def select_detail(details):
	"""Pick the preferred type of detail from a list of details. (If the
	argument isn't a list, treat it as a list of one.)"""
	types = {"text/html": 30,
	         "application/xhtml+xml": 20,
	         "text/plain": 10}

	if details is None:
		return None
	if type(details) is not list:
		details = [details]

	ds = []
	for detail in details:
		ctype = detail.get("type", None)
		if ctype is None:
		if types.has_key(ctype):
			score = types[ctype]
			score = 0
		if detail["value"] != "":
			ds.append((score, detail))

	if len(ds) == 0:
		return None
		return ds[-1][1]
        def new_f(*args, **kwds):
            argument_types = ", ".join( "%s=%s" %(v,t) for v,t in types.items() )
            for i,v in enumerate(args):
                if types.has_key(f.func_code.co_varnames[i]) and \
                    not isinstance(v, types[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]]):
                    raise exception("Function argument '%s' with a "
                                    "value of %r does not match the allowed "
                                    "types %s. \n           The arguments "
                                    "of this function have allowed types of %s" % \
                    del types[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]]

            for k,v in kwds.iteritems():
                if types.has_key(k) and not isinstance(v, types[k]):
                    raise exception("Function argument '%s' with a "
                                    "value of %r does not match one of the allowed "
                                    "types %s. \n           The arguments "
                                    "of this function have allowed types of %s" % \

            return f(*args, **kwds)
Esempio n. 3
 def prototype(cls, func, types={}):
     '''Generate a prototype for an instance of a function.'''
     args, defaults, (star, starstar) = cls.ex_args(func)
     argsiter = (("{:s}={:s}".format(
         n, "{:s}".format('|'.join(
             for t in types[n])) if not isinstance(types[n], type)
         and hasattr(types[n], '__iter__') else types[n].__name__)
                  if types.has_key(n) else n) for n in args)
     res = (argsiter, ("*{:s}".format(star), ) if star else
            (), ("**{:s}".format(starstar), ) if starstar else ())
     return "{:s}({:s})".format(func.func_name,
                                ', '.join(itertools.chain(*res)))
Esempio n. 4
        def new_f(*args, **kwds):
            argument_types = ", ".join("%s=%s" % (v, t)
                                       for v, t in types.items())
            for i, v in enumerate(args):
                if types.has_key(f.func_code.co_varnames[i]) and \
                    not isinstance(v, types[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]]):
                    raise exception("Function argument '%s' with a "
                                    "value of %r does not match the allowed "
                                    "types %s. \n           The arguments "
                                    "of this function have allowed types of %s" % \
                    del types[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]]

            for k, v in kwds.iteritems():
                if types.has_key(k) and not isinstance(v, types[k]):
                    raise exception("Function argument '%s' with a "
                                    "value of %r does not match one of the allowed "
                                    "types %s. \n           The arguments "
                                    "of this function have allowed types of %s" % \

            return f(*args, **kwds)
        def new_f(*args, **kwds):
            argument_types = ", ".join( "%s=%s" %(v,t) for v,t in types.items() )
            for i,v in enumerate(args): # no need to check self argument
                if i == 0 : continue
                if types.has_key(f.func_code.co_varnames[i]) and \
                    not isinstance(v, types[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]]):
                    raise exception("Method argument '%s' with a "
                                    "value of %r does not match the "
                                    "allowed types %s. \n           The "
                                    "arguments of this method have "
                                    "allowed types of %s" % \
                    del types[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]]

            for k,v in kwds.iteritems():
                if types.has_key(k) and not isinstance(v, types[k]):
                    raise exception("Method argument '%s' with a "
                                    "value of %r does not match one "
                                    "of the allowed types %s. \n           The "
                                    "arguments of this method have allowed types of %s" % \

            return f(*args, **kwds)
Esempio n. 6
        def new_f(*args, **kwds):
            argument_types = ", ".join("%s=%s" % (v, t)
                                       for v, t in types.items())
            for i, v in enumerate(args):  # no need to check self argument
                if i == 0: continue
                if types.has_key(f.func_code.co_varnames[i]) and \
                    not isinstance(v, types[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]]):
                    raise exception("Method argument '%s' with a "
                                    "value of %r does not match the "
                                    "allowed types %s. \n           The "
                                    "arguments of this method have "
                                    "allowed types of %s" % \
                    del types[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]]

            for k, v in kwds.iteritems():
                if types.has_key(k) and not isinstance(v, types[k]):
                    raise exception("Method argument '%s' with a "
                                    "value of %r does not match one "
                                    "of the allowed types %s. \n           The "
                                    "arguments of this method have allowed types of %s" % \

            return f(*args, **kwds)
Esempio n. 7
  def show_settings(self, settings):

    tsp_list = settings['type-spectrum-phase-list']
    if tsp_list:
      types = {}
      for type, spectrum, phase in tsp_list:
        if sparky.object_exists(spectrum):
        types[type] = 1
      for type in self.type_to_spectrum_menu.keys():
        if not types.has_key(type):
    ttable = settings['tolerance-table']
    for e in self.tolerances:
      atom_name = e.label['text']
      if ttable.has_key(atom_name):
        new_tol = ttable[atom_name]
        current_tol = pyutil.string_to_float(e.variable.get(), 0)
        if new_tol != current_tol:
          e.variable.set('%.3g' % new_tol)
