Esempio n. 1
	def _process(self, ds, xoffset=0, yoffset=0):###dsxaxis, dsyaxis):
##		assert(dsyaxis is None)		# STUB
##		assert(dsxaxis is None)		# STUB
		integrator = Integrate2D()
		dsy, dsx = integrator.value(ds)
		dsyaxis = DatasetFactory.createRange(dsy.shape[0])
		dsxaxis = DatasetFactory.createRange(dsx.shape[0])
		gaussian = Gaussian(dsyaxis.min(), dsyaxis.max(), dsyaxis.max()-dsyaxis.min(), (dsyaxis.max()-dsyaxis.min())*(dsy.max()-dsy.min()) )
		if self.maxwidth is not None:
		ansy =, dsy, GeneticAlg(0.001), [ gaussian, Offset( dsy.min(),dsy.max() ) ] )
# 		ansy = DataSetFunctionFitter().fit( dsyaxis, dsy, GeneticAlg(.001), [ gaussian, Offset( dsy.min(),dsy.max() ) ] )
# 		ansy = ansy.functionOutput
		gaussian = Gaussian(dsxaxis.min(), dsxaxis.max(), dsxaxis.max()-dsxaxis.min(), (dsxaxis.max()-dsxaxis.min())*(dsx.max()-dsx.min()) )
		if self.maxwidth is not None:
			ansx = fitplot( dsxaxis, dsx, GeneticAlg(.001), [ gaussian, Offset( dsx.min(),dsx.max() ) ] )
		except java.lang.Exception:
			# Probably cannot find Plot_Manager on the finder
			ansx =, dsx, GeneticAlg(0.001), [ gaussian, Offset( dsx.min(),dsx.max() ) ] )
		#dsyaxis = dsyaxis.subSampleMean(dsy.dimensions[0]/2)
		#dsy = dsy.subSampleMean(dsy.dimensions[0]/2)
		#dsxaxis = dsxaxis.subSampleMean(dsx.dimensions[0]/2)
		#dsx = dsx.subSampleMean(dsx.dimensions[0]/2)		
		peaky = ansy.getParameters()[0].getValue()
		fwhmy = ansy.getParameters()[1].getValue()
		areay = ansy.getParameters()[2].getValue()
		offsety = ansy.getParameters()[3].getValue() / dsx.shape[0]
		peakx = ansx.getParameters()[0].getValue()
		fwhmx = ansx.getParameters()[1].getValue()
		areax = ansx.getParameters()[2].getValue()
		offsetx = ansx.getParameters()[3].getValue() / dsy.shape[0]
		background = (offsetx+offsety)/2.
		fwhmarea = fwhmy*fwhmx*pi/4
		topy = areay / fwhmy
		topx = areax / fwhmx
		if xoffset==None:
		if yoffset==None:
		return background, peakx+xoffset, peaky+yoffset, topx, topy, fwhmx, fwhmy, fwhmarea
Esempio n. 2
def polyfit(x, y, deg, rcond=None, full=False):
    '''Linear least squares polynomial fit

    Fit a polynomial p(x) = p[0] * x**deg + ... + p[deg] of order deg to points (x, y).
    x   -- x-coordinates of sample points
    y   -- y-coordinates of sample points
    deg -- order of fitting polynomial
    a vector of coefficients p that minimises the squared error and
    a fitresult object
    poly = _poly(deg)
    x = _asIterable(x)
    if rcond is None:
        rcond = 2e-16 * y.size
    _fitter.polyFit(x, y, rcond, poly)
    fr = fitresult(poly, x, y)
    if full:
        return fr.parameters, fr
        return fr.parameters
Esempio n. 3
def polyfit(x, y, deg, rcond=None, full=False):
    '''Linear least squares polynomial fit

    Fit a polynomial p(x) = p[0] * x**deg + ... + p[deg] of order deg to points (x, y).
    x   -- x-coordinates of sample points
    y   -- y-coordinates of sample points
    deg -- order of fitting polynomial
    a vector of coefficients p that minimises the squared error and
    a fitresult object
    poly = _poly(deg)
    x = _asIterable(x)
    if rcond is None:
        rcond = 2e-16*y.size
    _fitter.polyFit(x, y, rcond, poly)
    fr = fitresult(poly, x, y)
    if full:
        return fr.parameters, fr
        return fr.parameters
Esempio n. 4
def fit(func,
    func      -- function (or list of functions)
    coords    -- coordinate dataset(s)
    data      -- data to fit
    p0        -- list of initial parameters
    bounds    -- list of parameter bounds, bounds are tuples of lower and upper values (any can be None)
    args      -- extra arguments
    ptol      -- parameter fit tolerance
    seed      -- seed value for genetic algorithm-based optimiser
    optimizer -- description of the optimizer to use, e.g. ['local','global','simplex','genetic',
                 local and global are general settings, which point the one of the specific methods
                 If any global methods are picked, the bounds argument must also be filled in.
    fitresult object
    fnlist = []
    func = _toList(func)
    p0 = _toList(p0)
    if not isinstance(bounds, list):
        bounds = [bounds]
        bounds = list(bounds)  # make a copy
    n_bounds = len(bounds)
    mixed = False
    for f in func:
        if isinstance(f, tuple):
            print "parameter count is no longer required"
            f = f[0]
        if function.isjclass(f):
            # create bound function object
            np = function.nparams(f)
            pl = _createparams(np, p0, bounds)
        elif not _inspect.isfunction(f):
            # instantiated Java function
            # np = f.getNoOfParameters()
            np = len(_inspect.getargspec(f)[0]) - 1
            if np < 1:
                raise ValueError, "Function needs more than one argument (i.e. at least one parameter)"
            pl = _createparams(np, p0, bounds)
            fnlist.append(fitfunc(f, f.__name__, pl, args))
            mixed = True

    if not mixed:  # no jython functions
        cfunc = _compfn()
        cfunc = cfitfunc()
    for f in fnlist:
        if function.isjmethod(f):  # unwrap
            f = f._jfunc()

    coords = list(_asIterable(coords))
    for i in range(len(coords)):  # check and slice coordinates to match data
        c = coords[i]
        if c.shape != data.shape:
            ns = [slice(d) for d in data.shape]
            coords[i] = c[ns]

    if seed:
        _fitter.seed = int(seed)

    import time
    start = -time.time()
    jcoords = [__cvt_jobj(c, copy=False, force=True) for c in coords]
    jdata = data._jdataset()

    # use the appropriate fitter for the task
    if optimizer == 'local':
        _fitter.simplexFit(ptol, jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'global':
        if n_bounds == 0:
            print "Using a global optimizer with no bounds is unlikely to work, please use the bounds argument to narrow the search space"
        _fitter.geneticFit(ptol, jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'simplex':
        _fitter.simplexFit(ptol, jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'gradient':
        _fitter.GDFit(ptol, jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'apache_nm':
        _fitter.ApacheNelderMeadFit(jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'apache_md':
        _fitter.ApacheMultiDirectionFit(jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'apache_cg':
        _fitter.ApacheConjugateGradientFit(jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'genetic':
        if n_bounds == 0:
            print "Using a global optimizer with no bounds is unlikely to work, please use the bounds argument to narrow the search space"
        _fitter.geneticFit(ptol, jcoords, jdata, cfunc)

    start += time.time()
    print "Fit took %fs" % start

    return fitresult(cfunc, coords, data)
Esempio n. 5
	def fitplot(*args):
		fitted_function =*args)
		RCPPlotter.plot("Data Vector", args[0],fitted_function.display(args[0])[0]);
		return fitted_function
Esempio n. 6
def fit(func, coords, data, p0, bounds=[], args=None, ptol=1e-4, seed=None, optimizer="apache_nm"):
    func      -- function (or list of functions)
    coords    -- coordinate dataset(s)
    data      -- data to fit
    p0        -- list of initial parameters
    bounds    -- list of parameter bounds, bounds are tuples of lower and upper values (any can be None)
    args      -- extra arguments
    ptol      -- parameter fit tolerance
    seed      -- seed value for genetic algorithm-based optimiser
    optimizer -- description of the optimizer to use, e.g. ['local','global','simplex','genetic',
                 local and global are general settings, which point the one of the specific methods
                 If any global methods are picked, the bounds argument must also be filled in.
    fitresult object
    fnlist = []
    func = _toList(func)
    p0 = _toList(p0)
    if not isinstance(bounds, list):
        bounds = [bounds]
        bounds = list(bounds) # make a copy
    n_bounds = len(bounds)
    mixed = False
    for f in func:
        if isinstance(f, tuple):
            print("parameter count is no longer required")
            f = f[0]
        if function.isjclass(f):
            # create bound function object
            np = function.nparams(f)
            pl = _createparams(np, p0, bounds)
        elif not _inspect.isfunction(f):
            # instantiated Java function
            # np = f.getNoOfParameters()
            np = len(_inspect.getargspec(f)[0]) - 1
            if np < 1:
                raise ValueError("Function needs more than one argument (i.e. at least one parameter)")
            pl = _createparams(np, p0, bounds)
            fnlist.append(fitfunc(f, f.__name__, pl, args))
            mixed = True

    if not mixed: # no jython functions
        cfunc = _compfn()
        cfunc = cfitfunc()
    for f in fnlist:
        if function.isjmethod(f): # unwrap
            f = f._jfunc()

    coords = list(_asIterable(coords))
    for i in range(len(coords)): # check and slice coordinates to match data
        c = coords[i]
        if c.shape != data.shape:
            ns = [slice(d) for d in data.shape]
            coords[i] = c[ns]

    if seed:
        _fitter.seed = int(seed)

    jcoords = [ __cvt_jobj(c, copy=False, force=True) for c in coords ]
    jdata = data._jdataset()

    # use the appropriate fitter for the task
    if optimizer == 'local':
        _fitter.ApacheNelderMeadFit(jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'global':
        if n_bounds == 0:
            print("Using a global optimizer with no bounds is unlikely to work, please use the bounds argument to narrow the search space")
        _fitter.geneticFit(ptol, jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'simplex':
        _fitter.simplexFit(ptol, jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'gradient':
        _fitter.GDFit(ptol, jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'apache_nm':
        _fitter.ApacheNelderMeadFit(jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'apache_md':
        _fitter.ApacheMultiDirectionFit(jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'apache_cg':
        _fitter.ApacheConjugateGradientFit(jcoords, jdata, cfunc)
    elif optimizer == 'genetic':
        if n_bounds == 0:
            print("Using a global optimizer with no bounds is unlikely to work, please use the bounds argument to narrow the search space")
        _fitter.geneticFit(ptol, jcoords, jdata, cfunc)

    return fitresult(cfunc, coords, data)