def getServicesPoolsCounters(servicePool, counter_type): # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter try: cacheKey = (servicePool and or 'all') + str(counter_type) + str(POINTS) + str(SINCE) to = getSqlDatetime() since = to - timedelta(days=SINCE) val = cache.get(cacheKey) if val is None: if servicePool is None: us = ServicePool() complete = True # Get all deployed services stats else: us = servicePool complete = False val = [] for x in counters.getCounters(us, counter_type, since=since, to=to, limit=POINTS, use_max=USE_MAX, all=complete): val.append({'stamp': x[0], 'value': int(x[1])}) if len(val) > 2: cache.put(cacheKey, encoders.encode(pickle.dumps(val), 'zip') , 600) else: val = [{'stamp': since, 'value': 0}, {'stamp': to, 'value': 0}] else: val = pickle.loads(encoders.decode(val, 'zip')) return val except: logger.exception('exception') raise ResponseError('can\'t create stats for objects!!!')
def cancel(self, parent, uuid): """ Invoked to cancel a running publication Double invocation (this means, invoking cancel twice) will mean that is a "forced cancelation" :param parent: Parent service pool :param uuid: uuid of the publication """ if permissions.checkPermissions( self._user, parent, permissions.PERMISSION_MANAGEMENT) is False: logger.debug('Management Permission failed for user {}'.format( self._user)) self.accessDenied() try: ds = DeployedServicePublication.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(uuid)) ds.cancel() except Exception as e: raise ResponseError("{}".format(e)) log.doLog( parent, log.INFO, "Canceled publication v{} by {}".format( parent.current_pub_revision, self._user.pretty_name), log.ADMIN) return self.success()
def getGui(self, parent: 'Provider', forType: str) -> typing.Iterable[typing.Any]: try: logger.debug('getGui parameters: %s, %s', parent, forType) parentInstance = parent.getInstance() serviceType = parentInstance.getServiceByType(forType) if not serviceType: raise self.invalidItemException( 'Gui for {} not found'.format(forType)) service = serviceType( Environment.getTempEnv(), parentInstance ) # Instantiate it so it has the opportunity to alter gui description based on parent localGui = self.addDefaultFields(service.guiDescription(service), ['name', 'comments', 'tags']) if GlobalConfig.EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES.getBool(): self.addField( localGui, { 'name': 'proxy_id', 'values': [gui.choiceItem(-1, '')] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceItem(v.uuid, for v in models.Proxy.objects.all() ]), 'label': _('Proxy'), 'tooltip': _('Proxy for services behind a firewall'), 'type': gui.InputField.CHOICE_TYPE, 'tab': _('Advanced'), 'order': 132, }, ) else: self.addField( localGui, { 'name': 'proxy_id', 'value': '-1', 'type': gui.InputField.HIDDEN_TYPE, }, ) return localGui except Exception as e: logger.exception('getGui') raise ResponseError(str(e))
def getGui(self, parent, forType): try: logger.debug('getGui parameters: {0}, {1}'.format(parent, forType)) parentInstance = parent.getInstance() serviceType = parentInstance.getServiceByType(forType) service = serviceType( Environment.getTempEnv(), parentInstance ) # Instantiate it so it has the opportunity to alter gui description based on parent return self.addDefaultFields(service.guiDescription(service), ['name', 'comments']) except Exception as e: logger.exception('getGui') raise ResponseError(unicode(e))
def getServicesPoolsCounters( servicePool: typing.Optional[models.ServicePool], counter_type: int) -> typing.List[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]]: try: cacheKey = ((servicePool and str( or 'all') + str(counter_type) + str(POINTS) + str(SINCE)) to = models.getSqlDatetime() since: datetime.datetime = to - datetime.timedelta(days=SINCE) cachedValue: typing.Optional[bytes] = cache.get(cacheKey) if not cachedValue: if not servicePool: us = models.ServicePool() complete = True # Get all deployed services stats else: us = servicePool complete = False val: typing.List[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = [] for x in counters.getCounters( us, counter_type, since=since, to=to, max_intervals=POINTS, use_max=USE_MAX, all=complete, ): val.append({'stamp': x[0], 'value': int(x[1])}) if len(val) > 2: cache.put(cacheKey, codecs.encode(pickle.dumps(val), 'zip'), 600) else: val = [{'stamp': since, 'value': 0}, {'stamp': to, 'value': 0}] else: val = pickle.loads(codecs.decode(cachedValue, 'zip')) # return [{'stamp': since + datetime.timedelta(hours=i*10), 'value': i*i} for i in range(300)] return val except: logger.exception('exception') raise ResponseError('can\'t create stats for objects!!!')
def cancel(self, parent, uuid): """ Invoked to cancel a running publication Double invocation (this means, invoking cancel twice) will mean that is a "forced cancelation" :param parent: Parent service pool :param uuid: uuid of the publication """ if permissions.checkPermissions( self._user, parent, permissions.PERMISSION_MANAGEMENT) is False: logger.debug('Management Permission failed for user {}'.format( self._user)) self.accessDenied() try: ds = DeployedServicePublication.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(uuid)) ds.cancel() except Exception as e: raise ResponseError(six.text_type(e)) return self.success()
def getServicesPoolsCounters( servicePool: typing.Optional[models.ServicePool], counter_type: int) -> typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]: # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter try: cacheKey = (servicePool and or 'all') + str(counter_type) + str(POINTS) + str(SINCE) to = models.getSqlDatetime() since: datetime.datetime = to - datetime.timedelta(days=SINCE) val: typing.Any = cache.get(cacheKey) if not val: if not servicePool: us = models.ServicePool() complete = True # Get all deployed services stats else: us = servicePool complete = False val = [] for x in counters.getCounters(us, counter_type, since=since, to=to, max_intervals=POINTS, use_max=USE_MAX, all=complete): val.append({'stamp': x[0], 'value': int(x[1])}) if len(val) > 2: cache.put(cacheKey, encoders.encode(pickle.dumps(val), 'zip'), 600) else: val = [{'stamp': since, 'value': 0}, {'stamp': to, 'value': 0}] else: val = pickle.loads(typing.cast(bytes, encoders.decode(val, 'zip'))) return val except: logger.exception('exception') raise ResponseError('can\'t create stats for objects!!!')
def getGui(self, parent, forType): try: logger.debug('getGui parameters: {0}, {1}'.format(parent, forType)) parentInstance = parent.getInstance() serviceType = parentInstance.getServiceByType(forType) service = serviceType( Environment.getTempEnv(), parentInstance ) # Instantiate it so it has the opportunity to alter gui description based on parent g = self.addDefaultFields(service.guiDescription(service), ['name', 'comments', 'tags']) for f in [ { 'name': 'proxy_id', 'values': [gui.choiceItem(-1, '')] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceItem(v.uuid, for v in Proxy.objects.all() ]), 'label': _('Proxy'), 'tooltip': _('Proxy for services behind a firewall'), 'type': gui.InputField.CHOICE_TYPE, 'tab': _('Advanced'), 'order': 132, }, ]: self.addField(g, f) return g except Exception as e: logger.exception('getGui') raise ResponseError(six.text_type(e))
def getGui(self, type_): if OSManager.objects.count() < 1: # No os managers, can't create db raise ResponseError( ugettext( 'Create at least one OS Manager before creating a new service pool' )) if Service.objects.count() < 1: raise ResponseError( ugettext( 'Create at least a service before creating a new service pool' )) g = self.addDefaultFields([], ['name', 'short_name', 'comments', 'tags']) for f in [ { 'name': 'service_id', 'values': [gui.choiceItem('', '')] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceItem(v.uuid, + '\\' + for v in Service.objects.all() ]), 'label': ugettext('Base service'), 'tooltip': ugettext('Service used as base of this service pool'), 'type': gui.InputField.CHOICE_TYPE, 'rdonly': True, 'order': 100, # Ensueres is At end }, { 'name': 'osmanager_id', 'values': [gui.choiceItem(-1, '')] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceItem(v.uuid, for v in OSManager.objects.all() ]), 'label': ugettext('OS Manager'), 'tooltip': ugettext('OS Manager used as base of this service pool'), 'type': gui.InputField.CHOICE_TYPE, 'rdonly': True, 'order': 101, }, { 'name': 'show_transports', 'value': True, 'label': ugettext('Show transports'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'If active, alternative transports for user will be shown' ), 'type': gui.InputField.CHECKBOX_TYPE, 'order': 110, 'tab': ugettext('Advanced'), }, { 'name': 'allow_users_remove', 'value': False, 'label': ugettext('Allow removal by users'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'If active, the user will be allowed to remove the service "manually". Be careful with this, because the user will have the "power" to delete it\'s own service' ), 'type': gui.InputField.CHECKBOX_TYPE, 'order': 111, 'tab': ugettext('Advanced'), }, { 'name': 'allow_users_reset', 'value': False, 'label': ugettext('Allow reset by users'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'If active, the user will be allowed to reset the service' ), 'type': gui.InputField.CHECKBOX_TYPE, 'order': 112, 'tab': ugettext('Advanced'), }, { 'name': 'ignores_unused', 'value': False, 'label': ugettext('Ignores unused'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'If the option is enabled, UDS will not attempt to detect and remove the user services assigned but not in use.' ), 'type': gui.InputField.CHECKBOX_TYPE, 'order': 113, 'tab': ugettext('Advanced'), }, { 'name': 'image_id', 'values': [gui.choiceImage(-1, '--------', DEFAULT_THUMB_BASE64)] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceImage(v.uuid,, v.thumb64) for v in Image.objects.all() ]), 'label': ugettext('Associated Image'), 'tooltip': ugettext('Image assocciated with this service'), 'type': gui.InputField.IMAGECHOICE_TYPE, 'order': 120, 'tab': ugettext('Display'), }, { 'name': 'servicesPoolGroup_id', 'values': [gui.choiceImage(-1, _('Default'), DEFAULT_THUMB_BASE64)] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceImage(v.uuid,, v.thumb64) for v in ServicesPoolGroup.objects.all() ]), 'label': ugettext('Pool group'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'Pool group for this pool (for pool classify on display)'), 'type': gui.InputField.IMAGECHOICE_TYPE, 'order': 121, 'tab': ugettext('Display'), }, { 'name': 'visible', 'value': True, 'label': ugettext('Visible'), 'tooltip': ugettext('If active, transport will be visible for users'), 'type': gui.InputField.CHECKBOX_TYPE, 'order': 107, 'tab': ugettext('Display'), }, { 'name': 'initial_srvs', 'value': '0', 'minValue': '0', 'label': ugettext('Initial available services'), 'tooltip': ugettext('Services created initially for this service pool'), 'type': gui.InputField.NUMERIC_TYPE, 'order': 130, 'tab': ugettext('Availability'), }, { 'name': 'cache_l1_srvs', 'value': '0', 'minValue': '0', 'label': ugettext('Services to keep in cache'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'Services kept in cache for improved user service assignation' ), 'type': gui.InputField.NUMERIC_TYPE, 'order': 131, 'tab': ugettext('Availability'), }, { 'name': 'cache_l2_srvs', 'value': '0', 'minValue': '0', 'label': ugettext('Services to keep in L2 cache'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'Services kept in cache of level2 for improved service generation' ), 'type': gui.InputField.NUMERIC_TYPE, 'order': 132, 'tab': ugettext('Availability'), }, { 'name': 'max_srvs', 'value': '0', 'minValue': '1', 'label': ugettext('Maximum number of services to provide'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'Maximum number of service (assigned and L1 cache) that can be created for this service' ), 'type': gui.InputField.NUMERIC_TYPE, 'order': 133, 'tab': ugettext('Availability'), }, { 'name': 'show_transports', 'value': True, 'label': ugettext('Show transports'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'If active, alternative transports for user will be shown' ), 'type': gui.InputField.CHECKBOX_TYPE, 'tab': ugettext('Advanced'), 'order': 130, }, { 'name': 'account_id', 'values': [gui.choiceItem(-1, '')] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceItem(v.uuid, for v in Account.objects.all() ]), 'label': ugettext('Accounting'), 'tooltip': ugettext('Account associated to this service pool'), 'type': gui.InputField.CHOICE_TYPE, 'tab': ugettext('Advanced'), 'order': 131, } ]: self.addField(g, f) return g
def getGui(self, type_): if OSManager.objects.count() < 1: # No os managers, can't create db raise ResponseError( ugettext( 'Create at least one OS Manager before creating a new service pool' )) if Service.objects.count() < 1: raise ResponseError( ugettext( 'Create at least a service before creating a new service pool' )) g = self.addDefaultFields([], ['name', 'comments']) for f in [ { 'name': 'service_id', 'values': [gui.choiceItem(-1, '')] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceItem(v.uuid, + '\\' + for v in Service.objects.all() ]), 'label': ugettext('Base service'), 'tooltip': ugettext('Service used as base of this service pool'), 'type': gui.InputField.CHOICE_TYPE, 'rdonly': True, 'order': 100, # Ensueres is At end }, { 'name': 'osmanager_id', 'values': [gui.choiceItem(-1, '')] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceItem(v.uuid, for v in OSManager.objects.all() ]), 'label': ugettext('OS Manager'), 'tooltip': ugettext('OS Manager used as base of this service pool'), 'type': gui.InputField.CHOICE_TYPE, 'rdonly': True, 'order': 101, }, { 'name': 'image_id', 'values': [gui.choiceItem(-1, '')] + gui.sortedChoices([ gui.choiceItem(v.uuid, for v in Image.objects.all() ]), 'label': ugettext('Associated Image'), 'tooltip': ugettext('Image assocciated with this service'), 'type': gui.InputField.CHOICE_TYPE, 'order': 102, }, { 'name': 'initial_srvs', 'value': '0', 'minValue': '0', 'label': ugettext('Initial available services'), 'tooltip': ugettext('Services created initially for this service pool'), 'type': gui.InputField.NUMERIC_TYPE, 'order': 103, }, { 'name': 'cache_l1_srvs', 'value': '0', 'minValue': '0', 'label': ugettext('Services to keep in cache'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'Services kept in cache for improved user service assignation' ), 'type': gui.InputField.NUMERIC_TYPE, 'order': 104, }, { 'name': 'cache_l2_srvs', 'value': '0', 'minValue': '0', 'label': ugettext('Services to keep in L2 cache'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'Services kept in cache of level2 for improved service generation' ), 'type': gui.InputField.NUMERIC_TYPE, 'order': 105, }, { 'name': 'max_srvs', 'value': '0', 'minValue': '1', 'label': ugettext('Maximum number of services to provide'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'Maximum number of service (assigned and L1 cache) that can be created for this service' ), 'type': gui.InputField.NUMERIC_TYPE, 'order': 106, }, { 'name': 'show_transports', 'value': True, 'label': ugettext('Show transports'), 'tooltip': ugettext( 'If active, alternative transports for user will be shown' ), 'type': gui.InputField.CHECKBOX_TYPE, 'order': 107, } ]: self.addField(g, f) return g