Esempio n. 1
    def retry_delay(f):
        """Errback, verifes an op is retryable, and delays the next retry.
        # Check that operation is retryable.
        if not check_retryable(client, max_time, f.value):
            return f

        # Give the connection a chance to auto-heal
        d = sleep(get_delay(session_timeout))

        return d
Esempio n. 2
def retry(client, func, *args, **kw):
    """Constructs a retry wrapper around a function that retries invocations.

    If the function execution results in an exception due to a transient
    connection error, the retry wrapper will reinvoke the operation after
    a suitable delay (fractional value of the session timeout).

    :param client: A ZookeeperClient instance.
    :param func: A callable python object that interacts with
           zookeeper, the callable must utilize the same zookeeper
           connection as passed in the `client` param. The function
           must return a single value (either a deferred or result
    retry_started = [time.time()]
    retry_error = False
    while 1:
            value = yield func(*args, **kw)
        except Exception, e:
            # For clients which aren't connected (session timeout == None)
            # we raise the errors to the callers.
            session_timeout = client.session_timeout or 0

            # The longest we keep retrying is 1.2 * session timeout
            max_time = (session_timeout / 1000.0) * 1.2 + retry_started[0]

            if not check_retryable(client, max_time, e):
                # Check if its a persistent client error, and if so use the cb
                # if present to try and reconnect for client errors.
                if (check_error(e)
                        and time.time() > max_time
                        and callable(client.cb_retry_error)
                        and not retry_error):
                    log.debug("Retry error %r on %s @ %s",
                              e, func.__name__, _args(args))
                    retry_error = True
                    yield client.cb_retry_error(e)
                    retry_started[0] = time.time()

            # Give the connection a chance to auto-heal.
            yield sleep(get_delay(session_timeout))
            log.debug("Retry on %s @ %s", func.__name__, _args(args))
