Esempio n. 1
 def update_for_sword(self):
     rifx = self.config.rifx
     self.cache_fields += [
         (8, 2, 'Number of colors\n'),
     pos = 10
     for _i in range(utils.word2py_int(self.chunk[8:10], rifx)):
         model = utils.byte2py_int(self.chunk[pos])
         model_name = cmx_const.COLOR_MODEL_MAP.get(model, 'Unknown')
         self.cache_fields += [
             (pos, 1, '%s color model' % model_name),
         palette = utils.byte2py_int(self.chunk[pos + 1])
         pals = cmx_const.COLOR_PALETTES
         pal_name = pals[palette] if palette < len(pals) else 'Unknown'
         self.cache_fields += [
             (pos + 1, 1, '%s palette' % pal_name),
         if model >= len(cmx_const.COLOR_BYTES):
         clr_sz = cmx_const.COLOR_BYTES[model]
         self.cache_fields += [
             (pos + 2, clr_sz, 'Color values\n'),
         pos += clr_sz + 2
Esempio n. 2
 def update_from_chunk(self):
     rifx = self.config.rifx
     colors =['colors'] = []
     pos = 10
     for _i in range(utils.word2py_int(self.chunk[8:10], rifx)):
         model = utils.byte2py_int(self.chunk[pos])
         palette = utils.byte2py_int(self.chunk[pos + 1])
         if model < len(cmx_const.COLOR_BYTES):
             clr_sz = cmx_const.COLOR_BYTES[model]
             LOG.error('Invalide or unknown color model %s', model)
         vals = tuple(
             for val in self.chunk[pos + 2:pos + 2 + clr_sz])
         colors.append((model, palette, vals))
         pos += clr_sz + 2
Esempio n. 3
def get_markup(header, params):
    chunk = header + params
    element_class, element_id, params_sz = parse_header(header)
    is_padding = params_sz < len(params)
    cgm_cls_name = cgm_const.CGM_CLS.get(element_class, '')
    msg = 'Command Header\n' \
          '  %d - element class\n' \
          '  (%s)\n' \
          '  0x%04x - element id\n' \
          '  %d - parameter list size (bytes)' \
          % (element_class, cgm_cls_name,
             element_id, params_sz)
    msg += '\n' + '.' * 35
    markup = [
        (0, len(header), msg),
    hdsz = len(header)

    if params:
        if element_id == cgm_const.BEGIN_METAFILE:
            title_sz = utils.byte2py_int(params[0])
            markup += [(hdsz, 1, 'text length'),
                       (hdsz + 1, title_sz, 'file title')]
        elif element_id == cgm_const.METAFILE_VERSION:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'version'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.METAFILE_DESCRIPTION:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 1, 'text length'),
                (hdsz + 1, params_sz - 1, 'description'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.VDC_TYPE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'VDC type (integer/real)'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.APPLICATION_DATA:
            txt_sz = utils.byte2py_int(params[2])
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'identifier'),
                (hdsz + 2, 1, 'data length'),
                (hdsz + 3, txt_sz, 'application data'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.INTEGER_PRECISION:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'integer precision\n       '
                 '(8, 16, 24, 32 bit)'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.REAL_PRECISION:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'real precision type'),
                (hdsz + 2, 2, 'integer part size'),
                (hdsz + 4, 2, 'fractional part size'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.INDEX_PRECISION:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'index precision\n       '
                 '(8, 16, 24, 32 bit)'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.COLOUR_PRECISION:
            markup += [
                (hdsz + params_sz - 2, 2, 'color precision type'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.COLOUR_INDEX_PRECISION:
            markup += [
                (hdsz + params_sz - 2, 2, 'color index precision type'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.MAXIMUM_COLOUR_INDEX:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'max color index'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.METAFILE_ELEMENT_LIST:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'list length'),
                (hdsz + 2, params_sz - 2, 'list of 2-byte elements'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.COLOUR_VALUE_EXTENT:
            sz = params_sz / 2
            markup += [
                (hdsz, sz, 'bottom 3-member tuple'),
                (hdsz + sz, sz, 'top 3-member tuple'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.FONT_LIST:
            pos = 0
            fonts = []
            while pos < params_sz:
                sz = utils.byte2py_int(params[pos])
                pos += 1
                fonts.append(params[pos:pos + sz].strip())
                pos += sz
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'font list pairs:\n'
                 '      1 byte - size of name\n'
                 '      (sz) bytes - name string\n\nFonts:\n  ' +
                 '\n  '.join(fonts) + '\n' + '.' * 35),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.BEGIN_PICTURE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 1, 'text length'),
                (hdsz + 1, params_sz - 1, 'description'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.VDC_EXTENT:
            sz = params_sz / 2
            markup += [
                (hdsz, sz, 'VDC lower left point'),
                (hdsz + sz, sz, 'VDC upper right point'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.SCALING_MODE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'scaling mode'),
                (hdsz + 2, 4, 'scaling metric'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.COLOUR_SELECTION_MODE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'color mode'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.LINE_WIDTH_SPECIFICATION_MODE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'line width specification mode'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.MARKER_SIZE_SPECIFICATION_MODE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'marker size specification mode'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.EDGE_WIDTH_SPECIFICATION_MODE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'edge width specification mode'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.BACKGROUND_COLOUR:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'bg color'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.VDC_INTEGER_PRECISION:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'vdc integer precision'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.VDC_REAL_PRECISION:
            markup += [(hdsz, 2, ' precision type'),
                       (hdsz + 2, params_sz - 2, ' 2 precision fields')]
        elif element_id == cgm_const.CLIP_RECTANGLE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'clip rectangle (2 points)'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.POLYLINE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'polyline points'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.DISJOINT_POLYLINE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'disjoint polyline points'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.TEXT:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'point + 2 byte flag + text'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.POLYGON:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'points'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.POLYGON_SET:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'point + 2 byte flag pairs'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.RECTANGLE:
            sz = params_sz / 2
            markup += [
                (hdsz, sz, 'rect lower left point'),
                (hdsz + sz, sz, 'rect upper right point'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.CIRCLE:
            sz = params_sz / 3
            markup += [
                (hdsz, sz, 'center x'),
                (hdsz + sz, sz, 'center y'),
                (hdsz + 2 * sz, sz, 'radius'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.CIRCULAR_ARC_3_POINT:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, '3 points'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.CIRCULAR_ARC_3_POINT_CLOSE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, '3 points + close flag'),

        elif element_id == cgm_const.ELLIPSE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'center + 2 cdp points'),

        elif element_id == cgm_const.LINE_TYPE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'line type'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.LINE_WIDTH:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'line width'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.LINE_COLOUR:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'line color'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.MARKER_COLOUR:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'marker color'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.TEXT_FONT_INDEX:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'text font index'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.CHARACTER_EXPANSION_FACTOR:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'character expansion'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.CHARACTER_HEIGHT:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'character height'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.CHARACTER_ORIENTATION:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'character orientation'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.TEXT_ALIGNMENT:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, 2, 'text alignment'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.INTERIOR_STYLE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'fill type'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.FILL_COLOUR:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'fill color'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.EDGE_TYPE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'edge type'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.EDGE_WIDTH:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'edge width'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.EDGE_COLOUR:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'edge color'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.EDGE_VISIBILITY:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'edge visibility'),
        elif element_id == cgm_const.COLOUR_TABLE:
            markup += [
                (hdsz, params_sz, 'index + color values'),

    if is_padding:
        markup += [(len(chunk) - 1, 1, 'padding byte')]
    return markup
Esempio n. 4
 def read_str(self, chunk):
     if not chunk:
         return '', chunk
     sz = utils.byte2py_int(chunk[0])
     title = chunk[1:1 + sz]
     return title, chunk[1 + sz:]
Esempio n. 5
 def readbyte(self):
     return utils.byte2py_int(
Esempio n. 6
	def readbyte(self):
		return utils.byte2py_int(
Esempio n. 7
    def update_for_sword(self):
        rifx = self.config.rifx
        flags = utils.byte2py_int(self.chunk[4])
        self.cache_fields += [
            (4, 1, 'Style flags'),
        pos = 5
        if flags & cmx_const.INSTR_FILL_FLAG:
            fill = utils.word2py_int(self.chunk[pos:pos + 2], rifx)
            f = cmx_const.FILL_TYPE_MAP.get(fill, 'UNKNOWN')
            self.cache_fields += [
                (pos, 2, 'Fill type: %s' % f),
            pos += 2
            if fill == cmx_const.INSTR_FILL_EMPTY:
            elif fill == cmx_const.INSTR_FILL_UNIFORM:
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 2, 'Color ref.'),
                pos += 2
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 2, 'Screen ref.'),
                pos += 2
            elif fill == cmx_const.INSTR_FILL_FOUNTAIN:
                f = utils.word2py_int(self.chunk[pos:pos + 2], rifx)
                f = cmx_const.FILL_FOUNTAINS.get(f, 'unknown')
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 2, 'Fountain type: %s' % f),
                pos += 2
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 2, 'Screen ref.'),
                pos += 2
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 2, 'Padding'),
                pos += 2
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 4, 'Angle'),
                pos += 4
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 4, 'Offset (x,y) int16'),
                pos += 4
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 2, 'Steps'),
                pos += 2
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 2, 'Mode'),
                pos += 2
                color_count = utils.word2py_int(self.chunk[pos:pos + 2], rifx)
                self.cache_fields += [
                    (pos, 2, 'Color count (%d)' % color_count),
                pos += 2
                for _i in range(color_count):
                    self.cache_fields += [
                        (pos, 2, 'Color ref.'),
                    pos += 2
                    self.cache_fields += [
                        (pos, 2, 'Position'),
                    pos += 2
                pos, sz, txt = self.cache_fields[-1]
                txt += '\n       UNSUPPORTED FILL TYPE!'
                self.cache_fields[-1] = (pos, sz, txt)

        if flags & cmx_const.INSTR_STROKE_FLAG:
            self.cache_fields += [
                (pos, 2, 'Outline ref.'),
            pos += 2

        if flags >= cmx_const.INSTR_LENS_FLAG:
            pos, sz, txt = self.cache_fields[-1]
            sp = '\n       '
            txt += '%sUNSUPPORTED LENS, CANVAS %sOR CONTAINER!' % (sp, sp)
            self.cache_fields[-1] = (pos, sz, txt)

        count = utils.word2py_int(self.chunk[pos:pos + 2], rifx)
        self.cache_fields += [
            (pos, 2, 'Point count (%d)' % count),
        pos += 2
        self.cache_fields += [
            (pos, 4 * count, 'Points [(x,y),] int16'),
        pos += 4 * count
        self.cache_fields += [
            (pos, count, 'Nodes [byte,]'),
        pos += count
        self.cache_fields += [
            (pos, 8, 'Curve bbox'),
        pos += 8
Esempio n. 8
    def update_from_chunk(self):
        rifx = self.config.rifx['tail'] = ''
        flags =['style_flags'] = utils.byte2py_int(self.chunk[4])
        pos = 5
        if flags & cmx_const.INSTR_FILL_FLAG:
            fill = utils.word2py_int(self.chunk[pos:pos + 2], rifx)
  ['fill_type'] = fill
            pos += 2
            # FILL
            if fill == cmx_const.INSTR_FILL_EMPTY:
            elif fill == cmx_const.INSTR_FILL_UNIFORM:
                # (color, screen)
                sig = '>hh' if rifx else '<hh'
      ['fill'] = struct.unpack(sig, self.chunk[pos:pos + 4])
                pos += 4
            elif fill == cmx_const.INSTR_FILL_FOUNTAIN:
                # (type, screen, padding, angle, x, y, steps, mode, clr_count)
                sig = '>hhhihhhh' if rifx else '<hhhihhhh'
      ['fill'] = struct.unpack(sig,
                                                  self.chunk[pos:pos + 18])
                pos += 18
                # steps: [(color, pos)]
                sig = '>hh' if rifx else '<hh'
                steps =['steps'] = []
                for _ in range(['fill'][-1]):
                    steps.append(struct.unpack(sig, self.chunk[pos:pos + 4]))
                    pos += 4
      ['tail'] = self.chunk[pos:]

        # OUTLINE
        if flags & cmx_const.INSTR_STROKE_FLAG:
  ['outline'] = utils.word2py_int(self.chunk[pos:pos + 2],
            pos += 2

        if flags >= cmx_const.INSTR_LENS_FLAG:
  ['tail'] = self.chunk[pos:]

        # POINTS & NODES
        # points: [(x,y),...]
        count = utils.word2py_int(self.chunk[pos:pos + 2], rifx)
        pos += 2
        points =['points'] = []
        sig = '>hh' if rifx else '<hh'
        for _ in range(count):
            points.append(struct.unpack(sig, self.chunk[pos:pos + 4]))
            pos += 4
        # nodes: (node,...)
        sig = count * 'B'['nodes'] = struct.unpack(sig, self.chunk[pos:pos + count])
        pos += count
        # BBOX
        sig = '>hhhh' if rifx else '<hhhh'['bbox'] = struct.unpack(sig, self.chunk[pos:pos + 8])
        pos += 8

        if pos < len(self.chunk):
  ['tail'] = self.chunk[pos:]