Esempio n. 1
    def argument(self, obj):
        Q = obj.ufl_function_space()
        dom = Q.ufl_domain()
        sub_elements = obj.ufl_element().sub_elements()

        # If not a mixed element, do nothing
        if (len(sub_elements) == 0):
            return obj

        # Split into sub-elements, creating appropriate space for each
        args = []
        for i, sub_elem in enumerate(sub_elements):
            Q_i = FunctionSpace(dom, sub_elem)
            a = Argument(Q_i, obj.number(), part=obj.part())

            indices = [()]
            for m in a.ufl_shape:
                indices = [(k + (j,)) for k in indices for j in range(m)]

            if (i == self.idx[obj.number()]):
                args += [a[j] for j in indices]
                args += [Zero() for j in indices]

        return as_vector(args)
Esempio n. 2
def Dn(f):
    """UFL operator: Take the directional derivative of *f* in the
    facet normal direction, Dn(f) := dot(grad(f), n)."""
    f = as_ufl(f)
    if is_cellwise_constant(f):
        return Zero(f.ufl_shape, f.ufl_free_indices, f.ufl_index_dimensions)
    return dot(grad(f), FacetNormal(f.ufl_domain()))
Esempio n. 3
class AssignmentBase(Operator):
    """Base class for UFL augmented assignments."""

    __slots__ = ("ufl_shape", "_symbol", "_ast", "_visit")
    _identity = Zero()

    def __init__(self, lhs, rhs):
        operands = map(ufl.as_ufl, (lhs, rhs))
        super(AssignmentBase, self).__init__(operands)
        self.ufl_shape = lhs.ufl_shape
        # Sub function assignment, we've put a Zero in the lhs
        # indicating we should do nothing.
        if type(lhs) is Zero:
        if not (isinstance(lhs, function.Function)
                or isinstance(lhs, DummyFunction)):
            raise TypeError("Can only assign to a Function")

    def __str__(self):
        return (" %s " % self._symbol).join(map(str, self.ufl_operands))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(
            repr(o) for o in self.ufl_operands))

    def ast(self):

        return self._ast(_ast(self.ufl_operands[0]),
Esempio n. 4
    def argument(self, arg):
        """Split an argument into its constituent spaces."""
        from itertools import product
        if isinstance(arg.function_space(), functionspace.MixedFunctionSpace):
            # Look up the split argument in cache since we want it unique
            if arg in self._args:
                return self._args[arg]
            args = []
            for i, fs in enumerate(arg.function_space().split()):
                # Build the sub-space Argument (not part of the mixed
                # space).
                a = Argument(fs, arg.number(), part=arg.part())

                # Produce indexing iterator.
                # For scalar-valued spaces this results in the empty
                # tuple (), which returns the Argument when indexing.
                # For vector-valued spaces, this is just
                # range(a.ufl_shape[0])
                # For tensor-valued spaces, it's the nested loop of
                # range(x for x in a.ufl_shape).
                # Each of the indexed things is then scalar-valued
                # which we turn into a ufl Vector.
                indices = product(*map(range, a.ufl_shape))
                if self._idx[arg.number()] == i:
                    args += [a[idx] for idx in indices]
                    args += [Zero() for _ in indices]
            self._args[arg] = as_vector(args)
            return self._args[arg]
        return arg
Esempio n. 5
    def __new__(cls, *expressions):
        # All lists and tuples should already be unwrapped in
        # as_tensor
        if any(not isinstance(e, Expr) for e in expressions):
            error("Expecting only UFL expressions in ListTensor constructor.")

        # Get properties of the first expression
        e0 = expressions[0]
        sh = e0.ufl_shape
        fi = e0.ufl_free_indices
        fid = e0.ufl_index_dimensions

        # Obviously, each subexpression must have the same shape
        if any(sh != e.ufl_shape for e in expressions[1:]):
                "Cannot create a tensor by joining subexpressions with different shapes."
        if any(fi != e.ufl_free_indices for e in expressions[1:]):
                "Cannot create a tensor where the components have different free indices."
        if any(fid != e.ufl_index_dimensions for e in expressions[1:]):
                "Cannot create a tensor where the components have different free index dimensions."

        # Simplify to Zero if possible
        if all(isinstance(e, Zero) for e in expressions):
            shape = (len(expressions), ) + sh
            return Zero(shape, fi, fid)

        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 6
 def __new__(cls, f):
     # Return zero if expression is trivially constant
     if is_cellwise_constant(f):
         dim = f.ufl_domain().topological_dimension()
         return Zero(f.ufl_shape + (dim,), f.ufl_free_indices,
     return CompoundDerivative.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 7
 def __new__(cls, f):
     # Return zero if expression is trivially constant
     if is_cellwise_constant(f):
         dim = find_geometric_dimension(f)
         return Zero((dim,) + f.ufl_shape, f.ufl_free_indices,
     return CompoundDerivative.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 8
    def __new__(cls, *expressions):
        # All lists and tuples should already be unwrapped in as_tensor
        if any(not isinstance(e, Expr) for e in expressions):
            error("Expecting only UFL expressions in ListTensor constructor.")

        # Get properties of the first expression
        e0 = expressions[0]
        sh = e0.shape()
        fi = e0.free_indices()
        idim = e0.index_dimensions()

        # Obviously, each subextpression must have the same shape
        if any(sh != e.shape() for e in expressions):
            error("ListTensor assumption 1 failed, "\
                  "please report this incident as a potential bug.")

        # Are these assumptions correct? Need to think
        # through the listtensor concept and free indices.
        # Are there any cases where it makes sense to even
        # have any free indices here?
        if any(set(fi) - set(e.free_indices()) for e in expressions):
            error("ListTensor assumption 2 failed, "\
                  "please report this incident as a potential bug.")
        if any(idim != e.index_dimensions() for e in expressions):
            error("ListTensor assumption 3 failed, "\
                  "please report this incident as a potential bug.")

        # Simplify to Zero if possible
        if all(isinstance(e, Zero) for e in expressions):
            shape = (len(expressions), ) + sh
            return Zero(shape, fi, idim)

        return WrapperType.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 9
 def argument(self, o):
     from ufl import as_vector
     from ufl.constantvalue import Zero
     from dolfin import Argument
     from numpy import ndindex
     V = o.function_space()
     if V.num_sub_spaces() == 0:
         # Not on a mixed space, just return ourselves.
         return o
     # Already seen this argument, return the cached version.
     if o in self._args:
         return self._args[o]
     args = []
     for i, V_i_sub in enumerate(V.split()):
         # Walk over the subspaces and build a vector that is zero
         # where the argument does not match the one we're looking
         # for and is just the non-mixed argument when we do want
         # it.
         V_i = V_i_sub.collapse()
         a = Argument(V_i, o.number(), part=o.part())
         indices = ndindex(a.ufl_shape)
         if self.idx[o.number()] == i:
             args += [a[j] for j in indices]
             args += [Zero() for j in indices]
     self._args[o] = as_vector(args)
     return self._args[o]
 def __new__(cls, f):
     # Return zero if expression is trivially constant
     dim = f.geometric_dimension()
     if f.is_cellwise_constant():
         free_indices = f.free_indices()
         index_dimensions = subdict(f.index_dimensions(), free_indices)
         return Zero((dim,) + f.shape(), free_indices, index_dimensions)
     return CompoundDerivative.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 11
def Dn(f):
    """UFL operator: Take the directional derivative of f in the
    facet normal direction, Dn(f) := dot(grad(f), n)."""
    f = as_ufl(f)
    cell = f.cell()
    if cell is None:  # FIXME: Rather if f.is_cellwise_constant()?
        return Zero(f.shape(), f.free_indices(), f.index_dimensions())
    return dot(grad(f), cell.n)
Esempio n. 12
 def __new__(cls, a, b):
     ash, bsh = a.shape(), b.shape()
     if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
         free_indices, index_dimensions = merge_indices(a, b)
         return Zero(ash + bsh, free_indices, index_dimensions)
     if ash == () or bsh == ():
         return a * b
     return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 13
def test_real(self):
    z0 = Zero()
    z1 = as_ufl(1.0)
    z2 = ComplexValue(1j)
    z3 = ComplexValue(1+1j)
    assert Real(z1) == z1
    assert Real(z3) == z1
    assert Real(z2) == z0
Esempio n. 14
 def __new__(cls, a, b):
     ash, bsh = a.ufl_shape, b.ufl_shape
     if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
         fi, fid = merge_nonoverlapping_indices(a, b)
         return Zero(ash + bsh, fi, fid)
     if ash == () or bsh == ():
         return a * b
     return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)
 def __new__(cls, f, v):
     # Return zero if expression is trivially independent of variable
     if isinstance(f, Terminal):
         free_indices = tuple(set(f.free_indices()) ^ set(v.free_indices()))
         index_dimensions = mergedicts([f.index_dimensions(), v.index_dimensions()])
         index_dimensions = subdict(index_dimensions, free_indices)
         return Zero(f.shape() + v.shape(), free_indices, index_dimensions)
     return Derivative.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 16
 def __new__(cls, a, b):
     ash, bsh = a.shape(), b.shape()
     ufl_assert(ash == bsh, "Shape mismatch.")
     if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
         free_indices, index_dimensions = merge_indices(a, b)
         return Zero((), free_indices, index_dimensions)
     if ash == ():
         return a*b
     return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 17
    def __new__(cls, f):
        if f.ufl_free_indices:
            error("Free indices in the divergence argument is not allowed.")

        # Return zero if expression is trivially constant
        if is_cellwise_constant(f):
            return Zero(f.ufl_shape[1:])  # No free indices asserted above

        return CompoundDerivative.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 18
def _filter(o: Expr, self: Memoizer) -> Expr:
    if not isinstance(o, Expr):
        raise AssertionError(f"Cannot handle term with type {type(o)}")
    if self.predicate(o):
        return Zero(shape=o.ufl_shape,
        return ufl_reuse_if_untouched(o, *map(self, o.ufl_operands))
Esempio n. 19
 def __new__(cls, A):
     sh = A.shape()
     ufl_assert(len(sh) == 2, "Symmetric part of tensor with rank != 2 is undefined.")
     if sh[0] != sh[1]:
         error("Cannot take symmetric part of rectangular matrix with dimensions %s." % repr(sh))
     ufl_assert(not A.free_indices(), "Not expecting free indices in Sym.")
     if isinstance(A, Zero):
         return Zero(A.shape(), A.free_indices(), A.index_dimensions())
     return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 20
def test_imag(self):
    z0 = Zero()
    z1 = as_ufl(1.0)
    z2 = as_ufl(1j)
    z3 = ComplexValue(1+1j)

    assert Imag(z2) == z1
    assert Imag(z3) == z1
    assert Imag(z1) == z0
Esempio n. 21
def _getitem(self, component):

    # Treat component consistently as tuple below
    if not isinstance(component, tuple):
        component = (component, )

    shape = self.ufl_shape

    # Analyse slices (:) and Ellipsis (...)
    all_indices, slice_indices, repeated_indices = create_slice_indices(
        component, shape, self.ufl_free_indices)

    # Check that we have the right number of indices for a tensor with
    # this shape
    if len(shape) != len(all_indices):
            "Invalid number of indices {0} for expression of rank {1}.".format(
                len(all_indices), len(shape)))

    # Special case for simplifying foo[...] => foo, foo[:] => foo or
    # similar
    if len(slice_indices) == len(all_indices):
        return self

    # Special case for simplifying as_tensor(ai,(i,))[i] => ai
    if isinstance(self, ComponentTensor):
        if all_indices == self.indices().indices():
            return self.ufl_operands[0]

    # Apply all indices to index self, yielding a scalar valued
    # expression
    mi = MultiIndex(all_indices)
    a = Indexed(self, mi)

    # TODO: I think applying as_tensor after index sums results in
    # cleaner expression graphs.

    # If the Ellipsis or any slices were found, wrap as tensor valued
    # with the slice indices created at the top here
    if slice_indices:
        a = as_tensor(a, slice_indices)

    # If any repeated indices were found, apply implicit summation
    # over those
    for i in repeated_indices:
        mi = MultiIndex((i, ))
        a = IndexSum(a, mi)

    # Check for zero (last so we can get indices etc from a, could
    # possibly be done faster by checking early instead)
    if isinstance(self, Zero):
        shape = a.ufl_shape
        fi = a.ufl_free_indices
        fid = a.ufl_index_dimensions
        a = Zero(shape, fi, fid)

    return a
Esempio n. 22
    def argument(self, obj):
        if (obj.part() is not None):
            # Mixed element built from MixedFunctionSpace,
            # whose sub-function spaces are indexed by obj.part()
            if len(obj.ufl_shape) == 0:
                if (obj.part() == self.idx[obj.number()]):
                    return obj
                    return Zero()
                indices = [()]
                for m in obj.ufl_shape:
                    indices = [(k + (j, )) for k in indices for j in range(m)]

                if (obj.part() == self.idx[obj.number()]):
                    return as_vector([obj[j] for j in indices])
                    return as_vector([Zero() for j in indices])
            # Mixed element built from MixedElement,
            # whose sub-elements need their function space to be created
            Q = obj.ufl_function_space()
            dom = Q.ufl_domain()
            sub_elements = obj.ufl_element().sub_elements()

            # If not a mixed element, do nothing
            if (len(sub_elements) == 0):
                return obj

            args = []
            for i, sub_elem in enumerate(sub_elements):
                Q_i = FunctionSpace(dom, sub_elem)
                a = Argument(Q_i, obj.number(), part=obj.part())

                indices = [()]
                for m in a.ufl_shape:
                    indices = [(k + (j, )) for k in indices for j in range(m)]

                if (i == self.idx[obj.number()]):
                    args += [a[j] for j in indices]
                    args += [Zero() for j in indices]

            return as_vector(args)
Esempio n. 23
 def _ufl_expr_reconstruct_(self, op):
     "Return a new object of the same type with new operands."
     if is_cellwise_constant(op):
         if op.ufl_shape != self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape:
             error("Operand shape mismatch in NablaGrad reconstruct.")
         if self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_free_indices != op.ufl_free_indices:
             error("Free index mismatch in NablaGrad reconstruct.")
         return Zero(self.ufl_shape, self.ufl_free_indices,
     return self._ufl_class_(op)
 def reconstruct(self, op):
     "Return a new object of the same type with new operands."
     if op.is_cellwise_constant():
         ufl_assert(op.shape() == self._f.shape(),
                    "Operand shape mismatch in NablaGrad reconstruct.")
         ufl_assert(self._f.free_indices() == op.free_indices(),
                    "Free index mismatch in NablaGrad reconstruct.")
         return Zero(self.shape(), self.free_indices(),
     return self.__class__._uflclass(op)
Esempio n. 25
    def __new__(cls, A):
        # Checks
        if len(A.ufl_shape) != 2:
            error("Trace of tensor with rank != 2 is undefined.")

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(A, Zero):
            return Zero((), A.ufl_free_indices, A.ufl_index_dimensions)

        return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 26
    def __new__(cls, a, b):
        ash, bsh = a.shape(), b.shape()
        ufl_assert(len(ash) == 1 and ash == bsh,
            "Cross product requires arguments of rank 1.")

        if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
            free_indices, index_dimensions = merge_indices(a, b)
            return Zero(ash, free_indices, index_dimensions)

        return CompoundTensorOperator.__new__(cls)
    def __new__(cls, f):
        ufl_assert(not f.free_indices(), \
            "TODO: Taking divergence of an expression with free indices,"\
            "should this be a valid expression? Please provide examples!")

        # Return zero if expression is trivially constant
        if f.is_cellwise_constant():
            return Zero(f.shape()[1:]) # No free indices asserted above

        return CompoundDerivative.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 28
    def __new__(cls, expression, indices):

        # Simplify
        if isinstance(expression, Zero):
            fi, fid, sh = remove_indices(expression.ufl_free_indices,
                                         [ind.count() for ind in indices])
            return Zero(sh, fi, fid)

        # Construct
        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 29
 def __new__(cls, expression, indices):
     if isinstance(expression, Zero):
         if isinstance(indices, MultiIndex):
             indices = tuple(indices)
         elif not isinstance(indices, tuple):
             indices = (indices, )
         dims = expression.index_dimensions()
         shape = tuple(dims[i] for i in indices)
         fi = tuple(set(expression.free_indices()) - set(indices))
         idim = dict((i, dims[i]) for i in fi)
         return Zero(shape, fi, idim)
     return WrapperType.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 30
    def __new__(cls, a):
        a = as_ufl(a)

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, Zero):
            return a
        if isinstance(a, (Real, Imag, Abs)):
            return Zero(a.ufl_shape, a.ufl_free_indices, a.ufl_index_dimensions)
        if isinstance(a, ScalarValue):
            return as_ufl(a.imag())

        return Operator.__new__(cls)