Esempio n. 1
def binFile2Data(fname, storePickle=False):
    Read a binary FCS data file, containing a list of U64 numbers that
    represent the photon counts per microtime bin of about 1 µs.

    ==========  ===============================================================
    Input       Meaning
    ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
    fname       Binary file name
    ==========  ===============================================================

    ==========  ===============================================================
    Output      Meaning
    ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
    countArray  N x 26 array with for each row the number of photon counts
                for each channel and the sum of all channels per microbin
    ==========  ===============================================================


    from readBinFile import readBinFile
    from u64ToCounts import u64ToCounts
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from savevar import savevar

    readLength = 8 * 65536

    # Get file size [in bytes]
    fsize = os.path.getsize(fname)

    # Empty array to store photon counts
    countArray = np.zeros((int(fsize / 2 / 8), 26), dtype='H')

    startPos = 0  # position in the .bin file to start reading
    row = 0  # row of countArray to write to

    # Go through the file, read a chunk of data, write to the array, and repeat
    while startPos < fsize:
        print(startPos / fsize * 100)
        # Read part of the binary file
        data = readBinFile(fname, startPos, readLength)
        startPos += readLength

        # Calculate photon counts
        for i in range(len(data)):
            counts = u64ToCounts(data[i])
            # add counts to array
            countArray[int(np.floor(row / 2))][:] = np.add(
                countArray[int(np.floor(row / 2))][:], counts)
            row += 1


    if storePickle:
        print("Storing .pickle file")
        savevar(countArray, fname[0:-4] + "_data")
        print(".pickle file stored")

    return countArray
Esempio n. 2
def f(fname, readLength, clustNumb):
    # Calculate photon counts in a chunck of data
    clustNumb = int(clustNumb)
    row = 0
    startPos = clustNumb * readLength
    data = readBinFile(fname, startPos, readLength)
    countArrayClust = np.zeros((int(len(data) / 2), 26), dtype='H')
    for i in range(len(data)):
        counts = u64ToCounts(data[i])
        # add counts to array
        countArrayClust[int(np.floor(row / 2))][:] = np.add(
            countArrayClust[int(np.floor(row / 2))][:], counts)
        row += 1
    return countArrayClust
Esempio n. 3
def getCountsFromDataLine(rawdata, i):    
    # import functions
    from u64ToCounts import u64ToCounts
    start = 8 * i # number of bytes wrt the start of the file where number i is stored
    newRawDataPoint = rawdata[start:start+8] # Each U64 consists of 8 bytes
    newDataPoint = newRawDataPoint[0] # byte 0
    # bytes 1-7:
    for j in range(7):
        newDataPoint = (newDataPoint << 8) + newRawDataPoint[j+1]
    counts = u64ToCounts(newDataPoint)
    return counts
Esempio n. 4
def analyzeFCSData(fname):
    countArray = []
    counts = [0] * 25
    with open(fname) as f:
        lineNr = 0
        for line_terminated in f:
            if lineNr % 1000000 == 0:
            line = int(line_terminated.rstrip('\n'))
            count = u64ToCounts(line)
            if sum(count) > 0:
                for i in range(len(count)):
                    detElCounts = count[i]
                    for j in range(detElCounts):
                        arrivalTime = math.floor(lineNr / 2)
                        detEl = i
                        p = Photon(arrivalTime, detEl)
                counts = list(map(add, counts, count))
            lineNr += 1
    return counts, countArray
def binFile2ArrivalTimes(fname, storePickle=False, dwellTime=[]):
    Read a binary FCS data file, containing a list of U64 numbers that
    represent the photon counts per microtime bin of about 1 µs and store the
    arrival times in units of dwellTime.
    Storing arrivaltimes in general reduces the file size significantly

    Input           Meaning
    fname           Binary file name
    storePickle     Store result in Pickle file
    dwellTime       Pixel dwell time [s]

    Output          Meaning
    arrivalTimes    26 lists with the arrival times of the photon for each of
                    the 25 detector elements + the sum


    readLength = 8 * 65536

    # Get file size [in bytes]
    fsize = os.path.getsize(fname)

    # Empty object to store photon arrival times
    arrivalTimes = ArrivalTimesObject()
    for i in range(25):
        setattr(arrivalTimes, 'det' + str(i), [])
    arrivalTimes.sum = []
    arrivalTimes.dwellTime = dwellTime

    startPos = 0  # position in the .bin file to start reading
    t = 0  # iterator used to indicate current time bin

    # Go through the file, read a chunk of data, write to the object, and repeat
    while startPos < fsize:
        print(startPos / fsize * 100)
        # Read part of the binary file
        data = readBinFile(fname, startPos, readLength)
        startPos += readLength

        # Calculate photon counts
        for i in range(len(data)):
            counts = u64ToCounts(data[i])
            # go through each detector element
            for det in range(25):
                for c in range(counts[det]):
                            'det' + str(det)).append(int(np.floor(t / 2)))
            # sum of all detector elements
            for c in range(counts[25]):
                arrivalTimes.sum.append(int(np.floor(t / 2)))
            t += 1


    if storePickle:
        print("Storing .pickle file")
        savevar(arrivalTimes, fname[0:-4] + "_arrival_times.pickle")
        print(".pickle file stored")

    return arrivalTimes
Esempio n. 6
def binFile2Image(fname, storePickle=False):
    Read a binary image data file, containing a list of U64 numbers that
    represent the photon counts per microtime bin of about 1 µs per pixel.

    ==========  ===============================================================
    Input       Meaning
    ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
    fname       Binary file name
    ==========  ===============================================================

    ==========  ===============================================================
    Output      Meaning
    ----------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
    countArray  N x 26 array with for each row the number of photon counts
                for each channel and the sum of all channels per microbin
    ==========  ===============================================================


    from readBinFile import readBinFile
    from u64ToCounts import u64ToCounts
    import os

    readLength = 8 * 65536

    # Image dimensions
    Nf = 1  # number of frames
    Nl = 500  # number of lines
    Np = 500  # number of pixels per line
    Nt = 10  # number of time bins per pixel
    Nd = 25  # number of detector element rows

    # Get file size [in bytes]
    fsize = os.path.getsize(fname)

    # Empty array to store photon counts
    countArray = np.zeros((Nf, Nl, Np, Nt, Nd + 1), dtype='H')

    startPos = 0  # position in the .bin file to start reading
    frame = 0  # row of countArray to write to
    scany = 0
    scanx = 0
    timebin = 0
    cluster = 0

    # Go through the file, read a chunk of data, write to the array, and repeat
    while startPos < fsize:
        print(startPos / fsize * 100)
        # Read part of the binary file
        data = readBinFile(fname, startPos, readLength)
        startPos += readLength

        # Calculate photon counts
        for i in range(len(data)):
            counts = u64ToCounts(data[i])
            # add counts to array
            # sum two clusters
            clusterSum = np.add(countArray[frame][scany][scanx][timebin][:],
            countArray[frame][scany][scanx][timebin][:] = clusterSum
            cluster += 1
            if cluster == 2:
                cluster = 0
                timebin += 1
            if timebin == Nt:
                timebin = 0
                scanx += 1
            if scanx == Np:
                scanx = 0
                scany += 1
            if scany == Nl:
                scany = 0
                frame += 1

    if storePickle:
        print("Storing .pickle file")
        savevar(countArray, fname[0:-4] + "_data")
        print(".pickle file stored")

    return countArray