Esempio n. 1
    def _cf_callback_pos(self, timestamp, data, logconf):
        """callback on the crazyflie's position update"""
        x = data['kalman.stateX']
        y = data['kalman.stateY']
        z = data['kalman.stateZ']
        # print("current height: {}".format(z))

        # compute a difference between the previou current position and this one
        # if there is a large jump, that means there is a chance the estimator has reset!
        new_position = np.array([x, y, z])

        dpos = new_position - self._current_position_xyz
        dx = dpos[0]
        dy = dpos[1]
        pos_change = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

        # DEBUG
        # print("position change: ({}, {})".format(dx, dy))

        # TODO: find the correct limit here for defining a jump
        if pos_change >= 1:
            # print("esitmator has reset, adjusting home position")
            self._dynamic_home_xyz += np.array([dx, dy, 0])
            # print("\tdynamic adjustment = ({}, {})".format(self._dynamic_home_xyz[0], self._dynamic_home_xyz[1]))

        self._current_position_xyz = np.array([x, y,
                                               z])  # save for our internal use

        # the position that should be published is an NED position, adjusted for the set home position
        adjusted_pos = self._current_position_xyz - self._home_position_xyz - self._dynamic_home_xyz
        pos = mt.LocalFrameMessage(timestamp, adjusted_pos[0],
                                   -adjusted_pos[1], -adjusted_pos[2])
        self.notify_message_listeners(MsgID.LOCAL_POSITION, pos)
 def _cf_callback_vel(self, timestamp, data, logconf):
     """callback on the crazyflie's velocity update"""
     x = data['kalman.statePX']
     y = data['kalman.statePY']
     z = data['kalman.statePZ']
     vel = mt.LocalFrameMessage(timestamp, x, y, z)
     self.notify_message_listeners(MsgID.LOCAL_VELOCITY, vel)
 def _cf_callback_pos(self, timestamp, data, logconf):
     x = data['kalman.stateX']
     y = data['kalman.stateY']
     z = data['kalman.stateZ']
     # print("current height: {}".format(z))
     self._current_position_xyz = [x, y, z]  # save for our internal use
     pos = mt.LocalFrameMessage(timestamp, x, -y, -z)
     self.notify_message_listeners(MsgID.LOCAL_POSITION, pos)