_FORMAT: DAOPHOT PEAKMJD: %.1f WEIGHT_BADPIXEL: 3 99999 RA: %.7f DECL: %.7f IMAGE_DIR: PSF_UNIT: pixels PSF_SIZEPARAM: sigma PSF_MODEL: daophot PLATESCALE: %s NVAR: 12 NOBS: %i VARNAMES: ID_OBS ID_COADD MJD BAND GAIN FLUX FLUXERR IMAGE_NAME_SEARCH IMAGE_NAME_WEIGHT IMAGE_NAME_PSF IMAGE_NAME_MASK CATALOG_FILE IMAGE_ZPT"""%(id,nxpix,nypix,peakmjd,ra,dec,params.get('SW_PLATESCALE'),nfiles) print >> fout, header count = 1 swarpsuffix = params.get('SWARPSUFFIX') icmpsuffix = params.get('IDLDAOPHOTCMPSUFFIX') for f in filters: impath = '%s/%s/%s'%(params.get('WORKSPACE_DIR'),id,f) files = glob.glob('%s/*%s'%(impath,params.get('IDLDAOPHOTCMPSUFFIX'))) for fl in files: line = 'OBS: %i %i %.1f %s %s -99 -99 '%(count,count,pyfits.getval(fl,'MJD-OBS'), f,pyfits.getval(fl,'GAIN')) line += '%s %s %s %s %s %s'%(fl.replace('.icmp','.fits'), fl.replace('.icmp','.noise.fits'), fl.replace('.icmp','.dao.psf.fits'), fl.replace('.icmp','.mask.fits'), fl.replace('.icmp','.absphotcat.wcs'), pyfits.getval(fl,'ZPTMAG')) print >> fout, line fout.close()
def mkParamDict(self,zcontrol): """Make a dictionary to store all info about parameters""" from txtobj import txtobj pf = txtobj(self.options.mcmcparamfile) if self.options.twogauss: pf.use[pf.param == 'popB2mean'] = 1 pf.use[pf.param == 'popB2std'] = 1 if self.options.skewedgauss: pf.use[pf.param == 'skewB'] = 1 if len(self.options.fix): for fixvar in self.options.fix: print('Fixing parameter %s!!'%fixvar) pf.fixed[pf.param == fixvar] = 1 if len(self.options.use): for use in self.options.use: usevar,useval = use useval = int(useval) print('use = %i for parameter %s!!'%(useval,usevar)) pf.use[pf.param == usevar] = useval if len(self.options.bounds): for bounds in self.options.bounds: boundsvar,lbound,ubound = bounds lbound,ubound = float(lbound),float(ubound) print('%.3f < %s < %.3f !!'%(lbound,boundsvar,ubound)) pf.lbound[pf.param == boundsvar] = lbound pf.ubound[pf.param == boundsvar] = ubound if len(self.options.guess): for guess in self.options.guess: guessvar,guessval = guess guessvar = float(guessvar) print('initial guess = %.3f for parameter %s!!'%( guessval,guessvar)) pf.guess[pf.param == guessvar] = guessval if len(self.options.prior): for prior in self.options.prior: priorvar,priormean,priorstd = prior priormean,priorstd = float(priormean),float(priorstd) print('Prior = %.3f +/- %.3f for parameter %s!!'%( priormean,priorstd,priorvar)) pf.prior[pf.param == priorvar] = priormean pf.sigma[pf.param == priorvar] = sigma if len(self.options.bins): for bins in self.options.bins: binvar,nbins = bins nbins = float(nbins) print('%i bins for parameter %s!!'%(nbins,binvar)) pf.bins[pf.param == binvar] = nbins self.pardict = {} idx = 0 for par,i in zip(pf.param,xrange(len(pf.param))): self.pardict[par] = {'guess':pf.guess[i],'prior_mean':pf.prior[i], 'prior_std':pf.sigma[i],'fixed':pf.fixed[i], 'use':pf.use[i],'addcosmo':pf.addcosmo[i], 'mcstep':self.options.mcrandstep, 'bins':pf.bins[i],'zpoly':pf.zpoly[i], 'bounds':(pf.lbound[i],pf.ubound[i])} if not pf.use[i]: self.pardict[par]['idx'] = -1 else: self.pardict[par]['idx'] = idx if pf.addcosmo[i]: if pf.bins[i] == 1: self.pardict[par]['guess'] = pf.guess[i] + cosmo.distmod(zcontrol).value self.pardict[par]['prior_mean'] = pf.prior[i] + cosmo.distmod(zcontrol).value self.pardict[par]['idx'] = idx + np.arange(len(zcontrol)) self.pardict[par]['bounds'] = (pf.lbound[i] + cosmo.distmod(zcontrol).value, pf.ubound[i] + cosmo.distmod(zcontrol).value) if pf.use[i]: idx += len(zcontrol) else: zcontrolCC = np.logspace(np.log10(min(zcontrol)),np.log10(max(zcontrol)),pf.bins[i]) self.pardict[par]['guess'] = pf.guess[i] + cosmo.distmod(zcontrolCC).value self.pardict[par]['prior_mean'] = pf.prior[i] + cosmo.distmod(zcontrolCC).value self.pardict[par]['idx'] = idx + np.arange(len(zcontrolCC)) self.pardict[par]['bounds'] = (pf.lbound[i] + cosmo.distmod(zcontrol).value, pf.ubound[i] + cosmo.distmod(zcontrol).value) if pf.use[i]: idx += len(zcontrolCC) elif pf.bins[i]: if pf.bins[i] == 1: self.pardict[par]['guess'] = np.zeros(len(zcontrol)) + pf.guess[i] self.pardict[par]['prior_mean'] = np.zeros(len(zcontrol)) + pf.prior[i] self.pardict[par]['idx'] = idx + np.arange(len(zcontrol)) if pf.use[i]: idx += len(zcontrol) else: zcontrolCC = np.logspace(np.log10(min(zcontrol)),np.log10(max(zcontrol)),pf.bins[i]) self.pardict[par]['guess'] = np.zeros(len(zcontrolCC)) + pf.guess[i] self.pardict[par]['prior_mean'] = np.zeros(len(zcontrolCC)) + pf.prior[i] self.pardict[par]['idx'] = idx + np.arange(len(zcontrolCC)) if pf.use[i]: idx += len(zcontrolCC) elif pf.zpoly[i]: self.pardict[par]['guess'] = np.append(pf.guess[i],np.array([0.]*int(pf.zpoly[i]))) self.pardict[par]['prior_mean'] = np.append(pf.prior[i],np.array([0.]*int(pf.zpoly[i]))) self.pardict[par]['idx'] = idx + np.arange(int(pf.zpoly[i])+1) if pf.use[i]: idx += int(pf.zpoly[i])+1 elif pf.use[i]: idx += 1 if pf.fixed[i]: self.pardict[par]['prior_std'] = 1e-5 self.pardict[par]['mcstep'] = 0 self.pardict[par]['bounds'] = (self.pardict[par]['prior_mean']-1e-5,self.pardict[par]['prior_mean']+1e-5) guess = () for k in pf.param: if not pf.use[pf.param == k]: continue if hasattr(self.pardict[k]['guess'],"__len__"): for g in self.pardict[k]['guess']: guess += (g,) else: guess += (self.pardict[k]['guess'],) return(self.pardict,guess)
def main(self,inputfile): from txtobj import txtobj import os inp = txtobj(inputfile) if not len(inp.PA): import exceptions raise exceptions.RuntimeError('Warning : no data in input file!!') # open the output file if os.path.exists(self.options.outputfile) and not self.options.clobber: print('Warning : files %s exists!! Not clobbering'%self.options.outputfile) # run the MCMC zcontrol = np.logspace(np.log10(self.options.zrange[0]),np.log10(self.options.zrange[1]),num=self.options.nzbins) pardict,guess = self.mkParamDict(zcontrol) cov,samples = self.mcmc(inp,zcontrol,guess) root,ext = os.path.splitext(self.options.outputfile) fout = open('%s.covmat'%root,'w') print >> fout, '%i'%len(cov) shape = np.shape(cov)[0] for i in range(shape): outline = '' for j in range(shape): outline += '%8.5e '%cov[j,i] if i != j: print >> fout, '%8.5e'%cov[j,i]#outline else: print >> fout, '%8.5e'%0 #outline fout.close() coverr = lambda samp: np.sqrt(np.sum((samp-np.mean(samp))*(samp-np.mean(samp)))/len(samp)) outlinevars = ['popAmean','popAstd','popBmean','popBstd','popB2mean','popB2std','skewB', 'scaleA','shift','lstep','salt2alpha','salt2beta','salt2beta_1'] outlinefmt = " ".join(["%.4f"]*(1+len(outlinevars)*2)) fout = open(self.options.outputfile,'w') headerline = "# zCMB " for o in outlinevars: headerline += "%s %s_err "%(o,o) print >> fout, headerline[:-1] if self.options.mcrandseed: print >> fout, '# MC Sample used random seed: %i'%self.options.mcrandseed fout.close() if self.options.verbose: print("zCMB " + " ".join(outlinevars)) for z,i in zip(zcontrol,range(len(zcontrol))): outvars = (z,) for v in outlinevars: if self.pardict[v]["use"]: idx = self.pardict[v]["idx"] if self.pardict[v]['zpoly'] or (i >= self.pardict[v]['bins'] and self.pardict[v]['bins'] and self.pardict[v]['bins'] != 1): idx = self.pardict[v]["idx"][0] if hasattr(idx,"__len__"): mean,err = np.mean(samples[:,idx[i]]),np.std(samples[:,idx[i]]) else: mean,err = np.mean(samples[:,idx]),np.std(samples[:,idx]) outvars += (mean,err,) else: outvars += (-99,-99,) fout = open(self.options.outputfile,'a') print >> fout, outlinefmt%outvars fout.close() if self.options.verbose: print(outlinefmt%outvars)
def fit( fileroot='/export/scratch0/ps1sn1/data/v10.0/GPC1v3/eventsv1/workspace/PSc560121/g/PSc560121.md01s043.g.ut090831e.1917665_14.sw', xpos=None, ypos=None, radius=10, pdf_pages=None, ra=None, dec=None, title='', returnstamps = False, maskfile=None, mysky=None,mysig=None): # xpos = xpos +1 # ypos = ypos +1 # from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages #pdf_pages = PdfPages('daophot_resid.pdf') dofcmp = False good = False im = pyfits.getdata('%s.fits' % fileroot) mask = pyfits.getdata(maskfile) impsf = pyfits.getdata('%s.dao.psf.fits' % fileroot) fullpsf, hpsf = rdpsf.rdpsf('%s.dao.psf.fits' % fileroot) imhdr = pyfits.getheader('%s.fits' % fileroot) if dofcmp: p ='%s.fcmp' % fileroot) p.verify("fix") if os.path.exists('test.fcmp'): os.remove('test.fcmp') p.writeto('test.fcmp', output_verify='fix') # fcmp = p[0].header # print p[1] fcmp = txtobj('test.fcmp', cmpheader=True) # print fcmp.__dict__['class'] # print fcmp['class'] # raw_input() w = wcs.WCS('%s.fits' % fileroot) #results2 = w.wcs_world2pix(np.array([[ra, dec]]), 0) # xpos,ypos =results2[0][0], results2[0][1] psfsize = np.shape(impsf)[0] fcmp.Xpos = fcmp.Xpos[1:].astype(float) fcmp.Ypos = fcmp.Ypos[1:].astype(float) fcmp.__dict__['class'] = fcmp.__dict__['class'][1:].astype(float) fcmp.flux = fcmp.flux[1:].astype(float) fcmp.dflux = fcmp.dflux[1:].astype(float) # for x,y,flux,fluxerr in zip(fcmp.Xpos,fcmp.Ypos, # fcmp.flux,fcmp.dflux): # print fcmp.Xpos-xpos # print fcmp.Ypos-ypos # raw_input() #print fcmp.__dict__['class'] #print fcmp.Xpos #print xpos #raw_input() ww = (abs(fcmp.Xpos - xpos) < 1.) & (abs(fcmp.Ypos - ypos) < 1.) thisclass = fcmp.__dict__['class'][ww] #print 'THIS CLASS IS', thisclass #print 'all classes', fcmp.__dict__['class'] # flux = fcmp.flux # fluxerr = fcmp.dflux if len(thisclass) == 1: if thisclass[0] == 1: good = True fluxerr = 100. chisq = 1. dms = 1. x = xpos y = ypos ny, nx = np.shape(im) psfy, psfx = np.shape(impsf) ixlo, iylo = int(x - radius), int(y - radius) if ixlo < 0: ixlo = 0 if iylo < 0: iylo = 0 ixhi = int(x + radius) + 1 iyhi = int(y + radius) + 1 if ixhi > (nx - 1): ixhi = nx - 1 if iyhi > (ny - 1): iyhi = ny - 1 ixx = ixhi - ixlo + 1 iyy = iyhi - iylo + 1 dx = np.arange(ixx) + ixlo - x dy = np.arange(iyy) + iylo - y psf1d = impsf.reshape(np.shape(impsf)[0] ** 2.) gauss = [hpsf['GAUSS1'], hpsf['GAUSS2'], hpsf['GAUSS3'], hpsf['GAUSS4'], hpsf['GAUSS5']] dx = dx.reshape(1, len(dx)) dy = dy.reshape(len(dy), 1) dx = rebin.rebin(dx, [np.shape(dx)[1], np.shape(dx)[1]]) dy = rebin.rebin(dy, [len(dy), len(dy)]) try: model = dao_value.dao_value(dx, dy, gauss, impsf, # psf1d=psf1d, deriv=False) # ,ps1d=False) except: return 1, 1, 0, 0, False, 0, 0, 0 subim = im[iylo - 1:iyhi, ixlo - 1:ixhi] #print 'modelshape', model.shape, 'imshape', subim.shape #raw_input() submask = mask[iylo - 1:iyhi, ixlo - 1:ixhi] submask[submask != 0] = 9 submask[submask == 0 ] = 1 submask[submask == 9 ] = 0 # scaledpsf = model+impsf[psfy/2+1-radius:psfy/2+1+radius+1, # psfx/2+1-radius:psfx/2+1+radius+1] # print model.shape # print flux.shape # print hpsf['PSFMAG'] # print imhdr['SKYADU'] chisqvec = [] fluxvec = [] substamp = model.shape[0] fitrad = np.zeros([substamp, substamp]) radius = 4 for x in np.arange(substamp): for y in np.arange(substamp): if np.sqrt((substamp / 2. - x) ** 2 + (substamp / 2. - y) ** 2) < radius: fitrad[int(x), int(y)] = 1. ''' for flux in range(1,500000,200): scaledpsf = model*flux/10**(-0.4*(hpsf['PSFMAG']-25)) + imhdr['SKYADU'] chisq = np.sum(fitrad*(subim-scaledpsf)**2/imhdr['SKYSIG']**2) chisqvec.append(chisq) fluxvec.append(flux) chisqvec = np.array(chisqvec) fluxvec = np.array(fluxvec) flux = fluxvec[np.argmin(chisqvec)] scaledpsf = model*flux/10**(-0.4*(hpsf['PSFMAG']-25)) + imhdr['SKYADU'] #resid(param,psf,im,sigma,fitrad,sky,psfmag) #print model, subim, imhdr['SKYSIG'] ''' # fluxls, cov = opti.leastsq(resid, 100000, # args=(model, subim, imhdr['SKYSIG'], fitrad, imhdr['SKYADU'], hpsf['PSFMAG']),full_output=False) fluxls, cov = opti.leastsq(resid, 100000,args=(model, subim, mysig, fitrad, mysky, hpsf['PSFMAG']),full_output=False) #print cov.shape #print fluxls, cov #raw_input('covshape') # print 'flux fit comparo',flux,fluxls, scaledpsf = model*fluxls/10**(-0.4*(hpsf['PSFMAG']-25)) + imhdr['SKYADU'] dontplot = False if not pdf_pages is None: if not dontplot: print 'plottingggg' fig = plt.figure() plt.clf() axim = plt.subplot(131) axpsf = plt.subplot(132) axdiff = plt.subplot(133) for ax,title in zip([axim,axpsf,axdiff],['image','model','difference']): ax.set_title(title) axim.imshow(subim, cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') axpsf.imshow(model,cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') axdiff.imshow(subim-scaledpsf,cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') #plt.colorbar() axim = plt.subplot(131) axpsf = plt.subplot(132) axdiff = plt.subplot(133) #for ax,title in zip([axim,axpsf,axdiff],['image','model','difference']): if good: ax.set_title(title + 'GOOD') else: ax.set_title(title + 'BADD') #ax.set_title(title) axim.imshow(subim,cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') axpsf.imshow(scaledpsf,cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') ax = axdiff.imshow(subim-scaledpsf,cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') cbar = fig.colorbar(ax) #plt.imshow((subim-scaledpsf)/imhdr['SKYSIG'],cmap='gray',interpolation='nearest') #plt.colorbar() if good: plt.title(title + 'GOOD' ) else: plt.title(title + 'BADD' ) pdf_pages.savefig(fig) #pdf_pages.close() #plt.savefig('') if returnstamps: rpsf = model good = True#we know this wont be in the starcat file so set to good is true #print 'fluxls', fluxls #print 'maxpsf', np.max(rpsf) return fluxls,fluxerr,chisq,dms,good,subim, rpsf, imhdr['SKYSIG'], fitrad, imhdr['SKYADU'], hpsf['PSFMAG'], submask #print fluxls #print np.max(model) #raw_input('fluxls') sstamp = simstamp(fluxls,model, subim, imhdr['SKYSIG'], fitrad, imhdr['SKYADU'], hpsf['PSFMAG']) return fluxls, fluxerr, chisq, dms, good, subim, sstamp, model
def mcsamp(self,fitresfile,mciter,lowzfile,nsne): import os from txtobj import txtobj import numpy as np fitresheader = """# VERSION: PS1_PS1MD # FITOPT: NONE # ---------------------------------------- NVAR: 31 VARNAMES: CID IDSURVEY TYPE FIELD zHD zHDERR HOST_LOGMASS HOST_LOGMASS_ERR SNRMAX1 SNRMAX2 SNRMAX3 PKMJD PKMJDERR x1 x1ERR c cERR mB mBERR x0 x0ERR COV_x1_c COV_x1_x0 COV_c_x0 NDOF FITCHI2 FITPROB PBAYES_Ia PGAL_Ia PFITPROB_Ia PNN_Ia PTRUE_Ia PHALF_Ia SIM_TYPE_INDEX SIM_ZCMB # VERSION_SNANA = v10_39i # VERSION_PHOTOMETRY = PS1_PS1MD # TABLE NAME: FITRES # """ fitresvars = ["CID","IDSURVEY","TYPE","FIELD", "zHD","zHDERR","HOST_LOGMASS", "HOST_LOGMASS_ERR","SNRMAX1","SNRMAX2", "SNRMAX3","PKMJD","PKMJDERR","x1","x1ERR", "c","cERR","mB","mBERR","x0","x0ERR","COV_x1_c", "COV_x1_x0","COV_c_x0","NDOF","FITCHI2","FITPROB", "PBAYES_Ia","PGAL_Ia","PFITPROB_Ia","PNN_Ia", "PTRUE_Ia","PHALF_Ia","SIM_TYPE_INDEX","SIM_ZCMB"] fitresfmt = 'SN: %s %i %i %s %.5f %.5f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.3f %.3f %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %.4f %.4f %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %8.5e %i %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %i %.5f' name,ext = os.path.splitext(fitresfile) outname,outext = os.path.splitext(self.options.outputfile) fitresoutfile = '%s_%s_mc%i%s'%(name,outname.split('/')[-1],mciter,ext) fr = txtobj(fitresfile,fitresheader=True) if not fr.__dict__.has_key('PTRUE_Ia'): fr.PTRUE_Ia = np.array([-99]*len(fr.CID)) if not fr.__dict__.has_key('SIM_TYPE_INDEX'): fr.SIM_TYPE_INDEX = np.array([-99]*len(fr.CID)) if not fr.__dict__.has_key('SIM_ZCMB'): fr.SIM_ZCMB = np.array([-99]*len(fr.CID)) if lowzfile: frlowz = txtobj(lowzfile,fitresheader=True) if not frlowz.__dict__.has_key('PTRUE_Ia'): frlowz.PTRUE_Ia = np.array([-99]*len(fr.CID)) if not frlowz.__dict__.has_key('SIM_TYPE_INDEX'): frlowz.SIM_TYPE_INDEX = np.array([-99]*len(fr.CID)) if not frlowz.__dict__.has_key('SIM_ZCMB'): frlowz.SIM_ZCMB = np.array([-99]*len(fr.CID)) # Light curve cuts if self.options.x1cellipse: # I'm just going to assume cmax = abs(cmin) and same for x1 cols = np.where((fr.x1**2./self.options.x1range[0]**2. + fr.c**2./self.options.crange[0]**2. < 1) & (fr.x1ERR < self.options.x1errmax) & (fr.PKMJDERR < self.options.pkmjderrmax*(1+fr.zHD)) & (fr.FITPROB >= self.options.fitprobmin) & (fr.zHD > self.options.zrange[0]) & (fr.zHD < self.options.zrange[1]) & (fr.__dict__[self.options.piacol] >= 0)) else: cols = np.where((fr.x1 > self.options.x1range[0]) & (fr.x1 < self.options.x1range[1]) & (fr.c > self.options.crange[0]) & (fr.c < self.options.crange[1]) & (fr.x1ERR < self.options.x1errmax) & (fr.PKMJDERR < self.options.pkmjderrmax*(1+fr.zHD)) & (fr.FITPROB >= self.options.fitprobmin) & (fr.zHD > self.options.zrange[0]) & (fr.zHD < self.options.zrange[1]) & (fr.__dict__[self.options.piacol] >= 0)) for k in fr.__dict__.keys(): fr.__dict__[k] = fr.__dict__[k][cols] import random if self.options.mcrandseed: random.seed(self.options.mcrandseed) try: cols = random.sample(range(len(fr.CID)),nsne) writefitres(fr,cols, fitresoutfile,fitresheader=fitresheader, fitresvars=fitresvars,fitresfmt=fitresfmt) except ValueError: print('Warning : crashed because not enough SNe! Making only a low-z file...') if lowzfile: writefitres(frlowz,random.sample(range(len(frlowz.CID)),self.options.nmclowz), fitresoutfile,append=False,fitresheader=fitresheader, fitresvars=fitresvars,fitresfmt=fitresfmt) return(fitresoutfile) if lowzfile: try: writefitres(frlowz,random.sample(range(len(frlowz.CID)),self.options.nmclowz), fitresoutfile,append=True,fitresheader=fitresheader, fitresvars=fitresvars,fitresfmt=fitresfmt) except: frlowz.PHALF_Ia = np.ones(len(frlowz.CID)) writefitres(frlowz,range(len(frlowz.CID)), fitresoutfile,append=True,fitresheader=fitresheader, fitresvars=fitresvars,fitresfmt=fitresfmt) return(fitresoutfile)
def main(self,fitres,mkcuts=True): from txtobj import txtobj from astropy.cosmology import Planck13 as cosmo fr = txtobj(fitres,fitresheader=True) if self.options.zrange[0] < np.min(fr.zHD): self.options.zrange[0] = np.min(fr.zHD) if self.options.zrange[1] > np.max(fr.zHD): self.options.zrange[1] = np.max(fr.zHD) from dobeams import salt2mu fr.MU,fr.MUERR = salt2mu(x1=fr.x1,x1err=fr.x1ERR,c=fr.c,cerr=fr.cERR,mb=fr.mB,mberr=fr.mBERR, cov_x1_c=fr.COV_x1_c,cov_x1_x0=fr.COV_x1_x0,cov_c_x0=fr.COV_c_x0, alpha=self.options.salt2alpha, beta=self.options.salt2beta, x0=fr.x0,sigint=self.options.sigint,z=fr.zHD) fr = self.mkfitrescuts(fr,mkcuts=mkcuts) root = os.path.splitext(fitres)[0] # Prior SN Ia probabilities P_Ia = np.zeros(len(fr.CID)) for i in range(len(fr.CID)): P_Ia[i] = fr.__dict__[self.options.piacol][i] if self.options.specconfcol: if fr.__dict__[self.options.specconfcol][i] == 1: P_Ia[i] = 1 from dobeams import BEAMS import ConfigParser, sys sys.argv = ['./'] beam = BEAMS() parser = beam.add_options() options, args = parser.parse_args(args=None,values=None) options.paramfile = self.options.paramfile if options.paramfile: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() else: config=None parser = beam.add_options(config=config) options, args = parser.parse_args() beam.options = options # clumsy - send some options to the code beam.options.twogauss = self.options.twogauss beam.options.skewedgauss = self.options.skewedgauss beam.options.nthreads = self.options.nthreads beam.options.nwalkers = self.options.nwalkers beam.options.nsteps = self.options.nsteps beam.options.mcmcparamfile = self.options.mcmcparamfile beam.options.fix = self.options.fix beam.options.bounds = self.options.bounds beam.options.guess = self.options.guess beam.options.prior = self.options.prior beam.options.bins = self.options.bins beam.options.use = self.options.use beam.options.minmethod = self.options.minmethod beam.options.forceminsuccess = self.options.forceminsuccess beam.options.miniter = self.options.miniter beam.options.ninit = self.options.ninit beam.options.ntemps = self.options.ntemps beam.options.debug = self.options.debug beam.options.mcrandseed = self.options.mcrandseed options.inputfile = '%s.input'%root if self.options.masscorr: beam.options.plcol = 'PL' import scipy.stats cols = np.where(fr.HOST_LOGMASS > 0) for k in fr.__dict__.keys(): fr.__dict__[k] = fr.__dict__[k][cols] fr.PL = np.zeros(len(fr.CID)) for i in range(len(fr.CID)): if fr.HOST_LOGMASS_ERR[i] == 0: fr.HOST_LOGMASS_ERR[i] = 1e-5 fr.PL[i] = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(10,fr.HOST_LOGMASS[i],fr.HOST_LOGMASS_ERR[i]) P_Ia = P_Ia[cols] if self.options.masscorrfixed: beam.options.lstepfixed = True beam.options.zmin = self.options.zrange[0] beam.options.zmax = self.options.zrange[1] beam.options.nzbins = self.options.nzbins # make the BEAMS input file fout = open('%s.input'%root,'w') fr.PA = fr.__dict__[self.options.piacol] if not self.options.masscorr: fr.PL = np.zeros(len(fr.PA)) writefitres(fr,range(len(fr.PA)),'%s.input'%root, fitresheader=fitresheaderbeams, fitresfmt=fitresfmtbeams, fitresvars=fitresvarsbeams) beam.options.append = False beam.options.clobber = self.options.clobber beam.options.outputfile = self.options.outputfile beam.main(options.inputfile) bms = txtobj(self.options.outputfile) name,ext = os.path.splitext(self.options.outputfile) self.writeBinCorrFitres('%s.fitres'%name,bms,fr=fr) return