Esempio n. 1
    def testLocKey(self):
        testGraph = ComputedGraph()
        class X(Location):
            k1 = Key()
            k2 = Key()
            v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
            v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
            v3 = Mutable(dict, lambda: dict())
            def product(self):
                print "self =", self
                return self.v1*self.v2
            def func2(self):
                print "self =", self
                return 1.0*self.product
            def func3(self):
                print "self =", self
                return 1.0*self.func2
        class Y(Location):
            v = Key() #X(k1 = 0, k2 = 0) # Key which holds LocRef
            v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 3)
            v3 = Mutable(str, lambda: str(''))
            def	number(self):
                return self.v2*self.v.func3

        with testGraph:
            nodeX1 = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
            nodeX1.v3 = {'h':1, 'e':2, 'l':3, 'p':4}
            nodeY = Y(v = nodeX1)
        print nodeY.number
        print "CHANGING"
        nodeX1.v1 = 11
        print nodeY.number
Esempio n. 2
 def testCached(self):
     factor = 1
     val = 2
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
         def product(self):
             return factor*self.v1*self.v2
     class Y(Location):
         k = Key()
         v = Mutable(X, lambda:  X(k1 = 0, k2 = 0))
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 3)
         def	number(self):
             return self.v2*(self.v.v1 + self.v.v2) + val
     with testGraph:
         node = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
         node2 = Y(k = 9)
     node2.v = node
     self.assert_(node.product == node.v1*node.v2, "First access to property gives the wrong value")
     self.assert_(node2.number == node2.v2*(node2.v.v1 + node2.v.v2) + val, "First access to property gives the wrong value")
     factor += 1
     val += 1
     self.assert_(node.product == node.v1*node.v2, "Property did not correctly return cached value")
     self.assert_(node2.number == node2.v2*(node2.v.v1 + node2.v.v2) + val - 1, "Property did not correctly return cached value")
     node.v1 = 90000
     self.assert_(node.product == factor*node.v1*node.v2, "After adjusting mutable, property was not recomputed")
     self.assert_(node2.number == node2.v2*(node2.v.v1 + node2.v.v2) + val, "After adjusting mutable, property was not recomputed")
Esempio n. 3
 def testOrphan(self):
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
         def product(self):
             return self.v1*self.v2
     class Y(Location):
         k = Key()
         v = Mutable(X, lambda:  X(k1 = 0, k2 = 0))
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 3)
         def	number(self):
             return self.v2*self.v.product
     with testGraph:
         nodeX1 = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
         nodeX2 = X(k1 = 21, k2 = 26)
         nodeY = Y(k = 10)
     nodeX1.v1 = 11
     nodeX2.v2 = 12
     nodeY.v = nodeX1
     print nodeY.number
     print "CHANGING"
     nodeY.v = nodeX2
     print nodeY.number
Esempio n. 4
    def testCreate(self):
        testGraph = ComputedGraph()
        def thing(x):
            print "thing called for onUpdate"
        class X(Location):
            k = Key()
            v = Mutable(int, lambda: 8, onUpdate = thing)
            u = 9000
            def testFunc(self, x):
                print 'here is testFunc'
                print 'testFunc has self.v =', self.v
                print 'testFunc has x =', x
                print 'testFunc returning', self.v + x
                return self.v + x
            def testNC(self):
                return self.k*4
        with testGraph:
            n = X(k = 902)

        print "inital value: n.v =", n.v
        print "about to change value.."
        n.v = 33
        print "n.v =", n.v

        print "Accessing key.."
        print "n.k =", n.k

        print "testing func:", n.testFunc(-3)
        print n.testNC
        print n.u # 'passing class member on directly'
Esempio n. 5
 def testMutableDefaults(self):
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
     with testGraph:
         node = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
     self.assert_((node.v1 == 10) and (node.v2 == 20), "Mutables are not correctly set to default values")
Esempio n. 6
 def testProperty(self):
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
         def product(self):
             return self.v1*self.v2
     with testGraph:
         node = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
     self.assert_(node.product == node.v1 * node.v2, "Property does not return correct value")
Esempio n. 7
def setUpComputedValueTest(tester):
    tester.graph = ComputedGraph.ComputedGraph()

    def gatewayFactory(callbackScheduler, vdm):
        return CumulusGatewayInProcess.InProcessGateway(callbackSchedulerFactory, callbackScheduler, vdm)

    tester.computedValueGateway = \
Esempio n. 8
 def testChangeMutable(self):
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
         def product(self):
             return self.v1*self.v2
     with testGraph:
         node = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
     node.v1 = 15
     self.assert_(node.v1 == 15, "Mutable has the wrong value after attempting to change it")
     self.assert_(node.product == node.v1 * node.v2, "Property does not return correct value after changing mutable")
Esempio n. 9
 def testInitializer(self):
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
         v3 = Mutable(int, lambda: 9)
         def initialize(self):
             self.v3 = 200
     with testGraph:
         node = X(k1 = 21, k2 = 25)
     self.assert_(node.v3 == 200, "Initializer function did not set the value correctly")
Esempio n. 10
    def testTemp(self):
        testGraph = ComputedGraph()
        class Z(Location):
            k1 = Key()
        class X(Location):
            k1 = Key()
            k2 = Key()
            v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
            v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
            v3 = Mutable(Location, lambda: Z(k1 = 20) )
            def product(self):
                return self.v1*self.v2
            def func(self):
                return self.product + self.v3.v2
        class Y(Location):
            k = Key()
            v = Mutable(X, lambda:  X(k1 = 0, k2 = 0))
            v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 3)
            def	number(self):
                return self.v2*self.v.product
            def yfunc(self):
                return self.v.func*self.number
        with testGraph:
            node = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
            node2 = Y(k = 9)
        node2.v = node
        node.v3 = node2

        print "node2.yfunc:", node2.yfunc
        node2.v2 = 9
        print "node2.yfunc:", node2.yfunc

        self.assert_(node.product == node.v1*node.v2, "First access to property gives the wrong value")
        self.assert_(node2.number == node2.v2*node2.v.product, "First access to property gives the wrong value")
        print node2.number
        node.v1 = 15
        print node2.number
        self.assert_(node2.number == node2.v2*node2.v.product, "After adjusting mutable, property was not recomputed")
        print "UP/DOWN TEST"
        print "Up from Y number:", node2.propUp("number")
        print "Down from X v1:", node.propDown("v1")
        print "Up from X product:", node.propUp("product")
        print "UP/DOWN TEST DONE"
        print "Depth 2 prop up from number"
        l = node2.propUp("number")
        print "Level 1:", l
        for l2 in l:
            print "Level 2 from", l2, "is", l2[0].propUp(l2[2])
Esempio n. 11
 def testFunction(self):
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
         def testFunc(self, val):
             return val*self.v1 + self.v2
     with testGraph:
         node = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
     self.assert_(node.testFunc(3) == 3*node.v1 + node.v2, "Function returns the wrong value")
     node.v1 = 903
     node.v2 = -8
     self.assert_(node.testFunc(3) == 3*node.v1 + node.v2, "Function returns the wrong value after changing mutables")
Esempio n. 12
 def testNotCached(self):
     factor = 1.0
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
         def product(self):
             return factor*self.v1*self.v2
     with testGraph:
         node = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
     self.assert_(node.product == factor*node.v1*node.v2, "Accessing NotCached property gives the wrong value")
     factor = 2.0
     self.assert_(node.product == factor*node.v1*node.v2, "NotCached property did not change from the previous value")
Esempio n. 13
 def testKeys(self):
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
     with testGraph:
         node = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
     self.assert_(node.k1 == 20 and node.k2 == 25, "Keys do not have correct values")
         node.k1 = 31
         self.assert_(False, "Exception not thrown when attempting to change key values")
     self.assert_(node.k1 == 20 and node.k2 == 25, "Keys did not retain correct values")
Esempio n. 14
 def testLocationAccess(self):
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         v1 = Mutable(int, lambda: 10)
         v2 = Mutable(int, lambda: 20)
         def product(self):
             return self.v1*self.v2
     with testGraph:
         node = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
     node.v1 = 15
     with testGraph:
         node2 = X(k1 = 20, k2 = 25)
     self.assert_(node.v1 == node2.v1, "Accessing same location through different location references gives incorrect mutable values")
     self.assert_(node.v2 == node2.v2, "Accessing same location through different location references gives incorrect mutable values")
     self.assert_(node.product == node2.product, "Accessing same location through different location references gives incorrect property values")
Esempio n. 15
    def testLocKey2(self):
        testGraph = ComputedGraph()
        class Chr(Location):
            strIn = Key()
            chrVal = Key()
            def position(self):
                d = {}
                for s in range(len(self.strIn.v3)):
                    d[self.strIn.v3[s]] = s
                return d[self]

        class Str(Location):
            k1 = Key()
            v3 = Mutable(list, lambda: list())
            def setString(self, strText):
                v = list()
                for i in range(len(strText)):
                    v.append(Chr(strIn = self, chrVal = strText[i]))
                self.v3 = v
            def getStr(self):
                #print self.v3
                s = ''
                for i in range(len(self.v3)):
                    s += self.v3[i].chrVal
                return s

        with testGraph:
            testStr = Str(k1 = 20)
        print "Setting string"
        print "Printing string"
        print testStr.getStr
        #print "Reprinting string"
        #print testStr.getStr
        #print "Reprinting string again"
        #print testStr.getStr
        print "position:", testStr.v3[2].position
        #print "position again:", testStr.v3[2].position
        #print "char:", testStr.v3[2].chrVal
        print "Setting string"
        testStr.setString("some other string")
        print "Printing string"
        print testStr.getStr
Esempio n. 16
 def testRootProperty(self):
     factor = 1
     val = 2
     testGraph = ComputedGraph()
     class X(Location):
         k1 = Key()
         k2 = Key()
         m = Mutable(int, lambda: 3)
         def product(self):
             return factor*self.k1*self.k2*self.m
     with testGraph:
         xNode1 = X(k1 = 30, k2 = 4)
     #testGraph.addRoot(xNode1, 'product')
     print "Computing product..."
     print xNode1.product
     print "done."
     print "Accessing product..."
     print xNode1.product
     print "Changing m..."
     xNode1.m = 22
     print "done."
     print "Recomputing product..."
     print xNode1.product
     print "done."
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self,
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.cacheLoadEvents = {}

        self.resultsById_ = {}
        self.eventsById_ = {}"created a component host")

        self.graph = ComputedGraph.ComputedGraph()"created a ComputedGraph")

        Runtime.initialize()"Runtime initialized")

        ModuleImporter.initialize()"Module importer initialized")

        Fora._builtin = ForaValue.FORAValue(ModuleImporter.builtinModuleImplVal())

        self.incomingObjectCache = IncomingObjectCache()
        self.outgoingObjectCache = OutgoingObjectCache()

        self.VDM = VectorDataManager.constructVDM(callbackScheduler)
        self.VDM.setDropUnreferencedPagesWhenFull(True)"created a VDM")"got shared state view factory: %s", sharedStateViewFactory)

        def initValueGateway():
            with self.graph:
                self.computedValueGateway = computedValueGatewayFactory()
                self.cumulusGatewayRemote = self.computedValueGateway.cumulusGateway

        def initSynchronizer():
            self.synchronizer = SharedStateSynchronizer.SharedStateSynchronizer()

  "created a SharedStateSynchronizer")


  "attached shared state view.")


        self.synchronousSharedStateScope = SynchronousPropertyAccess.SynchronousPropertyAccess()

        self.outstandingMessagesById = {}
        self.expectedMessageId = 0

        self.messageTypeHandlers = {}

        self.messageTypeHandlers["Read"] = self.handleReadMessage
        self.messageTypeHandlers["Assign"] = self.handleAssignMessage
        self.messageTypeHandlers["Subscribe"] = self.handleSubscribeMessage
        self.messageTypeHandlers["Execute"] = self.handleExecuteMessage
        self.messageTypeHandlers["ServerFlushObjectIdsBelow"] = self.handleFlushObjectIds

        self.pendingObjectQueue = []

        self.subscriptions = Subscriptions.Subscriptions(
Esempio n. 18
 def __init__(self):
     self.graph = ComputedGraph.ComputedGraph()