Esempio n. 1
def noUnit(field):
    """ remove the units from a grid """
    import visad
    from visad import CommonUnit
    newunit = CommonUnit.promiscuous
    rt = GridUtil.getParamType(field).getRealComponents()[0]
    newType = Util.makeRealType(rt.getName(), visad.CommonUnit.promiscuous)
    return GridUtil.setParamType(field, newType, 0)
Esempio n. 2
def noUnit(field):
  """ remove the units from a grid """
  import visad
  from visad import CommonUnit
  newunit = CommonUnit.promiscuous
  rt = GridUtil.getParamType(field).getRealComponents()[0]
  newType = Util.makeRealType(rt.getName(), visad.CommonUnit.promiscuous)
  return GridUtil.setParamType(field, newType,0)
Esempio n. 3
def centerDisplay(viewId, useProjection=False):
    control = findDisplayControl(id)
    if not control:
        raise IllegalArgumentException('Could not find display: %s' % (id))

    mcv = McIDASV.getStaticMcv()
    if mcv:
        viewManagers = getViewManagers(viewId)
        if useProjection and control.getDataProjection():
            mapProjection = control.getDataProjection()
            mcv.getVMManager().center(mapProjection, viewManagers)
        elif control.getDisplayCenter():
            centerPoint = Util.makeEarthLocation(control.getDisplayCenter())
            mcv.getVMManager().center(centerPoint, viewManagers)
Esempio n. 4
def getSliceAtAltitude(fieldimpl, alt, unit="m"):
    """ Extract a 2D horizontal slice from a 3D grid at the given altitude;
      level is a real number; if unit is supplied, it must
      be compatible with meters (ft, fathoms, etc)
      param fieldimpl is a grid which may have
      one or more time steps.  """
    #import methods from
    from visad import RealType
    from visad import Real
    alt = float(alt)
    unit = Util.parseUnit(unit)
    altitude = Real(RealType.Altitude, alt, unit)
    ff = GridUtil.sliceAtLevel(fieldimpl, altitude)
    return ff
Esempio n. 5
def getSliceAtAltitude(fieldimpl, alt, unit="m") :
  """ Extract a 2D horizontal slice from a 3D grid at the given altitude;
      level is a real number; if unit is supplied, it must
      be compatible with meters (ft, fathoms, etc)
      param fieldimpl is a grid which may have
      one or more time steps.  """
  #import methods from
  from visad import RealType
  from visad import Real
  alt = float(alt)
  unit = Util.parseUnit(unit)
  altitude = Real(RealType.Altitude, alt, unit)
  ff = GridUtil.sliceAtLevel(fieldimpl, altitude)
  return ff
Esempio n. 6
def centerDisplay(viewId, useProjection=False):
    control = findDisplayControl(id)
    if not control:
        raise IllegalArgumentException('Could not find display: %s' % (id))
    mcv = McIDASV.getStaticMcv()
    if mcv:
        viewManagers = getViewManagers(viewId)
        if useProjection and control.getDataProjection():
            mapProjection = control.getDataProjection()
            mcv.getVMManager().center(mapProjection, viewManagers)
        elif control.getDisplayCenter():
            centerPoint = Util.makeEarthLocation(control.getDisplayCenter())
            mcv.getVMManager().center(centerPoint, viewManagers)
Esempio n. 7
def makeFlatFieldSequence(sequence):
    """Turn list of _MappedGeoGridFlatField's into a FieldImpl with time domain that is suitable for displaying.

    This will work if the flatfield's have a time associated with them via
    getMetadataMap, but if that doesn't work we're out of luck because a
    plain old FlatField doesn't have any timestamp.  How do handle we that case?  
    Do we put in fake timestamps so the data can at least get displayed still?
    from import DataUtil
    from ucar.visad import Util
    from visad import FunctionType
    from visad import RealType
    from visad import DateTime
    dateTimes = []
        for ff in sequence:
            if ff.geogrid.getCoordinateSystem().hasTimeAxis1D():
                timeAxis = ff.geogrid.getCoordinateSystem().getTimeAxis1D()
                # fix for ABI data / data with no time coord: just return plain FF
                # this will allow data to get displayed, but w/o time info
                return ff
    except AttributeError:
        # no geogrid ... try to read from getMetadataMap
        if sequence[0].getMetadataMap().get('times'):
            # this was a _MappedGeoGridFlatField
            for ff in sequence:
                # should be a visad.DateTime:
                timeStr = ff.getMetadataMap().get('times')[0].toString() 
        elif sequence[0].getMetadataMap().get('nominal-time'):
            # this was a _MappedAreaImageFlatField
            for ff in sequence:
                time = ff.getMetadataMap().get('nominal-time')
    timeSet = Util.makeTimeSet(dateTimes)
    ftype = FunctionType(RealType.Time, ff.getType())
    fi = FieldImpl(ftype, timeSet)
    for i, ff in enumerate(sequence):
        fi.setSample(i, ff)
    return fi
Esempio n. 8
def makeFlatFieldSequence(sequence):
    """Turn list of _MappedGeoGridFlatField's into a FieldImpl with time domain that is suitable for displaying.

    This will work if the flatfield's have a time associated with them via
    getMetadataMap, but if that doesn't work we're out of luck because a
    plain old FlatField doesn't have any timestamp.  How do handle we that case?  
    Do we put in fake timestamps so the data can at least get displayed still?
    from import DataUtil
    from ucar.visad import Util
    from visad import FunctionType
    from visad import RealType
    from visad import DateTime
    dateTimes = []
        for ff in sequence:
            if ff.geogrid.getCoordinateSystem().hasTimeAxis1D():
                timeAxis = ff.geogrid.getCoordinateSystem().getTimeAxis1D()
                # fix for ABI data / data with no time coord: just return plain FF
                # this will allow data to get displayed, but w/o time info
                return ff
    except AttributeError:
        # no geogrid ... try to read from getMetadataMap
        if sequence[0].getMetadataMap().get('times'):
            # this was a _MappedGeoGridFlatField
            for ff in sequence:
                # should be a visad.DateTime:
                timeStr = ff.getMetadataMap().get('times')[0].toString()
        elif sequence[0].getMetadataMap().get('nominal-time'):
            # this was a _MappedAreaImageFlatField
            for ff in sequence:
                time = ff.getMetadataMap().get('nominal-time')
    timeSet = Util.makeTimeSet(dateTimes)
    ftype = FunctionType(RealType.Time, ff.getType())
    fi = FieldImpl(ftype, timeSet)
    for i, ff in enumerate(sequence):
        fi.setSample(i, ff)
    return fi
Esempio n. 9
def oldaverageOverTime(field, makeTimes=0):
    """@deprecated Average the values in each time step
    If makeTimes is true (1) then we return a field mapping all of the times
    to the average. Else we just return the average """
    if (GridUtil.isTimeSequence(field) == 0):
        return field
    cnt = 0
    domainSet = field.getDomainSet()
    current = None
    for t in range(domainSet.getLength()):
        cnt = cnt + 1
        rangeValue = field.getSample(t)
        if (current is None):
            current = rangeValue.clone()
            current = current + rangeValue
    if (cnt == 0):
        return None
    current = current / cnt
    if (makeTimes):
        return Util.makeTimeField(current, GridUtil.getDateTimeList(field))
    return current
Esempio n. 10
def oldaverageOverTime(field,makeTimes = 0):
    """@deprecated Average the values in each time step
    If makeTimes is true (1) then we return a field mapping all of the times
    to the average. Else we just return the average """
    if (GridUtil.isTimeSequence(field)==0):
        return field;
    cnt = 0;
    domainSet = field.getDomainSet()
    current = None;
    for t in range(domainSet.getLength()):
        rangeValue = field.getSample(t)
        if(current is None):
            current = rangeValue.clone();
            current = current+rangeValue;
    if(cnt == 0):
        return None;
    current = current/cnt;
        return Util.makeTimeField(current, GridUtil.getDateTimeList(field))
    return current
Esempio n. 11
def centerOnLatLon(latitude, longitude):
    mcv = McIDASV.getStaticMcv()
    if mcv:
        viewManagers = getViewManagers()
        earthLoc = Util.makeEarthLocation(latitude, longitude)
        mcv.getVMManager().center(earthLoc, viewManagers)
Esempio n. 12
def newUnit(field, varname, unitname):
    """ set the name and unit on a grid """
    newunit = Util.parseUnit(unitname)
    newType = Util.makeRealType(varname, newunit)
    return GridUtil.setParamType(field, newType, 0)
Esempio n. 13
def newUnit(field, varname, unitname):
  """ set the name and unit on a grid """
  newunit = Util.parseUnit(unitname)
  newType = Util.makeRealType(varname, newunit)
  return GridUtil.setParamType(field, newType,0)
Esempio n. 14
def centerOnLatLon(latitude, longitude):
    mcv = McIDASV.getStaticMcv()
    if mcv:
        viewManagers =  getViewManagers()
        earthLoc = Util.makeEarthLocation(latitude, longitude)
        mcv.getVMManager().center(earthLoc, viewManagers)