def _layout(self): """ Core of the Commandline User Interface. Defines the layout of the interface. """ # Manual tiling (maxy, maxx) = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() (self.maxy, self.maxx) = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() if self.auto_scale: splitx = int(maxx * .3) splity = int(maxy * .7) else: splitx = 30 splity = maxy - 13 # Title height title_height = 7 # initialize windows # specify Upper left corner, size, title, color scheme and border/no-border self.main_border = StringWindow((0, 0), (maxx, maxy), ' FincLab Ver 0.1 ', TITLE_INACTIVE) self.pane_output = StringWindow((splitx, title_height + 1), (maxx - splitx - 1, splity - title_height - 2), 'Output', TITLE_INACTIVE) self.pane_menu = MenuWindow((1, title_height + 1), (splitx - 1, splity - title_height - 2), 'Menu', TITLE_INACTIVE) self.pane_command = EditorWindow((splitx, splity - 1), (maxx - splitx - 1, maxy - splity - 1), 'Strategy description (or type in commands)', palette=TITLE_INACTIVE, callback=self.pane_output.add_str) self.pane_status = Window((1, splity - 1), (splitx - 1, maxy - splity - 1), 'Status', palette=TITLE_INACTIVE) self.lines_in_output_pane = splity - title_height - 3 self.update_progress_bar(0, 100) # Set menu options with corrisponding callbacks menu_actions = [ MenuTuple("Say 'Hi'", (self.pane_output.add_str, 'Hello from Mars!', MENU_MESSAGE)), MenuTuple('Colour - Default', (curses.init_pair, TITLE_INACTIVE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK)), MenuTuple('Colour - Cyan', (curses.init_pair, TITLE_INACTIVE, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK)), MenuTuple('Colour - Green', (curses.init_pair, TITLE_INACTIVE, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK))] self.pane_menu.set_menu(menu_actions) # Put all the windows in a list so they can be updated together = [self.main_border, self.pane_output, self.pane_menu, self.pane_command, self.pane_status] # create input window cycling an input window must have a process_key(key) method self.input_windows = cycle([self.pane_menu, self.pane_command]) self.active_window = next(self.input_windows) self.active_window.draw_border(TITLE_ACTIVE) # Add titles and other texts self.main_border.add_str(" FincLab Event-Driven Live-Trading / Backtesting Engine") self.main_border.add_str(" ") self.main_border.add_str(" Author: Peter Lee ([email protected])") self.main_border.add_str(" ") self.main_border.add_str(" Instrctions:") self.main_border.add_str(' - Please configure program settings in the "config.ini"') self.main_border.add_str(" - End-of-day data will be downloaded automatically if not found.")
class CommandLineInterface(): """ Command line user interface for FincLab. Notes ----- Trigger .run() to execute. Use to post strings to the output pane. """ def __init__(self, log_queue, config=config): """ Initialise the interface. Parameters ---------- log_queue : queue.Queue() The event queue for the event-driven system. Log (and message) events will be read from the queue and printed to the User Interface. """ self.log_queue = log_queue self.sleep_time = float(config['ui']['refresh_time']) self.auto_scale = config.getboolean('ui', 'auto') = StdOutWrapper() self.config = config self.logger = logging.getLogger("FincLab.UI") def start_log_listener(self): """ Start the logger listener to take log events from the queue. Only starts after initialising the UI. """ # Log listener handler = logging.StreamHandler( formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="%(name)-18s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.listener = logging.handlers.QueueListener(self.log_queue, handler) self.listener.start() def _refresh(self): """ Refreshes the screen.using a loop, and captures key pressings to trigger different behaviours. """ while True: # asynchronously try to get the key the user pressed key = self.stdscr.getch() if key == curses.ERR: # no key was pressed. Do house-keeping dirtied = 0 for win in dirtied += win.dirty win.update() # if dirtied: self.stdscr.refresh() # Refresh output pane if self.pane_output.clear() output = self.pane_output.refresh_pane(output) self.pane_output.draw_border() self.pane_output.dirty = True = False # Refresh app status if self.pane_status.clear() # Engine tag if"Engine"): self.pane_status._addstr(1, 1, "Engine: {}".format("Engine", 'n/a'))) else: self.pane_status._addstr(1, 1, "Countdown: {} secs".format("countdown", 'n/a'))) # Display datetime of the processing bar if"current_datetime") and"Engine", 'n/a') == "Backtesting": self.pane_status._addstr(2, 1, "Processing: {}".format("current_datetime", 'n/a'))) # Components self.pane_status._addstr(4, 1, "Components:") self.pane_status._addstr(5, 1, " {}".format(self.config['components']['strategy'])) self.pane_status._addstr(6, 1, " {}".format(self.config['components']['data_handler'])) self.pane_status._addstr(7, 1, " {}".format(self.config['components']['execution_handler'])) self.pane_status.draw_border() self.pane_status.dirty = True = False # Refresh strategy description if self.pane_command.clear() self.pane_command._addstr(1, 1, self.pane_command.draw_border() self.pane_command.dirty = True = False # Refresh progress bar if self.update_progress_bar(0, 100) # To clear outputs self.update_progress_bar([0],[1]) # To display correct outputs # Refresh time sleep(self.sleep_time) # Refresh rate = 10 times per second elif key == KEY_TAB: # cycle input window self.active_window.draw_border() # uses window default self.active_window = next(self.input_windows) self.active_window.draw_border(TITLE_ACTIVE) elif key == 27: # ESC or ALT # Exit break else: # every other key gets processed by the active input window self.active_window.process_key(key) def run(self, stdscr): """ Launch the interface. """ # Set up screen. Try/except to make sure the terminal gets put back together no matter what happens try: # sys.stdout = # sys.stderr = curses.cbreak() # enable key press asynch # self.stdscr = curses.initscr() self.stdscr = stdscr curses.start_color() curses.noecho() # let input windows handle drawing characters to the screen self.stdscr.nodelay(1) # enable immediate time out (don't wait for keys at all) self.stdscr.keypad(1) # enable enter, tab, and other keys # Set initial palette curses.init_pair(TITLE_ACTIVE, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(TITLE_INACTIVE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(MENU_MESSAGE, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK) # run while wrapped in this try/except self._layout() # Creates an internal logger self._create_logger() # Starts the logger listener self.start_log_listener() # start the listener to take log events from the queue (only after the UI has initialised) # Ininite loop to refresh the interface self._refresh() except Exception: # put the terminal back in it's normal mode before raising the error curses.nocbreak() self.stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() raise finally: curses.nocbreak() self.stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() # sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ # sys.stdout.write( def create_progress_bar(self, value, max_value, bar_length=50): # Bar if value <= 0: percent = float(0) else: percent = float(value + 1) / max_value hashes = '#' * int(round(percent * bar_length)) spaces = ' ' * (bar_length - len(hashes)) return ("[{}] {:>5.1f}%".format(hashes + spaces, percent * 100)) def update_progress_bar(self, value, max_value): """ Update the progress bar which is located at the bottom of the UI Parameters ---------- value : float the value of the current progress max_value : float the value when the bar reaches 100% """ # Define progress bar (width of screen is (maxx - 2), height of screen is (maxy -2) progress_title = "Progress " bar = self.create_progress_bar(value, max_value, self.maxx - len(progress_title) - 4 - 9) # 4->borders 9->digits at right end of the bar self.main_border._addstr(self.maxy - 2, 2, progress_title + bar) self.main_border.dirty = True def _layout(self): """ Core of the Commandline User Interface. Defines the layout of the interface. """ # Manual tiling (maxy, maxx) = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() (self.maxy, self.maxx) = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() if self.auto_scale: splitx = int(maxx * .3) splity = int(maxy * .7) else: splitx = 30 splity = maxy - 13 # Title height title_height = 7 # initialize windows # specify Upper left corner, size, title, color scheme and border/no-border self.main_border = StringWindow((0, 0), (maxx, maxy), ' FincLab Ver 0.1 ', TITLE_INACTIVE) self.pane_output = StringWindow((splitx, title_height + 1), (maxx - splitx - 1, splity - title_height - 2), 'Output', TITLE_INACTIVE) self.pane_menu = MenuWindow((1, title_height + 1), (splitx - 1, splity - title_height - 2), 'Menu', TITLE_INACTIVE) self.pane_command = EditorWindow((splitx, splity - 1), (maxx - splitx - 1, maxy - splity - 1), 'Strategy description (or type in commands)', palette=TITLE_INACTIVE, callback=self.pane_output.add_str) self.pane_status = Window((1, splity - 1), (splitx - 1, maxy - splity - 1), 'Status', palette=TITLE_INACTIVE) self.lines_in_output_pane = splity - title_height - 3 self.update_progress_bar(0, 100) # Set menu options with corrisponding callbacks menu_actions = [ MenuTuple("Say 'Hi'", (self.pane_output.add_str, 'Hello from Mars!', MENU_MESSAGE)), MenuTuple('Colour - Default', (curses.init_pair, TITLE_INACTIVE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK)), MenuTuple('Colour - Cyan', (curses.init_pair, TITLE_INACTIVE, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK)), MenuTuple('Colour - Green', (curses.init_pair, TITLE_INACTIVE, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK))] self.pane_menu.set_menu(menu_actions) # Put all the windows in a list so they can be updated together = [self.main_border, self.pane_output, self.pane_menu, self.pane_command, self.pane_status] # create input window cycling an input window must have a process_key(key) method self.input_windows = cycle([self.pane_menu, self.pane_command]) self.active_window = next(self.input_windows) self.active_window.draw_border(TITLE_ACTIVE) # Add titles and other texts self.main_border.add_str(" FincLab Event-Driven Live-Trading / Backtesting Engine") self.main_border.add_str(" ") self.main_border.add_str(" Author: Peter Lee ([email protected])") self.main_border.add_str(" ") self.main_border.add_str(" Instrctions:") self.main_border.add_str(' - Please configure program settings in the "config.ini"') self.main_border.add_str(" - End-of-day data will be downloaded automatically if not found.") def _create_logger(self): """ Logger that utilises the queue handler. """ level = logging.DEBUG self.logger = logging.getLogger("FincLab.UI") self.logger.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="%(levelname)-8s %(message)s") formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # queue handler queue_handler = logging.handlers.QueueHandler(self.log_queue) queue_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) queue_handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(queue_handler)