Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, *expressions):
        Operator.__init__(self, expressions)

        # Checks
        indexset = set(self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_free_indices)
        if not all(not (indexset ^ set(e.ufl_free_indices)) for e in self.ufl_operands):
            error("Can't combine subtensor expressions with different sets of free indices.")
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
     Operator.__init__(self, (arg1, arg2))
     if isinstance(arg1, (ComplexValue, complex)) or isinstance(arg2, (ComplexValue, complex)):
         raise TypeError("Atan2 does not support complex numbers.")
     if not is_true_ufl_scalar(arg1):
         error("Expecting scalar argument 1.")
     if not is_true_ufl_scalar(arg2):
         error("Expecting scalar argument 2.")
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, summand, index):
     j, = index
     fi = summand.ufl_free_indices
     fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions
     pos = fi.index(j.count())
     self._dimension = fid[pos]
     self.ufl_free_indices = fi[:pos] + fi[pos + 1:]
     self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid[:pos] + fid[pos + 1:]
     Operator.__init__(self, (summand, index))
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
     Operator.__init__(self, (arg1, arg2))
     if isinstance(arg1, (ComplexValue, complex)) or isinstance(
             arg2, (ComplexValue, complex)):
         raise TypeError("Atan2 does not support complex numbers.")
     if not is_true_ufl_scalar(arg1):
         error("Expecting scalar argument 1.")
     if not is_true_ufl_scalar(arg2):
         error("Expecting scalar argument 2.")
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__(self, summand, index):
     j, = index
     fi = summand.ufl_free_indices
     fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions
     pos = fi.index(j.count())
     self._dimension = fid[pos]
     self.ufl_free_indices = fi[:pos] + fi[pos+1:]
     self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid[:pos] + fid[pos+1:]
     Operator.__init__(self, (summand, index))
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, *expressions):
        Operator.__init__(self, expressions)

        # Checks
        indexset = set(self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_free_indices)
        if not all(not (indexset ^ set(e.ufl_free_indices))
                   for e in self.ufl_operands):
                "Can't combine subtensor expressions with different sets of free indices."
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, expression, multiindex):
        # Store operands
        Operator.__init__(self, (expression, multiindex))

        # Error checking
        if not isinstance(expression, Expr):
            error("Expecting Expr instance, not %s." % ufl_err_str(expression))
        if not isinstance(multiindex, MultiIndex):
            error("Expecting MultiIndex instance, not %s." %

        shape = expression.ufl_shape

        # Error checking
        if len(shape) != len(multiindex):
            error("Invalid number of indices (%d) for tensor "
                  "expression of rank %d:\n\t%s\n" %
                  (len(multiindex), len(
                      expression.ufl_shape), ufl_err_str(expression)))
        if any(
                int(di) >= int(si) or int(di) < 0
                for si, di in zip(shape, multiindex)
                if isinstance(di, FixedIndex)):
            error("Fixed index out of range!")

        # Build tuples of free index ids and dimensions
        if 1:
            efi = expression.ufl_free_indices
            efid = expression.ufl_index_dimensions
            fi = list(zip(efi, efid))
            for pos, ind in enumerate(multiindex._indices):
                if isinstance(ind, Index):
                    fi.append((ind.count(), shape[pos]))
            fi = unique_sorted_indices(sorted(fi))
            if fi:
                fi, fid = zip(*fi)
                fi, fid = (), ()

            mfiid = [(ind.count(), shape[pos])
                     for pos, ind in enumerate(multiindex._indices)
                     if isinstance(ind, Index)]
            mfi, mfid = zip(*mfiid) if mfiid else ((), ())
            fi, fid = merge_unique_indices(expression.ufl_free_indices,
                                           mfi, mfid)

        # Cache free index and dimensions
        self.ufl_free_indices = fi
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, expression, label=None):
        # Conversion
        expression = as_ufl(expression)
        if label is None:
            label = Label()

        # Checks
        if not isinstance(expression, Expr):
            error("Expecting Expr.")
        if not isinstance(label, Label):
            error("Expecting a Label.")
        if expression.ufl_free_indices:
            error("Variable cannot wrap an expression with free indices.")

        Operator.__init__(self, (expression, label))
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, expression, label=None):
        # Conversion
        expression = as_ufl(expression)
        if label is None:
            label = Label()

        # Checks
        if not isinstance(expression, Expr):
            error("Expecting Expr.")
        if not isinstance(label, Label):
            error("Expecting a Label.")
        if expression.ufl_free_indices:
            error("Variable cannot wrap an expression with free indices.")

        Operator.__init__(self, (expression, label))
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, expression, multiindex):
        # Store operands
        Operator.__init__(self, (expression, multiindex))

        # Error checking
        if not isinstance(expression, Expr):
            error("Expecting Expr instance, not %s." % ufl_err_str(expression))
        if not isinstance(multiindex, MultiIndex):
            error("Expecting MultiIndex instance, not %s." % ufl_err_str(multiindex))

        shape = expression.ufl_shape

        # Error checking
        if len(shape) != len(multiindex):
            error("Invalid number of indices (%d) for tensor "
                  "expression of rank %d:\n\t%s\n"
                  % (len(multiindex), len(expression.ufl_shape), ufl_err_str(expression)))
        if any(int(di) >= int(si)
               for si, di in zip(shape, multiindex)
               if isinstance(di, FixedIndex)):
            error("Fixed index out of range!")

        # Build tuples of free index ids and dimensions
        if 1:
            efi = expression.ufl_free_indices
            efid = expression.ufl_index_dimensions
            fi = list(zip(efi, efid))
            for pos, ind in enumerate(multiindex._indices):
                if isinstance(ind, Index):
                    fi.append((ind.count(), shape[pos]))
            fi = unique_sorted_indices(sorted(fi))
            if fi:
                fi, fid = zip(*fi)
                fi, fid = (), ()

            mfiid = [(ind.count(), shape[pos])
                     for pos, ind in enumerate(multiindex._indices)
                     if isinstance(ind, Index)]
            mfi, mfid = zip(*mfiid) if mfiid else ((), ())
            fi, fid = merge_unique_indices(expression.ufl_free_indices,
                                           mfi, mfid)

        # Cache free index and dimensions
        self.ufl_free_indices = fi
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid
Esempio n. 11
 def ufl_domains(self):
     # Because this type can act like a terminal if it has no
     # operands, we need to override some recursive operations
     if self.ufl_operands:
         return Operator.ufl_domains()
         return []
Esempio n. 12
    def __new__(cls, *expressions):
        # All lists and tuples should already be unwrapped in
        # as_tensor
        if any(not isinstance(e, Expr) for e in expressions):
            error("Expecting only UFL expressions in ListTensor constructor.")

        # Get properties of the first expression
        e0 = expressions[0]
        sh = e0.ufl_shape
        fi = e0.ufl_free_indices
        fid = e0.ufl_index_dimensions

        # Obviously, each subexpression must have the same shape
        if any(sh != e.ufl_shape for e in expressions[1:]):
                "Cannot create a tensor by joining subexpressions with different shapes."
        if any(fi != e.ufl_free_indices for e in expressions[1:]):
                "Cannot create a tensor where the components have different free indices."
        if any(fid != e.ufl_index_dimensions for e in expressions[1:]):
                "Cannot create a tensor where the components have different free index dimensions."

        # Simplify to Zero if possible
        if all(isinstance(e, Zero) for e in expressions):
            shape = (len(expressions), ) + sh
            return Zero(shape, fi, fid)

        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 13
    def __new__(cls, a, b):
        # Conversion
        a = as_ufl(a)
        b = as_ufl(b)

        # Type checking
        # TODO: Enabled workaround for nonscalar division in __div__,
        # so maybe we can keep this assertion. Some algorithms may
        # need updating.
        if not is_ufl_scalar(a):
            error("Expecting scalar nominator in Division.")
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(b):
            error("Division by non-scalar is undefined.")
        if isinstance(b, Zero):
            error("Division by zero!")

        # Simplification
        # Simplification a/b -> a
        if isinstance(a, Zero) or (isinstance(b, ScalarValue)
                                   and b._value == 1):
            return a
        # Simplification "literal a / literal b" -> "literal value of
        # a/b". Avoiding integer division by casting to float
        if isinstance(a, ScalarValue) and isinstance(b, ScalarValue):
            return as_ufl(float(a._value) / float(b._value))
        # Simplification "a / a" -> "1"
        # if not a.ufl_free_indices and not a.ufl_shape and a == b:
        #    return as_ufl(1)

        # Construction
        self = Operator.__new__(cls)
        self._init(a, b)
        return self
Esempio n. 14
    def __new__(cls, *expressions):
        # All lists and tuples should already be unwrapped in
        # as_tensor
        if any(not isinstance(e, Expr) for e in expressions):
            error("Expecting only UFL expressions in ListTensor constructor.")

        # Get properties of the first expression
        e0 = expressions[0]
        sh = e0.ufl_shape
        fi = e0.ufl_free_indices
        fid = e0.ufl_index_dimensions

        # Obviously, each subexpression must have the same shape
        if any(sh != e.ufl_shape for e in expressions[1:]):
            error("Cannot create a tensor by joining subexpressions with different shapes.")
        if any(fi != e.ufl_free_indices for e in expressions[1:]):
            error("Cannot create a tensor where the components have different free indices.")
        if any(fid != e.ufl_index_dimensions for e in expressions[1:]):
            error("Cannot create a tensor where the components have different free index dimensions.")

        # Simplify to Zero if possible
        if all(isinstance(e, Zero) for e in expressions):
            shape = (len(expressions),) + sh
            return Zero(shape, fi, fid)

        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 15
 def _ufl_expr_reconstruct_(self, expressions, indices):
     # Special case for simplification as_tensor(A[ii], ii) -> A
     if isinstance(expressions, Indexed):
         A, ii = expressions.ufl_operands
         if indices == ii:
             return A
     return Operator._ufl_expr_reconstruct_(self, expressions, indices)
Esempio n. 16
    def __new__(cls, a, b):
        # Conversion
        a = as_ufl(a)
        b = as_ufl(b)

        # Type checking
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(a):
            error("Cannot take the power of a non-scalar expression %s." %
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(b):
            error("Cannot raise an expression to a non-scalar power %s." %

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, ScalarValue) and isinstance(b, ScalarValue):
            return as_ufl(a._value**b._value)
        if isinstance(b, Zero):
            return IntValue(1)
        if isinstance(a, Zero) and isinstance(b, ScalarValue):
            if isinstance(b, ComplexValue):
                error("Cannot raise zero to a complex power.")
            bf = float(b)
            if bf < 0:
                error("Division by zero, cannot raise 0 to a negative power.")
                return zero()
        if isinstance(b, ScalarValue) and b._value == 1:
            return a

        # Construction
        self = Operator.__new__(cls)
        self._init(a, b)
        return self
Esempio n. 17
 def _ufl_expr_reconstruct_(self, expressions, indices):
     # Special case for simplification as_tensor(A[ii], ii) -> A
     if isinstance(expressions, Indexed):
         A, ii = expressions.ufl_operands
         if indices == ii:
             return A
     return Operator._ufl_expr_reconstruct_(self, expressions, indices)
Esempio n. 18
 def ufl_domains(self):
     # Because this type can act like a terminal if it has no
     # operands, we need to override some recursive operations
     if self.ufl_operands:
         return Operator.ufl_domains()
         return []
Esempio n. 19
 def __new__(cls, arg1, arg2):
     if isinstance(arg1, (RealValue, Zero)) and isinstance(
             arg2, (RealValue, Zero)):
         return FloatValue(math.atan2(float(arg1), float(arg2)))
     if isinstance(arg1,
                   (ComplexValue)) or isinstance(arg2, (ComplexValue)):
         raise TypeError("Atan2 does not support complex numbers.")
     return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 20
    def __init__(self, expression, indices):
        if not isinstance(expression, Expr):
            error("Expecting ufl expression.")
        if expression.ufl_shape != ():
            error("Expecting scalar valued expression.")
        if not isinstance(indices, MultiIndex):
            error("Expecting a MultiIndex.")
        if not all(isinstance(i, Index) for i in indices):
            error("Expecting sequence of Index objects, not %s." % indices._ufl_err_str_())

        Operator.__init__(self, (expression, indices))

        fi, fid, sh = remove_indices(expression.ufl_free_indices,
                                     [ind.count() for ind in indices])
        self.ufl_free_indices = fi
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid
        self.ufl_shape = sh
Esempio n. 21
    def __init__(self, name, classname, nu, argument):
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(nu):
            error("Expecting scalar nu.")
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(argument):
            error("Expecting scalar argument.")

        # Use integer representation if suitable
        fnu = float(nu)
        inu = int(nu)
        if fnu == inu:
            nu = as_ufl(inu)
            nu = as_ufl(fnu)

        Operator.__init__(self, (nu, argument))

        self._classname = classname
        self._name = name
Esempio n. 22
    def __init__(self, name, classname, nu, argument):
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(nu):
            error("Expecting scalar nu.")
        if not is_true_ufl_scalar(argument):
            error("Expecting scalar argument.")

        # Use integer representation if suitable
        fnu = float(nu)
        inu = int(nu)
        if fnu == inu:
            nu = as_ufl(inu)
            nu = as_ufl(fnu)

        Operator.__init__(self, (nu, argument))

        self._classname = classname
        self._name = name
Esempio n. 23
    def __init__(self, expression, indices):
        if not isinstance(expression, Expr):
            error("Expecting ufl expression.")
        if expression.ufl_shape != ():
            error("Expecting scalar valued expression.")
        if not isinstance(indices, MultiIndex):
            error("Expecting a MultiIndex.")
        if not all(isinstance(i, Index) for i in indices):
            error("Expecting sequence of Index objects, not %s." %

        Operator.__init__(self, (expression, indices))

        fi, fid, sh = remove_indices(expression.ufl_free_indices,
                                     [ind.count() for ind in indices])
        self.ufl_free_indices = fi
        self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid
        self.ufl_shape = sh
Esempio n. 24
    def __new__(cls, expression, indices):

        # Simplify
        if isinstance(expression, Zero):
            fi, fid, sh = remove_indices(expression.ufl_free_indices,
                                         [ind.count() for ind in indices])
            return Zero(sh, fi, fid)

        # Construct
        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 25
    def __new__(cls, expression, indices):

        # Simplify
        if isinstance(expression, Zero):
            fi, fid, sh = remove_indices(expression.ufl_free_indices,
                                         [ind.count() for ind in indices])
            return Zero(sh, fi, fid)

        # Construct
        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 26
    def __init__(self, condition, true_value, false_value):
        if not isinstance(condition, Condition):
            error("Expectiong condition as first argument.")
        true_value = as_ufl(true_value)
        false_value = as_ufl(false_value)
        tsh = true_value.ufl_shape
        fsh = false_value.ufl_shape
        if tsh != fsh:
            error("Shape mismatch between conditional branches.")
        tfi = true_value.ufl_free_indices
        ffi = false_value.ufl_free_indices
        if tfi != ffi:
            error("Free index mismatch between conditional branches.")
        if isinstance(condition, (EQ, NE)):
            if not all((condition.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape == (),
                        condition.ufl_operands[0].ufl_free_indices == (),
                        condition.ufl_operands[1].ufl_shape == (),
                        condition.ufl_operands[1].ufl_free_indices == ())):
                error("Non-scalar == or != is not allowed.")

        Operator.__init__(self, (condition, true_value, false_value))
Esempio n. 27
    def __init__(self, condition, true_value, false_value):
        if not isinstance(condition, Condition):
            error("Expectiong condition as first argument.")
        true_value = as_ufl(true_value)
        false_value = as_ufl(false_value)
        tsh = true_value.ufl_shape
        fsh = false_value.ufl_shape
        if tsh != fsh:
            error("Shape mismatch between conditional branches.")
        tfi = true_value.ufl_free_indices
        ffi = false_value.ufl_free_indices
        if tfi != ffi:
            error("Free index mismatch between conditional branches.")
        if isinstance(condition, (EQ, NE)):
            if not all((condition.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape == (),
                        condition.ufl_operands[0].ufl_free_indices == (),
                        condition.ufl_operands[1].ufl_shape == (),
                        condition.ufl_operands[1].ufl_free_indices == ())):
                error("Non-scalar == or != is not allowed.")

        Operator.__init__(self, (condition, true_value, false_value))
Esempio n. 28
    def __new__(cls, a):
        a = as_ufl(a)

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, (Abs, Real, Imag, Zero)):
            return a
        if isinstance(a, Conj):
            return a.ufl_operands[0]
        if isinstance(a, ScalarValue):
            return as_ufl(a._value.conjugate())

        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 29
    def __new__(cls, a):
        a = as_ufl(a)

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, (Zero, Abs)):
            return a
        if isinstance(a, Conj):
            return Abs(a.ufl_operands[0])
        if isinstance(a, ScalarValue):
            return as_ufl(abs(a._value))

        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 30
    def __new__(cls, a):
        a = as_ufl(a)

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, Zero):
            return a
        if isinstance(a, (Real, Imag, Abs)):
            return Zero(a.ufl_shape, a.ufl_free_indices, a.ufl_index_dimensions)
        if isinstance(a, ScalarValue):
            return as_ufl(a.imag())

        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 31
    def __new__(cls, a):
        a = as_ufl(a)

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, Conj):
            a = a.ufl_operands[0]
        if isinstance(a, Zero):
            return a
        if isinstance(a, ScalarValue):
            return as_ufl(a.real())
        if isinstance(a, Real):
            a = a.ufl_operands[0]

        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 32
    def __new__(cls, a, b):
        # Make sure everything is an Expr
        a = as_ufl(a)
        b = as_ufl(b)

        # Assert consistent tensor properties
        sh = a.ufl_shape
        fi = a.ufl_free_indices
        fid = a.ufl_index_dimensions
        if b.ufl_shape != sh:
            error("Can't add expressions with different shapes.")
        if b.ufl_free_indices != fi:
            error("Can't add expressions with different free indices.")
        if b.ufl_index_dimensions != fid:
            error("Can't add expressions with different index dimensions.")

        # Skip adding zero
        if isinstance(a, Zero):
            return b
        elif isinstance(b, Zero):
            return a

        # Handle scalars specially and sort operands
        sa = isinstance(a, ScalarValue)
        sb = isinstance(b, ScalarValue)
        if sa and sb:
            # Apply constant propagation
            return as_ufl(a._value + b._value)
        elif sa:
            # Place scalar first
            # operands = (a, b)
            pass  # a, b = a, b
        elif sb:
            # Place scalar first
            # operands = (b, a)
            a, b = b, a
        # elif a == b:
        #    # Replace a+b with 2*foo
        #    return 2*a
            # Otherwise sort operands in a canonical order
            # operands = (b, a)
            a, b = sorted_expr((a, b))

        # construct and initialize a new Sum object
        self = Operator.__new__(cls)
        self._init(a, b)
        return self
Esempio n. 33
    def __new__(cls, a, b):
        # Conversion
        a = as_ufl(a)
        b = as_ufl(b)

        # Type checking
        # Make sure everything is scalar
        if a.ufl_shape or b.ufl_shape:
            error("Product can only represent products of scalars, "
                  "got\n\t%s\nand\n\t%s" % (ufl_err_str(a), ufl_err_str(b)))

        # Simplification
        if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
            # Got any zeros? Return zero.
            fi, fid = merge_unique_indices(a.ufl_free_indices,
            return Zero((), fi, fid)
        sa = isinstance(a, ScalarValue)
        sb = isinstance(b, ScalarValue)
        if sa and sb:  # const * const = const
            # FIXME: Handle free indices like with zero? I think
            # IntValue may be index annotated now?
            return as_ufl(a._value * b._value)
        elif sa:  # 1 * b = b
            if a._value == 1:
                return b
            # a, b = a, b
        elif sb:  # a * 1 = a
            if b._value == 1:
                return a
            a, b = b, a
        # elif a == b: # a * a = a**2 # TODO: Why? Maybe just remove this?
        #    if not a.ufl_free_indices:
        #        return a**2
        else:  # a * b = b * a
            # Sort operands in a semi-canonical order
            # (NB! This is fragile! Small changes here can have large effects.)
            a, b = sorted_expr((a, b))

        # Construction
        self = Operator.__new__(cls)
        self._init(a, b)
        return self
Esempio n. 34
 def __new__(cls, expression, multiindex):
     if isinstance(expression, Zero):
         # Zero-simplify indexed Zero objects
         shape = expression.ufl_shape
         efi = expression.ufl_free_indices
         efid = expression.ufl_index_dimensions
         fi = list(zip(efi, efid))
         for pos, ind in enumerate(multiindex._indices):
             if isinstance(ind, Index):
                 fi.append((ind.count(), shape[pos]))
         fi = unique_sorted_indices(sorted(fi))
         if fi:
             fi, fid = zip(*fi)
             fi, fid = (), ()
         return Zero(shape=(), free_indices=fi, index_dimensions=fid)
         return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 35
 def __new__(cls, expression, multiindex):
     if isinstance(expression, Zero):
         # Zero-simplify indexed Zero objects
         shape = expression.ufl_shape
         efi = expression.ufl_free_indices
         efid = expression.ufl_index_dimensions
         fi = list(zip(efi, efid))
         for pos, ind in enumerate(multiindex._indices):
             if isinstance(ind, Index):
                 fi.append((ind.count(), shape[pos]))
         fi = unique_sorted_indices(sorted(fi))
         if fi:
             fi, fid = zip(*fi)
             fi, fid = (), ()
         return Zero(shape=(), free_indices=fi, index_dimensions=fid)
         return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 36
    def __new__(cls, summand, index):
        # Error checks
        if not isinstance(summand, Expr):
            error("Expecting Expr instance, got %s" % ufl_err_str(summand))
        if not isinstance(index, MultiIndex):
            error("Expecting MultiIndex instance, got %s" % ufl_err_str(index))
        if len(index) != 1:
            error("Expecting a single Index but got %d." % len(index))

        # Simplification to zero
        if isinstance(summand, Zero):
            sh = summand.ufl_shape
            j, = index
            fi = summand.ufl_free_indices
            fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions
            pos = fi.index(j.count())
            fi = fi[:pos] + fi[pos + 1:]
            fid = fid[:pos] + fid[pos + 1:]
            return Zero(sh, fi, fid)

        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 37
    def __new__(cls, summand, index):
        # Error checks
        if not isinstance(summand, Expr):
            error("Expecting Expr instance, got %s" % ufl_err_str(summand))
        if not isinstance(index, MultiIndex):
            error("Expecting MultiIndex instance, got %s" % ufl_err_str(index))
        if len(index) != 1:
            error("Expecting a single Index but got %d." % len(index))

        # Simplification to zero
        if isinstance(summand, Zero):
            sh = summand.ufl_shape
            j, = index
            fi = summand.ufl_free_indices
            fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions
            pos = fi.index(j.count())
            fi = fi[:pos] + fi[pos+1:]
            fid = fid[:pos] + fid[pos+1:]
            return Zero(sh, fi, fid)

        return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 38
 def __new__(cls, arg1, arg2):
     if isinstance(arg1, (ScalarValue, Zero)) and isinstance(
             arg2, (ScalarValue, Zero)):
         return FloatValue(math.atan2(float(arg1), float(arg2)))
     return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 39
 def __init__(self, left, right):
     Operator.__init__(self, (left, right))
     if not (is_true_ufl_scalar(left) and is_true_ufl_scalar(right)):
         error("Expecting scalar arguments.")
Esempio n. 40
 def __init__(self, *operands):
     Operator.__init__(self, operands)
     if not all(isinstance(i, Expr) for i in operands):
         error("Expecting Expr in ExprList.")
Esempio n. 41
 def __init__(self, *operands):
     Operator.__init__(self, operands)
     if not all(isinstance(e, Expr) for e in operands):
         error("Expecting Expr in ExprMapping.")
Esempio n. 42
 def __new__(cls, arg1, arg2):
     if isinstance(arg1, (RealValue, Zero)) and isinstance(arg2, (RealValue, Zero)):
         return FloatValue(math.atan2(float(arg1), float(arg2)))
     if isinstance(arg1, (ComplexValue)) or isinstance(arg2, (ComplexValue)):
         raise TypeError("Atan2 does not support complex numbers.")
     return Operator.__new__(cls)
Esempio n. 43
 def __init__(self, name, argument):
     Operator.__init__(self, (argument,))
     if not is_true_ufl_scalar(argument):
         error("Expecting scalar argument.")
     self._name = name
Esempio n. 44
 def __init__(self, f):
     if not isinstance(f, FormArgument):
         error("Can only take reference value of form arguments.")
     Operator.__init__(self, (f,))
Esempio n. 45
 def __init__(self, name, argument):
     Operator.__init__(self, (argument, ))
     if not is_true_ufl_scalar(argument):
         error("Expecting scalar argument.")
     self._name = name
Esempio n. 46
 def __init__(self, f):
     Operator.__init__(self, (f, ))
Esempio n. 47
 def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
     Operator.__init__(self, (arg1, arg2))
     if not is_true_ufl_scalar(arg1):
         error("Expecting scalar argument 1.")
     if not is_true_ufl_scalar(arg2):
         error("Expecting scalar argument 2.")
Esempio n. 48
 def __init__(self, f):
     Operator.__init__(self, (f,))
Esempio n. 49
 def __init__(self, left, right):
     Operator.__init__(self, (left, right))
     if not (is_true_ufl_scalar(left) and is_true_ufl_scalar(right)):
         error("Expecting scalar arguments.")
Esempio n. 50
 def __init__(self, operands):
     Operator.__init__(self, operands)
Esempio n. 51
 def __init__(self, a, b):