def test_small(self): config = get_config(PATH + 'small.conf') comp_config = { 'calendars': { 'home': {'path': os.path.expanduser('~/.calendars/home/'), 'color': 'dark green', 'readonly': False, 'type': 'calendar'}, 'work': {'path': os.path.expanduser('~/.calendars/work/'), 'readonly': True, 'color': '', 'type': 'calendar'}}, 'sqlite': {'path': os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share/khal/khal.db')}, 'locale': { 'local_timezone': get_localzone(), 'default_timezone': get_localzone(), 'timeformat': '%H:%M', 'dateformat': '%d.%m.', 'longdateformat': '%d.%m.%Y', 'datetimeformat': '%d.%m. %H:%M', 'longdatetimeformat': '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M', 'firstweekday': 0, 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'unicode_symbols': True, 'weeknumbers': False, }, 'default': { 'default_calendar': None, 'default_command': 'calendar', 'print_new': 'False', 'show_all_days': False, 'days': 2, } } for key in comp_config: assert config[key] == comp_config[key]
def print_events(conn, stack_name, follow, lines=100, from_dt=datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=pytz.UTC)): """Prints tabulated list of events""" events_display = [] seen_ids = set() next_token = None while True: events, next_token = get_events(conn, stack_name, next_token) status = get_stack_status(conn, stack_name) normalize_events_timestamps(events) if follow: events_display = [(ev.timestamp.astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()), ev.resource_status, ev.resource_type, ev.logical_resource_id, ev.resource_status_reason) for ev in events if ev.event_id not in seen_ids and ev.timestamp >= from_dt] if len(events_display) > 0: print(tabulate(events_display, tablefmt='plain'), flush=True) seen_ids |= set([event.event_id for event in events]) if status not in IN_PROGRESS_STACK_STATES and next_token is None: break if next_token is None: time.sleep(5) else: events_display.extend([(event.timestamp.astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()), event.resource_status, event.resource_type, event.logical_resource_id, event.resource_status_reason) for event in events]) if len(events_display) >= lines or next_token is None: break if not follow: print(tabulate(events_display[:lines], tablefmt='plain'), flush=True) return status
def create_from_raw(cls): """ Creates MinuteData from raw EfergyData """ try: latest_minute = cls.objects.latest('timestamp') start_time = latest_minute.timestamp # Why do I have to do this?!?! start_time = start_time + timedelta(minutes=1) start_time = start_time.astimezone(get_localzone()) except cls.DoesNotExist: start_time = pytz.utc.localize(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) last_minute = now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0) end_time = last_minute.astimezone(get_localzone()) cursor = connection.cursor() # NOTE: This code is MySQL-specific! # NOTE: When taking the HOUR() or MINUTE() from a datetime column, it # is important to explicitly convert the value to the local timezone # first otherwise, the calculations will be for UTC. cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO efergy_minutedata ( SELECT NULL, FROM_UNIXTIME(FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`timestamp`)/60)*60) as 'timestamp', HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(`timestamp`, '+00:00', @@global.time_zone)) * 60 + MINUTE(CONVERT_TZ(`timestamp`, '+00:00', @@global.time_zone)) as 'minute', TRUNCATE(AVG(`watts`), 6) as 'watts' FROM `efergy_efergydata` WHERE `timestamp` >= %s AND `timestamp` < %s GROUP BY 2 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `timestamp`=`timestamp`""", (start_time, end_time))
def read(subject, library, startdate=None, enddate=None, fields=None): ''' Searches for data requested by params. Returns data as a pandas dataframe, with datetimes as localzone With no datetimes provided, will return first 100000 results. With startdate only, will provide 100000 results from the starttdate. With enddate, will provide everything up to enddate. @param: startdate; datetime; start date to query @param: enddate; datetime; end date to query @param: subject; string; what data to query @param: fields; [str]; fields to return @param: library; where to store it @return: data of 'subject' from 'daterange' with timezones converted to local ''' startdate = addTZ(startdate) enddate = addTZ(enddate) date_range = DateRange(startdate, enddate) df =, date_range, fields) if df.index.tzinfo is None: df.index = df.index.tz_localize(pytz.utc).tz_convert(tzlocal.get_localzone()) else: df.index = df.index.tz_convert(tzlocal.get_localzone()) return df
def _parse_time_range(cls, date, start_time, end_time, now): parsed_date = cls._parse_date(date, now) parsed_start = cls._parse_time(start_time) parsed_end = cls._parse_time(end_time) if parsed_date is None: if parsed_start is None: raise ValueError('Failed to create event: --date or --start options are missing.') # set date today or tomorrow dt = if (parsed_start.hour, parsed_start.minute) < (now.hour, now.minute): dt += timedelta(days=1) else: if parsed_start is None: if parsed_end is not None: raise ValueError('Failed to create event: --date option with --end is set but --start is missing.') # all-day event t = get_localzone().localize(datetime(parsed_date.year, parsed_date.month, return EventTime(False, t), EventTime(False, t) dt = parsed_date # set start and end event time start = get_localzone().localize(datetime.combine(dt, parsed_start)) if parsed_end is None: end = start + cls.DEFAULT_CREATE_DURATION else: end = get_localzone().localize(datetime.combine(dt, parsed_end)) if parsed_start > parsed_end: end += timedelta(days=1) return EventTime(True, start), EventTime(True, end)
def test_seedset_export(self, mock_rabbit_worker_class): mock_rabbit_worker = MagicMock(spec=RabbitWorker) mock_rabbit_worker_class.side_effect = [mock_rabbit_worker] export = Export.objects.create(user=self.user, export_type="test_type", export_format="json", dedupe=True,,,, export.seed_set = self.seedset request_export(export) # Export start message sent name, args, kwargs = mock_rabbit_worker.mock_calls[0] self.assertEqual("send_message", name) message = args[0] self.assertEqual(message["id"], export.export_id) self.assertEqual(message["path"], export.path) self.assertEqual(message["type"], export.export_type) self.assertEqual(message["format"], export.export_format) self.assertTrue(message["dedupe"]) self.assertEqual(iso8601.parse_date(message["item_date_start"]), export.item_date_start) self.assertEqual(iso8601.parse_date(message["item_date_end"]), export.item_date_end) self.assertEqual(iso8601.parse_date(message["harvest_date_start"]), export.harvest_date_start) self.assertEqual(iso8601.parse_date(message["harvest_date_end"]), export.harvest_date_end) self.assertEqual(message["seedset"]["id"], export.seed_set.seedset_id) self.assertEqual("export.start.test_platform.test_type", args[1])
def set_heating_trigger(self, proportion, on): self.proportional_time = proportion if self.heating_trigger is not None: try: self.heating_trigger.remove() except JobLookupError as e: pass self.heating_trigger = None if on: if proportion < self.config['heating_settings']['proportional_heating_interval_minutes']: run_date = self.time_on + datetime.timedelta(0,self.proportional_time * 60)'New proportional time: ' + str(proportion) + '/' + str(self.config['heating_settings']['proportional_heating_interval_minutes']) +\ ' mins - will turn off at ' + str(run_date.astimezone(get_localzone()))) self.heating_trigger = self.sched.add_job(\ self.process, trigger='date', run_date=run_date, name='Proportional off at ' + str(run_date.astimezone(get_localzone()))) else: if proportion > 0: if self.time_off is None: self.time_off = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) run_date = self.time_off + datetime.timedelta(0,(self.config['heating_settings']['proportional_heating_interval_minutes'] - self.proportional_time) * 60)'New proportional time: ' + str(proportion) + '/' + str(self.config['heating_settings']['proportional_heating_interval_minutes']) +\ ' mins - will turn on at ' + str(run_date.astimezone(get_localzone()))) self.heating_trigger = self.sched.add_job(\ self.process, trigger='date', run_date=run_date, name='Proportional on at ' + str(run_date.astimezone(get_localzone())))
def test_small(self): config = get_config(PATH + 'small.conf') assert config == { 'calendars': { 'home': {'path': os.path.expanduser('~/.calendars/home/'), 'color': 'dark green', 'readonly': False}, 'work': {'path': os.path.expanduser('~/.calendars/work/'), 'readonly': True, 'color': ''}}, 'sqlite': {'path': os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share/khal/khal.db')}, 'locale': { 'local_timezone': get_localzone(), 'default_timezone': get_localzone(), 'timeformat': '%H:%M', 'dateformat': '%d.%m.', 'longdateformat': '%d.%m.%Y', 'datetimeformat': '%d.%m. %H:%M', 'longdatetimeformat': '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M', 'firstweekday': 0, 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'unicode_symbols': True, }, 'default': { 'default_command': 'calendar', 'debug': False, 'default_calendar': 'home', } }
def ls(s3_url, recursive=False, exit_codes: 'exit 1 if there are no results' = True): """ list bucket contents """ if not s3_url: for bucket in _retry(_client().list_buckets)()['Buckets']: yield '%s %s' % (str(bucket['CreationDate'].astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()))[:-6], bucket['Name']) else: bucket, *prefix = s3_url.split('s3://')[-1].split('/') kw = {'Bucket': bucket, 'Prefix': '/'.join(prefix), 'Delimiter': '' if recursive else '/'} results = False while True: resp = _retry(_client().list_objects_v2)(**kw) logging.debug(pprint.pformat(resp)) for pre in resp.get('CommonPrefixes', []): results = True yield 'PRE %s' % pre['Prefix'] for key in resp.get('Contents', []): results = True yield '%s %s %s %s' % (str(key['LastModified'].astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()))[:-6], key['Size'], key['Key'], key['StorageClass']) if resp['IsTruncated']: kw['ContinuationToken'] = resp['NextContinuationToken'] else: break if not results and exit_codes: sys.exit(1)
def get_time_logs(self, ignore_marked=True): """Get all time logs from toggl *ignore_marked* entries? if True check for the tags in every entry and filter them """ start_date = tz=get_localzone()) - datetime.timedelta(self.time_period) end_date = # Ignore microseconds start_date = start_date.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() end_date = end_date.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() payload = { 'start_date': start_date, 'end_date': end_date } try: request_object = requests.get(self.url, params=payload, auth=(self.api_key, 'api_token')) except Exception: logging.error('Failed to make request') raise if request_object.status_code != 200: logging.error('Failed to fetch time logs please see the response:\n{0}' .format(request_object.content)) return list() return self._filter(request_object.json(), ignore_marked)
def UtcToLocalTime(utctime): if isinstance(utctime, datetime.datetime): return utctime.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()) elif isinstance(utctime, list): return [ t.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()) for t in utctime ] else: raise Exception('UTC time ' + str(utctime) + ' has unknown type ' + str(type(utctime)))
def __init__(self, d, t, interaction, winner, quantity, item, cp=False): if cp: if d: month, day = map(int, d.strip('[] ').split('/')) else: month, day = 1,1 if t: hour, minute = map(int, t.strip('[] ').split(':')) else: hour, minute = 0, 0 if tzlocal_present: self.datetime = tzlocal.get_localzone().localize( datetime.datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute)) else: self.datetime = datetime.datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute) else: if tzlocal_present: #self.datetime = tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(datetime.datetime.strptime(d+t, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) self.datetime = tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(datetime.datetime(year=int(d[:4]), month=int(d[4:6]), day=int(d[6:]), hour=int(t[:2]), minute=int(t[2:4]), second=int(t[4:]))) else: #self.datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(d+t, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') self.datetime = datetime.datetime(year=int(d[:4]), month=int(d[4:6]), day=int(d[6:]), hour=int(t[:2]), minute=int(t[2:4]), second=int(t[4:])) self.winner = winner or '' quantity = quantity or '' quantity = (int(quantity.strip().replace(',','') or 0) or int(''.join(item.split(' x ')[1:]).replace(',','') or 1)) item = item.split(' x ')[0].rstrip('!.').rsplit(' erhalten', maxsplit=1)[0] self.interaction = interaction or '' if interaction in {'lost', 'placed a bet of', 'discarded', 'spent'}: self.gain_item = '' self.gain_value = 0 self.loss_item = item self.loss_value = quantity * -1 elif interaction == 'sold': item, gain = item.rsplit(' for ', maxsplit=1) self.loss_item = item self.loss_value = -1 quantity, item = gain.split(maxsplit=1) self.gain_item = item self.gain_value = int(quantity.replace(',', '')) elif interaction == "didn't win any": self.gain_item = item self.gain_value = 0 self.loss_item = '' self.loss_value = 0 else: self.gain_item = item self.gain_value = quantity self.loss_item = '' self.loss_value = 0
def updateInfo(self,force=False): self.logger.debug("[TvShowSchedule] updateInfo method called") v30DaysAgo = - datetime.timedelta(days=30) if force: self['info']['infoUpdate'] = v30DaysAgo # If update is forced or info is indicated and newer than 30 days ago if force or self['info'].setdefault('infoUpdate',v30DaysAgo) <= v30DaysAgo: t = myTvDB.myTvDB() if 'overview' in t[self.seriesid].data.keys() and t[self.seriesid].data['overview'] is not None: overview = t[self.seriesid].data['overview'] else: overview = "" bannerAvailable = ( self.bannerDir is not None and 'banner' in t[self.seriesid].data and t[self.seriesid].data['banner'] is not None ) episodesList = t[self.seriesid].getEpisodesList() arrList = [0] for key in range(1,99): if key in episodesList.keys(): arrList.append(episodesList[key]) else: break episodesList = arrList info={ 'seriesname':t[self.seriesid].data['seriesname'], 'overview':overview, 'infoUpdate', 'banner': bannerAvailable, 'episodesList':episodesList } self.set(info=info,autoComplete=False) if bannerAvailable and not self.isBannerUpdated(): self.updateBanner(t[self.seriesid].data['banner']) if self['season'] * self['episode'] > 0: try: t[self.seriesid][self['season']][self['episode']] except: self.logger.error("[tvShowSchedule] {0} S{1:02}E{2:02} does not exist. Reset to next episode" .format(self.seriesid,self['season'],self['episode'])) self.set(season=0,episode=0,status=0,autoComplete=True) return episodeData = t[self.seriesid][self['season']][self['episode']] firstaired = episodeData['firstaired'] if isinstance(firstaired,basestring): firstaired = dateutil.parser.parse(firstaired) if firstaired is None: self.logger.error("[tvShowSchedule] No firstaired for {0}".format(unicode(firstaired))) raise Exception("No firstaired for {0}".format(unicode(firstaired))) if firstaired.tzinfo is None or firstaired.tzinfo.utcoffset(firstaired) is None: firstaired = tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(firstaired) info['firstaired'] = firstaired self.set(info=info,autoComplete=False) self.setDefault() self.logger.debug("[tvShowSchedule] TvShow has been updated. New value:\n {0}".format(unicode(
def time_entries(): week_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=7) params = {} params = { 'start_date': week_ago.isoformat(), 'end_date': } print(req('time_entries', params, 'GET'))
def iscurrent(self,thread,created_utc,days_old=7): if thread=="weekly": check = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=tz.utc).astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()) created = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(created_utc).replace(tzinfo=tz.utc) created_local = created.astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()) if (check - created_local).total_seconds() <= ((days_old*24)+4)*3600: logging.debug("Thread created within last %s days (+4 hour buffer), %s seconds ago: %s.", days_old, (check - created_local).total_seconds(), created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p %Z")) return True return False
def convert(self, writers_schema, value): if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): if isinstance(value, value = tzlocal.get_localzone().localize( datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month,, 0, 0, 0, 0)) if value.tzinfo is None: value = tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(value) value = (time.mktime(value.utctimetuple()) - EPOCH_TT) + value.microsecond / 1000000.0 return long(value * 1000000)
def dateoflastweekly(self): if self.weeklycheck(): return datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=tz.utc).astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()).date() else: for d in (datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=tz.utc).astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()).date() - timedelta(days=x) for x in range(1, 7)): if self.weeklycheck(d): return d logging.error("Error in dateoflastweekly(), returning today's date...") return datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=tz.utc).astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()).date()
def ls_versions(s3_url, recursive=False, latest: 'only show the latest version of a key' = False, version_id: 'include version-ids as the last column of output'=False, exit_codes: 'exit 1 if there are no results' = True): """ list bucket contents, including versions of keys """ if not s3_url: for bucket in _retry(_client().list_buckets)()['Buckets']: yield '%s %s' % (str(bucket['CreationDate'].astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()))[:-6], bucket['Name']) else: bucket, *prefix = s3_url.split('s3://')[-1].split('/') kw = {'Bucket': bucket, 'Prefix': '/'.join(prefix), 'Delimiter': '' if recursive else '/'} results = False while True: resp = _retry(_client().list_object_versions)(**kw) logging.debug(pprint.pformat(resp)) for pre in resp.get('CommonPrefixes', []): results = True yield 'PRE %s' % pre['Prefix'] for version in resp.get('Versions', []): if not latest or version['IsLatest']: results = True yield '%s %s %s %s %s %s' % ( str(version['LastModified'].astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()))[:-6], version['Size'], version['Key'], version['StorageClass'], 'LATEST' if version['IsLatest'] else 'HISTORICAL', version['VersionId'] if version_id else '', ) for delete in resp.get('DeleteMarkers', []): if not latest or delete['IsLatest']: results = True yield '%s %s %s %s %s %s' % ( str(delete['LastModified'].astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()))[:-6], '-', delete['Key'], '-', 'DELETED' if delete['IsLatest'] else 'HISTORICAL-DELETE', delete['VersionId'] if version_id else '', ) if resp['IsTruncated']: if 'NextKeyMarker' in resp: kw['KeyMarker'] = resp['NextKeyMarker'] if 'NextVersionIdMarker' in resp: kw['VersionIdMarker'] = resp['NextVersionIdMarker'] else: break if not results and exit_codes: sys.exit(1)
def gamecheck(self,thisgame=1,gamecount=1,just_get_time=False): if[thisgame].get('gamesub'): return True #game thread is already posted if[thisgame].get('doubleheader') and str([thisgame].get('gameNumber'))=='2': if self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('HOLD_DH_GAME2_THREAD') and not just_get_time: if[[thisgame].get('othergame')].get('doubleheader') and not[[thisgame].get('othergame')].get('final'):"Holding doubleheader Game %s until Game %s is final, sleeping for 5 seconds...",[thisgame].get('gameNumber'),[[thisgame].get('othergame')].get('gameNumber')) time.sleep(5) return False else: logging.debug("Doubleheader Game 2 start time: %s; Game 1 start time: %s",[thisgame].get('gameInfo').get('date_object'),[[thisgame].get('othergame')].get('gameInfo').get('date_object')) if[[thisgame].get('othergame')].get('gameInfo').get('date_object') >[thisgame].get('gameInfo').get('date_object'): #game 1 start time is after game 2 start time"Detected doubleheader Game 2 start time is before Game 1 start time. Using Game 1 start time + 3.5 hours for Game 2...")[thisgame]['gameInfo'].update({'date_object' :[[thisgame].get('othergame')].get('gameInfo').get('date_object') + timedelta(hours=3, minutes=30)}) #use game 1 start time + 3.5 hours for game 2 start time logging.debug("Game 2 start time: %s; Game 1 start time: %s",[thisgame].get('gameInfo').get('date_object'),[[thisgame].get('othergame')].get('gameInfo').get('date_object')) if just_get_time: post_time =[thisgame].get('gameInfo').get('date_object').replace([thisgame].get('gameInfo').get('date_object').hour - self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('HOURS_BEFORE')) if self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('POST_BY'): post_by_object = tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(datetime.strptime("%Y-%m-%d ") + self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('POST_BY'), "%Y-%m-%d %I%p")) if post_by_object < post_time: return post_by_object return post_time if[thisgame].get('status').get('detailedState').startswith('Postponed') or[thisgame].get('status').get('detailedState').startswith('Suspended') or[thisgame].get('status').get('detailedState').startswith('Cancelled'): if self.SETTINGS.get('POST_THREAD').get('ENABLED'):"Game %s is %s, skipping game thread...",thisgame,[thisgame].get('status').get('detailedState'))[thisgame].update({'skipflag':True}) else:"Game %s is %s, overriding hours before setting for game thread since postgame thread is disabled...", thisgame,[thisgame].get('status').get('detailedState')) return True #go ahead and post the postgame thread since the game is postponed/suspended/canceled if[thisgame].get('status',{}).get('abstractGameState') in ['Final','Live']: return True #game has already started (or ended) while True: if self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('POST_BY') and self.pregamecheck(self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('POST_BY'),persist=False):"POST_BY time reached for Game %s game thread...", thisgame) return True check = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=tz.utc).astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()) if[thisgame].get('gameInfo').get('date_object_utc').astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()) >= check: if ([thisgame].get('gameInfo').get('date_object_utc').astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()) - check).seconds <= (self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('HOURS_BEFORE') * 60 * 60): return True else: post_time =[thisgame].get('gameInfo').get('date_object_utc').astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()).replace([thisgame].get('gameInfo').get('date_object_utc').astimezone(tzlocal.get_localzone()).hour - self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('HOURS_BEFORE')) if self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('POST_BY'): post_by_object = tzlocal.get_localzone().localize(datetime.strptime("%Y-%m-%d ") + self.SETTINGS.get('GAME_THREAD').get('POST_BY'), "%Y-%m-%d %I%p")) if post_by_object < post_time: logging.debug("Time to post game thread (based on POST_BY): %s", post_by_object) else: logging.debug("Time to post game thread (based on HOURS_BEFORE): %s", post_time) if gamecount>1:"Not time to post Game %s game thread yet, sleeping for 5 seconds...", thisgame) time.sleep(5) return False else: return True
def __init__( self, filelist=None, period=None, duration=None ): if period > 366: # This is completely arbitrary raise ValueError("Periods longer than an year are currently not supported") uid=0 for ctab in self.crontabs: for job in ctab: if job.is_valid() and job.is_enabled(): # Creates an event in ical for every valid job occurence in PERIOD current_period = 0 schedule = job.schedule() while (current_period < period): # Calculates the next occurency period from now next_oc = schedule.get_next().replace(tzinfo=tzlocal.get_localzone()) current_period = (next_oc - event = icalendar.Event() event.add("uid", uid) # We prefer comments over commands, if possible if job.comment: event.add("summary", job.comment) else: event.add("summary", job.command) event.add("description" , job.command) # For readability, all "events" have 10 minutes(see event.add("dtstart", next_oc) event.add("dtend", next_oc + datetime.timedelta(minutes=duration)) event.add("dtstamp", self.calendar.add_component(event) uid += 1
def __init__(self, value=None, month=None, date=1, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0): """ Date(value) // -> integer representing a Unix Timestamp Date(dateString) // -> string representing an RFC2822 or ISO 8601 date Date(year, month, day [, hour, minute, second, millisecond]) """ import pytz # pip install pytz import tzlocal # pip install tzlocal import dateutil.parser # pip install dateutil Object.__init__(self) if value is None: dt = # maybe non-standard, works in firefox and chrome, not tested in other browsers elif month is not None: dt = datetime.datetime(value, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) elif isinstance(value, (int, float, Number)): dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value) else: dt = dateutil.parser.parse(value) # # # self.ltz = tzlocal.get_localzone() self.utz = pytz.utc self.ldt = self.ltz.localize(dt) if dt.tzinfo is None else dt.astimezone(self.ltz) self.udt = self.ldt.astimezone(self.utz) self.value =
def pyLocal(self, time_zone=''): ''' a method to report a python datetime from a labDT object :param time_zone: [optional] string with timezone to report in :return: string with date and time info ''' # validate inputs get_tz = get_localzone() title = 'Timezone input for labDT.pyLocal' if time_zone: # if time_zone.lower() in ('utc', 'uct', 'universal', 'zulu'): # raise ValueError('time_zone cannot be UTC. %s requires a local timezone value. Try:\nfor tz in pytz.all_timezones:\n print tz' % title) try: get_tz = tz.gettz(time_zone) except: raise ValueError('\n%s is not a valid timezone format. Try:\nfor tz in pytz.all_timezones:\n print tz' % title) # construct python datetime from labDT dT = self.astimezone(get_tz) dt_kwargs = { 'year': dT.year, 'month': dT.month, 'day':, 'hour': dT.hour, 'minute': dT.minute, 'second': dT.second, 'microsecond': dT.microsecond, 'tzinfo': dT.tzinfo } return labDT(**dt_kwargs)
def _get_date(self, cr, uid, ids, field_names, arg, context=None): """ _get_date: Get start date, last visit date :return res: dictionary value """ #search details, order by DATE clsSer = self.pool.get('crea8s.nail.service.package'); clsSerDet = self.pool.get('crea8s.nail.service.package.detail'); res = {} dCurrentDate = strFM = '%Y-%m-%d' # dCurrentDate.strftime(strFM) dCurrDate = dCurrentDate.strftime(strFM) for service in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): dLastDate = dCurrDate dStartDate = dCurrDate res[] = {} arrIDs =, uid, [('service_number','=',], order='date') if len(arrIDs) > 0: objDet = clsSerDet.browse(cr, uid, arrIDs[0], context=None) dStartDate = objDet = clsSerDet.browse(cr, uid, arrIDs[len(arrIDs)-1], context=None) dLastDate = res[]['start_date'] = dStartDate res[]['late_visit_date'] = dLastDate # print res # res[] = dLastDate # no multi='aaaa' return res
def setup_scheduler(manager): """Configure and start apscheduler""" global scheduler if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() > logging.DEBUG: logging.getLogger('apscheduler').setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Since APScheduler runs in a separate thread, slower devices can sometimes get a DB lock, so use a separate db # for the jobs to avoid this db_filename = os.path.join(manager.config_base, 'db-%s-jobs.sqlite' % manager.config_name) # in case running on windows, needs double \\ db_filename = db_filename.replace('\\', '\\\\') database_uri = 'sqlite:///%s' % db_filename jobstores = {'default': SQLAlchemyJobStore(url=database_uri)} # If job was meant to run within last day while daemon was shutdown, run it once when continuing job_defaults = {'coalesce': True, 'misfire_grace_time': 60 * 60 * 24} try: timezone = tzlocal.get_localzone() if == 'local': timezone = None except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: timezone = None except struct.error as e: # Hiding exception that may occur in seen in entware log.warning('Hiding exception from tzlocal: %s', e) timezone = None if not timezone: # The default sqlalchemy jobstore does not work when there isn't a name for the local timezone. # Just fall back to utc in this case # FlexGet #2741, upstream ticket'Local timezone name could not be determined. Scheduler will display times in UTC for any log' 'messages. To resolve this set up /etc/timezone with correct time zone name.') timezone = pytz.utc scheduler = BackgroundScheduler(jobstores=jobstores, job_defaults=job_defaults, timezone=timezone) setup_jobs(manager)
def test_init_clock(self): from tzlocal import get_localzone local_tz_name = get_localzone().zone clocks = Clocks(local_tz_name) assert len(clocks.clock_keys) == 1 assert local_tz_name == clocks.get_clock_by_idx(0) return
def _get_timezone(self, tz): """ Find and return the time zone if possible """ # special Local timezone if tz == 'Local': try: return tzlocal.get_localzone() except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: return '?' # we can use a country code to get tz # FIXME this is broken for multi-timezone countries eg US # for now we just grab the first one if len(tz) == 2: try: zones = pytz.country_timezones(tz) except KeyError: return '?' tz = zones[0] # get the timezone try: zone = pytz.timezone(tz) except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: return '?' return zone
def setup_scheduler(manager): """Configure and start apscheduler""" global scheduler if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() > logging.DEBUG: logging.getLogger('apscheduler').setLevel(logging.WARNING) jobstores = {'default': SQLAlchemyJobStore(engine=manager.engine, metadata=Base.metadata)} # If job was meant to run within last day while daemon was shutdown, run it once when continuing job_defaults = {'coalesce': True, 'misfire_grace_time': 60 * 60 * 24} try: timezone = tzlocal.get_localzone() if == 'local': timezone = None except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: timezone = None except struct.error as e: # Hiding exception that may occur in seen in entware log.warning('Hiding exception from tzlocal: %s', e) timezone = None if not timezone: # The default sqlalchemy jobstore does not work when there isn't a name for the local timezone. # Just fall back to utc in this case # FlexGet #2741, upstream ticket'Local timezone name could not be determined. Scheduler will display times in UTC for any log' 'messages. To resolve this set up /etc/timezone with correct time zone name.') timezone = pytz.utc scheduler = BackgroundScheduler(jobstores=jobstores, job_defaults=job_defaults, timezone=timezone) setup_jobs(manager)
def __init__(self, year=None, month=None, day=None, week=None, day_of_week=None, hour=None, minute=None, second=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, timezone=None): if timezone: self.timezone = astimezone(timezone) elif isinstance(start_date, datetime) and start_date.tzinfo: self.timezone = start_date.tzinfo elif isinstance(end_date, datetime) and end_date.tzinfo: self.timezone = end_date.tzinfo else: self.timezone = get_localzone() self.start_date = convert_to_datetime(start_date, self.timezone, 'start_date') self.end_date = convert_to_datetime(end_date, self.timezone, 'end_date') values = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in six.iteritems(locals()) if key in self.FIELD_NAMES and value is not None) self.fields = [] assign_defaults = False for field_name in self.FIELD_NAMES: if field_name in values: exprs = values.pop(field_name) is_default = False assign_defaults = not values elif assign_defaults: exprs = DEFAULT_VALUES[field_name] is_default = True else: exprs = '*' is_default = True field_class = self.FIELDS_MAP[field_name] field = field_class(field_name, exprs, is_default) self.fields.append(field)
def check_output_time_inline(context, text): out = context.stdout_capture.getvalue() local_tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() utc_time = date_parser.parse(text) date = utc_time + local_tz._utcoffset local_date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") assert local_date in out, local_date
def humanFriendly(self, time_zone='', include_day=True, include_time=True): ''' a method to report a human friendly string from a labDT object :param time_zone: [optional] string with timezone to report in :return: string with date and time info ''' # validate inputs zeroHourPattern = re.compile('\s0\d:') title = 'Timezone input for labDT.humanFriendly' human_format = '' if include_day: human_format += '%A, ' human_format += '%B %d, %Y' if include_time: human_format += ' %I:%M%p %Z' get_tz = get_localzone() if time_zone: # if time_zone.lower() in ('utc', 'uct', 'universal', 'zulu'): # raise ValueError('time_zone cannot be UTC. %s requires a local timezone value. Try:\nfor tz in pytz.all_timezones:\n print tz' % title) try: get_tz = tz.gettz(time_zone) except: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid timezone format. Try:\nfor tz in pytz.all_timezones:\n print tz' % title) # construct human friendly string from labDT dtLocal = self.astimezone(get_tz) dtString = format(dtLocal, human_format) zeroHour = zeroHourPattern.findall(dtString) if zeroHour: noZero = zeroHour[0].replace(' 0',' ') dtString = zeroHourPattern.sub(noZero,dtString) return dtString
def __init__(self, run_date=None, timezone=None): timezone = astimezone(timezone) or get_localzone() if run_date is not None: self.run_date = convert_to_datetime(run_date, timezone, 'run_date') else: self.run_date =
def delete_service(self, serviceId): method = "DELETE" url = self.base + "/" + serviceId data = "{\"globalSubscriberId\":\"Demonstration\", \"serviceType\":\"vIMS\"}" t1 = response = self.client.request(method, url, name=self.base, headers=self.headers, data=data) t2 = delta = t2 - t1 data = collections.OrderedDict() data['datetime'] = tzlocal.get_localzone()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z") data['method'] = method data['url'] = self.base data['status_code'] = response.status_code data['transaction_time'] = (delta.seconds * 10 ^ 6 + delta.microseconds) / 1000 fcntl.flock(self.transaction_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) self.transaction_file.write( json.dumps(data, default=self.myconverter) + "\n") self.transaction_file.flush() os.fsync(self.transaction_file) fcntl.flock(self.transaction_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN) operationId = response.json()['operationId'] # Get the request status method = "GET" url = self.base + "/" + serviceId + "/operations/" + operationId url1 = "/ecomp/mso/infra/e2eServiceInstances/v3/{serviceId}/operations/{operationId}" count = 1 while count < 50: tt1 = response = self.client.request(method, url, name=url1, headers=self.headers) tt2 = delta = tt2 - tt1 result = response.json()['operationStatus']['result'] progress = response.json()['operationStatus']['progress'] data = collections.OrderedDict() data['datetime'] = tzlocal.get_localzone()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z") data['method'] = method data['url'] = url1 data['status_code'] = response.status_code data['count'] = count data['result'] = result data['progress'] = progress data['transaction_time'] = (delta.seconds * 10 ^ 6 + delta.microseconds) / 1000 fcntl.flock(self.transaction_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) self.transaction_file.write( json.dumps(data, default=self.myconverter) + "\n") self.transaction_file.flush() os.fsync(self.transaction_file) fcntl.flock(self.transaction_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN) if result == "finished" or result == "error": break else: time.sleep(1) count = count + 1 if result == "finished": result = "success" else: result = "failure" t3 = delta = t3 - t1 data = collections.OrderedDict() data['datetime'] = t1.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z") data['operation'] = "volte_delete" data['result'] = result data['duration'] = round( delta.seconds + Decimal(delta.microseconds / 1000000.0), 3) fcntl.flock(self.operation_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) self.operation_file.write( json.dumps(data, default=self.myconverter) + "\n") self.operation_file.flush() os.fsync(self.operation_file) fcntl.flock(self.operation_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def create_service(self): # Post a E2E service instantiation request to SO method = "POST" url = self.base service_instance_name = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)) data = self.service_creation_body % service_instance_name t1 = response = self.client.request(method, url, headers=self.headers, data=data) t2 = delta = t2 - t1 data = collections.OrderedDict() data['datetime'] = tzlocal.get_localzone()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z") data['method'] = method data['url'] = url data['status_code'] = response.status_code data['transaction_time'] = (delta.seconds * 10 ^ 6 + delta.microseconds) / 1000 fcntl.flock(self.transaction_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) self.transaction_file.write( json.dumps(data, default=self.myconverter) + "\n") self.transaction_file.flush() os.fsync(self.transaction_file) fcntl.flock(self.transaction_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN) serviceId = response.json()['service']['serviceId'] operationId = response.json()['service']['operationId'] # Get the request status method = "GET" url = self.base + "/" + serviceId + "/operations/" + operationId url1 = "/ecomp/mso/infra/e2eServiceInstances/v3/{serviceId}/operations/{operationId}" count = 1 while count < 50: tt1 = response = self.client.request(method, url, name=url1, headers=self.headers) tt2 = delta = tt2 - tt1 result = response.json()['operationStatus']['result'] progress = response.json()['operationStatus']['progress'] data = collections.OrderedDict() data['datetime'] = tzlocal.get_localzone()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z") data['method'] = method data['url'] = url1 data['status_code'] = response.status_code data['count'] = count data['result'] = result data['progress'] = progress data['transaction_time'] = (delta.seconds * 10 ^ 6 + delta.microseconds) / 1000 fcntl.flock(self.transaction_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) self.transaction_file.write( json.dumps(data, default=self.myconverter) + "\n") self.transaction_file.flush() os.fsync(self.transaction_file) fcntl.flock(self.transaction_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN) if result == "finished" or result == "error": break else: time.sleep(1) count = count + 1 if result == "finished": result = "success" else: result = "failure" t3 = delta = t3 - t1 data = collections.OrderedDict() data['datetime'] = t1.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z") data['operation'] = "volte_create" data['result'] = result data['duration'] = round( delta.seconds + Decimal(delta.microseconds / 1000000.0), 3) fcntl.flock(self.operation_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) self.operation_file.write( json.dumps(data, default=self.myconverter) + "\n") self.operation_file.flush() os.fsync(self.operation_file) fcntl.flock(self.operation_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.delete_service(serviceId)
def mvOverview(): # extract MVSense over view data for a camera from the analytics API MVZones = [] animation_option = {"startup": True, "duration": 1000, "easing": 'out'} #First we have the logic for creating the page with all the historical details of zone below, #further down is the logic to show the Overview of all cameras and their respective zones if request.method == 'POST': # This is for the historical detail zoneDetails = request.form['zone_details'] print("zoneDetails=",zoneDetails) #zoneDetailsTuple contains: [camera serial, camera name, zone id, zone name] zoneDetailsTuple=zoneDetails.split(',') theSERIAL=zoneDetailsTuple[0] theCameraNAME=zoneDetailsTuple[1] theZoneID=zoneDetailsTuple[2] theZoneNAME=zoneDetailsTuple[3] data = getMVHistory(theSERIAL,theZoneID) if data != 'link error': print("getMVHistory returned:", data) MVHistory = json.loads(data) # add a chart # now create the chart object using the serial as the name and the name of the device as the title mv_history_chart = ColumnChart("mvhistorychart", options={"title": "Camera: "+theCameraNAME+" Zone: "+theZoneNAME, "width": 1000, "height": 500, "hAxis.title": "Hour", "animation": animation_option}) mv_history_chart.add_column("string", "Zone") mv_history_chart.add_column("number", "Visitors") print(data) the_rows = [] theHoursDict = dict() theHoursMaxEntrancesDict = dict() theHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict = dict() theLocalHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict = dict() for j in range(len(MVHistory)): # grab all events in MVHistory, then # tabulate and summarize in hour blocks # example startTS: "2019-08-05T17:06:46.312Z" example endTs: "2019-08-05T17:07:46.312Z" # also, for each hour that has entrances, select the timeframe where there are # the most and extract a snapshot 30 seconds after that timestamp to show below in the page thisStartTs = MVHistory[j]["startTs"] thisEndTs = MVHistory[j]["endTs"] thisHour = thisEndTs.partition('T')[2][:2] theEndTsTimeStamp=datetime.strptime(thisEndTs, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") thisMinuteMedTimestamp= time.mktime(theEndTsTimeStamp.timetuple())-30 thisMinuteMedISOts=datetime.fromtimestamp(thisMinuteMedTimestamp).isoformat()+"Z" #convert to localtimezone local_timezone = tzlocal.get_localzone() # get pytz tzinfo local_timezone_str = str(local_timezone) theLocalEndTsTimeStamp = theEndTsTimeStamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(local_timezone) thislocalMinuteMedTimestamp= time.mktime(theLocalEndTsTimeStamp.timetuple())-30 thislocalMinuteMedISOts = datetime.fromtimestamp(thislocalMinuteMedTimestamp).isoformat() + "Z" localHour = thislocalMinuteMedISOts.partition('T')[2][:2] #print("Timestamp string:",thisEndTs ) #print("Numerical equivalent: ", thisMinuteMedTimestamp) #print("Local Numerical equivalent: ", thislocalMinuteMedTimestamp) #print("ISO equivalent: ", thisMinuteMedISOts) #print("local ISO equivalent: ", thislocalMinuteMedISOts) thisEntrances = MVHistory[j]["entrances"] # Now we will use localHour instead of thisHour as the Dict key to hold the accounting for body # detection per hour since that is what is shown on the graph, it should behave the same otherwise # as when we used thisHour originally, but show a local hour instead of UTC which was confusing. if localHour in theHoursDict.keys(): #increase the number of entrances of this hour slot theHoursDict[localHour]=theHoursDict[localHour]+thisEntrances #check to see if the entrances for this minute are the most for this hour if thisEntrances>theHoursMaxEntrancesDict[localHour]: #if so, make these entrances the most for the timeframe and save the timestamp for the #middle of the minute with the most entrances theHoursMaxEntrancesDict[localHour]=thisEntrances theHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[localHour]=thisMinuteMedISOts #keep track of local version as well theLocalHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[localHour]=thislocalMinuteMedISOts else: #if this is the first time we see this timeslot, make the current entrances #the starting balance for the dict entry theHoursDict[localHour] = thisEntrances theHoursMaxEntrancesDict[localHour] = thisEntrances #only keep timestamp if there is at least one entry detected if thisEntrances>0: theHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[localHour] = thisMinuteMedISOts theLocalHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[localHour] = thislocalMinuteMedISOts else: theHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[localHour]='' theLocalHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[localHour]='' for dEntryKey in theHoursDict.keys(): the_rows.append([dEntryKey, theHoursDict[dEntryKey]]) mv_history_chart.add_rows(the_rows) charts.register(mv_history_chart) print("Max Entrances Timestamps: ", theHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict) print("Max Local Entrances Timestamps: ", theLocalHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict) #theScreenshots is an array of arays in the format [ timestamp string, snapshot URL ] #this is to be passed to the form that will render them theScreenshots=[] for dTimeStampKey in theHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict.keys(): if theHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[dTimeStampKey]!='': screenShotURLdata=getCameraScreenshot(theSERIAL,theHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[dTimeStampKey]) print("getCameraSCreenshot returned: ",screenShotURLdata) if screenShotURLdata != 'link error': screenShotURL = json.loads(screenShotURLdata) #Passing theLocalHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[dTimeStampKey] instead of theHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[dTimeStampKey] below #to show a local timestamp we calculated in a previous loop theScreenshots.append([ theLocalHoursMaxEntrancesTimestampDict[dTimeStampKey], screenShotURL["url"]]) # wait for the URLs to be valid print("Waiting 10 seconds...") time.sleep(10) return render_template("mvHistory.html", historyChart=mv_history_chart, snapshotsArray=theScreenshots, localTimezone=local_timezone_str) else: devices_data=getDevices() if devices_data != 'link error': AllDevices=json.loads(devices_data) #theDeviceCharts is just a list (array) of the names of the charts constructed with the #google charts flask library. They are to be iterated through to place on the History/details page theDeviceCharts=[] #theDeviceDetails is a list of the details of each camera device. Each entry has a serial number, label and #a list of zones for which there is zoneID and label theDeviceDetails=[] theChartNum=0 for theDevice in AllDevices: theModel=theDevice["model"] if theModel[:4] not in COLLECT_CAMERAS_MVSENSE_CAPABLE: continue data=getMVOverview(theDevice["serial"]) if data == 'link error': continue print("getMVOverview returned:" , data) MVZones=json.loads(data) zonesdetaildata=getMVZones(theDevice["serial"]) if zonesdetaildata == 'link error': continue print("getMVZones returned:" , zonesdetaildata) MVZonesDetails=json.loads(zonesdetaildata) # add a chart #first add the name of the chart to the list of charts to be displayed in the page theDeviceCharts.append("chart"+str(theChartNum)) #now append the top level details of the camera for this chart to theDeviceDetails theDeviceDetails.append([theDevice["serial"],theDevice["name"],[]]) #now create the chart object using the serial as the name and the name of the device as the title mv_overview_chart = ColumnChart("chart"+str(theChartNum), options={"title": theDevice["name"], "width": 800, "height": 400, "hAxis.title": "Hour", "animation": animation_option}) mv_overview_chart.add_column("string", "Zone") mv_overview_chart.add_column("number", "Visitors") print(data) the_rows = [] for j in range(len(MVZones)): thisZone=MVZones[j] #assuming same number of zone entries overviews than number of zones here thisZoneDetails=MVZonesDetails[j] the_rows.append([ str(thisZoneDetails["label"]), thisZone["entrances"] ]) # store away the zoneID and serial of the camera to pass to the form so when someone clicks # on a bar or button to expand detail, it comes back to this function in the POST section # to know which zone from which camera to use #we are assuming below that we have a chart per each MV capable camera, if that changes # we need to figure out aonther way to index theDeviceDetails or use some other method # to store/retrieve the data besides a list of lists theDeviceDetails[theChartNum][2].append([thisZoneDetails["zoneId"], thisZoneDetails["label"]]) mv_overview_chart.add_rows(the_rows) charts.register(mv_overview_chart) theChartNum+=1 print("Rendering overview form with:") print("allTheDetails=",theDeviceDetails) return render_template("mvOverview.html",allTheCharts=theDeviceCharts,allTheDetails=theDeviceDetails) else: return render_template('error.html'), 404
def _tz_localize(s: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: return s.dt.tz_localize('utc').dt.tz_convert( get_localzone().zone).dt.tz_localize(None)
'/StreamingHistory*.json') # - Make a df called streams with all the streaming history streams = pd.DataFrame() for i in streaming_hist: i_df = pd.read_json(i) streams = pd.concat([i_df, streams]) # Sort the df by endTime # streams.sort_values('endTime', inplace=True) # streams.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Removing all rows where 0 msPlayed is recorded # streams = streams[streams['msPlayed'] != 0].copy() # Get local timezone of where script is run local_tz = str(get_localzone()) # Convert endTime to local timezone streams['endTime'] = pd.to_datetime(streams["endTime"]).dt.tz_localize( 'Europe/Stockholm').dt.tz_convert(local_tz) # Drop timezone streams['endTime'] = streams['endTime'].dt.tz_localize(None) # Convert msPlayed to a Timedelta series called playTime streams['playTime'] = pd.TimedeltaIndex(streams['msPlayed'], unit='ms') # Get startTime from endTime - playTime streams['startTime'] = streams['endTime'] - streams['playTime'] # Create inLibrary column - is true if tracks are saved in library and false if not saved in library streams['inLibrary'] = ( streams['artistName'].isin(tracks['artist']) & streams['trackName'].isin(tracks['track'])).astype(bool)
from flask import request, jsonify import datetime, pytz, tzlocal, yaml, collections, logging local_timezone = tzlocal.get_localzone() # need to format it ourselves as python logging doesn't support # anachronistic log messages def format_client_time(t): t = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t/1000.) ms = t.microsecond/1000. t -= datetime.timedelta(microseconds=t.microsecond) t = t.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(local_timezone) return "{0}.{1:03}".format(t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),int(ms)) def safe_filename(fn): return "".join([x for x in fn if re.match(r'[\w.-]',x)]) class BAIDebugEndpoint(object): def __init__(self,debug_mode_path): self.debug_mode_path = debug_mode_path def post(self): with open(self.debug_mode_path) as f: debug_config = yaml.load(f) streams = [] datasets = collections.defaultdict(list) received = request.get_json() inst = received['instance_id'] blackbox_logger = logging.getLogger("blackbox")
"""Globals and Helpers for TMDB content discovery.""" from random import shuffle import tmdbsimple as tmdb from conreq.utils import cache, log from conreq.utils.generic import is_key_value_in_list from conreq.utils.multiprocessing import ReturnThread from tzlocal import get_localzone # TMDB API key is safe to hard-code. It can only access publicly available data. tmdb.API_KEY = "112fd4c96274603f68620c78067d5422" _logger = log.get_logger(__name__) _timezone = get_localzone().zone # Globals ANIME_CHECK_FALLBACK = True LANGUAGE = "en-US" MAX_RECOMMENDED_PAGES = 10 MAX_SHUFFLED_PAGES = 30 # Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds EXTERNAL_ID_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 DISCOVER_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 GET_BY_TMDB_ID_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 4 * 60 * 60 GET_BY_TVDB_ID_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 4 * 60 * 60 GET_GENRES_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 IS_ANIME_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 RECOMMENDED_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 SIMILAR_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 COLLECTION_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 PERSON_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 SHUFFLED_PAGE_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
def parse(args): """ Define the available arguments """ try: timezone = get_localzone() except Exception: # pragma: no cover timezone = 'UTC' if timezone == 'local': timezone = 'UTC' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="""Bootstrap a django CMS project. Major usage modes: - wizard: djangocms -w -p /path/whatever project_name: ask for all the options through a CLI wizard. - batch: djangocms project_name: runs with the default values plus any additional option provided (see below) with no question asked. - config file: djangocms_installer --config-file /path/to/config.ini project_name: reads values from an ini-style config file. Check for detailed usage information. """, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--config-file', dest='config_file', action='store', default=None, help='Configuration file for djangocms_installer') parser.add_argument('--config-dump', dest='config_dump', action='store', default=None, help='Dump configuration file with current args') parser.add_argument('--db', '-d', dest='db', action=DbAction, default='sqlite://localhost/project.db', help='Database configuration (in URL format). ' 'Example: sqlite://localhost/project.db') parser.add_argument('--i18n', '-i', dest='i18n', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='yes', help='Activate Django I18N / L10N setting; this is ' 'automatically activated if more than ' 'language is provided') parser.add_argument('--use-tz', '-z', dest='use_timezone', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='yes', help='Activate Django timezone support') parser.add_argument( '--timezone', '-t', dest='timezone', required=False, default=timezone, action='store', help='Optional default time zone. Example: Europe/Rome') parser.add_argument('--reversion', '-e', dest='reversion', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='yes', help='Install and configure reversion support ' '(only for django CMS 3.2 and 3.3)') parser.add_argument('--permissions', dest='permissions', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='no', help='Activate CMS permission management') parser.add_argument('--pip-options', help='pass custom pip options', default='') parser.add_argument( '--languages', '-l', dest='languages', action='append', help= 'Languages to enable. Option can be provided multiple times, or as a ' 'comma separated list. Only language codes supported by Django can ' 'be used here. Example: en, fr-FR, it-IT') parser.add_argument('--django-version', dest='django_version', action='store', choices=data.DJANGO_SUPPORTED, default=data.DJANGO_DEFAULT, help='Django version') parser.add_argument('--cms-version', '-v', dest='cms_version', action='store', choices=data.DJANGOCMS_SUPPORTED, default=data.DJANGOCMS_DEFAULT, help='django CMS version') parser.add_argument('--parent-dir', '-p', dest='project_directory', default='', action='store', help='Optional project parent directory') parser.add_argument('--bootstrap', dest='bootstrap', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='no', help='Use Twitter Bootstrap Theme') parser.add_argument('--templates', dest='templates', action='store', default='no', help='Use custom template set') parser.add_argument( '--starting-page', dest='starting_page', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='no', help='Load a starting page with examples after installation ' '(english language only). Choose "no" if you use a ' 'custom template set.') parser.add_argument(dest='project_name', action='store', help='Name of the project to be created') # Command that lists the supported plugins in verbose description parser.add_argument( '--list-plugins', '-P', dest='plugins', action='store_true', help='List plugins that\'s going to be installed and configured') # Command that lists the supported plugins in verbose description parser.add_argument( '--dump-requirements', '-R', dest='dump_reqs', action='store_true', help='It dumps the requirements that would be installed according to ' 'parameters given. Together with --requirements argument is useful ' 'for customizing the virtualenv') # Advanced options. These have a predefined default and are not asked # by config wizard. parser.add_argument( '--no-input', '-q', dest='noinput', action='store_true', default=True, help='Don\'t run the configuration wizard, just use the ' 'provided values') parser.add_argument('--wizard', '-w', dest='wizard', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run the configuration wizard') parser.add_argument( '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Be more verbose and don\'t swallow subcommands output') parser.add_argument('--filer', '-f', dest='filer', action='store_true', default=True, help='Install and configure django-filer plugins ' '- Always enabled') parser.add_argument('--requirements', '-r', dest='requirements_file', action='store', default=None, help='Externally defined requirements file') parser.add_argument('--no-deps', '-n', dest='no_deps', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t install package dependencies') parser.add_argument('--no-plugins', dest='no_plugins', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t install plugins') parser.add_argument('--no-db-driver', dest='no_db_driver', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t install database package') parser.add_argument('--no-sync', '-m', dest='no_sync', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t run syncdb / migrate after bootstrapping') parser.add_argument('--no-user', '-u', dest='no_user', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t create the admin user') parser.add_argument('--template', dest='template', action='store', default=None, help='The path or URL to load the django project ' 'template from.') parser.add_argument( '--extra-settings', dest='extra_settings', action='store', default=None, help='The path to an file that contains extra settings.') parser.add_argument('--skip-empty-check', '-s', dest='skip_project_dir_check', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip the check if project dir is empty.') parser.add_argument('--delete-project-dir', '-c', dest='delete_project_dir', action='store_true', default=False, help='Delete project directory on creation failure.') parser.add_argument('--utc', dest='utc', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use UTC timezone.') if '--utc' in args: for action in parser._positionals._actions: if action.dest == 'timezone': action.default = 'UTC' # If config_args then pretend that config args came from the stdin and run parser again. config_args = ini.parse_config_file(parser, args) args = parser.parse_args(config_args + args) if not args.wizard: args.noinput = True else: args.noinput = False if not args.project_directory: args.project_directory = args.project_name args.project_directory = os.path.abspath(args.project_directory) # First of all, check if the project name is valid if not validate_project(args.project_name): sys.stderr.write( 'Project name "{0}" is not a valid app name, or it\'s already defined. ' 'Please use only numbers, letters and underscores.\n'.format( args.project_name)) sys.exit(3) # Checking the given path setattr(args, 'project_path', os.path.join(args.project_directory, args.project_name).strip()) if not args.skip_project_dir_check: if (os.path.exists(args.project_directory) and [ path for path in os.listdir(args.project_directory) if not path.startswith('.') ]): sys.stderr.write( 'Path "{0}" already exists and is not empty, please choose a different one\n' 'If you want to use this path anyway use the -s flag to skip this check.\n' ''.format(args.project_directory)) sys.exit(4) if os.path.exists(args.project_path): sys.stderr.write( 'Path "{0}" already exists, please choose a different one\n'. format(args.project_path)) sys.exit(4) if args.config_dump and os.path.isfile(args.config_dump): sys.stdout.write( 'Cannot dump because given configuration file "{0}" exists.\n'. format(args.config_dump)) sys.exit(8) args = _manage_args(parser, args) # what do we want here?! # * if languages are given as multiple arguments, let's use it as is # * if no languages are given, use a default and stop handling it further # * if languages are given as a comma-separated list, split it and use the # resulting list. if not args.languages: try: args.languages = [locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].split('_')[0]] except Exception: # pragma: no cover args.languages = ['en'] elif isinstance(args.languages, six.string_types): args.languages = args.languages.split(',') elif len(args.languages) == 1 and isinstance(args.languages[0], six.string_types): args.languages = args.languages[0].split(',') args.languages = [lang.strip().lower() for lang in args.languages] if len(args.languages) > 1: args.i18n = 'yes' args.aldryn = False args.filer = True # Convert version to numeric format for easier checking try: django_version, cms_version = supported_versions( args.django_version, args.cms_version) cms_package = data.PACKAGE_MATRIX.get( cms_version, data.PACKAGE_MATRIX[data.DJANGOCMS_LTS]) except RuntimeError as e: # pragma: no cover sys.stderr.write(compat.unicode(e)) sys.exit(6) if django_version is None: # pragma: no cover sys.stderr.write( 'Please provide a Django supported version: {0}. Only Major.Minor ' 'version selector is accepted\n'.format(', '.join( data.DJANGO_SUPPORTED))) sys.exit(6) if cms_version is None: # pragma: no cover sys.stderr.write( 'Please provide a django CMS supported version: {0}. Only Major.Minor ' 'version selector is accepted\n'.format(', '.join( data.DJANGOCMS_SUPPORTED))) sys.exit(6) if not getattr(args, 'requirements_file'): requirements = [] # django CMS version check if args.cms_version == 'develop': requirements.append(cms_package) warnings.warn(data.VERSION_WARNING.format('develop', 'django CMS')) elif args.cms_version == 'rc': # pragma: no cover requirements.append(cms_package) elif args.cms_version == 'beta': # pragma: no cover requirements.append(cms_package) warnings.warn(data.VERSION_WARNING.format('beta', 'django CMS')) else: requirements.append(cms_package) if args.cms_version in ('rc', 'develop'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['cms-master']) elif LooseVersion(cms_version) >= LooseVersion('3.5'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['cms-3.5']) elif LooseVersion(cms_version) >= LooseVersion('3.4'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['cms-3.4']) if not args.no_db_driver: requirements.append(args.db_driver) if not args.no_plugins: if args.cms_version in ('rc', 'develop'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['plugins-master']) elif LooseVersion(cms_version) >= LooseVersion('3.5'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['plugins-3.5']) elif LooseVersion(cms_version) >= LooseVersion('3.4'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['plugins-3.4']) requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['filer']) if args.aldryn: # pragma: no cover requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['aldryn']) # Django version check if args.django_version == 'develop': # pragma: no cover requirements.append(data.DJANGO_DEVELOP) warnings.warn(data.VERSION_WARNING.format('develop', 'Django')) elif args.django_version == 'beta': # pragma: no cover requirements.append(data.DJANGO_BETA) warnings.warn(data.VERSION_WARNING.format('beta', 'Django')) else: requirements.append('Django<{0}'.format( less_than_version(django_version))) # Timezone support if args.use_timezone: requirements.append('pytz') if django_version == '1.8': requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['django-1.8']) elif django_version == '1.9': requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['django-1.9']) elif django_version == '1.10': requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['django-1.10']) elif django_version == '1.11': requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['django-1.11']) elif django_version == '2.0': # pragma: no cover requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['django-2.0']) requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['default']) setattr(args, 'requirements', '\n'.join(requirements).strip()) # Convenient shortcuts setattr(args, 'cms_version', cms_version) setattr(args, 'django_version', django_version) setattr( args, 'settings_path', os.path.join(args.project_directory, args.project_name, '').strip()) setattr( args, 'urlconf_path', os.path.join(args.project_directory, args.project_name, '').strip()) if args.config_dump: ini.dump_config_file(args.config_dump, args, parser) return args
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Helper functions to create test content and work around API inconsistencies among Archetypes and Dexterity. """ from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from tzlocal import get_localzone today = tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1) TZNAME = get_localzone().zone def create_standard_content_for_tests(portal): """Create one instance of each standard content type, at least.""" from DateTime import DateTime from plone import api with api.env.adopt_roles(['Manager']): api.content.create( container=portal, type='Collection', title=u'Mandelbrot set', description=u'Image gallery of a zoom sequence', query=[{ 'i': 'Type', 'o': '', 'v': ['Image'], }], )
from tzlocal import get_localzone #import html2text #max = not more than 30 000 000 #num_digits = 8 base_url = '' dig_arr = [] max_digits = 0 utc = pytz.timezone('UTC') system_tz = get_localzone() #fancy countdown function def countdown(t): t = int(t) while t: mins, secs = divmod(t, 60) timeformat = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs) #python2 #print('\r'+ timeformat, end="") sys.stdout.write('\r' + timeformat) sys.stdout.flush() #python3 #print(timeformat, end='\r') time.sleep(1)
def localZone(self): from tzlocal import get_localzone self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, get_localzone())
def test_server_timezone(self): assert h.get_display_timezone() == tzlocal.get_localzone()
def create_recurrence(self, schedule_data, schedule_result): """ Creates Mediasite schedule recurrence. Specifically, this is the datetimes which a recording schedule will produce presentations with. params: schedule_data: dictionary containing various necessary data for creating mediasite scheduling schedule_result: data provided from Mediasite after a schedule is produced returns: resulting response from the mediasite web api request """"Creating schedule recurrence(s) for '" + schedule_data["schedule_name"]) #convert duration minutes to milliseconds as required by Mediasite system recurrence_duration = int( schedule_data["schedule_duration"]) * 60 * 1000 #translate various values gathered from the UI to Mediasite-friendly conventions recurrence_type = self.mediasite.model.translate_schedule_recurrence_pattern( schedule_data["schedule_recurrence"]) #creates a recurrence using post_data created below def request_create_recurrence(post_data): result = self.mediasite.api_client.request( "post", "Schedules('" + schedule_result["Id"] + "')/Recurrences", "", post_data).json() if self.mediasite.experienced_request_errors(result): return result else: if "odata.error" in result: logging.error(result["odata.error"]["code"] + ": " + result["odata.error"]["message"]["value"]) else: self.mediasite.model.add_recurrence(result) result = "" #for one-time recurrence creation if recurrence_type == "None": post_data = { "MediasiteId": schedule_result["Id"], "RecordDuration": recurrence_duration, "StartRecordDateTime": schedule_data["schedule_start_datetime_utc_string"], "EndRecordDateTime": schedule_data["schedule_end_datetime_utc_string"], "RecurrencePattern": recurrence_type, "RecurrenceFrequency": schedule_data["schedule_recurrence_freq"], "DaysOfTheWeek": self.translate_schedule_days_of_week(schedule_data) } result = request_create_recurrence(post_data) elif recurrence_type == "Weekly": #for weekly recurrence creation """ NOTE: due to bugs in Mediasite system we defer to using one-time schedules for each day of the week specified within the provided time frame. This produces more accurate and stable results as of the time of writing this in Feb 2018. """ #determine date range for use in creating single instances which are less error-prone datelist = self.recurrence_datelist_generator(schedule_data) #for each date in the list produced above, we create post data and request a one-time schedule recurrence for date in datelist: ms_friendly_datetime_start_utc = self.convert_datetime_local_to_utc( date) ms_friendly_datetime_start = ms_friendly_datetime_start_utc.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") #find our current timezone local_tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() #check if current datetime is dst or not now = #is_now_dst = now.astimezone(local_tz).dst() != datetime.timedelta(0) is_now_dst = local_tz.localize( now).dst() != datetime.timedelta(0) #check if future datetime is dst or not #is_later_dst = date.astimezone(local_tz).dst() != datetime.timedelta(0) is_later_dst = local_tz.localize( date).dst() != datetime.timedelta(0) #compare between the current and future datetimes to find differences and adjust if is_now_dst != is_later_dst: #convert future datetime to be an hour more or less bast on dst comparison above if is_now_dst and not is_later_dst: ms_friendly_datetime_start = ( ms_friendly_datetime_start_utc + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") elif not is_now_dst and is_later_dst: ms_friendly_datetime_start = ( ms_friendly_datetime_start_utc - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") post_data = { "MediasiteId": schedule_result["Id"], "RecordDuration": recurrence_duration, "StartRecordDateTime": ms_friendly_datetime_start, "RecurrencePattern": "None", } request_create_recurrence(post_data) return result return result
def get_stream_data(): ''' Pulls data from MyData/EndSong.json and returns a df of the data ''' df = pd.read_json('MyData/EndSong.json', lines=True) df = df[[ 'ts', 'username', 'ms_played', 'master_metadata_track_name', 'master_metadata_album_artist_name', 'master_metadata_album_album_name', 'reason_start', 'reason_end', 'shuffle', 'offline', 'incognito_mode', 'episode_name', 'episode_show_name' ]].copy() local_tz = str(get_localzone()) df['ts_utc'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ts']) df['ts_tz'] = df['ts_utc'].dt.tz_convert(local_tz) df = df.sort_values('ts_utc').reset_index(drop=True).copy() df = df.fillna('').copy() df = df.rename(columns=dict(master_metadata_track_name='track', master_metadata_album_artist_name='artist', master_metadata_album_album_name='album', episode_show_name='show')).copy() # - Removes all entries with null tracka and episodes - counts for 1.5 percent of ms_played sum # - Not sure what these records are df = df[(df['track'] != '') | (df['episode_name'] != '')].copy() # - make audio type column - podcast or music def audio_kind(row): if row['track'] == '' and row['artist'] == '' and row['album'] == '': return 'Podcast' elif row['episode_name'] == '' and row['show'] == '': return 'Music' else: return 'Other' df['audio_kind'] = df.apply(lambda row: audio_kind(row), axis=1) # - make time played column 0-30 (skipped) or 30+ (played) if music and other for podcast def skipped(row): if row['ms_played'] < 30000: return True else: return False df['skipped'] = df.apply(lambda row: skipped(row), axis=1) # - Create season column def season(x): if x > 2 and x < 6: return 'Spring' elif x > 5 and x < 9: return 'Summer' elif x > 8 and x < 12: return 'Fall' else: return 'Winter' df['season'] = df['ts_tz'].dt.month.apply(season) # - Move datetime columns to fathest left on df df = df[['ts_utc', 'ts_tz'] + list(df.columns[1:-5]) + list(df.columns[-3:])].copy() # - Add month and week column df['month'] = df['ts_tz'].dt.strftime("%b '%y") df['week'] = df['ts_tz'].dt.strftime("Week %W '%y") df['weekday_#'] = df['ts_tz'].dt.weekday df['weekday'] = df['weekday_#'].apply(lambda x: list(calendar.day_name)[x]) # - Get song/podcast total time from Spotify API # - Change bash brothers to Lonely Island df['artist'] = df['artist'].replace( 'The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience', 'The Lonely Island') return df
def run_until_complete( cls, service_files: Union[List, set], configuration: Optional[Dict] = None, watcher: Any = None, ) -> None: def stop_services() -> None: asyncio.ensure_future(_stop_services()) async def _stop_services() -> None: if cls._close_waiter and not cls._close_waiter.done(): cls._close_waiter.set_result(None) for service in try: service.stop_service() except Exception: pass if cls._stopped_waiter: cls._stopped_waiter.set_result(None) if cls._stopped_waiter: await cls._stopped_waiter def sigintHandler(*args: Any) -> None: sys.stdout.write("\b\b\r") sys.stdout.flush() logging.getLogger("system").warning( "Received <ctrl+c> interrupt [SIGINT]") cls.restart_services = False def sigtermHandler(*args: Any) -> None: logging.getLogger("system").warning( "Received termination signal [SIGTERM]") cls.restart_services = False logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop and loop.is_closed(): loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) for signame in ("SIGINT", "SIGTERM"): loop.add_signal_handler(getattr(signal, signame), stop_services) signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGTERM, False) signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGUSR1, False) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigintHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigtermHandler) if watcher: async def _watcher_restart( updated_files: Union[List, set]) -> None: cls.restart_services = True for file in service_files: try: ServiceImporter.import_service_file(file) except (SyntaxError, IndentationError) as e: logging.getLogger("exception").exception( "Uncaught exception: {}".format(str(e))) logging.getLogger("watcher.restart").warning( "Service cannot restart due to errors") cls.restart_services = False return pre_import_current_modules = [m for m in sys.modules.keys()] cwd = os.getcwd() for file in updated_files: if file.lower().endswith(".py"): module_name = file[:-3].replace("/", ".") module_name_full_path = "{}/{}".format( os.path.realpath(cwd), file)[:-3].replace("/", ".") try: for m in pre_import_current_modules: if m == module_name or ( len(m) > len(file) and module_name_full_path.endswith(m)): ServiceImporter.import_module(file) except (SyntaxError, IndentationError) as e: logging.getLogger("exception").exception( "Uncaught exception: {}".format(str(e))) logging.getLogger("watcher.restart").warning( "Service cannot restart due to errors") cls.restart_services = False return logging.getLogger("watcher.restart").warning( "Restarting services") stop_services() watcher_future = loop.run_until_complete(, callback_func=_watcher_restart)) cls.restart_services = True init_modules = [m for m in sys.modules.keys()] safe_modules = [ "__future__", "__main__", "_abc", "_asyncio", "_bisect", "_blake2", "_bootlocale", "_bz2", "_cares", "_cares.lib", "_cffi_backend", "_codecs", "_collections", "_collections_abc", "_compat_pickle", "_compression", "_contextvars", "_ctypes", "_cython_0_29_21", "_datetime", "_decimal", "_elementtree", "_frozen_importlib", "_frozen_importlib_external", "_functools", "_hashlib", "_heapq", "_imp", "_io", "_json", "_locale", "_lzma", "_markupbase", "_opcode", "_operator", "_pickle", "_posixsubprocess", "_queue", "_random", "_sha3", "_sha512", "_signal", "_sitebuiltins", "_socket", "_sre", "_ssl", "_stat", "_string", "_struct", "_thread", "_uuid", "_warnings", "_weakref", "_weakrefset", "abc", "aioamqp", "", "aioamqp.constants", "aioamqp.envelope", "aioamqp.exceptions", "aioamqp.frame", "", "aioamqp.protocol", "aioamqp.version", "aiobotocore", "aiobotocore._endpoint_helpers", "aiobotocore.args", "aiobotocore.client", "aiobotocore.config", "aiobotocore.credentials", "aiobotocore.endpoint", "aiobotocore.eventstream", "aiobotocore.hooks", "aiobotocore.paginate", "aiobotocore.parsers", "aiobotocore.response", "aiobotocore.session", "aiobotocore.signers", "aiobotocore.utils", "aiobotocore.waiter", "aiodns", "aiodns.error", "aiohttp", "aiohttp._frozenlist", "aiohttp._helpers", "aiohttp._http_parser", "aiohttp._http_writer", "aiohttp._websocket", "", "aiohttp.base_protocol", "aiohttp.client", "aiohttp.client_exceptions", "aiohttp.client_proto", "aiohttp.client_reqrep", "aiohttp.client_ws", "aiohttp.connector", "aiohttp.cookiejar", "aiohttp.formdata", "aiohttp.frozenlist", "aiohttp.hdrs", "aiohttp.helpers", "aiohttp.http", "aiohttp.http_exceptions", "aiohttp.http_parser", "aiohttp.http_websocket", "aiohttp.http_writer", "aiohttp.locks", "aiohttp.log", "aiohttp.multipart", "aiohttp.payload", "aiohttp.payload_streamer", "aiohttp.resolver", "aiohttp.signals", "aiohttp.streams", "aiohttp.tcp_helpers", "aiohttp.tracing", "aiohttp.typedefs", "aiohttp.web", "aiohttp.web_app", "aiohttp.web_exceptions", "aiohttp.web_fileresponse", "aiohttp.web_log", "aiohttp.web_middlewares", "aiohttp.web_protocol", "aiohttp.web_request", "aiohttp.web_response", "aiohttp.web_routedef", "aiohttp.web_runner", "aiohttp.web_server", "aiohttp.web_urldispatcher", "aiohttp.web_ws", "aioitertools", "aioitertools.__version__", "aioitertools.asyncio", "aioitertools.builtins", "aioitertools.helpers", "aioitertools.itertools", "aioitertools.types", "argparse", "async_timeout", "asyncio", "asyncio.base_events", "asyncio.base_futures", "asyncio.base_subprocess", "asyncio.base_tasks", "asyncio.constants", "asyncio.coroutines", "", "asyncio.exceptions", "asyncio.format_helpers", "asyncio.futures", "asyncio.locks", "asyncio.log", "asyncio.protocols", "asyncio.queues", "asyncio.runners", "asyncio.selector_events", "asyncio.sslproto", "asyncio.staggered", "asyncio.streams", "asyncio.subprocess", "asyncio.tasks", "asyncio.transports", "asyncio.trsock", "asyncio.unix_events", "atexit", "attr", "attr._compat", "attr._config", "attr._funcs", "attr._make", "attr._next_gen", "attr._version_info", "attr.converters", "attr.exceptions", "attr.filters", "attr.setters", "attr.validators", "base64", "binascii", "bisect", "botocore", "botocore.args", "botocore.auth", "botocore.awsrequest", "botocore.client", "botocore.compat", "botocore.config", "botocore.configloader", "botocore.configprovider", "botocore.credentials", "botocore.discovery", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "botocore.endpoint", "botocore.errorfactory", "botocore.eventstream", "botocore.exceptions", "botocore.handlers", "botocore.history", "botocore.hooks", "botocore.httpsession", "botocore.loaders", "botocore.model", "botocore.monitoring", "botocore.paginate", "botocore.parsers", "botocore.regions", "botocore.response", "botocore.retries", "botocore.retries.adaptive", "botocore.retries.base", "botocore.retries.bucket", "botocore.retries.quota", "botocore.retries.special", "botocore.retries.standard", "botocore.retries.throttling", "botocore.retryhandler", "botocore.serialize", "botocore.session", "botocore.signers", "botocore.translate", "botocore.utils", "botocore.validate", "botocore.vendored", "botocore.vendored.requests", "botocore.vendored.requests.exceptions", "botocore.vendored.requests.packages", "botocore.vendored.requests.packages.urllib3", "botocore.vendored.requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions", "botocore.vendored.six", "botocore.vendored.six.moves", "botocore.vendored.six.moves.urllib", "botocore.vendored.six.moves.urllib.request", "botocore.vendored.six.moves.urllib_parse", "botocore.waiter", "builtins", "bz2", "calendar", "cchardet", "cchardet._cchardet", "cchardet.version", "certifi", "certifi.core", "cgi", "codecs", "collections", "", "colorama", "colorama.ansi", "colorama.ansitowin32", "colorama.initialise", "colorama.win32", "colorama.winterm", "concurrent", "concurrent.futures", "concurrent.futures._base", "contextlib", "contextvars", "copy", "copyreg", "ctypes", "ctypes._endian", "cython_runtime", "datetime", "dateutil", "dateutil._common", "dateutil._version", "dateutil.parser", "dateutil.parser._parser", "dateutil.parser.isoparser", "dateutil.relativedelta", "", "", "", "", "decimal", "dis", "email", "email._encoded_words", "email._parseaddr", "email._policybase", "email.base64mime", "email.charset", "email.encoders", "email.errors", "email.feedparser", "email.header", "email.iterators", "email.message", "email.parser", "email.quoprimime", "email.utils", "encodings", "encodings.aliases", "encodings.latin_1", "encodings.utf_8", "enum", "errno", "fnmatch", "functools", "genericpath", "getopt", "getpass", "gettext", "google", "google.protobuf", "grp", "hashlib", "heapq", "hmac", "html", "html.entities", "html.parser", "http", "http.client", "http.cookies", "http.server", "idna", "idna.core", "idna.idnadata", "idna.intranges", "idna.package_data", "importlib", "importlib._bootstrap", "importlib._bootstrap_external", "", "importlib.machinery", "importlib.resources", "importlib.util", "inspect", "io", "ipaddress", "itertools", "jmespath", "jmespath.ast", "jmespath.compat", "jmespath.exceptions", "jmespath.functions", "jmespath.lexer", "jmespath.parser", "jmespath.visitor", "json", "json.decoder", "json.encoder", "json.scanner", "keyword", "linecache", "locale", "logging", "logging.handlers", "lzma", "marshal", "math", "mimetypes", "multidict", "multidict._abc", "multidict._compat", "multidict._multidict", "multidict._multidict_base", "netrc", "ntpath", "numbers", "opcode", "operator", "os", "os.path", "pamqp", "pamqp.body", "pamqp.constants", "pamqp.decode", "pamqp.encode", "pamqp.exceptions", "pamqp.frame", "pamqp.header", "pamqp.heartbeat", "pamqp.specification", "pathlib", "pickle", "platform", "posix", "posixpath", "pwd", "pycares", "pycares._cares", "pycares._version", "pycares.errno", "pycares.utils", "pyexpat", "pyexpat.errors", "pyexpat.model", "pytz", "pytz.exceptions", "pytz.lazy", "pytz.tzfile", "pytz.tzinfo", "queue", "quopri", "random", "re", "reprlib", "select", "selectors", "shlex", "shutil", "signal", "site", "six", "six.moves", "socket", "socketserver", "sre_compile", "sre_constants", "sre_parse", "ssl", "stat", "string", "struct", "subprocess", "sys", "tempfile", "termios", "threading", "time", "token", "tokenize", "tomodachi", "tomodachi.__version__", "tomodachi.cli", "tomodachi.config", "tomodachi.container", "tomodachi.envelope", "tomodachi.envelope.json_base", "tomodachi.protocol.json_base", "tomodachi.envelope.proto_build", "tomodachi.envelope.proto_build.protobuf", "tomodachi.envelope.proto_build.protobuf.sns_sqs_message_pb2", "tomodachi.envelope.protobuf_base", "tomodachi.helpers", "tomodachi.helpers.crontab", "tomodachi.helpers.dict", "tomodachi.helpers.execution_context", "tomodachi.helpers.logging", "tomodachi.helpers.middleware", "tomodachi.importer", "tomodachi.invoker", "tomodachi.invoker.base", "tomodachi.invoker.decorator", "tomodachi.launcher", "tomodachi.protocol", "tomodachi.protocol.json_base", "tomodachi.protocol.protobuf_base", "tomodachi.transport", "tomodachi.transport.amqp", "tomodachi.transport.aws_sns_sqs", "tomodachi.transport.http", "tomodachi.transport.schedule", "tomodachi.watcher", "traceback", "types", "typing", "", "", "typing_extensions", "tzlocal", "tzlocal.unix", "tzlocal.utils", "unicodedata", "urllib", "urllib.error", "urllib.parse", "urllib.request", "urllib.response", "urllib3", "urllib3._collections", "urllib3._version", "urllib3.connection", "urllib3.connectionpool", "urllib3.contrib", "urllib3.contrib._appengine_environ", "urllib3.exceptions", "urllib3.fields", "urllib3.filepost", "urllib3.packages", "urllib3.packages.six", "urllib3.packages.six.moves", "urllib3.packages.six.moves.http_client", "urllib3.packages.six.moves.urllib", "urllib3.packages.six.moves.urllib.parse", "urllib3.packages.ssl_match_hostname", "urllib3.poolmanager", "urllib3.request", "urllib3.response", "urllib3.util", "urllib3.util.connection", "urllib3.util.queue", "urllib3.util.request", "urllib3.util.response", "urllib3.util.retry", "urllib3.util.ssl_", "urllib3.util.timeout", "urllib3.util.url", "urllib3.util.wait", "uu", "uuid", "warnings", "weakref", "wrapt", "wrapt.decorators", "wrapt.importer", "wrapt.wrappers", "xml", "xml.etree", "xml.etree.ElementPath", "xml.etree.ElementTree", "xml.etree.cElementTree", "yarl", "yarl._quoting", "yarl._quoting_c", "yarl._url", "zipimport", "zlib", ] restarting = False while cls.restart_services: init_timestamp = time.time() init_timestamp_str = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( init_timestamp).isoformat() + "Z" process_id = os.getpid() event_loop_alias = "" event_loop_version = "" try: if "uvloop." in str(loop.__class__): event_loop_alias = "uvloop" import uvloop # noqa # isort:skip event_loop_version = str(uvloop.__version__) elif "asyncio." in str(loop.__class__): event_loop_alias = "asyncio" else: event_loop_alias = "{}.{}".format( loop.__class__.__module__, loop.__class__.__name__) except Exception: event_loop_alias = str(loop) clear_services() clear_execution_context() set_execution_context({ "tomodachi_version": tomodachi.__version__, "python_version": platform.python_version(), "system_platform": platform.system(), "process_id": process_id, "init_timestamp": init_timestamp_str, "event_loop": event_loop_alias, }) if event_loop_alias == "uvloop" and event_loop_version: set_execution_context({ "uvloop_version": event_loop_version, }) if watcher: tz: Any = None utc_tz: Any = None try: import pytz # noqa # isort:skip import tzlocal # noqa # isort:skip utc_tz = pytz.UTC try: tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() if not tz: tz = pytz.UTC except Exception: tz = pytz.UTC except Exception: pass init_local_datetime = ( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(init_timestamp) if tz and tz is not utc_tz and str(tz) != "UTC" else datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(init_timestamp)) print("---") print("Starting tomodachi services (pid: {}) ...".format( process_id)) for file in service_files: print("* {}".format(file)) print() print("Current version: tomodachi {} on Python {}".format( tomodachi.__version__, platform.python_version())) print("Event loop implementation: {}{}".format( event_loop_alias, " {}".format(event_loop_version) if event_loop_version else "")) if tz: print("Local time: {} {}".format( init_local_datetime.strftime( "%B %d, %Y - %H:%M:%S,%f"), str(tz))) print("Timestamp in UTC: {}".format(init_timestamp_str)) print() print( "File watcher is active - code changes will automatically restart services" ) print("Quit running services with <ctrl+c>") print() cls._close_waiter = asyncio.Future() cls._stopped_waiter = asyncio.Future() cls.restart_services = False try: = set([ ServiceContainer(ServiceImporter.import_service_file(file), configuration) for file in service_files ]) result = loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.wait([ asyncio.ensure_future(service.run_until_complete()) for service in ])) exception = [ v.exception() for v in [value for value in result if value][0] if v.exception() ] if exception: raise cast(Exception, exception[0]) except tomodachi.importer.ServicePackageError: pass except Exception as e: logging.getLogger("exception").exception( "Uncaught exception: {}".format(str(e))) if isinstance(e, ModuleNotFoundError): # pragma: no cover missing_module_name = str(getattr(e, "name", None) or "") if missing_module_name: color = "" color_reset = "" try: import colorama # noqa # isort:skip color = colorama.Fore.WHITE + colorama.Back.RED color_reset = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL except Exception: pass print("") print( "{}[fatal error] The '{}' package is missing or cannot be imported.{}" .format(color, missing_module_name, color_reset)) print("") if restarting: logging.getLogger("watcher.restart").warning( "Service cannot restart due to errors") logging.getLogger("watcher.restart").warning( "Trying again in 1.5 seconds") loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait([asyncio.sleep(1.5)])) if cls._close_waiter and not cls._close_waiter.done(): cls.restart_services = True else: for signame in ("SIGINT", "SIGTERM"): loop.remove_signal_handler(getattr( signal, signame)) else: for signame in ("SIGINT", "SIGTERM"): loop.remove_signal_handler(getattr(signal, signame)) current_modules = [m for m in sys.modules.keys()] for m in current_modules: if m not in init_modules and m not in safe_modules: del sys.modules[m] importlib.reload(tomodachi.container) importlib.reload(tomodachi.invoker) importlib.reload(tomodachi.invoker.base) importlib.reload(tomodachi.importer) restarting = True if watcher: if not watcher_future.done(): try: watcher_future.set_result(None) except RuntimeError: # pragma: no cover watcher_future.cancel() if not watcher_future.done(): # pragma: no cover try: loop.run_until_complete(watcher_future) except (Exception, CancelledError): pass
class BlindsSchedule: # class constants for days of the week, these values should NOT be changed SUNDAY = "sunday" MONDAY = "monday" TUESDAY = "tuesday" WEDNESDAY = "wednesday" THURSDAY = "thursday" FRIDAY = "friday" SATURDAY = "saturday" DAYS_OF_WEEK = [ MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY ] # object attributes describing the schedule _default_mode = None _default_pos = None _timezone = get_localzone() _schedule = { SUNDAY: [], MONDAY: [], TUESDAY: [], WEDNESDAY: [], THURSDAY: [], FRIDAY: [], SATURDAY: [] } ''' Constructor for BlindsSchedule. Initializes it with the default mode and position, and a schedule of time blocks if provided. Calls self.validate at the end to ensure that the created object is valid. The schedule is also sorted and checked for conflicts. ''' def __init__(self, default_mode, default_pos=None, schedule=None, timezone=None): self._default_mode = default_mode self._default_pos = default_pos if timezone is not None: self._timezone = timezone if schedule is not None: self._schedule = schedule # validate and checking for conflicts are separated to ensure that the time blocks can be sorted without error self.validate() self.sortScheduleBlocks() self.checkHasNoTimeConflicts() ''' Sort the schedule using sortedTimeBlockList ''' def sortScheduleBlocks(self): for day in BlindsSchedule.DAYS_OF_WEEK: self._schedule[day] = BlindsSchedule.sortedTimeBlockList( self._schedule[day]) ''' Validates the BlindsSchedule object. Returns True if the BlindsSchedule is properly defined, and throws exceptions otherwise. InvalidBlindsScheduleException is thrown when the parameters of the object itself are invalid, such as having an improperly defined schedule or improperly set default behaviour. The validation assumes that the ScheduleTimeBlocks themselves are valid, as these should be validated upon their creation and update and thus should be valid by the time they are using in the BlindsSchedule object. This is a conscious choice to improve performace of the validate calls. Does NOT check for time conflicts ''' def validate(self): # checks for default mode and position if not isinstance(self._default_mode, BlindMode): raise InvalidBlindsScheduleException( "default mode must be a value from the BlindMode enum") if self._default_mode == BlindMode.MANUAL and self._default_pos is None: raise InvalidBlindsScheduleException( "default position must be specified when using BlindMode.MANUAL" ) elif self._default_mode == BlindMode.MANUAL and ( self._default_pos > 100 or self._default_pos < -100): raise InvalidBlindsScheduleException( "default position must a value from -100 to 100") # checks for _schedule being well formatted if not isinstance(self._schedule, dict) or (set( self._schedule.keys()) != set(BlindsSchedule.DAYS_OF_WEEK)): raise InvalidBlindsScheduleException( "schedule must be a dictionary with keys being the days of the week and values being lists of ScheduleTimeBlocks" ) for day in BlindsSchedule.DAYS_OF_WEEK: timeBlockList = self._schedule[day] if not all( map(lambda x: isinstance(x, ScheduleTimeBlock), timeBlockList)): raise InvalidBlindsScheduleException( "schedule must be a dictionary with keys being the days of the week and values being lists of ScheduleTimeBlocks" ) return True ''' Checks for scheduling conflicts within a BlindsSchedule object. Will raise BlindSchedulingException when there conflicting time blocks on a given day. The should only be called after the time blocks for each day are sorted. Otherwise, returns True when there are no conflicts. ''' def checkHasNoTimeConflicts(self): for day in BlindsSchedule.DAYS_OF_WEEK: # checks for time conflicts if BlindsSchedule.hasConflict(self._schedule[day]): raise BlindSchedulingException( "schedule has conflicting time blocks on " + day) return True ''' Returns timeBlockList of ScheduleTimeBlocks sorted by start times. Does NOT check for time conflicts. Assumes that all the time blocks are valid. ''' @staticmethod def sortedTimeBlockList(timeBlockList): return sorted(timeBlockList, key=lambda x: x._start) ''' Checks for time block conflicts given a list of ScheduleTimeBlocks sorted by start time. A time conflict is defined as having time blocks with overlapping durations. Assumes that all the time blocks are valid. Returns True if there is a conflict, false otherwise. ''' @staticmethod def hasConflict(timeBlockList): lastTimeBlock = None for timeBlock in timeBlockList: if lastTimeBlock is not None and timeBlock._start < lastTimeBlock._end: return True lastTimeBlock = timeBlock return False ''' Parses a timezone formatted like GMT-0600 and returns a pytz timezone for it. Currently does not support half hour differences from GMT, as these are not included in the list of supported timezones in pytz for Etc/GMT-X. While they do exist for the specific place names, the conversion is much more difficult. ''' @staticmethod def tzFromGmtString(gmtStr): tzLocationRegex = r"\S+\/\S+" # matches things like Canada/Mountain matches =, gmtStr) if matches: try: fullStr = tz = timezone(fullStr) return tz except Exception as e: raise InvalidTimeZoneStringException( "Invalid timezone string: " + gmtStr + ", causing error: " + str(e)) tzRegex = r"GMT([+-])(\d{4})" # matches things like GMT-0600 gmtTimezoneBase = "Etc/GMT" matches =, gmtStr) if not matches: raise InvalidTimeZoneStringException("Invalid timezone string: " + gmtStr) plusminus = offset = int( / 100 if (offset != int(offset) or (plusminus == "+" and offset > 12) or (plusminus == "-" and offset > 14)): raise InvalidTimeZoneStringException( "Offset must be an integer number of hours between -14 and 12") # Reverse sign since POSIX timezones have opposite notion of ISO 8601 convention # See: if plusminus == "+": plusminus = "-" elif plusminus == "-": plusminus = "+" return timezone(gmtTimezoneBase + plusminus + str(int(offset))) ''' Converts a pytz timezone of the type Etc/GMT-X to a string formatted like "GMT-XXXX" ''' @staticmethod def tzToGmtString(tz): tzGmtNameRegex = r"Etc/GMT([+-])(\d+)" matches =, if matches: plusminus = offset = int( # convert offset to the 4 digit form offset = offset * 100 if offset >= 1000: offset_str = str(offset) else: offset_str = "0" + str(offset) return "GMT" + plusminus + offset_str else: return ''' Returns a JSON-like dictionary representation of the BlindsSchedule object. ''' @staticmethod def toDict(schedule): jsonDict = dict() if schedule is not None: jsonDict["default_mode"] = jsonDict["default_pos"] = schedule._default_pos jsonDict["timezone"] = BlindsSchedule.tzToGmtString( schedule._timezone) jsonDict["schedule"] = dict() for day in BlindsSchedule.DAYS_OF_WEEK: jsonDict["schedule"][day] = list( map(lambda x: ScheduleTimeBlock.toDict(x), schedule._schedule[day])) return jsonDict ''' Returns a BlindsSchedule object based on the provided JSON-like dictionary. Raises InvalidBlindsScheduleException for missing keys. ''' @staticmethod def fromDict(jsonDict): try: default_mode = BlindMode[jsonDict["default_mode"]] default_pos = jsonDict["default_pos"] # account for integer casee if default_pos is not None: default_pos = int(default_pos) tz = BlindsSchedule.tzFromGmtString(jsonDict["timezone"]) parsed_sched = jsonDict["schedule"] blindsSchedule = BlindsSchedule(default_mode, default_pos, timezone=tz) for day in BlindsSchedule.DAYS_OF_WEEK: blindsSchedule._schedule[day] = list( map(lambda x: ScheduleTimeBlock.fromDict(x), parsed_sched[day])) blindsSchedule.validate() blindsSchedule.sortScheduleBlocks() blindsSchedule.checkHasNoTimeConflicts() return blindsSchedule except KeyError as error: raise InvalidBlindsScheduleException("Missing key in json: " + str(error)) ''' Returns a JSON representation of a valid BlindsSchedule object. Provides additional keyword arguments for pretty printing and sorting the json output's keys. ''' @staticmethod def toJson(schedule, pretty=False, sortKeys=False): if pretty: return json.dumps(BlindsSchedule.toDict(schedule), sort_keys=sortKeys, indent=4) else: return json.dumps(BlindsSchedule.toDict(schedule), sort_keys=sortKeys) ''' Parses a json representation of the the schedule and returns a new BlindsSchedule object. Raises InvalidBlindsScheduleException for missing keys in the JSON string. ''' @staticmethod def fromJson(scheduleJson): parsedDict = json.loads(scheduleJson) return BlindsSchedule.fromDict(parsedDict)
import bisect import os import dateutil import tzlocal DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE_NAME = tzlocal.get_localzone().zone # 'Europe/London' TIME_ZONE_DATA_SOURCE = '/usr/share/zoneinfo/' class TimezoneError(Exception): pass class tzfile( def _find_ttinfo(self, dtm, laststd=0): """Faster version of parent class's _find_ttinfo() as this uses bisect rather than a linear search.""" if dtm is None: # This will happen, for example, when a datetime.time object gets utcoffset() called. raise ValueError( 'tzinfo object can not calculate offset for date %s' % dtm) ts = ((dtm.toordinal() - * 86400 + dtm.hour * 3600 + dtm.minute * 60 + dtm.second) idx = bisect.bisect_right(self._trans_list, ts) if len(self._trans_list) == 0 or idx == len(self._trans_list): return self._ttinfo_std if idx == 0: return self._ttinfo_before if laststd: while idx > 0: tti = self._trans_idx[idx - 1] if not tti.isdst:
def _log_stack_event(event, tz=tzlocal.get_localzone()): print event["Timestamp"].astimezone(tz).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), \ event["ResourceStatus"], \ event["ResourceType"], \ event["LogicalResourceId"], \ event.get("ResourceStatusReason", "")
def cli(ctx, db): ctx.obj = LocalCalendar(open_db(db), tzlocal.get_localzone())
# def enum(*sequential, **named): enums = dict(zip(sequential, range(len(sequential))), **named) return type('Enum', (), enums) def tuple_builder(answer=None, text=None): tup = namedtuple('Response', ['answer', 'text']) tup.answer = answer if answer is not None else None tup.text = text if text is not None else '' return tup OPENING_HOUR = 10 CLOSING_HOUR = 18 LOCAL_TZ = tzlocal.get_localzone() def during_business_hours(time): ''' Checks if a given time is within business hours. Currently is true from 10:00 to 17:59. Also checks to make sure that the day is a weekday. Args: time (Datetime): A datetime object to check. ''' if time.tzinfo is not None: here = time.astimezone(LOCAL_TZ) else: here = time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(LOCAL_TZ) return (OPENING_HOUR <= here.hour < CLOSING_HOUR
def end_date(self): date_string = self.vacation_json.get("endDate") utc_date = dateutil.parser.parse(date_string) local_tz = get_localzone() return utc_date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(local_tz)
def elastic_to_dataframe(es, index, query="*", start=None, end=None, sort=None, timestampfield="@timestamp", datecolumns=[], _source=[], size=None, scrollsize=5000): """Convert an elastic collection to a dataframe. Parameters: es -- The elastic connection object query -- (optional) The elastic query start -- (optional) The time range start if any end -- (optional) The time range start if any sort -- (optional) The column we want to sort on timestampfield -- (optional) The timestamp field used by the start and stop parameters datecolumns -- (optional) A collection of columns that must be converted to dates _source -- (optional) columns we want to retrieve size -- (optional) The max number of recrods we want to retrieve scrollsize -- (optional) The size of the scroll to use """ logger = logging.getLogger() array = [] recs = [] scroll_ids = [] version = int(get_es_info(es).get('version').get('number').split('.')[0]) finalquery = { "_source": _source, "query": { "bool": { "must": [{ "query_string": { "query": query, "analyze_wildcard": True } }] } } } if start is not None: finalquery["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"range": {}}) finalquery["query"]["bool"]["must"][ len(finalquery["query"]["bool"]["must"]) - 1]["range"][timestampfield] = { "gte": int(start.timestamp()) * 1000, "lte": int(end.timestamp()) * 1000, "format": "epoch_millis" } if sort is not None: finalquery["sort"] = sort logger.debug(finalquery) if size is not None and size < scrollsize: scrollsize = size res =, size=scrollsize, scroll='1m', body=finalquery) sid = res['_scroll_id'] scroll_ids.append(sid) scroll_size = None if version < 7: scroll_size = res['hits']['total'] else: scroll_size = res['hits']['total']['value'] array = [] for res2 in res["hits"]["hits"]: res2["_source"]["_id"] = res2["_id"] res2["_source"]["_index"] = res2["_index"] array.append(res2["_source"]) recs = len(res['hits']['hits']) break_flag = False while (scroll_size > 0): res = es.scroll(scroll_id=sid, scroll='2m') sid = res['_scroll_id'] scroll_ids.append(sid) scroll_size = len(res['hits']['hits'])"scroll size: " + str(scroll_size))"Next page:" + str(len(res['hits']['hits']))) recs += len(res['hits']['hits']) for res2 in res["hits"]["hits"]: if size is not None and len(array) >= size: break_flag = True break res2["_source"]["_id"] = res2["_id"] res2["_source"]["_index"] = res2["_index"] array.append(res2["_source"]) if break_flag: break df = pd.DataFrame(array) if len(datecolumns) > 0 and len(df) > 0: containertimezone = pytz.timezone(tzlocal.get_localzone().zone) for col in datecolumns: if col not in df.columns: df[col] = None else: if df[col].dtype == "int64": df[col] = pd.to_datetime( df[col], unit='ms', utc=True).dt.tz_convert(containertimezone) else: df[col] = pd.to_datetime( df[col], utc=True).dt.tz_convert(containertimezone) es.clear_scroll(body={'scroll_id': scroll_ids}) return df
def run(self):'Starting recording\n' 'Channel name => {0}\n' 'Channel number => {1}\n' 'Program title => {2}\n' 'Start date & time => {3}\n' 'End date & time => {4}'.format(self._recording.channel_name, self._recording.channel_number, self._recording.program_title, self._recording.start_date_time_in_utc.astimezone( get_localzone()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), self._recording.end_date_time_in_utc.astimezone( get_localzone()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) actual_start_date_time_in_utc = self._create_recording_directory_tree() persisted_recording_id = '{0}'.format(uuid.uuid4()) self._save_manifest_file(None, actual_start_date_time_in_utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'), persisted_recording_id, None, 'Started') for number_of_times_attempted_to_download_playlist_m3u8 in range(1, 11): try: # <editor-fold desc="Download playlist.m3u8"> playlist_m3u8_content = SmoothStreamsProxy.download_playlist_m3u8('', '/live/playlist.m3u8', self._recording.channel_number, self._id, 'hls') # </editor-fold> self._save_manifest_file(None, actual_start_date_time_in_utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'), persisted_recording_id, None, 'In Progress') playlist_m3u8_object = m3u8.loads(playlist_m3u8_content) chunks_url = '/live/{0}'.format(['playlists'][0]['uri']) break except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: time_to_sleep_before_next_attempt = math.ceil( number_of_times_attempted_to_download_playlist_m3u8 / 5) * 5 logger.error('Attempt #{0}\n' 'Failed to download playlist.m3u8\n' 'Will try again in {1} seconds'.format(number_of_times_attempted_to_download_playlist_m3u8, time_to_sleep_before_next_attempt)) time.sleep(time_to_sleep_before_next_attempt) else: logger.error('Exhausted attempts to download playlist.m3u8')'Canceling recording\n' 'Channel name => {0}\n' 'Channel number => {1}\n' 'Program title => {2}\n' 'Start date & time => {3}\n' 'End date & time => {4}'.format(self._recording.channel_name, self._recording.channel_number, self._recording.program_title, self._recording.start_date_time_in_utc.astimezone( get_localzone()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), self._recording.end_date_time_in_utc.astimezone( get_localzone()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) self._save_manifest_file('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'), actual_start_date_time_in_utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'), persisted_recording_id, None, 'Canceled') return vod_playlist_m3u8_object = None downloaded_segment_file_names = [] while not self._stop_recording_event.is_set(): try: # <editor-fold desc="Download chunks.m3u8"> chunks_url_components = urllib.parse.urlparse(chunks_url) chunks_query_string_parameters = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(chunks_url_components.query)) channel_number_parameter_value = chunks_query_string_parameters.get('channel_number', None) client_uuid_parameter_value = chunks_query_string_parameters.get('client_uuid', None) nimble_session_id_parameter_value = chunks_query_string_parameters.get('nimblesessionid', None) smooth_streams_hash_parameter_value = chunks_query_string_parameters.get('wmsAuthSign', None) nimble_session_id_parameter_value = SmoothStreamsProxy.map_nimble_session_id( '', chunks_url_components.path, channel_number_parameter_value, client_uuid_parameter_value, nimble_session_id_parameter_value, smooth_streams_hash_parameter_value) chunks_m3u8_content = SmoothStreamsProxy.download_chunks_m3u8('', chunks_url_components.path, channel_number_parameter_value, client_uuid_parameter_value, nimble_session_id_parameter_value) # </editor-fold> chunks_m3u8_download_date_time_in_utc = chunks_m3u8_total_duration = 0 chunks_m3u8_object = m3u8.loads(chunks_m3u8_content) if not vod_playlist_m3u8_object: vod_playlist_m3u8_object = chunks_m3u8_object indices_of_skipped_segments = [] for (segment_index, segment) in enumerate(chunks_m3u8_object.segments): segment_url = '/live/{0}'.format(segment.uri) segment_url_components = urllib.parse.urlparse(segment_url) segment_query_string_parameters = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(segment_url_components.query)) segment_file_name = re.sub(r'(/.*)?(/)(.*\.ts)', r'\3', segment_url_components.path) chunks_m3u8_total_duration += segment.duration if segment_file_name not in downloaded_segment_file_names: try: # <editor-fold desc="Download ts file"> channel_number_parameter_value = segment_query_string_parameters.get('channel_number', None) client_uuid_parameter_value = segment_query_string_parameters.get('client_uuid', None) nimble_session_id_parameter_value = segment_query_string_parameters.get('nimblesessionid', None) ts_file_content = SmoothStreamsProxy.download_ts_file('', segment_url_components.path, channel_number_parameter_value, client_uuid_parameter_value, nimble_session_id_parameter_value) # </editor-fold> logger.debug('Downloaded segment\n' 'Segment => {0}'.format(segment_file_name)) downloaded_segment_file_names.append(segment_file_name) self._save_segment_file(segment_file_name, ts_file_content) segment.uri = '{0}?client_uuid={1}&program_title={2}'.format( segment_file_name, client_uuid_parameter_value, urllib.parse.quote(self._recording.base_recording_directory)) if segment not in vod_playlist_m3u8_object.segments: vod_playlist_m3u8_object.segments.append(segment) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: logger.error('Failed to download segment\n' 'Segment => {0}'.format(segment_file_name)) else: logger.debug('Skipped segment since it was already downloaded\n' 'Segment => {0} '.format(segment_file_name)) indices_of_skipped_segments.append(segment_index) for segment_index_to_delete in indices_of_skipped_segments: del chunks_m3u8_object.segments[segment_index_to_delete] except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: logger.error('Failed to download chunks.m3u8') return current_date_time_in_utc = wait_duration = chunks_m3u8_total_duration - ( current_date_time_in_utc - chunks_m3u8_download_date_time_in_utc).total_seconds() if wait_duration > 0: self._stop_recording_event.wait(wait_duration) if vod_playlist_m3u8_object: vod_playlist_m3u8_object.playlist_type = 'VOD' self._save_playlist_file('playlist.m3u8', '{0}\n' '{1}'.format(vod_playlist_m3u8_object.dumps(), '#EXT-X-ENDLIST')) self._save_manifest_file('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'), actual_start_date_time_in_utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'), persisted_recording_id, 'playlist.m3u8', 'Completed') SmoothStreamsProxy.delete_active_recording(self._recording)'Finished recording\n' 'Channel name => {0}\n' 'Channel number => {1}\n' 'Program title => {2}\n' 'Start date & time => {3}\n' 'End date & time => {4}'.format(self._recording.channel_name, self._recording.channel_number, self._recording.program_title, self._recording.start_date_time_in_utc.astimezone( get_localzone()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), self._recording.end_date_time_in_utc.astimezone( get_localzone()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
def GDAX_LoadHistoricData(self, startTimestamp, stopTimestamp): print("Init to retrieve Historic Data from %s to %s" % (datetime.fromtimestamp(startTimestamp).isoformat(), datetime.fromtimestamp(stopTimestamp).isoformat())) print("---------") # Reset read index are we will overwrite the buffer self.HistoricDataReadIndex = 0 local_tz = get_localzone() print("GDAX - Local timezone found: %s" % local_tz) tz = pytz.timezone(str(local_tz)) stopSlice = 0 startSlice = startTimestamp self.HistoricDataRaw = [] self.HistoricData = [] # Progression measurement granularityInSec = round( self.GDAX_HISTORIC_DATA_MIN_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC) nbIterationsToRetrieveEverything = ( (stopTimestamp - startTimestamp) / (round(self.GDAX_HISTORIC_DATA_MIN_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC))) / round( self.GDAX_MAX_HISTORIC_PRICES_ELEMENTS) print("GDAX - Nb Max iterations to retrieve everything: %s" % nbIterationsToRetrieveEverything) nbLoopIterations = 0 while (stopSlice < stopTimestamp): stopSlice = startSlice + self.GDAX_MAX_HISTORIC_PRICES_ELEMENTS * granularityInSec if (stopSlice > stopTimestamp): stopSlice = stopTimestamp print("GDAX - Start TS : %s stop TS : %s" % (startSlice, stopSlice)) startTimestampSliceInISO = datetime.fromtimestamp(startSlice, tz).isoformat() stopTimestampSliceInISO = datetime.fromtimestamp(stopSlice, tz).isoformat() print("GDAX - Retrieving Historic Data from %s to %s" % (startTimestampSliceInISO, stopTimestampSliceInISO)) if (self.IsConnectedAndOperational == "True"): print("GDAX - Using public client to retrieve historic prices") HistoricDataSlice = self.clientAuth.get_product_historic_rates( self.productStr, granularity=granularityInSec, start=startTimestampSliceInISO, end=stopTimestampSliceInISO) # Only sleep if reloop condition is met if (stopSlice < stopTimestamp): time.sleep(0.350) print( "GDAX - Using private client to retrieve historic prices") else: HistoricDataSlice = self.clientPublic.get_product_historic_rates( self.productStr, granularity=granularityInSec, start=startTimestampSliceInISO, end=stopTimestampSliceInISO) # Only sleep if reloop condition is met if (stopSlice < stopTimestamp): time.sleep(0.250) print("GDAX - Using public client to retrieve historic prices") print("GDAX - Size of HistoricDataSlice: %s" % len(HistoricDataSlice)) try: # parfois le reversed crash. Pas de data dans la slice ? for slice in reversed(HistoricDataSlice): self.HistoricDataRaw.append(slice) except BaseException as e: print("GDAX - Exception when reversing historic data slice") #print("Historic : %s " % HistoricDataSlice) startSlice = stopSlice # Prepare next iteration # Progress report nbLoopIterations = nbLoopIterations + 1 percentage = round(nbLoopIterations * 100 / nbIterationsToRetrieveEverything) if (percentage > 100): percentage = 100 self.theUIGraph.UIGR_updateLoadingDataProgress(str(percentage)) # Clean buffer so that only data in the chronological order remains print( "GDAX - LoadHistoricData - Cleaning buffer. Nb elements before cleaning : %s" % len(self.HistoricDataRaw)) tempIterationIndex = 0 currentBrowsedTimestamp = 0 while (tempIterationIndex < len(self.HistoricDataRaw)): if (self.HistoricDataRaw[tempIterationIndex][0] <= currentBrowsedTimestamp + 1): # Useless data : do not copy into final buffer pass else: currentBrowsedTimestamp = self.HistoricDataRaw[ tempIterationIndex][0] self.HistoricData.append( self.HistoricDataRaw[tempIterationIndex]) #print(self.HistoricData[tempIterationIndex][0]) tempIterationIndex = tempIterationIndex + 1 # DEBUG # tempIterationIndex = 0 # while (tempIterationIndex < len(self.HistoricData)): # print(self.HistoricData[tempIterationIndex][0]) # tempIterationIndex = tempIterationIndex + 1 # print( "GDAX - %s Historical samples have been retrieved (after cleaning)" % len(self.HistoricData))
def _need_build(self, service: str, inspect_data: dict) -> bool: """Check if service need build. This check use the following parameters from yml file: **watch_for_build_using_files** Will check if any of the files listed in this parameter have his modification date more recent than service docker image build date. **watch_for_build_using_git** Will check if any of the services listed in this parameters have his last commit data more recent than service docker image build date. :param service: service name as defined in docker-compose yml. :param inspect_data: docker inspect data. :return: bool """ test_date = None image_name = inspect_data["Config"]["Image"] image_data = "docker inspect {} 2>/dev/null".format(image_name), get_stdout=True) if image_data: image_data = json.loads(image_data)[0] # Get current UTC offset time_now = time_now_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow() time_offset_seconds = (time_now - time_now_utc).total_seconds() utc_offset = time.gmtime(abs(time_offset_seconds)) utc_string = "{}{}".format( "-" if time_offset_seconds < 0 else "+", time.strftime("%H%M", utc_offset), ) date = image_data.get("Created")[:-4] + " " + utc_string test_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f %z") label = inspect_data["Config"]["Labels"].get( "com.docker.compose.service") if not label: return False full_path = None if test_date and self.compose.get_from_service(label, "build"): build_path = self.compose.get_from_service(label, "build") if isinstance(build_path, dict): build_path = build_path.get("context") full_path = get_path(build_path, self.compose.base_path) list_dates = [ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime( os.path.join(full_path, file)), tz=get_localzone()) for file in self.files_to_watch if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(full_path, file)) ] if list_dates: if max(list_dates) > test_date: return True # Check for build using commit # Ex.: 2018-02-23 18:31:45 -0300 if service in self.services_to_check_git and full_path: git_log = 'cd {} && git log -1 --pretty=format:"%cd" --date=iso'.format( full_path), get_stdout=True, ) date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" if git_log: commit_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(git_log, date_fmt) if commit_date > test_date: return True return False
class TestBaseConfig(unittest.TestCase): base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) config_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'tests/fixtures/configs') args = ['--config-file', '-s', '-q', 'example_prj'] if (3, 3) <= sys.version_info <= (3, 4): django_version = '1.8' else: django_version = DJANGO_VERSION_MATRIX['lts'] config_fixture = Namespace( **{ 'bootstrap': False, 'cms_version': CMS_VERSION_MATRIX['lts'], 'db': 'sqlite://localhost/project.db', 'django_version': django_version, 'dump_reqs': False, 'extra_settings': None, 'filer': True, 'i18n': 'yes', 'languages': ['en'], 'no_db_driver': False, 'no_deps': False, 'noinput': True, 'no_sync': False, 'no_user': False, 'permissions': 'yes', 'pip_options': '', 'plugins': False, 'project_directory': os.path.abspath('.'), 'project_name': 'example_prj', 'requirements_file': None, 'reversion': 'yes', 'skip_project_dir_check': True, 'starting_page': False, 'template': None, 'templates': False, 'timezone': get_localzone(), 'use_timezone': 'yes', 'utc': False, 'no_plugins': False, 'verbose': False, 'wizard': False, 'delete_project_dir': False, }) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config_not_exists = self.conf('config-dump.ini') super(TestBaseConfig, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def tearDown(self): if os.path.isfile(self.config_not_exists): os.remove(self.config_not_exists) def conf(self, filename): return os.path.join(self.config_dir, filename) def unused(self, config_data): """Remove not configurable keys.""" for attr in ('aldryn', 'config_dump', 'config_file', 'db_driver', 'db_parsed', 'project_path', 'settings_path', 'urlconf_path'): delattr(config_data, attr) # When `requirements` arg is used then requirements attr isn't set. if hasattr(config_data, 'requirements'): delattr(config_data, 'requirements') def test_parse_config_file(self, *args): """Tests .config.__init__._parse_config_file function.""" with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as error: config.parse(self.args[0:1] + [self.conf('config-not-exists.ini')] + self.args[1:]) self.assertEqual(7, error.exception.code) args = self.args[0:1] + [self.conf('config-01.ini')] + self.args[1:] config_data = config.parse(args) self.unused(config_data) self.assertEqual(self.config_fixture, config_data) test_data = [ ('config-02.ini', 'db', 'postgres://*****:*****@host:54321/dbname'), ('config-03.ini', 'i18n', 'no'), ('config-04.ini', 'use_timezone', 'no'), ('config-05.ini', 'timezone', 'Europe/London'), ('config-06.ini', 'reversion', 'no'), ('config-07.ini', 'permissions', 'no'), ('config-08.ini', None, (('i18n', 'no'), ('languages', ['ru']))), ('config-09.ini', None, (('i18n', 'yes'), ('languages', ['en', 'ru']))), ('config-10.ini', 'django_version', '1.8'), ('config-11.ini', 'project_directory', '/test/me'), ('config-12.ini', 'bootstrap', True), ('config-13.ini', 'templates', '.'), ('config-14.ini', 'starting_page', True), ('config-15.ini', 'plugins', True), ('config-16.ini', 'dump_reqs', True), ('config-17.ini', 'noinput', True), ('config-18.ini', 'filer', True), ('config-19.ini', 'requirements_file', '/test/reqs'), ('config-20.ini', 'no_deps', True), ('config-21.ini', 'no_db_driver', True), ('config-22.ini', 'no_sync', True), ('config-23.ini', 'no_user', True), ('config-24.ini', 'template', '/test/template'), ('config-25.ini', 'extra_settings', '/test/extra_settings'), ('config-26.ini', 'skip_project_dir_check', True), ('config-27.ini', 'utc', True), ('config-28.ini', 'no_plugins', True), ('config-30.ini', 'verbose', True), ('config-32.ini', 'delete_project_dir', True), ] fixture = copy.copy(self.config_fixture) for filename, key, val in test_data: if type(val) == tuple: for subkey, subval in val: setattr(fixture, subkey, subval) # Change value. else: setattr(fixture, key, val) # Change value. args = self.args[0:1] + [self.conf(filename) ] + self.args[1:] # Load new config. config_data = config.parse(args) self.unused(config_data) self.assertEqual( fixture, config_data) # Check if config value and changed value equals. @patch('sys.stdout') @patch('sys.stderr') def test_dump_config_file(self, *args): """Tests .config.ini.dump_config_file function.""" config_exists = self.conf('config-01.ini') with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as error: config.parse(['--config-dump', config_exists] + self.args[1:] + ['-p', '.']) self.assertEqual(8, error.exception.code) config.parse(['--config-dump', self.config_not_exists] + self.args[1:] + ['-p', '.']) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.config_not_exists)) fixture = copy.copy(self.config_fixture) setattr(fixture, 'timezone', get_localzone().zone) # Load dumped config. args = self.args[0:1] + [self.config_not_exists] + self.args[1:] config_data = config.parse(args) self.unused(config_data) self.assertEqual(fixture, config_data)
dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() index ="Select zone", cs) if index != -1: if index == 0: xbmc.executebuiltin('RunPlugin(%s)'%addon.build_plugin_url({'mode': 'auto_set_tz'})) else: zs = constants.get_zones_by_cat(cs[index]) index ="Select zone", zs) if index != -1: control.set_setting('timezone_new', str(constants.get_zone_idx(zs[index]))) control.infoDialog('Timezone set: ' + str(zs[index])) control.refresh() elif mode[0]=='auto_set_tz': from tzlocal import get_localzone # $ pip install tzlocal local_tz = get_localzone() control.set_setting('timezone_new', str(constants.get_zone_idx( control.infoDialog('Timezone set: ' + control.refresh() ################################################################################################################################## ################################################################################################################################## elif mode[0]=='reddit': from resources.lib.modules import subreddits items = subreddits.get_subreddits() for item in items: delete = addon.build_plugin_url({'mode':'delete_subreddit','reddit':item})
from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from typing import Optional, Sequence, List from tzlocal import get_localzone from mongoengine import DateTimeField, Document, FloatField, StringField, connect from coinbase.trader.constant import Exchange, Interval from coinbase.trader.object import BarData, TickData from .database import BaseDatabaseManager, Driver, DB_TZ LOCAL_TZ = get_localzone() def init(_: Driver, settings: dict): database = settings["database"] host = settings["host"] port = settings["port"] username = settings["user"] password = settings["password"] authentication_source = settings["authentication_source"] if not username: # if username == '' or None, skip username username = None password = None authentication_source = None connect( db=database, host=host,
def format_exception_details(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, error_uid=None): """ Format exception details to be show to a human. This should include enough information about the type of error that occurred and the system on which it was triggered to allow someone to attempt to debug and fix it. The first three parameters to this function directly correspond to the values returned from the :py:func:`sys.exc_info` function. :param exc_type: The type of the exception. :param exc_value: The exception instance. :param exc_traceback: The traceback object corresponding to the exception. :param error_uid: A unique identifier for this exception. :type error_uid: str, :py:class:`uuid.UUID` :return: A formatted message containing the details about the exception and environment. :rtype: str """ if isinstance(error_uid, uuid.UUID): error_uid = str(error_uid) elif error_uid is None: error_uid = 'N/A' elif not isinstance(error_uid, str): raise TypeError( 'error_uid must be an instance of either str, uuid.UUID or None') pversion = 'UNKNOWN' if its.on_linux: pversion = 'Linux: ' + ' '.join(platform.linux_distribution()) elif its.on_windows: pversion = 'Windows: ' + ' '.join(platform.win32_ver()) if its.frozen: pversion += ' (Frozen=True)' else: pversion += ' (Frozen=False)' exc_name = format_exception_name(exc_type) rpc_error_details = 'N/A (Not a remote RPC error)' if isinstance( exc_value, advancedhttpserver.RPCError) and exc_value.is_remote_exception: rpc_error_details = "Name: {0}".format( exc_value.remote_exception['name']) if exc_value.remote_exception.get('message'): rpc_error_details += " Message: '{0}'".format( exc_value.remote_exception['message']) current_tid = threading.current_thread().ident thread_info = ("{0: >4}{1} (alive={2} daemon={3})".format( ('=> ' if thread.ident == current_tid else ''),, thread.is_alive(), thread.daemon) for thread in threading.enumerate()) thread_info = '\n'.join(thread_info) details = EXCEPTION_DETAILS_TEMPLATE.format( error_details=repr(exc_value), error_type=exc_name, error_uid=error_uid, rpc_error_details=rpc_error_details, king_phisher_version=version.version, platform_version=pversion, python_version="{0}.{1}.{2}".format(*sys.version_info), gtk_version="{0}.{1}.{2}".format(Gtk.get_major_version(), Gtk.get_minor_version(), Gtk.get_micro_version()), stack_trace=''.join( traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)), thread_info=thread_info, timezone=tzlocal.get_localzone().zone) details = details.strip() + '\n' # add on additional details for context as necessary if isinstance(exc_value, errors.KingPhisherGraphQLQueryError): details += '\nGraphQL Exception Information:\n=============================\n\n' if exc_value.errors: details += 'GraphQL Errors:\n---------------\n' details += '\n'.join(error.strip() for error in exc_value.errors) + '\n\n' details += 'GraphQL Query:\n--------------\n' details += textwrap.dedent(exc_value.query) + '\n' return details