Esempio n. 1
def perform_robust_multilateration(loc_range_diff_info, depth):
    num_segment = len(loc_range_diff_info)
    estimated_locations = []
    # estimate location from each segment
    for i in range(num_segment):
        loc_range_diff = loc_range_diff_info[i]
        num_anchors = len(loc_range_diff)
        # create numpy array to hold anchor locations and range-differences
        locations = np.zeros((num_anchors, 3), dtype=np.float)
        range_diffs = np.zeros(num_anchors - 1, dtype=np.float)

        # extract locations and range-differences from list and store them into respective numpy array
        zone = None
        zone_letter = None
        for j in range(num_anchors):
            if j == 0:
                zone, zone_letter = loc_range_diff[j][0][0], loc_range_diff[j][
                locations[j] = np.array(loc_range_diff[j][1])
                locations[j] = np.array(loc_range_diff[j][0:3])
                range_diffs[j - 1] = loc_range_diff[j][3]

        # Call Gauss Newton Method for location estimation
        initial_soln = np.mean(locations, axis=0)
        # replace 3 coordinate with sensor depth
        initial_soln[2] = depth
        estimated_location = tdoa_multilateration_from_single_segement_gauss_newton(
            locations, range_diffs, initial_soln)
        # estimated_location = TDOALocalization.perform_tdoa_multilateration_closed_form(locations, range_diffs, depth)
        if use_ulab:
            bflag_estimated = estimated_location.size() > 0
            bflag_estimated = estimated_location.size > 0
        # Convert to Lat/Lon
        if bflag_estimated > 0:
            lat, lon = to_latlon(estimated_location[0], estimated_location[1],
                                 zone, zone_letter)
            estimated_locations.append([lat, lon, estimated_location[2]])

    return estimated_locations
Esempio n. 2
def tdoa_multilateration_from_all_segments_gauss_newton(
        loc_range_diff_info: list,
        depth: float,
        max_iters: int = 10,
        eta: float = 1E-3,
        abs_tol: float = 1E-6):
    num_segment = len(loc_range_diff_info)
    anchor_location_list = []
    zone_list = []
    anchor_rangediff_list = []

    for i in range(num_segment):
        loc_range_diff = loc_range_diff_info[i]
        num_anchors = len(loc_range_diff)
        # create numpy array to hold anchor locations and range-differences
        anchor_locations = np.zeros((num_anchors, 3), dtype=np.float)
        range_diffs = np.zeros(num_anchors - 1, dtype=np.float)

        # extract locations and range-differences from list and store them into respective numpy array
        for j in range(num_anchors):
            if j == 0:
                zone, zone_letter = loc_range_diff[j][0][0], loc_range_diff[j][
                zone_list.append([zone, zone_letter])
                anchor_locations[j] = np.array(loc_range_diff[j][1])
                anchor_locations[j] = np.array(loc_range_diff[j][0:3])
                range_diffs[j - 1] = loc_range_diff[j][3]

        # Collect anchor locations and range-differences arrays

    # Check that all zone and zone letters are same
    bflag_zone = True
    zone, zone_letter = zone_list[0][0], zone_list[0][1]
    for zone_info in zone_list:
        if zone_info != [zone, zone_letter]:
            bflag_zone = False

    if not bflag_zone:
        raise ValueError("All the anchors are not in same zone!")

    # =========== Gauss Newton Iterations for Location Estimation  ========== #

    # Initial Solution is taken as Mean location of all the Anchors
    mean_anchor_location = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float)
    num_anchors = 0
    for anchor_location in anchor_location_list:
        if use_ulab:
            mean_anchor_location = mean_anchor_location + np.sum(
                anchor_location, axis=0)
            num_anchors += anchor_location.shape()[0]
            mean_anchor_location = mean_anchor_location + np.sum(
                anchor_location, axis=0)
            num_anchors += anchor_location.shape[0]

    mean_anchor_location = mean_anchor_location / num_anchors
    soln = np.array(mean_anchor_location)
    soln[2] = depth  # replace 3rd coordinate with sensor depth
    # Main iterations
    for j in range(max_iters):
        # ==== Calculate the LHS and RHS of Normal Equation: J'*J*d = -J'*res,
        # where J is Jacobian, d is descent direction, res is residual ====== #
        jTj = np.zeros((2, 2))
        jTres = np.zeros((2, 1))
        for anchor_locations, range_diffs in zip(anchor_location_list,
            if use_ulab:
                m = anchor_locations.shape()[0]
                m = anchor_locations.shape[0]
            denom_1 = np.linalg.norm(soln - anchor_locations[0])
            for i in range(1, m):
                denom_2 = np.linalg.norm(soln - anchor_locations[i])
                res = (range_diffs[i - 1] - (denom_1 - denom_2))
                del_res = np.array(
                    [[((soln[0] - anchor_locations[i][0]) / denom_2 -
                       (soln[0] - anchor_locations[0][0]) / denom_1)],
                     [((soln[1] - anchor_locations[i][1]) / denom_2 -
                       (soln[1] - anchor_locations[0][1]) / denom_1)]])
                if use_ulab:
                    jTj = jTj +, del_res.transpose())
                    jTj = jTj +, del_res.transpose())

                jTres = jTres + (del_res * res)
            # ===================== calculation ENDs here  ======================================================= #
        # ============= Take the next step: ====================== #
        # Modification according to Levenberg-Marquardt suggestion
        jTj = jTj + np.diag(np.diag(jTj) * eta)
        eta = eta / 2.0

        # Invert 2x2 matrix
        denom = jTj[0][0] * jTj[1][1] - jTj[1][0] * jTj[0][1]
        numer = np.array([[jTj[1][1], -jTj[0][1]], [-jTj[1][0], jTj[0][0]]])
        if denom >= 1E-9:
            inv_jTj = numer / denom
            if use_ulab:
                temp =, jTres)
                temp =, jTres)

            del_soln = np.array([temp[0][0], temp[1][0], 0.0])
            soln = soln - del_soln
            if np.linalg.norm(del_soln) <= abs_tol:
            print("Can't invert the matrix!")

    # Convert to Lat/Lon
        lat, lon = to_latlon(soln[0], soln[1], zone, zone_letter)
        estimated_location = [lat, lon, soln[2]]
    except Exception as e:
        print("Not a valid estimate: " + str(e))
        estimated_location = []

    return estimated_location
Esempio n. 3
def least_median_square_estimate(loc_range_diff_info: list, depth: float,
                                 max_iters: int) -> list:
    num_segments = len(loc_range_diff_info)
    lead_anchor_locations_list = []
    asst_anchor_locations_list = []
    range_diffs_list = []
    zone_info_list = []
    lut = []

    for i in range(num_segments):
        loc_range_diff = loc_range_diff_info[i]
        num_anchors = len(loc_range_diff)
        lut += [i] * (num_anchors - 1)
        for j in range(num_anchors):
            if j == 0:
                zone, zone_letter = loc_range_diff[j][0][0], loc_range_diff[j][
                zone_info_list.append([zone, zone_letter])

    # Check if all anchors belong to same zone
    bflag_zone = True
    zone, zone_letter = zone_info_list[0][0], zone_info_list[0][1]
    for zone_info in zone_info_list:
        if zone_info != [zone, zone_letter]:
            bflag_zone = False

    if not bflag_zone:
        raise ValueError("All the anchors are not in same zone!")

    num_asst_anchors = len(lut)
    # Generate subsets of assistant anchors with each subset containing 3 elements
    subsets = list(random_combinations(range(num_asst_anchors), 3, max_iters))

    # For each subset, calculate the unknown location using multilateration
    # and then calculate median of square residues = (range_diff - (SA - SB))**2 ,
    # where A and B represent the lead and the assistant anchor, respectively, and
    # S represent estimated unknown location
    min_median = np.inf
    robust_location = None
    iter_count = 0
    for subset in subsets:
        # Pack together the assistant and the corresponding lead anchor's location
        anchor_locations = []
        range_diffs = []
        for index in subset:
            lead_anchor = lead_anchor_locations_list[lut[index]]
            asst_anchor = asst_anchor_locations_list[index]
            anchors = np.array([lead_anchor, asst_anchor])
            range_diff = np.array([range_diffs_list[index]])

        # Calculate initial soln as mean of Anchor Positions
        mean_anchor_location = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float)
        num_anchors = 0
        for anchor in anchor_locations:
            mean_anchor_location = mean_anchor_location + np.sum(anchor,
            if use_ulab:
                num_anchors += anchor.shape()[0]
                num_anchors += anchor.shape[0]

        init_soln = mean_anchor_location / num_anchors
        init_soln[2] = depth

        # Estimate location from selected subset of anchors using Gauss-Newton method
        sensor_location = tdoa_multilateration_from_multiple_segments_gauss_newton(
            anchor_locations, range_diffs, init_soln)
        # For each estimated location calculate the square of residues, i.e., (observed_range_diff - calculated_range_diff)**2
        sq_residues = []
        for index in subset:
            lead_anchor = np.array(lead_anchor_locations_list[lut[index]])
            asst_anchor = np.array(asst_anchor_locations_list[index])
            range_diff = np.array([range_diffs_list[index]])
            lead_to_sensor = np.linalg.norm((lead_anchor - sensor_location))
            asst_to_sensor = np.linalg.norm((asst_anchor - sensor_location))
            estimated_range_diff = lead_to_sensor - asst_to_sensor
            sq_residues.append((range_diff - estimated_range_diff)**2)
        # Calculate Median of Square-Residues
        current_median = np.median(np.array(sq_residues))
        # Select the subset which results into lowest median of errors
        if current_median <= min_median:
            min_median = current_median
            robust_location = sensor_location

        if iter_count >= max_iters:
        iter_count += 1

    # Convert the location into Lat/Lon system
        lat, lon = to_latlon(robust_location[0], robust_location[1], zone,
        estimated_location = [lat, lon, robust_location[2]]
    except Exception as e:
        print("Not a valid estimate: " + str(e))
        estimated_location = []

    return estimated_location
        timestamp = t0 + timedelta(seconds=master_to_sensor)
        data_packet.source_address = 0
        data_packet.destination_address = 255
        data_packet.packet_type = MessagePacket.PACKETTYPE_BROADCAST
        data_packet.packet_payload = msg
        data_packet.timestamp = (timestamp.year, timestamp.month,
                       , timestamp.hour,
                                 timestamp.minute, timestamp.second,
        # data_packet.timestamp = (seconds, millis, micros)

    # Generate remaining Beacon Signals
    for j in range(0, len(Beacon_Segments[i])):
        lat, lon = to_latlon(Beacon_Segments[i][j][0],
        anchor_depth = Beacon_Segments[i][j][2]
        lat = struct.pack('f', lat)
        lon = struct.pack('f', lon)
        anchor_depth = struct.pack('f', anchor_depth)
        if j == 0:  # Start of Beacon Segment
            time_delay = random.random()  # in seconds
            t0 = t0 + timedelta(seconds=time_delay)  # add some random delay
            master_to_sensor = distance(
                sensor_loc[0:3]) / sound_speed  # in seconds
            timestamp = t0 + timedelta(seconds=master_to_sensor)
            m = len(Beacon_Segments[i])
            n = i
            msg = b'ULMB' + struct.pack('B', n) + struct.pack(